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    posted a message on [0.11.1] MCPE Commands Mod [WORLD EDIT] BY 99FireyMan99! Version 12 (30,000+ Downloads!)
    Quote from 99FireyMan99

    Idk what commands to add!!
    Does anyone have any ideas??

    Honestly I would just make a new mod! =D *Cough* idea *Cough* infinite *Cough* worlds msg me, I have an idea.
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on Debug Mode Mod (bring up the debug screen like in mcpc!) version 0.2.0
    Ethanol nice mod! I was thinking about something similar! The light level addition really helps with making mines so I know where to place torches and such keep up the great work.

    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on [0.11.1] MCPE Commands Mod [WORLD EDIT] BY 99FireyMan99! Version 12 (30,000+ Downloads!)
    I also need ideas :/ Walk on water is what I'm adding except with a twist =p
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
  • 0

    posted a message on [0.11.1] MCPE Commands Mod [WORLD EDIT] BY 99FireyMan99! Version 12 (30,000+ Downloads!)
    Make sure to allow the user to change their game speed its one of the cool ones here's the code (From my commands mod)
    function procCmd(c) {
       var p = c.split(" ");
       var command = p[0];
       switch(command) {
               case 'gamespeed_slow': { 
              } case 'gamespeed_norm': {
              } case 'gamespeed_ultra': {

    Obviously you can change the actual output but those are the best in my opinion...
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
  • 1

    posted a message on BlockLauncher: an Android app that patches Minecraft PE without reinstall
    Hey anyone want to show an old dog how to add a new block?? Block adding came when I left xD
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on Creepig01's mods [New] COMMANDS BY CREEP! [SLOW-MO, WARPS, GAMESPEEDS!]
    ADDED A TON! OF NEW COMMANDS OK not that much but it was really boring =P
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on BlockLauncher: an Android app that patches Minecraft PE without reinstall
    But the thing I said earlier could also be used for input like naming a warp or something of other
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on BlockLauncher: an Android app that patches Minecraft PE without reinstall
    BL idea, Readable chat, if a player types something in chat the script could use a prewritten response something like
    clientMessage("Good day to you fellow player");

    Something along the lines of that where it could pick up keywords or something like that sort of like a siri effect (Yeah I know most users here are Android but its the only example I gotssss.....)
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on BlockLauncher: an Android app that patches Minecraft PE without reinstall
    ModPE is the best thing to happen to MCPE thanks ISE for evolving it into something that is easy to mod on! :-)
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on BlockLauncher: an Android app that patches Minecraft PE without reinstall
    That's awesome!!!!!
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on Creepig01's mods [New] COMMANDS BY CREEP! [SLOW-MO, WARPS, GAMESPEEDS!]
    Redid the time mod into a commands mod!!
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
  • 0

    posted a message on Beacon Mod
    Knowledge is free.
    var i = 0 // Regeneration
    var g = 0 // Speed
    var d = 0 // Strength
    var Bb = 1 // Beacon beam
    var health = 0
    var speed = 0
    var strength = 0
    function newLevel()
      clientMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Beacon mod v0.1")
      clientMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Made by Crazy4Redstone")		 
    function useItem(x,y,z,itemId,blockId,side)
      if(i == 0 && itemId == 265 && blockId == 138 && getTile(x,y-1,z) == 42 && getTile(x-1,y-1,z) == 42 && getTile(x+1,y-1,z) == 42 && getTile(x,y-1,z-1) == 42 && getTile(x,y-1,z+1) == 42 && getTile(x-1,y-1,z-1) == 42 && getTile(x-1,y-1,z+1) == 42 && getTile(x+1,y-1,z-1) == 42 && getTile(x+1,y-1,z+1) == 42)
        strength = 1
        clientMessage(ChatColor.GRAY + "Strength active.")
        for(Bb = 1; Bb <= 128; Bb++)
    	  i = 1
      else if(g == 0 && itemId == 266 && blockId == 138 && getTile(x,y-1,z) == 41 && getTile(x-1,y-1,z) == 41 && getTile(x+1,y-1,z) == 41 && getTile(x,y-1,z-1) == 41 && getTile(x,y-1,z+1) == 41 && getTile(x-1,y-1,z-1) == 41 && getTile(x-1,y-1,z+1) == 41 && getTile(x+1,y-1,z-1) == 41 && getTile(x+1,y-1,z+1) == 41)
        speed = 1
        clientMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Speed active.")
        for(Bb = 1; Bb <= 128; Bb++)
    	  g = 1
      else if(d == 0 && itemId == 264 && blockId == 138 && getTile(x,y-1,z) == 57 && getTile(x-1,y-1,z) == 57 && getTile(x+1,y-1,z) == 57 && getTile(x,y-1,z-1) == 57 && getTile(x,y-1,z+1) == 57 && getTile(x-1,y-1,z-1) == 57 && getTile(x-1,y-1,z+1) == 57 && getTile(x+1,y-1,z-1) == 57 && getTile(x+1,y-1,z+1) == 57)
        health = 1
        clientMessage(ChatColor.AQUA + "Regeneration active.")
        for(Bb = 1; Bb <= 128; Bb++)
    	  d = 1
    function destroyBlock(x,y,z)
      if(i == 1 && getTile(x,y,z) == 138 && getTile(x,y-1,z) == 42 && getTile(x,y+1,z) == 23)
        strength = 0
        clientMessage(ChatColor.GRAY + "Strength inactive.")
        for(Bb = 1; Bb <= 128; Bb++)
    	  i = 0
      else if(g == 1 && getTile(x,y,z) == 138 && getTile(x,y-1,z) == 41 && getTile(x,y+1,z) == 23)
        speed = 0
        clientMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Speed inactive.")
        for(Bb = 1; Bb <= 128; Bb++)
    	  g = 0
      else if(d == 1 && getTile(x,y,z) == 138 && getTile(x,y-1,z) == 57 && getTile(x,y+1,z) == 23)
        health = 0
        clientMessage(ChatColor.AQUA + "Regeneration inactive.")
        for(Bb = 1; Bb <= 128; Bb++)
    	  d = 0
    function procCmd(c)
      if(c == "Review")
      else if(c == "on")
        health = 1
        speed = 1
        strength = 1
      else if(c == "off")
        health = 0
        speed = 0
        strength = 0
    var Xpos = 0
    var Zpos = 0
    var Xdiff = 0
    var Zdiff = 0
    var t = 1
    function modTick()
      if(speed == 1)
        if(t == 1)
    	  Xpos = getPlayerX()
    	  Zpos = getPlayerZ()
    	  t = t + 1
        else if(t == 3)
    	  t = 1
    	  Xdiff = getPlayerX()-Xpos
    	  Zdiff = getPlayerZ()-Zpos
    	  Xdiff = 0
    	  Zdiff = 0
    	  t = t + 1
      if(health == 1)
    function attackHook(attacker,victim)
      if(strength == 1)
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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