It might be that spiders are spawning and clogging up the holes. Do you have water canals to push the mobs to the holes? If so, make sure that the canals are only one block wide, so that spiders won't get pushed to the holes. And how many holes are there?
I've only killed him once. I went there in creative mode and tickled him to death with a buttercup. I just wanted to see the credits. Now, I never want to see them, ever again.
See if you can find any caves/caverns or dungeons and try to light them up. The less mobs there are around your mob spawner, the more there will be IN your mob spawner. I hope i helped
You should probably make the spawn area a little longer or as big as you have the time for, the bigger it is, the more mobs will spawn. You should also be standing in the collection area if your afk (away from keyboard). But you can just roam around if your just building or something like that.
Cool, i was extra cautious and took all my diamond armor and a bow with power 4 and infinity and a diamond sword with sharpness 4. I think that was a bit overkill
It could just be that the mob drops are despawning. You could try to expand the spawning room if you wanted more mobs to spawn. If you know, could you tell me how big the spawning room is? Also, try lighting up the big lake below.
So, i just killed the Enderdragon for my first time ever in survival and i would like to know how you guys did killing the Enderdragon. Did you die by falling into the void or did you kill the Enderdragon without dying once?
In 1.3.2 they made it so that you had to have a piece of leather with the three pieces of paper. Put a piece of leather at the bottom left corner. Hope i helped
So, i was playing regular non-modded survival when i spotted the perfect chance to get a music. I got the music disc but i was shocked to find out that it was music disc 11. i thought that you could only get music disc 11 in creative mode. Any ideas how this came to be? Here's a link to the image:
When i start up the game, i have no mouse lag.Go to the menu, no lag. But after playing for 2-3 minutes, my mouse starts severely lagging. I know its not game lag because when i press F3, my FPS is around 130.My specs are: computer:Brand new dell xps 8500 ( I bought it yesterday): graphics card: AMD radeon HD 7570.16 gigabites of RAM. I have the dell KM632 wireless keyboard and mouse.OS: Windows 7.Please help.