Stop beating the creeper to death. All these variations are overusing and abusing this cool idea notch had. Minecraft needs another original mob, not five more variations of an existing mob.
What MC needs is non-ice melting torches or glowstone. I have to sit in my Ice Palace in pitch black lighting conditions. We need a new type of light that doesn't melt ice!
If this could be added to Nandonalts Dairy Mod, that would be great. If not, a new mod. You milk the dairy,process it, and either place it in your cheese shop or eat it!
Tier 1: Beginner Cheeses:
Cheddar Cheese: A very common cheese, easiest to make. Heals 1 and a half hearts. Farmed with Cows milk.
Swiss Cheese: Common hole-filled cheese. Also easy to make. Heals 2 hearts. Farmed with Cows milk.
Any other suggestions for Tier 1?
Tier 2: Artisan Cheeses:
Limburger: A incredibly pungent cheese. Must be crafted outside due to the smell. If crafted successfully, it would heal 2 and a half hearts. Farmed with Cows milk.
Gouda: A famous cheese from the Netherlands. A favorite. Heals 2 and a half hearts. Farmed with Cows milk.
Any other suggestions for Tier 2?
Tier 3: Expert Cheeses:
Stilton: One of the most notorious blue cheeses, it is the "King of English Cheeses". Heals 3 hearts. Farmed with Cows milk.
Goat Cheese: Tangy soft cheese. Heals 3 and a half hearts. Farmed with Goats milk.
Fontina: Italian cheese. One of the many Italian cheeses. Heals 3 and a half hearts. Farmed with Cows milk.
Any other suggestions for Tier 3?
Tier 4: Master Cheeses:
Roquefort: One of the most infamous cheeses in the World. In many opinions, the best cheese available. Heals 4 hearts. Farmed with Sheep milk.
Crottin de Chavignol: Most famous goat cheese. Notorious throughout the World. Would heal 5 hearts. Farmed with Goats cheese.
Somerset: Famous British cheese. Tangy cow cheese. Heals 5 hearts. Farmed with Cows milk.
Any other suggestions for Tier 4 or more Tiers?
Okay then. As you see, its basically a concept. Heres the new mob(s):
1:Goat: A furry look animal, horns and all. Spawns near mountains and naturally high peaks/elevations. To milk you right click with a bucket.
How to farm/process the cheese:
To farm any of the 3 available animals, you would simply equip a milking bucket and right click on the favored animal.
To process the milk, you would make a Curd Machine, which would make the cheese curd of your choosing. After that, you would take the Curd Balls and proceed to either place the cheese and let the mold set in (blue cheese only), or harden the curd and age it.
Another idea i had was to be able to naturally cave ripen the cheese. You could right click the selected area with the cheese block, place it, and leave it there. After a day or so, you could come back and have your blue cheese!
As i was saying, if any of you care to put a idea in, please, go ahead. This is just an idea. :biggrin.gif:
This happens to be his 4th idea in 2 or so minutes. He's spamming. On top of that, the basics of this idea are already suggested AND approved by Notch, so there's no need to see it again. Let's just say I'd like him to take a break for a bit.
Well then. Let me commend you. You are actually the biggest **** I've seen on this forum yet. Is it entirely impossible for you to infer that maybe these are ideas i had? I searched the suggested mods. NONE for creepers, other than Creeper Queen. Next time, please please please don't be such a man that jumps to conclusions. POINT OF MESSAGE: Cheer up bloke.
P.S.: How would you know that this is approved by Notch? Its funny,too, because I've only posted 5 topics, 3 of which i did yesterday.
If this could be added to Nandonalts Dairy Mod, that would be great. If not, a new mod. You milk the dairy,process it, and either place it in your cheese shop or eat it!
Tier 1: Beginner Cheeses:
Cheddar Cheese: A very common cheese, easiest to make. Heals 1 and a half hearts. Farmed with Cows milk.
Swiss Cheese: Common hole-filled cheese. Also easy to make. Heals 2 hearts. Farmed with Cows milk.
Any other suggestions for Tier 1?
Tier 2: Artisan Cheeses:
Limburger: A incredibly pungent cheese. Must be crafted outside due to the smell. If crafted successfully, it would heal 2 and a half hearts. Farmed with Cows milk.
Gouda: A famous cheese from the Netherlands. A favorite. Heals 2 and a half hearts. Farmed with Cows milk.
Any other suggestions for Tier 2?
Tier 3: Expert Cheeses:
Stilton: One of the most notorious blue cheeses, it is the "King of English Cheeses". Heals 3 hearts. Farmed with Cows milk.
Goat Cheese: Tangy soft cheese. Heals 3 and a half hearts. Farmed with Goats milk.
Fontina: Italian cheese. One of the many Italian cheeses. Heals 3 and a half hearts. Farmed with Cows milk.
Any other suggestions for Tier 3?
Tier 4: Master Cheeses:
Roquefort: One of the most infamous cheeses in the World. In many opinions, the best cheese available. Heals 4 hearts. Farmed with Sheep milk.
Crottin de Chavignol: Most famous goat cheese. Notorious throughout the World. Would heal 5 hearts. Farmed with Goats cheese.
Somerset: Famous British cheese. Tangy cow cheese. Heals 5 hearts. Farmed with Cows milk.
Any other suggestions for Tier 4 or more Tiers?
Okay then. As you see, its basically a concept. Heres the new mob(s):
1:Goat: A furry look animal, horns and all. Spawns near mountains and naturally high peaks/elevations. To milk you right click with a bucket.
How to farm/process the cheese:
To farm any of the 3 available animals, you would simply equip a milking bucket and right click on the favored animal.
To process the milk, you would make a Curd Machine, which would make the cheese curd of your choosing. After that, you would take the Curd Balls and proceed to either place the cheese and let the mold set in (blue cheese only), or harden the curd and age it.
Another idea i had was to be able to naturally cave ripen the cheese. You could right click the selected area with the cheese block, place it, and leave it there. After a day or so, you could come back and have your blue cheese!
As i was saying, if any of you care to put a idea in, please, go ahead. This is just an idea. :biggrin.gif:
Glowstone melts ice.
Good point.
Put your comments below on this idea!
If this could be added to Nandonalts Dairy Mod, that would be great. If not, a new mod. You milk the dairy,process it, and either place it in your cheese shop or eat it!
Tier 1: Beginner Cheeses:
Cheddar Cheese: A very common cheese, easiest to make. Heals 1 and a half hearts. Farmed with Cows milk.
Swiss Cheese: Common hole-filled cheese. Also easy to make. Heals 2 hearts. Farmed with Cows milk.
Any other suggestions for Tier 1?
Tier 2: Artisan Cheeses:
Limburger: A incredibly pungent cheese. Must be crafted outside due to the smell. If crafted successfully, it would heal 2 and a half hearts. Farmed with Cows milk.
Gouda: A famous cheese from the Netherlands. A favorite. Heals 2 and a half hearts. Farmed with Cows milk.
Any other suggestions for Tier 2?
Tier 3: Expert Cheeses:
Stilton: One of the most notorious blue cheeses, it is the "King of English Cheeses". Heals 3 hearts. Farmed with Cows milk.
Goat Cheese: Tangy soft cheese. Heals 3 and a half hearts. Farmed with Goats milk.
Fontina: Italian cheese. One of the many Italian cheeses. Heals 3 and a half hearts. Farmed with Cows milk.
Any other suggestions for Tier 3?
Tier 4: Master Cheeses:
Roquefort: One of the most infamous cheeses in the World. In many opinions, the best cheese available. Heals 4 hearts. Farmed with Sheep milk.
Crottin de Chavignol: Most famous goat cheese. Notorious throughout the World. Would heal 5 hearts. Farmed with Goats cheese.
Somerset: Famous British cheese. Tangy cow cheese. Heals 5 hearts. Farmed with Cows milk.
Any other suggestions for Tier 4 or more Tiers?
Okay then. As you see, its basically a concept. Heres the new mob(s):
1:Goat: A furry look animal, horns and all. Spawns near mountains and naturally high peaks/elevations. To milk you right click with a bucket.
How to farm/process the cheese:
To farm any of the 3 available animals, you would simply equip a milking bucket and right click on the favored animal.
To process the milk, you would make a Curd Machine, which would make the cheese curd of your choosing. After that, you would take the Curd Balls and proceed to either place the cheese and let the mold set in (blue cheese only), or harden the curd and age it.
Another idea i had was to be able to naturally cave ripen the cheese. You could right click the selected area with the cheese block, place it, and leave it there. After a day or so, you could come back and have your blue cheese!
As i was saying, if any of you care to put a idea in, please, go ahead. This is just an idea. :biggrin.gif:
Thanks so much for reading, friends.
Well then. Let me commend you. You are actually the biggest **** I've seen on this forum yet. Is it entirely impossible for you to infer that maybe these are ideas i had? I searched the suggested mods. NONE for creepers, other than Creeper Queen. Next time, please please please don't be such a man that jumps to conclusions. POINT OF MESSAGE: Cheer up bloke.
P.S.: How would you know that this is approved by Notch? Its funny,too, because I've only posted 5 topics, 3 of which i did yesterday.
Have a great day.
Can you restate this chain of idiotic sentences with something coherent? Perhaps you should get off these forums. You could speak like your civilized.
Thank you! Have a great day.
If this could be added to Nandonalts Dairy Mod, that would be great. If not, a new mod. You milk the dairy,process it, and either place it in your cheese shop or eat it!
Tier 1: Beginner Cheeses:
Cheddar Cheese: A very common cheese, easiest to make. Heals 1 and a half hearts. Farmed with Cows milk.
Swiss Cheese: Common hole-filled cheese. Also easy to make. Heals 2 hearts. Farmed with Cows milk.
Any other suggestions for Tier 1?
Tier 2: Artisan Cheeses:
Limburger: A incredibly pungent cheese. Must be crafted outside due to the smell. If crafted successfully, it would heal 2 and a half hearts. Farmed with Cows milk.
Gouda: A famous cheese from the Netherlands. A favorite. Heals 2 and a half hearts. Farmed with Cows milk.
Any other suggestions for Tier 2?
Tier 3: Expert Cheeses:
Stilton: One of the most notorious blue cheeses, it is the "King of English Cheeses". Heals 3 hearts. Farmed with Cows milk.
Goat Cheese: Tangy soft cheese. Heals 3 and a half hearts. Farmed with Goats milk.
Fontina: Italian cheese. One of the many Italian cheeses. Heals 3 and a half hearts. Farmed with Cows milk.
Any other suggestions for Tier 3?
Tier 4: Master Cheeses:
Roquefort: One of the most infamous cheeses in the World. In many opinions, the best cheese available. Heals 4 hearts. Farmed with Sheep milk.
Crottin de Chavignol: Most famous goat cheese. Notorious throughout the World. Would heal 5 hearts. Farmed with Goats cheese.
Somerset: Famous British cheese. Tangy cow cheese. Heals 5 hearts. Farmed with Cows milk.
Any other suggestions for Tier 4 or more Tiers?
Okay then. As you see, its basically a concept. Heres the new mob(s):
1:Goat: A furry look animal, horns and all. Spawns near mountains and naturally high peaks/elevations. To milk you right click with a bucket.
How to farm/process the cheese:
To farm any of the 3 available animals, you would simply equip a milking bucket and right click on the favored animal.
To process the milk, you would make a Curd Machine, which would make the cheese curd of your choosing. After that, you would take the Curd Balls and proceed to either place the cheese and let the mold set in (blue cheese only), or harden the curd and age it.
Another idea i had was to be able to naturally cave ripen the cheese. You could right click the selected area with the cheese block, place it, and leave it there. After a day or so, you could come back and have your blue cheese!
As i was saying, if any of you care to put a idea in, please, go ahead. This is just an idea. :biggrin.gif:
Thanks so much for reading, friends.
Just like anything in Minecraft, its simple. I'm not looking for gizmos and strange new objects. Just a simple design. I see your point, though!