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    posted a message on Super-Large Idea: Movement Improvement
    Super-Large Idea: Movement Improvement
    Please read the whole idea before replying.
    It took me quite a while, actually weeks, to make this with the help of my awesome technical adviser, Jareth, and I recently revised the whole thing in preparation for posting it on the Minecraft Forums, so this is a little long! The idea is simple, but the explanation is complex. I propose that the movement animations for the player be revamped to look cooler and more realistic, and new movement capabilities be added. An example of this would be the Minecraft Smart Moving mod, which you can find out more about, watch videos of, and download here. However, it can be improved upon, for it is only an imperfect method for better movement. The main problem with that mod is that almost everything is over-complicated requiring multiple precisely timed button-presses to do a relatively simple task, like jumping head-first/diving. Please note that these suggestions require some sort of stamina bar. It might be an actual bar you can see, or a number in the code. I'll let Mojang decide. (I will assume it's an invisible variable, on the presumption that Mojang thinks there are enough bars to monitor already.) I've hidden many paragraphs in spoilers, for ease of access.

    Animation Changes/Additions:

    There should be variations of each animation, these are just examples and general ideas of how they should look. Also I guess this is a good place to mention it would be nice to be able to turn your head at least 90 degrees. =)
    Knockback Animation:
    Instead of flailing arms and legs, you fall backwards and quickly get up.

    This is the animation we have now:Looks kinda silly, right? When players get hit, sure, they can fly back a little! However, who really does the flail arms and legs uselessly thing? We need a more macho animation:In this animation, you fall down backwards after being hit and flying some. If you are knocked off a cliff, you flip into the falling position, where you can do abilities explained later in this topic. You jump back up quickly though, after less than a second. You can still fight back in that brief moment on the ground, but you can't move. You're on your feet long before your opponent can get ready to sprint-hit you again. When you are hit, your stamina could go down, simulating pain and battle fatigue.
    Attacking Animation:
    Varies the weapon swinging to make it less boring and repetitive.

    Wait! Why am I talking about getting hit before hitting? We swing weapons with the same, boring, old, up-down, up-down swing. What we need is some variation! Let's swing swords, axes, pickaxes, and shovels sideways, spin, and stab! "Hi-yah! Slice! Boom with the lightning!"-The Lost Hero. We could have Steve slash sideways for a devastating sprint attack, and cleave downwards when jumping/falling! This concept is awesome, because if you can make different animations for different actions, you can also vary the damage caused! Each swing would take a little stamina, and your swings would be slightly delayed (and perhaps deal less damage) if your stamina is low. When it is out, you will be unable to swing your weapon until it regenerates to above the "low" level.
    Swimming and Underwater Swimming Animations:
    Makes swimming look way more real.
    Let's be realistic, do you really swim this way? In fact, can you swim this way? Let's have Steve at least swim horizontally. Your stamina bar would decrease slowly, forcing you to tread water(swim without pressing forward) until your stamina has recovered to the low amount, or sink(swim down at an angle instead of forward). The Smart Moving mod does the swimming animation nicely!Also, swimming down is implemented in the mod. Can you imagine doing the above stroke underwater? This expends slightly more stamina than swimming, but not so much that it runs out before your air bar.
    Flying Animation:
    Makes you fly like superman!

    The current flying animation is cool, like I mean who doesn't like walking on air?(okay that was a really bad pun.)I like it, but we can do better.Boom! This wouldn't change the flying movement any, unlike the SM mod, unless you set the setting that makes it go straight towards where you're looking, changing your altitude. Personally I find the current way that doesn't change that useful for seeing if two blocks are at the same height, but that's just me.
    <<<<<<<<<< Throwing Animation: Adds a non-existent cool-looking throwing animation.
    Throwing things would be nice too. Splash Potions (that should get thrown farther, like Snowballs and Ender Pearls) would be boss with this animation. Snowballs, Eggs, Eyes of Ender, and Ender Pearls would also benefit! Stamina would be affected and effect throwing the same way swinging a sword does.
    Falling Animation:
    Makes you realistically flail your arms when falling.
    Yeah, people just stay in the same position with their arms at their sides and look down when falling. In reality, we scream very heroically and flail our arms, like this:

    Movement Abilities:

    Adds the ability to dive headfirst while you're in the air, accelerating your decent.
    Suggested Controls: Space while you're in the air.

    The SM mod also introduces diving, what they call "head jumping"! What the mod should have done, though, is to cause the player to dive automatically when falling directly above water. That would be toggle-able, because it could potentially be annoying. Of course you could take manual control of diving by holding the Space while falling, because it accomplishes nothing else, and is natural! Diving accelerates your fall, and if you're on fire, this can put it out. This doesn't need to reduce stamina much, as jumping would take stamina.
    Adds the ability to kick, dealing heavier damage and knockback, but taking more stamina than a punch. A possibility is that it moves single blocks with low blast resistance backward one block.
    Suggested Controls:
    Right Mouse Button with empty Secondary Hand.
    I need to kick stuff!!! If you haven't noticed already, you can punch, but how come there's no kick? Kicking would deal more damage, and give extra knockback. This is a neat suggestion: Make kicking a block move it like a piston! Of course, you wouldn't be able to move rows of blocks, just a single one at a time, like in the game Cubis. Also, things would get crazy if people could move Bedrock or Obsidian! "SWEET! You can kick holes in the bedrock!! Check it! *kicks* AHHHHHHHH---NOT THE DIAMONDSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Best feature: You can kick down wooden doors and break thin glass windows, if the /gamerule command is set =)
    This new move replaces sneaking. You are able to move in tunnels one block tall, and can't fall off block edges.
    Suggested Controls:
    Shift Key on the ground.

    Forget the stupid sneak position! It's absolutely no help in dodging Blaze fireballs, and is generally useless when compared to this:Crawling makes the player one block tall and two blocks long, instead of the other way around. You can dodge Ghast fireballs, go in midget tunnels, and a whole bunch of other neat things! This makes sneaking unnecessary, so to crawl, we can use the Crawl button, which just happens to be the old Sneak button(Shift). Of course, when crawling, you wouldn't fall off block edges, like when you're sneaking. Now sneaking is totally useless, and you can hide in your wheat fields! However we can still keep sneak around for those who like it, inactive with no default control.
    Charged Jumping:
    Charging your jump lets you jump up to two blocks!
    Suggested Controls:
    Hold Space to charge, and release Space to jump.

    In the Smart Moving mod, they introduce charged jumping. The mod makes it hard to do fast, when you need it, by making the player sneak before jumping. Jumping is easy, and let's let it remain so. Hold the jump button(Space) to charge. Release to jump.This would be the only time the current sneak position is used, when you're charging the jump, the sneak position is automatically entered. Stamina would deplete slowly while charging, and violently decrease during the jump, depending on its power.
    I'll mention here that you can also jump sideways and backwards, charged or not. =)
    Slows your fall and allows greater horizontal movement while falling.
    Suggested Controls:
    Press Shift while you're in the air!

    If you hold the Shift while falling, you will act like a skydiver to slow your descent, but if you land like that, you will take extra damage. While falling in the skydiving position, you can use the arrow keys to direct your fall.This could inspire some interesting sports, for instance an often fatal competition where people jump off cliffs and dodge obstacles on the way down, then plunge into water. Instead of water, some could use lava without the foreknowledge of the players, so they are forced to slow themselves down to land somehow and not get scorched!
    Ledge Grabbing and Climbing:
    Ledge Grabbing allows you to cling to a block-sized ledge and shuffle sideways along it, while Ledge Climbing allows you to climb up onto the ledge you're grabbing.
    Suggested Controls:
    Press Shift in the air near a ledge to Ledge Grab and press the forward key to Ledge Climb.
    Also done by the SM mod, ledge climbing and grabbing would make a useful movement. It could be done by pressing Shift while in the air next to an edge. This means that you can jump and grab, or fall and grab. This would override skydiving. I mean, when would you not want to grab the edge instead of falling and dying? Climbing up onto the edge would be done by pressing the forward button while grabbing the ledge:Shuffling sideways would be done by pressing the left and right buttons. This would take stamina for as long as it's done. Moving while grabbing would take even more stamina, especially climbing. When the low position is reached, players would be unable to climb up; attempting to do so would raise the player some, but reduce his stamina dramatically. When a player has no stamina left, they will let go and fall. If your fall speed is too great, trying to ledge climb would result in slower speed, but you would take reduced fall damage and keep falling.
    Lets you get on top of/over 2 block high walls with ease.
    Suggested Controls:
    Lazy Vault: Jump after Jumping at a 2 block high wall. Speed Vault: Jump after Jumping while Sprinting at a 2 block high wall.

    This is a modified idea from Cobalt32 on the original post. There can be multiple types of vaults, some that are faster and harder, some slower and easier. I will put two vaults into this topic. The purpose of a vault is to get over two block high barriers faster or using less stamina than Ledge Climbing, which can be quite slow. So, first is the Lazy Vault, it takes less stamina than a Ledge Climb, but still gets you up two blocks. To do this, jump at the wall and when you're near it and in the air, jump again, and hold the button until you're over. In this vault you place your hands on top of the barrier, and swing your legs up and over one at a time. If you let go of the jump button while you're not over, you collapse onto the fence and take a little damage.If you had wanted to charge your jump instead, you usually would have stayed still while charging. In the Speed Vault, you have to sprint-jump then strike and hold the jump button until you're over, but it quickly throws your body parallel to the ground and over the wall, saving your hide from the 20 skeletons shooting your back! Unless you forget to hold the jump button, then you fall onto the fence/wall and take moderate damage, but hey, you can still get over! If you're not dead.There's an automatic setting that lets you do a Lazy Vault when single jumping near a wall like this, but you can't do Speed Vaults when it's on. It's like in Mario Kart, you can do Automatic Drift(easier) or Manual Drift(Harder, but you get speed boosts).

    Wall and Ceiling Climbing:
    Wall Climbing allows you to climb up walls and fences that have half-slab to full block sized holes in them, and Ceiling Climbing allows you to grab certain blocks like Iron Bars and hang from and/or swing across them.
    Suggested Controls:
    To wall climb press forward against a wall with half-block to full block sized holes in it, press Shift to stop vertical motion. To Ceiling Climb press Shift in the air while directly beneath a grab-able block(Iron Bars, Fences, etc.), then use WASD to monkey-bar under grab-able blocks.
    This would be an alternate way of climbing up walls and fences, using gaps like slabs and even whole blocks in the face of a wall. Just press forward like the wall is a ladder. To stay at your elevation, press the Shift, like you're on a ladder.Also, certain blocks like Iron Bars support ceiling climbing. You can swing across lava lakes! Use Shift while in the air and below a grab-able block, like a fence. This would take the same amount of stamina as ledge grabbing, and moving with the walking buttons would take as much as sideways movement while ledge grabbing.
    <<<==========>>>*Catches breath* Well, that was all the easy stuff. Now take a break, look at Boats Evolved, discuss genetic defects in Creepers, and read on for the good stuff!<<<==========>>>
    Block Moving: Allows you to pick up blocks one at a time and re-place them elsewhere without breaking them, slowly using stamina according to the blast resistance of the block.
    Suggested Controls:
    Middle click while pointing at a non-Bedrock/Obsidian block.
    So here's the deal: Endermen can move blocks. Steve can't. What's up with that? Yeah, he can destroy and re-place blocks, but that can take too much time. If a lava trap spews lava in a room with Redstone all over the floor, instead of switching to a pickaxe and mining the floor to plug the gap, by which time all the hard work and time you put into those circuits has gone to waste, you could just grab the nearest block and block the hole. The middle mouse button sounds like a good candidate for such an important function! You could place the block by middle-clicking, and hit with it using the left one, effectively disabling the current selected hotbar item while carrying a block. Carrying a block would be a minimal stamina drain. Also, you can't pick blocks from flat surfaces, there's nowhere to grab it. So if a block is part of a wall, tough, but if it's lying on the ground or it's a stalagtite, or part of a ledge, yeah, you can get that diamond ore from the far side of the lava river! But you can't pick it straight out of the wall. You gotta do it like a man, and lose it in the lava!
    Rolling lets you roll. Fall damage is reduced if rolling when hitting the ground.Suggested Controls: Roll(F or Crtl) button while optionally pressing a direction.
    This is a hard one. It's literally the problem of "How to Make a Brick Roll". If the animation is fast enough, no noticeable mesh errors will be visible. Hopefully no weird bugs will result from being hit/shot/other while this is happening. Rolling would require it's own button to use, perhaps the "F" key or the Crtl button. You could roll sideways, forwards, and backwards. During the backwards roll animation in third-person view, you would face the camera while rolling before turning back around. If in first-person view, you should note that the camera will roll during the sideways rolls, not the forward and backward ones, to avert the confusion of the camera flipping over. In third person, you would just see Steve roll. This will be very useful as a dodge move, but take like a third of your stamina! Another plus is that if you hit the ground rolling, your fall damage is decreased! Even when you roll straight into a wall... but then you get collision damage(ouch). The picture for this has proven too hard for me, as I said, you can't really make it look good unless it's really fast. Or you have joints, which would rock, but I'll leave it out of this idea in case I make it look too complex. (What it isn't already?)
    Duel Wielding:
    Lets the player use two items independently at the same time, one item in each hand.
    Suggested Controls:
    Left and Right Mouse Buttons.
    At one point, the duel wielding of items was reportedly being worked on by Mojang. This would be very useful, for obvious reasons. I will give my two cents as to how this should work. First of all, the Left Mouse Button would control the Left Hand, and the Right Mouse Button the right hand. This would be reversible in the Options, and I would do that to match the primary finger to the primary hand, as I am right-handed.This could be confusing, even though it shouldn't matter, because either way still functions the same. When used, an item would do its main action, with some exceptions. An item's main action is what it does best, for instance, a Pickaxe would break/hit the target, but a dirt block would be placed. This means that you can't break a block while using two blocks. You can use two swords to do fast damage, but you wouldn't be able to block attacks, and your stamina would deplete very fast. When targeting a mob, a block cannot be placed, so using a block would hit the mob. If wielding only one item in your primary hand(the one you click the left mouse button to use), the controls revert to semi-normal. This means that you do the main use for the item with your Left Mouse Button, and do its secondary use them with the Right Mouse Button. The same goes for the secondary hand, except the left and right button's functions are swapped, so main use with right button. This effectively means you can block with a sword. Also if you click on a block with a GUI with a hand not holding a tool and not empty, it opens the GUI, or if you have two empty/tool holding hands, the Right Mouse Button will open the GUI. The controls are reverted to normal in two other ways: You turn duel-wielding off in the options (underlined for clarity), or you use an item that requires two hands to operate, like a Bow, or a Map. Another hotbar selection indicator is needed for the secondary hand. Scrolling the mouse-wheel up would move the primary selector; down, the secondary. The hotbar would be much easier to manage with Item Drop-Down Keys! When either of the selectors selects an item that requires two hands, the other selector disappears until the item is deselected. Each item has a designated stamina usage, or it uses the default amount, the same as punching. Mining with two pickaxes may be fast, but it takes a lot of energy. Hitting with a feather only takes as much energy as punching!
    Mob Riding:
    Allows the player to grab hold of and ride a mob. The player can hit the mob while doing this.
    Suggested Controls:
    Middle mouse button while near to and pointing at a mob.

    This idea is crazy! I hope you like crazy, because you're telling Mojang if this should be added. If you hold the middle mouse Button while you are within 2 blocks of and looking at a mob, you will hop on its back and let it take you for a ride! As long as you hold the middle mouse button while looking at the mob, the mob will try to shake you off and go crazy trying to get rid of you, and you will slide a little left and right, but as long as you look at the mob(if you're sliding off right look more left to stay on), or until your stamina runs out, which it will, fast, you'll stay on. You'll still be able to hit the mob, but slower, as you'll be holding on with one hand, and it will use twice the stamina. Watch out Enderdragon! Now I'm the backstabber!This would be risky, as you could suffer suffocation, fall, and drowning damage as well as the possibility of getting lost on the Enderman Express, falling into lava or the Void, getting blown up while riding a Creeper, and/or getting attacked by other hostile mobs nearby. I would assume you get a little bashed up as they move, maybe a couple hearts here and there... and of course you'd get shot in the back by nearby Skeletons, Wither Skeletons, Blazes, and Ghasts. However, this could have great benefits, as you could attack and kill mobs without them being able to harm/run away from you. Used in combination with the Potion of Fire Resistance, it would be easier to collect rare Ghast Tears and Blaze Rods by skydiving at your airborne target and clamping onto it, a skill only the best and luckiest could pull off. Whole new YouTube channels could be created off this feature alone! Imagine: Ghast Riders: Season 3!
    I love this idea by koopachris =D
    "You should be able to ride players as well. To make it be useful but not OP in PvP AND outside of PvP encounters, I propose the idea of dyanmic shaking. A fancier way of saying "The harder you shake, the faster they fall off". If you want to carry an inexperienced player through a certain spot, you can move slowly and turn gently. It will use up hardly any of their stamina at all. If someone jumps onto you and starts attacking, though, you can shake them off more quickly by jumping around and shaking your view around. The harder you shake, the faster their stamina drains and the farther they get thrown off. Each would have a cap, of course."
    I think it would just be consistent to have all mobs try to shake you off like this, depending on the difficulty level, to make it harder to ride them. Passive mobs would settle down after a while, so like you could ride a cow, and it would go crazy but after a few seconds it'd just let you ride it =)

    It would be cool if we could sit down too. =) (Idea by Ouatcheur)
    Should these ideas be implemented, you would be a more versatile warrior, miner, and Redstone engineer! You would be able to look cooler, attack better, throw farther, jump higher, kick harder, skydive longer, swim farther, dive from higher, crawl more stealthily, hang off cliffs, climb up walls, impersonate Endermen, roll up stairs, use both hands, and ride the Enderdragon! Oh, and I guess now is as good a time as any to say that all human-type mobs can do this too... *Zombie apocalypse starts*

    This bit is a sample of what the controls could be like if all the ideas in this topic were implemented:

    Mouse Controls:

    No Items Held:
    Left Click: Punch
    Right Click: Kick
    One Item Held in Right Hand:
    Right Click: Main Use
    Left Click: Secondary Use
    One Item Held in Left Hand
    Left Click: Main Use
    Right Click: Secondary Use
    Two Items Held:
    Left Click: Primary Item Main Use
    Right Click: Secondary Item Main Use
    Middle Click: Block Move
    Middle Click ad hold on mob while within 2 blocks of it: Mob Ride
    Hand or Right Mouse Button on GUI Block: Opens GUI
    Keyboard Controls:
    On ground: Forward, Left, Back, and Right
    On ladder/vine/Wall Climbing: Up, Left, Down, Right
    Ledge Grabbing: Ledge Climb, Shuffle Left, Shuffle Right, If possible, Wall Climb.
    On ground: Jump
    On ground, hold and release: Charged Jump
    In air: Dive
    In air, right after Jump next to 2 high wall: Lazy Vault
    In air, sprinting right after Jump next to 2 high wall: Speed Vault
    In water: Swim
    On ground Holding Shift: Crawl Jump
    Shift:On ground: Crawl
    In air: Skydive
    In air near ledge: Ledge Grab
    In air under grab-able block: Ceiling Climb
    On ladder/wall: Hold position
    F/Crtl: Roll
    Note 1: I think the "F" key is better than Crtl because I use my pinky finger for shift, making it hard to do Shift+Crtl.
    Note 2: You can roll from almost any position, like crawl-roll, air-roll, jump-roll, etc.
    Double-tap W+anything is sprint and makes it go faster, but uses more stamina(think sprint-crawling). Keep in mind that all the controls should be configurable!

    I would like to thank, first of all, Markus Persson aka "Notch" for creating Minecraft! Also, I would like to thank all of the Mojang team, including two persons commonly known as "Dinnerbone" and "Jeb", for assisting Notch in his work and being awesome, and Michael Shepherd-Finch, for being the coolest former Mojang on Get Satisfaction Moderator ever! Also several other people deserve credit, including Jareth, for introducing me to the Smart Moving mod and co-authoring this topic, ThesurusRex84 for the Google SketchUp models, and a bunch of former Mojang on Get Satisfaction members, including werty8472, Doug, Jonathan Hall, The_Schnebbz, Cobalt32, 42ah42, and ShadowSplicer, for being awesome and generally helpful. Also I would definitely like to thank 42ah42 for moderating the Ender-Forums.
    These next people all had something to do with the Smart Moving mod, which I used for some of the pictures and to develop my idea, so I'll thank them for that: Divisor for the Smart Moving mod and the PlayerAPI, BlackDragonIV for the tutorial videos, Jamioflan for the ModLoaderMp, and Risugami for the ModLoader.
    I realize the coding to implement this would be complex, and this could take a whole update(or 2) in itself. Perhaps Divisor will add these suggestions to his mod, and simplify the controls as suggested, and Mojang will work with him. I will leave the details to them. I'm confident our team at Mojang can pull it off!

    And if there are any modders willing to take this challenge...
    Feel free to contact me, and I'll hook you up with anybody else that's working on this... Right now there's nobody =/ If you could do this that would just be really awesome!

    Please Read Before Commenting: FAQ!
    If you have any questions at all, please read the whole topic or at least the pertinent section before asking! Most of these are from posts on this topic, so don't be surprised if you see the same wording in a reply somewhere. =)
    Frequently Asked Questions:

    Isn't this just a clone of the Smart Moving mod?
    Please do not tell me that this is a copy of the Smart Moving Mod, it isn't! The SM mod does not include Rolling, Mob Riding, Duel Wielding, Skydiving and other things included in this idea. It's key combinations differ vastly from these and in my opinion are inferior. Besides, posting "There's a mod for that" is against the rules.

    Hasn't some of this been suggested before?
    I'm sure a lot of this has been suggested. But has it been suggested in this combination of movements designed to work together? I doubt it.

    You can have Sneaking, it's just not assigned to a key by default.

    Doesn't this give you a huge advantage over mobs?
    Whoever said zombies couldn't do these things too? It'd only be realistic if they could. Also, assuming zombies couldn't crawl, crawling is a relatively slow movement, you'd probably take at least 10 damage points(5 hearts) before you got through a one block hole, and if you were running for shelter, it'd usually be because you were getting killed already.

    Will this lag my computer/server?
    Absolutely not. The Smart Movement guys did it with no lag on my low-end system, in fact I get less lag(I have no idea how) than I do with default. Mojang can do that too =)

    How would creepers get back up from knockback?

    Wouldn't skydiving be useless because you'd fall really fast anyway?
    I've found you can fall about 54 blocks in 2 seconds normally. So from world height to bedrock, that's like 9 seconds normally, and skydiving would probably make it 10 to 13 seconds. Count off 13 seconds and you'll see that's pretty long.

    Won't this break all out builds and maps?
    About breaking builds: "Unless they really had lame forts... Forts and castles generally have walls higher than 4 blocks. As for the rest, I'm sure people will figure out how to unbreak them, after all, this is minecraft! people improvise, when something doesn't work, they fix it, when something new is added, they take advantage of it. Minecrafters solve problems with their creativity! We aren't a stupid people! We are intelligent, and that's why minecraft is fun! The awesomeness outweighs the oldness of builds. =) New builds will just be awesomer than EVAR!"About breaking traps: "How could wall climbing and ceiling climbing make a trap useless? unless it has holes in it's walls or fence/iron bar ceilings, you couldn't use either in a trap. TNT traps would still be as hard to escape as ever. Pit traps wouldn't be as effective with Skydiving and Rolling, but you could easily put lava or fire or cactus or something in the bottom to kill the person falling, or make it deeper, but all a pit usually does is put another player in a continent spot to kill him/her. That's not even counting the dispenser, crushing, drowning, and void traps, and all of the other traps!"

    Oh crap, zombies will be trampling all over my fence-protected farms! Now what?
    I guess mobs would be "lazy" and not climb over unless they're stalking the player(s). Unlike spiders, they couldn't just wander into a fence and climb over. As fences are generally used around farms, and usually you don't farm at night(well at least I don't), fences should still serve their purpose.

    Can you add bendable limbs and/or more joints to this?
    I considered that when I was writing this topic, but I don't want to make the idea seem way too far-fetched. However I fully support more joints, because "the closer we get to those kick-ass blender animations, the better!"

    Stamina sucks. =(
    Well, if you want people climbing walls to the sky limit and ceilings across the nether and rolling forever, and skilled people riding mobs until they die of hunger damage(of course they'd be killed by the mobs they're riding long before that) Also the stamina bar is invisible, it's not like you'd ever notice it; all it really is is a limit on how long/fast you can do stuff. I know people who would spam enchanted duel blades forever...

    How do I get in the "We love this post" banner?
    To get the "We love this post" banner you just put
    at the end of your post. =)

    Do you support any other ideas?
    Yes! I really wish that the MC forums would let us have 2 urls, so we could have pics and a link! And nametags shouldn't show through walls. Also Boats Evolved rocks! I actually based the form of this idea somewhat after ThesurusRex84's idea, putting a paragraph or so then a picture to illustrate. =) I strongly support Boats Evolved, so here's a link for those who haven't heard!!!

    This is freaking awesome!!!
    That wasn't even a question.
    I know that.
    Please hit the like button even if you think Mojang will never add this, more like theoretically increases the probability!
    Incomplete Rotating Movement Improvement Signature Banner!Show your support and awesomeness by putting the code below in your signature!
    Look up Movement Improvement under suggestions![img]http://signavatar.com/23425_s.gif[/img]

    It's different every page refresh!
    If you liked it a lot, spread the word so we can get mojang to take us seriously!Oh, and don't forget to upvote and answer the polls! =)

    Also if you'd like to make a mod for this that would be epic, because it would be awesome and maybe it would make Mojang more likely to add it. =D

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on System16 [Open to everyone]
    If you guys want to check out my first youtube vid, it's here! =D Huge props to gatling!
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on System16 [Open to everyone]
    Oh, yeah... Only ops can edit command blocks, so I've heard. Unfortunately you'd either need to set up redstone clocks for each command block, or use tripwires and other sensors to detect players. I'd suggest using proximity detectors. You can do any command to players inside the bounds you set the command blocks to operate in, I would suggest /slay... or /tp. something that effectively disables them from moving to a "gaurded area". What's actually better is to set them to gamemode 2, adventure mode! XD But they can break blocks with the right tools. D= Just /lightning. or set them to newbie rank... hmm... there are so many things one could do.
    EDIT: Actually just do /ban @r "Being a retard"
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on System16 [Open to everyone]
    @MWKDP55 What the ****????????????????????????????????????? Just cause some real people think it's not right for someone like you to pointlessly and maliciously remove posts that voice a disagreement with certain rules that could be detrimental to the popularity and quality of this forum, trying to help improve the place, doesn't mean that you should blatantly and stubbornly censor all conversation suggesting the least disapproval of the forums! That's just... for lack of better words, stupid, idiotic, foolish, and not cool.
    I think this would be awesome, if just for the ability to deny people the ability to pick up items XD
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on System16 [Open to everyone]
    Quote from HempKnight

    Other than CN who has been on the server lately? I know I haven't due to this monitor situation but I'll probably swing by some time tomorrow.

    I've seen a bunch of members on... Not these ^^^ guys, though, 'cept gatling when I get him on so debug TNT cannons 'cause my comp lags out. XD
    Posted in: Clans
  • 1

    posted a message on System16 [Open to everyone]
    How To Epicly Repair A Watch:
    EDIT: Starting a new discussion, I give the person's signature banner above me a rating of 4 out of 5.
    I am also starting a campaign to upvote every post on this topic.

    EDIT 2: WAIT THERE'S A LIMIT??????????????? that makes it SO much harder!
    Posted in: Clans
  • 1

    posted a message on Super-Large Idea: Movement Improvement
    Quote from Mrdiamonds

    **** YES. THIS IS EPIC!
    I know I'm kinda overreacting, but this is seriously awesome.
    Screw my cave ratings,


    Thanks =) I haven't even put the pics I have up!
    EDIT: I just put the ones I have up!
    EDIT 2: And thanks for the high rating! =)
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 1

    posted a message on Super-Large Idea: Movement Improvement
    Quote from Luckyzin


    I KNEW IT!!!
    I'M PSYCHIC!!!!! XD
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 1

    posted a message on Pre-Suggestion Posting Allowed?
    Quote from DanielleStarr

    I don't see that being an issue provided the initial post still contains some sort of suggestion ^_^

    Alternatively you could make a post in Contact Forum Admin and we could move it over for you once it's complete :)

    It would contain the incomplete suggestion post, the text is 99% complete anyway, just need to format it, do the pictures, and then have some mod/admin review it optionally. =) Thanks for replying, and I think I'll save someone the trouble of moving it =)
    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
  • 1

    posted a message on System16
    I'm back! =D I was expecting 50 billion posts to read... You people disappoint me =P
    Posted in: Clans
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