--March - Windforge
----2D Blocks viewed in 2.5D / Terrain & Vehicle Based
- Website - Steam -
If there are any games you think are missing from this list / timeline, please leave a comment on the year of the missing game’s release.
The name of the game, as well as a release date, and a link to its website, wikipedia article, or steam page.
If you feel that any of the details for a given game are incorrect, please leave a comment on the incorrect detail.
If I use the Lite Loader version of WE CUI:
------The game starts, runs, and I can enter worlds. But it says I don't have the latest version of WE CUI installed. (Even though I do.)
If I use the Mod Loader version of WE CUI:
-----the game starts, runs, but when I try to enter a world, everything works the same except right before the world comes up, text flashes across the screen - Shutting Down Internal Server. Followed by Minecraft crashing. Error report in the spoiler.
Minecraft has crashed!
Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem; Unexpected error
A full error report has been saved to C:\Users\TheBuilder\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\crash-reports\crash-2013-04-14_15.38.41-client.txt - Please include a copy of that file (Not this screen!) if you report this crash to anyone; without it, they will not be able to help fix the crash
--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT eb5908ac --------
Full report at:
Please show that file to Mojang, NOT just this screen!
Generated 4/14/13 3:38 PM
-- Head --
at wecui.obfuscation.DataPacketList.register(DataPacketList.java:113)
at mod_WorldEditCUI.onTickInGame(mod_WorldEditCUI.java:77)
at net.minecraft.src.BaseMod.doTickInGame(BaseMod.java:55)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.modloader.BaseModTicker.sendTick(BaseModTicker.java:102)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.modloader.BaseModTicker.tickBaseMod(BaseModTicker.java:78)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.modloader.BaseModTicker.tickEnd(BaseModTicker.java:56)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.SingleIntervalHandler.tickEnd(SingleIntervalHandler.java:34)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.tickEnd(FMLCommonHandler.java:141)
-- Affected level --
Level name: MpServer
All players: 1 total; [EntityClientPlayerMP['CreeperDaReeper'/210, l='MpServer', x=185.52, y=67.62, z=122.63]]
Chunk stats: MultiplayerChunkCache: 345
Level seed: 0
Level generator: ID 04 - BIOMESOP, ver 0. Features enabled: false
Level generator options:
Level spawn location: World: (176,64,126), Chunk: (at 0,4,14 in 11,7; contains blocks 176,0,112 to 191,255,127), Region: (0,0; contains chunks 0,0 to 31,31, blocks 0,0,0 to 511,255,511)
Level time: 6628 game time, 6628 day time
Level dimension: 0
Level storage version: 0x00000 - Unknown?
Level weather: Rain time: 0 (now: false), thunder time: 0 (now: false)
Level game mode: Game mode: survival (ID 0). Hardcore: false. Cheats: false
Forced entities: ~~ERROR~~ NullPointerException: null
Retry entities: ~~ERROR~~ NullPointerException: null
at net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.WorldClient.func_72914_a(WorldClient.java:441)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71396_d(Minecraft.java:2405)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:779)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
java.lang.RuntimeException: Error inserting outgoing chat handler - Certain parts of WorldEditCUI will not work!
at wecui.obfuscation.DataPacketList.register(DataPacketList.java:113)
at mod_WorldEditCUI.onTickInGame(mod_WorldEditCUI.java:77)
at net.minecraft.src.BaseMod.doTickInGame(BaseMod.java:55)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.modloader.BaseModTicker.sendTick(BaseModTicker.java:102)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.modloader.BaseModTicker.tickBaseMod(BaseModTicker.java:78)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.modloader.BaseModTicker.tickEnd(BaseModTicker.java:56)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.SingleIntervalHandler.tickEnd(SingleIntervalHandler.java:34)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.tickEnd(FMLCommonHandler.java:141)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onRenderTickEnd(FMLCommonHandler.java:377)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J(Minecraft.java:869)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:756)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: g
at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredField(Unknown Source)
at wecui.obfuscation.DataPacketList.register(DataPacketList.java:92)
... 11 more
--- END ERROR REPORT 77a2e016 ----------
I'm using the Magic Launcher, Forge/FML, Optifine, Single Player Commands, and World Edit.
Flaming Sneakers,
Fire from the wrists,
TNT head with partial Creeper face wrap-around,
Death's/Reaper's hood, (worn, not hanging off the back)
Chainsaw on the back, (scythe too if possible)
Use the linked to skin to fill in anything left over, modify as neccessary.
Flaming Sneakers,
Fire from the wrists,
TNT head with partial Creeper face wrap-around,
Death's/Reaper's hood, (worn, not hanging off the back)
Chainsaw on the back, (scythe too if possible)
Use the linked to skin to fill in anything left over, modify as neccessary.
Flaming Sneakers,
Fire from the wrists,
TNT head with partial Creeper face wrap-around,
Death's/Reaper's hood, (worn, not hanging off the back)
Chainsaw on the back, (scythe too if possible)
Use the linked to skin to fill in anything left over, modify as neccessary.
Flaming Sneakers,
Fire from the wrists,
TNT head with partial Creeper face wrap-around,
Death's/Reaper's hood, (worn, not hanging off the back)
Chainsaw on the back, (scythe too if possible)
Use the linked to skin to fill in anything left over, modify as neccessary.
Flaming Sneakers,
Fire from the wrists,
TNT head with partial Creeper face wrap-around,
Death's/Reaper's hood, (worn, not hanging off the back)
Chainsaw on the back, (scythe too if possible)
Use the linked to skin to fill in anything left over, modify as neccessary.
Just to let you all know, this thread has been brought to the moderators' attention, though it seems that currently, none of the moderators for the custom content sections are on.
My best advice for this thread would be to keep up a reasonable discussion, hopefully gaining many more yes's.
As steelfeathers said earlier, keep the "slamming" off the moderators, & on the rule(s) in question.
I typed this out during Beta 1.3 I think. It's outdated on a few things since I haven't bothered with it much since then.
I've asked various modders since then to try their hand at it, even got the attention of a modding group at one point, but so far I have yet to see any progress from anyone.
A modder had said they would try their hand at it, and suggested that I make a thread for it to see if it would get any more notice.
>>> =@= means see example pic <<<
-Should be built to work with:
--Audio Mod
--Custom Sounds Enabler
--Mod Loader
--Block ID's +/More Block ID's
--Property Reader
--Spawn List
--Tool Utils
--Turbo Model
-If for watever reason my ideas can't be made without directly editing a file any of these mods modify, add said mod(s) to this overhaul.
-When adding blocks or items, use the lowest available data value/ID, meanig if another mod already uses this idea, use it anyway.
-Make it so that any added blocks or items can have their ID's changed with a .txt file, (same thing Shockah did with More Minerals)
-Options in the dispenser GUI to set weather or not to drop, place, or launch certain items.
-Blocks destoryed by TNT are always dropped & like drops combine to save on CPU usage.
-Right click on recipe results to craft all possible material, (see zombe/tanzanite's craft all key for help).
=====Already made mods that should be added=====
Use OSMS to find their threads:
-Arrow Counter; displays how many arrows are in your inventory over a bow in use.
-F3 Debug Mode Graph Remover; removes the graph you see when you press F3.
-Game Over Screen Fix: removes the score display on the game over screen when you die.
-Larger Stack Size; allows all items to stack up to 127. Needs tweaking so that everything can stack up to 127 in your inventory, quickbar, chests, workbenches, furnaces, & dispencers. Tools cant be used when stacked, damaged tools cant be stacked. Food can be stacked, but cant be eaten when stacked. Armor cant be used when stacked, damaged armor cant be stacked. Buckets cant be used when stacked, and filled buckets of the same type can be stacked. Bows, Fishing Poles, Lighters (flint & iron) also can't be used when stacked, or stacked at all if slightly used/damaged.
-Keep those mobs out of my house/KTMOOMH: makes mobs only spawn on natural materials.
-Mip-Mapping: Minecraft looks like **** without it.
-More Paintings: just the regular version, the insane version doesn't have any matching kz.png yet.
-Multitool: combines the compass & watch and a few others tools into one thing.
-Optimine: to help with lag.
-Planes: needed a legit way to fly.
-Sponge fix: cause sponges are awsome.
-Variatel Sapplings: cause people want to be able to get the other kinds of trees.
-Respawn Beds, cause walking really far is annoying.
-Brick & Glass doors; cause they cool
-Distortion (by Risugami); have it only affect stone, grass, dirt, sand, & gravel.
-Tree Drops (by ayutashi); this one is hard to expalin, so just ask what settings to use.
-Timber (by smith_61), add the effect in appropriate incraments to the new tool sets as well.
-Toggleable Sneak, just makes life easier.
-Automated Workbenches
-Automated Furnaces
-Better Grass
-Optimine (Notch ****ed up when he added this and the user created one still fixes things)
Fuels come in different grades, the higher the grade, the longer it lasts, the more it can do.
-Grade 1 fuels: (smelts 1 items each, returns 1 ore from raw ores)
--Sapplings, Leaves, Wooden Steps, Wooden Stairs, Ladders, Levers, Wooden Pressure Plates, & Fences
--Any Wool & colored Wool
--Any all-Wood tool
--Any Leather armor piece
--Bows, Arrows, Sticks, Empty Bowls, String, Feathers, Gunpowder, Paintings, Signs, Paper, Books, & Fishing Poles
-Grade 2 fuels: (smelts 2 items each, returns 2 ore from raw ores)
--Planks, Logs, Note Blocks, Bookshelves, Torches, Chests, Workbenches, Redstone Torches, Music Boxes, Wooden Doors, & Wooden Boats
-Grade 3 fuels: (smelts 8 items each, returns 3 ore from raw ores)
-- 1C-Fuel
-Grade 4 fuels: (smelts 32 items each, returns 5 ore from raw ores)
-- 8C-Fuel
-- 9C-Fuel
-Grade 5 fuels: (smelts 64 items each, returns 10 ore from raw ores)
-- Lava Bucket
-- 72C-Fuel
-Grade 6 fuels: (smelts 1024 items each, returns 25 ore from raw ores)
-- Nitris
=====Mob Drops=====
-When any mob dies by a natural cause; falling, drowning, burning, lava, or suffocation, they only drop one of whatever it is they drop.
-When any mob dies by a ranged weapon, or by falling while burning, they drop 2 of whatever it is they drop.
-When any mob dies by a melee weapon, they drop 3 of whatever it is they drop.
-Sheep can be sheared to get the 3 drops instead of having to kill them.
All plants except for Reeds, & Cacti should be able to be grown like wheat. That is to say, you plant one of the plant, it starts with on the top showing, and as it grows it rises out of the ground. It would need to be harvested with a left-click with a hoe to gain anything other than 1 plant.
Reeds and Cacti should grow up to 5 tall, can be placed anywhere as high as you want them, but only grow in the correct conditions.
-Reeds; on dirt by water
-Cacti; on sand with nothing directly next to it
=====Terraing Generation=====
-Set Trees to generate last
-Set Water/Lava ponds to generate before trees
-Set Caves to generate before water/lava ponds
-Should be 7 blocks wide, 9 blocks long, & 5 blocks tall.
-Floor, Walls, Ceiling should be half cobblestone, half mossy cobblestone.
-Chests should be anywhere from completely empty to completely full.
-Any items or blocks can show up in there from 1 to 127 in a stack (larger stack size yo)
-Exclusions: (Data Value/ID)
--Bedrock (7)
--Water (8,9)
--Lava (10,11)
--Beds (26)
--Fire (51)
--Crops (59)
--Lit Furnace (62)
--Whatever 63 & 68 are
--Wooden Door Blocks (64)
--Iron Door Blocks (71)
--Lit Redstone Ore (74)
--Portals (90)
=====Water & Lava=====
-Make lava function in the same way water does in regaurds to making infinite sources.
-Make it so that both water & lava ONLY fall straight down out of their respective sources unless a block is directly under them.
-Make it so that both water & lava spread out in every direction as long as there is a block under them, if there is not, then it falls till there is.
=====Ore System=====
Make it so that when you mine a ore, you get one corresponding ore block. You must smelt the block to get the ores, (Coal, Iron, Gold, Lapis, Redstone, Diamond).
The better fuel used in smelting, the more ores you will get.
--Wooden planks &/or wooden items/blocks: 1 ore
--Logs, Charcoal, Coal: 2 ores
--Lava: 4 ores
=====Has it been done; no
=====Block Tweaks=====
Add block: Iron Pressure Plate
-Stone drops stone when mined, when placed in the crafting grid by itself, you can get 9 cobblestone. With a workbench you can turn 9 cobblestone back into 1 stone.
-Make it so that when a Leaf block is broken, it has a 1/50 of being an Apple, a Leaf block, or a Sappling.
-Glass drops glass, simple as that.
-Bookshelves drop bookshevles, simple as that.
-Mob Spawners drop mob spawners, intergration of Risugami's Mob Spawner GUI highly recommended.
-Wooden stairs drop wooden stairs or 3 planks. (whichever works) =@=
-Cobblestone stairs drop cobblestone stairs or 3 cobblestone. (whichever works) =@=
-Stone pressure plates drop stone pressure plates, and can only be activated by the player, empty minecarts, or empty storage carts. =@=
-Wooden pressure plastes drop wooden pressure plates, can be actiavted by anything. =@=
-Snow drops one snowball no matter wats is used to mine it.
-Ice drops Ice in cold biomes, (biome caves for help).
-Snow blocks drop snow blocks.
-Clay blocks drop clay blocks.
-Reeds/Sugar cane drop Reed/Sugar Cane blocks, not the item, (seriously why did Notch even do that)
-Lightstone drops lightstone blocks.
-Iron Pressure Plate can only be activated by a Powered Minecart, Storage Minecart with things in it, or a regular minecart with a passanger. =@=
=====Booster & Breaker System=====
If you point a redstone wire at a rail, then minecarts of any type will be slowed by 25% of their current speed. If you point a redstone wire at a rail & apply a current to the redstone, then any minecarts passing over that section of track will increase in speed by 25% of their current speed. Should not work on corner rails.
Cloth Armor: 10 hp ----- (made from cloth blocks, any color, is a suit or something), (will burn up if light on fire unless extinguised, (will stay lit on fire as long as armor has health))
Leather Armor: 100 hp ----- (will burn up if light on fire unless extinguised, (will stay lit on fire as long as armor has health))
Chainmail Armor: 1K hp --- (made from chainlinks which are made from iron bars, 1 iron bar = 4 chainlinks)
Iron Armor: 10K hp
Gold Armor: 100 hp ----- (no damage to the player at all though)
Diamond Armor: 100K hp
Compressed Diamond Armor: 1 Million hp ----- (made from diamond blocks rather than diamonds)
-Pick: Stone, Cobblestone, Gold Ore, Iron Ore, Coal Ore, Glass (only if Golden or worse, excludes iron), Lapis Ore, Lapis Blocks, Dispenser, Sandstone, Gold Blocks, Iron Blocks, Stone/Sandstone/Cobblestone Steps, Brick Blocks, Mossy Cobblestone, Obsidian (only if diamond or better), Mob Spawners, Diamond Ore, Diamond Blocks, Furnaces, Rails, Cobblestone Stairs, Stone Pressure Plates, Redstone Ore, Ice Blocks, Netherstone (Netherrack) (only if iron or better), Lightstone (glowstone) (only if golden or worse, excludes iron)
-Shears: (see example pic for recipe), Leaves, Sponge, TNT, All Plants, can shear sheep for wool without hurting them.
-Hammers: (see example pic for recipe), use as fuel in furnace to repair a tool of the same level or lower, uses one use per tool repaired now matter how damaged the tool to be repaired is. Hammers should not be able to be repaired. They can make ANY vehical drop in one hit, not get destroyed, but become item form in one hit.
-All-In-Ones: (see example pic for recipe), looks like a Gauntlet made of the corresponding material, is made from one each of Axe, Shovel, Pick, Hoe, Shears, Hammer, & a Sword. Has all the abilites of the component tools, if you right-click grass or dirt, it gets tilled, furnace fuel for tool repairs as well. (stone & bonesidian all-in-ones only have 6 instead of 7 components) All-In-Ones should not be able to be repaired.
Wooden: 10 uses, Efficiancy; 4
-Bat: does 1 hp damage per hit (=@=), (replaces wooden sword)
Stone: 100 uses, Efficiancy; 6
-Sword & Axe replacement: Tomahawk; works as a weapon & an axe at the same time, does 2 hp damage per hit
Iron: 1K uses, Efficiany; 8
--All tools get replaced with Semi-Modern style equivalents
-Sword: does 3 hp damage per hit, =@=
-Drill: replaces pick, =@=
-Emergency Fire Axe
Golden: 25 uses, Efficiancy; 16 ----- (takes one hit to go through any block)
--All tools get replaced with medival/fantasy style equivalents
-Trident: does 4 hp damage per hit, replaces golden sword, =@=
-Spade Septer: replaces shovel, =@=
-Clubs Septer: replaces pick, =@= IMPORTANT>the only tool that can mine bedrock<IMPORTANT
-Heart Septer: replaces axe, =@=
-Diamonds Septer: replaces Hoe, =@= (tills a 3x3 area in one it)
Diamond: 10K uses, Efficiancy; 10 ----- (takes two hits to break any block)
--All tools get replaced with Electrically Powered style equivalents
-Tazer: does 5 hp damage per hit, replaces sword, =@=
-Diamond Tipped Jackhammer: replaces pick, =@=
-Diamond Bladed Chainsaw: replaces axe, =@=
Bone-Obsidian: 100K uses, Efficiancy; 14 ----- (use bones for the handles & obsidian blocks for the heads), (breaks any block instantly)
--Tools are evil/demon/hell/devil/death/cult style
-Sword & hoe replacement: Death's/Reaper's Scythe; works as a weapon & a hoe at the same time, left-click to attack, right click to till, does 6 hp damage per hit
Compressed Diamond: 1 Million uses, Efficiancy; 12 ----- (use diamonds for the handles & diamond blocks for the heads), (takes two hits to break any block)
--Tools are Projected Energy style
-Energy Sword: does 7 hp damage per hit, =@=
I will say that obviously this could displease some people in the nature of how I worded the list, well it was just me writing down everything I could think of that could fit together for an awesome overhaul.
Permission would obviously have to be gotten from the mod author(s) to use their code, (though in some cases, it would be the same if done from scratch anyway).
Also, textures for reskins/retextures, or new items would be whatever I can find that is a close enough match until something better could be made specifically for this mod, which might require permission from the owner(s) before a public release
Modders working on this:
Texture/Pixel artists working on this:
This is in no way a complete idea. There is plenty more I could add to it, not including pictures of a set of revamped crafting/smelting recipes. I won't bother with this further unless I see some results, (if nobody likes the idea, why bother to write it out?).
Thoughts are welcome;
Concerns will be taken care of;
Since this is only an idea, not even a mod yet, critisism is unwelcome, though acceptable in moderation.
I've decided to not bother with the argument much anymore, but I would like to clarify one thing.
I'm not sure who all can see it, but even though it says I am a Sectional Moderator, I am in the Retired Staff group. Meaning, I used to be a admin/moderator, but I no longer have any of the powers of one.
===== All Clonk games are 2D Pixels / Terrain based. =====
- Website - Wikipedia -
1994 Clonk 1
1994 Clonk 2
1995 Clonk A.P.E. (Advanced Player Edition)
1996 Clonk 3 Radikal
1998 Clonk 4
1999 Clonk Planet
2001 Golden Wipf Edition
2004 Clonk Endeavour
2008 Clonk Rage
2010 OpenClonk
- Website -
===== All Clonk games are 2D Pixels / Terrain based. =====
----3D Blocks / Terrain Based
- Website - Wikipedia -
--Dwarf Fortress
----3D Blocks viewed in 2D Text / Terrain Based
- Website - Wikipedia -
--June - Battleships Forever
----2D Sections / Vehicle Based
- Website - Wikipedia -
--July - Cortex Command
----2D Pixels / Terrain Based
- Website - Wikipedia - Steam -
--Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
----3D Blocks / Vehicle Based
- Wikipedia -
--April - Infiniminer
----3D Blocks / Terrain Based
- Website - Wikipedia -
--November - Minecraft
----3D Blocks / Terrain Based
- Website - Wikipedia -
--April - Blockade Runner
----3D Blocks / Terrain & Vehicle Based
- Website -
--April - FortressCraft
----3D Blocks / Terrain Based
- Website - Wikipedia - Steam -
--May - Terraria
----2D Blocks / Terrain Based
- Website - Wikipedia - Steam -
--June - Kerbal Space Program
----3D Sections / Vehicle Based
- Website - Wikipedia - Steam -
--December - Ace Of Spades
----3D Blocks / Terrain Based
- Website - Wikipedia - Steam -
--February - Starmade
----3D Blocks / Terrain & Vehicle Based
- Website - Wikipedia -
--May - Blockscape
----3D Voxels & blocks / Terrain Based
- Website -
--May - Gnomoria
----3D Blocks viewed in Isometric / Terrain Based
- Website - Steam -
--May - Starforge
----3D Voxels & blocks / Terrain Based
- Website - Wikipedia - Steam -
--June - Edge Of Space
----2D Blocks / Terrain Based
- Website - Steam -
--March - Kinetic Void
----3D Sections / Vehicle Based
- Website - Wikipedia - Steam -
--September - Castle Story
----3D Blocks / Terrain Based
- Website - Wikipedia - Steam -
--October - A Game Of Dwarves
----3D Blocks / Terrain Based
- Website - Steam -
--October - Space Engineers
----3D / Voxel Based Terrain & Block Based Vehicles
- Website - Wikipedia - Steam -
--December - Starbound
----2D Blocks / Terrain Based
- Website - Wikipedia - Steam -
--March - Planet Explorers
----3D Blocks / Terrain & Vehicle Based
- Website - Steam -
--March - Windforge
----2D Blocks viewed in 2.5D / Terrain & Vehicle Based
- Website - Steam -
If there are any games you think are missing from this list / timeline, please leave a comment on the year of the missing game’s release.
The name of the game, as well as a release date, and a link to its website, wikipedia article, or steam page.
If you feel that any of the details for a given game are incorrect, please leave a comment on the incorrect detail.
When I said I tried the LiteLoader version. I meant that I had LiteLoader installed as well.
If I use the Lite Loader version of WE CUI:
------The game starts, runs, and I can enter worlds. But it says I don't have the latest version of WE CUI installed. (Even though I do.)
If I use the Mod Loader version of WE CUI:
-----the game starts, runs, but when I try to enter a world, everything works the same except right before the world comes up, text flashes across the screen - Shutting Down Internal Server. Followed by Minecraft crashing. Error report in the spoiler.
Minecraft has crashed!
Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem; Unexpected error
A full error report has been saved to C:\Users\TheBuilder\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\crash-reports\crash-2013-04-14_15.38.41-client.txt - Please include a copy of that file (Not this screen!) if you report this crash to anyone; without it, they will not be able to help fix the crash
--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT eb5908ac --------
Full report at:
Please show that file to Mojang, NOT just this screen!
Generated 4/14/13 3:38 PM
-- Head --
at wecui.obfuscation.DataPacketList.register(DataPacketList.java:113)
at mod_WorldEditCUI.onTickInGame(mod_WorldEditCUI.java:77)
at net.minecraft.src.BaseMod.doTickInGame(BaseMod.java:55)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.modloader.BaseModTicker.sendTick(BaseModTicker.java:102)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.modloader.BaseModTicker.tickBaseMod(BaseModTicker.java:78)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.modloader.BaseModTicker.tickEnd(BaseModTicker.java:56)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.SingleIntervalHandler.tickEnd(SingleIntervalHandler.java:34)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.tickEnd(FMLCommonHandler.java:141)
-- Affected level --
Level name: MpServer
All players: 1 total; [EntityClientPlayerMP['CreeperDaReeper'/210, l='MpServer', x=185.52, y=67.62, z=122.63]]
Chunk stats: MultiplayerChunkCache: 345
Level seed: 0
Level generator: ID 04 - BIOMESOP, ver 0. Features enabled: false
Level generator options:
Level spawn location: World: (176,64,126), Chunk: (at 0,4,14 in 11,7; contains blocks 176,0,112 to 191,255,127), Region: (0,0; contains chunks 0,0 to 31,31, blocks 0,0,0 to 511,255,511)
Level time: 6628 game time, 6628 day time
Level dimension: 0
Level storage version: 0x00000 - Unknown?
Level weather: Rain time: 0 (now: false), thunder time: 0 (now: false)
Level game mode: Game mode: survival (ID 0). Hardcore: false. Cheats: false
Forced entities: ~~ERROR~~ NullPointerException: null
Retry entities: ~~ERROR~~ NullPointerException: null
at net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.WorldClient.func_72914_a(WorldClient.java:441)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71396_d(Minecraft.java:2405)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:779)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
-- System Details --
Minecraft Version: 1.5.1
Operating System: Windows 7 (amd64) version 6.1
Java Version: 1.7.0_13, Oracle Corporation
Java VM Version: Java HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
Memory: 803728648 bytes (766 MB) / 992542720 bytes (946 MB) up to 992542720 bytes (946 MB)
JVM Flags: 2 total; -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m
AABB Pool Size: 28 (1568 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 28 (1568 bytes; 0 MB) used
Suspicious classes: FML and Forge are installed
IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 1, tallocated: 63
FML: MCP v7.44 FML v5.1.21.652 Minecraft Forge Optifine OptiFine_1.5.1_HD_U_B3 14 mods loaded, 14 mods active
mcp [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available
FML [Forge Mod Loader] (coremods) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available
Forge [Minecraft Forge] (coremods) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available
CodeChickenCore [CodeChicken Core] (coremods) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available
NotEnoughItems [Not Enough Items] (coremods) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available
GuiAPI [GuiAPI] (GuiAPI-0.15.5-1.5.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available
BiomesOPlenty [Biomes O' Plenty] (Biomes-O-Plenty-0.5.0.zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available
CJBAPI [CJB Mods Rebirth] (CJB API.zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available
CJB|QuickCraft [CJB QuickCraft Mod] (CJB QuickCraft.zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available
mod_Stackables [mod_Stackables] (More Stackables.zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available
AS_Ruins [Ruins Spawning System] (Ruins_1.5.1.zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available
mod_Timber [Timber!] (Timber! (1.5.1).zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available
mod_WorldEditCUI [mod_WorldEditCUI] (WE CUI.zip) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available
IDResolver [ID Resolver] (IDResolver- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available
LWJGL: 2.4.2
OpenGL: GeForce 310M/PCIe/SSE2 GL version 3.3.0, NVIDIA Corporation
Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'fml,forge'
Type: Client (map_client.txt)
Texture Pack: 1.5.1 16x
Profiler Position: N/A (disabled)
Vec3 Pool Size: 44 (2464 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 44 (2464 bytes; 0 MB) used
java.lang.RuntimeException: Error inserting outgoing chat handler - Certain parts of WorldEditCUI will not work!
at wecui.obfuscation.DataPacketList.register(DataPacketList.java:113)
at mod_WorldEditCUI.onTickInGame(mod_WorldEditCUI.java:77)
at net.minecraft.src.BaseMod.doTickInGame(BaseMod.java:55)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.modloader.BaseModTicker.sendTick(BaseModTicker.java:102)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.modloader.BaseModTicker.tickBaseMod(BaseModTicker.java:78)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.modloader.BaseModTicker.tickEnd(BaseModTicker.java:56)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.SingleIntervalHandler.tickEnd(SingleIntervalHandler.java:34)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.tickEnd(FMLCommonHandler.java:141)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onRenderTickEnd(FMLCommonHandler.java:377)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J(Minecraft.java:869)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:756)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: g
at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredField(Unknown Source)
at wecui.obfuscation.DataPacketList.register(DataPacketList.java:92)
... 11 more
--- END ERROR REPORT 77a2e016 ----------
I'm using the Magic Launcher, Forge/FML, Optifine, Single Player Commands, and World Edit.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Start one from scratch and use the linked skin to fill in any missing parts,
or start with the linked skin,
your choice.
Can't wait to see what you make!
EPIC!!! Just which 3 programs did it take to make this skin?
Remember, YOU'RE AWESOME!!!
Fire from the wrists,
TNT head with partial Creeper face wrap-around,
Death's/Reaper's hood, (worn, not hanging off the back)
Chainsaw on the back, (scythe too if possible)
Use the linked to skin to fill in anything left over, modify as neccessary.
Fire from the wrists,
TNT head with partial Creeper face wrap-around,
Death's/Reaper's hood, (worn, not hanging off the back)
Chainsaw on the back, (scythe too if possible)
Use the linked to skin to fill in anything left over, modify as neccessary.
Fire from the wrists,
TNT head with partial Creeper face wrap-around,
Death's/Reaper's hood, (worn, not hanging off the back)
Chainsaw on the back, (scythe too if possible)
Use the linked to skin to fill in anything left over, modify as neccessary.
Fire from the wrists,
TNT head with partial Creeper face wrap-around,
Death's/Reaper's hood, (worn, not hanging off the back)
Chainsaw on the back, (scythe too if possible)
Use the linked to skin to fill in anything left over, modify as neccessary.
Fire from the wrists,
TNT head with partial Creeper face wrap-around,
Death's/Reaper's hood, (worn, not hanging off the back)
Chainsaw on the back, (scythe too if possible)
Use the linked to skin to fill in anything left over, modify as neccessary.
My best advice for this thread would be to keep up a reasonable discussion, hopefully gaining many more yes's.
As steelfeathers said earlier, keep the "slamming" off the moderators, & on the rule(s) in question.
Happy protesting!
You're probably one of the few people that this happens to. Most people I ask about it say that it works fine without any drop in FPS.
I've asked various modders since then to try their hand at it, even got the attention of a modding group at one point, but so far I have yet to see any progress from anyone.
A modder had said they would try their hand at it, and suggested that I make a thread for it to see if it would get any more notice.
>>> =@= means see example pic <<<
-Should be built to work with:
--Audio Mod
--Custom Sounds Enabler
--Mod Loader
--Block ID's +/More Block ID's
--Property Reader
--Spawn List
--Tool Utils
--Turbo Model
-If for watever reason my ideas can't be made without directly editing a file any of these mods modify, add said mod(s) to this overhaul.
-When adding blocks or items, use the lowest available data value/ID, meanig if another mod already uses this idea, use it anyway.
-Make it so that any added blocks or items can have their ID's changed with a .txt file, (same thing Shockah did with More Minerals)
-Options in the dispenser GUI to set weather or not to drop, place, or launch certain items.
-Blocks destoryed by TNT are always dropped & like drops combine to save on CPU usage.
-Right click on recipe results to craft all possible material, (see zombe/tanzanite's craft all key for help).
=====Already made mods that should be added=====
Use OSMS to find their threads:
-Arrow Counter; displays how many arrows are in your inventory over a bow in use.
-F3 Debug Mode Graph Remover; removes the graph you see when you press F3.
-Game Over Screen Fix: removes the score display on the game over screen when you die.
-Larger Stack Size; allows all items to stack up to 127. Needs tweaking so that everything can stack up to 127 in your inventory, quickbar, chests, workbenches, furnaces, & dispencers. Tools cant be used when stacked, damaged tools cant be stacked. Food can be stacked, but cant be eaten when stacked. Armor cant be used when stacked, damaged armor cant be stacked. Buckets cant be used when stacked, and filled buckets of the same type can be stacked. Bows, Fishing Poles, Lighters (flint & iron) also can't be used when stacked, or stacked at all if slightly used/damaged.
-Keep those mobs out of my house/KTMOOMH: makes mobs only spawn on natural materials.
-Mip-Mapping: Minecraft looks like **** without it.
-More Paintings: just the regular version, the insane version doesn't have any matching kz.png yet.
-Multitool: combines the compass & watch and a few others tools into one thing.
-Optimine: to help with lag.
-Planes: needed a legit way to fly.
-Sponge fix: cause sponges are awsome.
-Variatel Sapplings: cause people want to be able to get the other kinds of trees.
-Respawn Beds, cause walking really far is annoying.
-Brick & Glass doors; cause they cool
-Distortion (by Risugami); have it only affect stone, grass, dirt, sand, & gravel.
-Tree Drops (by ayutashi); this one is hard to expalin, so just ask what settings to use.
-Timber (by smith_61), add the effect in appropriate incraments to the new tool sets as well.
-Toggleable Sneak, just makes life easier.
-Automated Workbenches
-Automated Furnaces
-Better Grass
-Optimine (Notch ****ed up when he added this and the user created one still fixes things)
Fuels come in different grades, the higher the grade, the longer it lasts, the more it can do.
-Grade 1 fuels: (smelts 1 items each, returns 1 ore from raw ores)
--Sapplings, Leaves, Wooden Steps, Wooden Stairs, Ladders, Levers, Wooden Pressure Plates, & Fences
--Any Wool & colored Wool
--Any all-Wood tool
--Any Leather armor piece
--Bows, Arrows, Sticks, Empty Bowls, String, Feathers, Gunpowder, Paintings, Signs, Paper, Books, & Fishing Poles
-Grade 2 fuels: (smelts 2 items each, returns 2 ore from raw ores)
--Planks, Logs, Note Blocks, Bookshelves, Torches, Chests, Workbenches, Redstone Torches, Music Boxes, Wooden Doors, & Wooden Boats
-Grade 3 fuels: (smelts 8 items each, returns 3 ore from raw ores)
-- 1C-Fuel
-Grade 4 fuels: (smelts 32 items each, returns 5 ore from raw ores)
-- 8C-Fuel
-- 9C-Fuel
-Grade 5 fuels: (smelts 64 items each, returns 10 ore from raw ores)
-- Lava Bucket
-- 72C-Fuel
-Grade 6 fuels: (smelts 1024 items each, returns 25 ore from raw ores)
-- Nitris
=====Mob Drops=====
-When any mob dies by a natural cause; falling, drowning, burning, lava, or suffocation, they only drop one of whatever it is they drop.
-When any mob dies by a ranged weapon, or by falling while burning, they drop 2 of whatever it is they drop.
-When any mob dies by a melee weapon, they drop 3 of whatever it is they drop.
-Sheep can be sheared to get the 3 drops instead of having to kill them.
All plants except for Reeds, & Cacti should be able to be grown like wheat. That is to say, you plant one of the plant, it starts with on the top showing, and as it grows it rises out of the ground. It would need to be harvested with a left-click with a hoe to gain anything other than 1 plant.
Reeds and Cacti should grow up to 5 tall, can be placed anywhere as high as you want them, but only grow in the correct conditions.
-Reeds; on dirt by water
-Cacti; on sand with nothing directly next to it
=====Terraing Generation=====
-Set Trees to generate last
-Set Water/Lava ponds to generate before trees
-Set Caves to generate before water/lava ponds
-Should be 7 blocks wide, 9 blocks long, & 5 blocks tall.
-Floor, Walls, Ceiling should be half cobblestone, half mossy cobblestone.
-Chests should be anywhere from completely empty to completely full.
-Any items or blocks can show up in there from 1 to 127 in a stack (larger stack size yo)
-Exclusions: (Data Value/ID)
--Bedrock (7)
--Water (8,9)
--Lava (10,11)
--Beds (26)
--Fire (51)
--Crops (59)
--Lit Furnace (62)
--Whatever 63 & 68 are
--Wooden Door Blocks (64)
--Iron Door Blocks (71)
--Lit Redstone Ore (74)
--Portals (90)
=====Water & Lava=====
-Make lava function in the same way water does in regaurds to making infinite sources.
-Make it so that both water & lava ONLY fall straight down out of their respective sources unless a block is directly under them.
-Make it so that both water & lava spread out in every direction as long as there is a block under them, if there is not, then it falls till there is.
=====Ore System=====
Make it so that when you mine a ore, you get one corresponding ore block. You must smelt the block to get the ores, (Coal, Iron, Gold, Lapis, Redstone, Diamond).
The better fuel used in smelting, the more ores you will get.
--Wooden planks &/or wooden items/blocks: 1 ore
--Logs, Charcoal, Coal: 2 ores
--Lava: 4 ores
=====Has it been done; no
=====Block Tweaks=====
Add block: Iron Pressure Plate
-Stone drops stone when mined, when placed in the crafting grid by itself, you can get 9 cobblestone. With a workbench you can turn 9 cobblestone back into 1 stone.
-Make it so that when a Leaf block is broken, it has a 1/50 of being an Apple, a Leaf block, or a Sappling.
-Glass drops glass, simple as that.
-Bookshelves drop bookshevles, simple as that.
-Mob Spawners drop mob spawners, intergration of Risugami's Mob Spawner GUI highly recommended.
-Wooden stairs drop wooden stairs or 3 planks. (whichever works) =@=
-Cobblestone stairs drop cobblestone stairs or 3 cobblestone. (whichever works) =@=
-Stone pressure plates drop stone pressure plates, and can only be activated by the player, empty minecarts, or empty storage carts. =@=
-Wooden pressure plastes drop wooden pressure plates, can be actiavted by anything. =@=
-Snow drops one snowball no matter wats is used to mine it.
-Ice drops Ice in cold biomes, (biome caves for help).
-Snow blocks drop snow blocks.
-Clay blocks drop clay blocks.
-Reeds/Sugar cane drop Reed/Sugar Cane blocks, not the item, (seriously why did Notch even do that)
-Lightstone drops lightstone blocks.
-Iron Pressure Plate can only be activated by a Powered Minecart, Storage Minecart with things in it, or a regular minecart with a passanger. =@=
=====Booster & Breaker System=====
If you point a redstone wire at a rail, then minecarts of any type will be slowed by 25% of their current speed. If you point a redstone wire at a rail & apply a current to the redstone, then any minecarts passing over that section of track will increase in speed by 25% of their current speed. Should not work on corner rails.
Add Item: Chainlink
Add Armor: Cloth Armor, Compressed Diamond Armor
Cloth Armor: 10 hp ----- (made from cloth blocks, any color, is a suit or something), (will burn up if light on fire unless extinguised, (will stay lit on fire as long as armor has health))
Leather Armor: 100 hp ----- (will burn up if light on fire unless extinguised, (will stay lit on fire as long as armor has health))
Chainmail Armor: 1K hp --- (made from chainlinks which are made from iron bars, 1 iron bar = 4 chainlinks)
Iron Armor: 10K hp
Gold Armor: 100 hp ----- (no damage to the player at all though)
Diamond Armor: 100K hp
Compressed Diamond Armor: 1 Million hp ----- (made from diamond blocks rather than diamonds)
Add: Bone-Obsidian Tools, Compressed Diamond Tools, Shears, Hammers, All-In-Ones
Using any tool against any block/item/mob it was not meant to be used on will use up 5 uses instead of 1.
-Axe: Planks, Logs, Note Blocks, Wooden Steps, Bookshelves, Wooden Stairs, Chests, Workbenches, Ladders, Wooden Pressure Plates, Music Boxes, Fences, Signs, Wooden Doors, & Boats
-Shovel: Grass, Dirt, Sand, Gravel, Snow, Snow Blocks, Clay, Mud (soul-sand)
-Pick: Stone, Cobblestone, Gold Ore, Iron Ore, Coal Ore, Glass (only if Golden or worse, excludes iron), Lapis Ore, Lapis Blocks, Dispenser, Sandstone, Gold Blocks, Iron Blocks, Stone/Sandstone/Cobblestone Steps, Brick Blocks, Mossy Cobblestone, Obsidian (only if diamond or better), Mob Spawners, Diamond Ore, Diamond Blocks, Furnaces, Rails, Cobblestone Stairs, Stone Pressure Plates, Redstone Ore, Ice Blocks, Netherstone (Netherrack) (only if iron or better), Lightstone (glowstone) (only if golden or worse, excludes iron)
-Shears: (see example pic for recipe), Leaves, Sponge, TNT, All Plants, can shear sheep for wool without hurting them.
-Hammers: (see example pic for recipe), use as fuel in furnace to repair a tool of the same level or lower, uses one use per tool repaired now matter how damaged the tool to be repaired is. Hammers should not be able to be repaired. They can make ANY vehical drop in one hit, not get destroyed, but become item form in one hit.
-All-In-Ones: (see example pic for recipe), looks like a Gauntlet made of the corresponding material, is made from one each of Axe, Shovel, Pick, Hoe, Shears, Hammer, & a Sword. Has all the abilites of the component tools, if you right-click grass or dirt, it gets tilled, furnace fuel for tool repairs as well. (stone & bonesidian all-in-ones only have 6 instead of 7 components) All-In-Ones should not be able to be repaired.
Wooden: 10 uses, Efficiancy; 4
-Bat: does 1 hp damage per hit (=@=), (replaces wooden sword)
Stone: 100 uses, Efficiancy; 6
-Sword & Axe replacement: Tomahawk; works as a weapon & an axe at the same time, does 2 hp damage per hit
Iron: 1K uses, Efficiany; 8
--All tools get replaced with Semi-Modern style equivalents
-Sword: does 3 hp damage per hit, =@=
-Drill: replaces pick, =@=
-Emergency Fire Axe
Golden: 25 uses, Efficiancy; 16 ----- (takes one hit to go through any block)
--All tools get replaced with medival/fantasy style equivalents
-Trident: does 4 hp damage per hit, replaces golden sword, =@=
-Spade Septer: replaces shovel, =@=
-Clubs Septer: replaces pick, =@= IMPORTANT>the only tool that can mine bedrock<IMPORTANT
-Heart Septer: replaces axe, =@=
-Diamonds Septer: replaces Hoe, =@= (tills a 3x3 area in one it)
Diamond: 10K uses, Efficiancy; 10 ----- (takes two hits to break any block)
--All tools get replaced with Electrically Powered style equivalents
-Tazer: does 5 hp damage per hit, replaces sword, =@=
-Diamond Tipped Jackhammer: replaces pick, =@=
-Diamond Bladed Chainsaw: replaces axe, =@=
Bone-Obsidian: 100K uses, Efficiancy; 14 ----- (use bones for the handles & obsidian blocks for the heads), (breaks any block instantly)
--Tools are evil/demon/hell/devil/death/cult style
-Sword & hoe replacement: Death's/Reaper's Scythe; works as a weapon & a hoe at the same time, left-click to attack, right click to till, does 6 hp damage per hit
Compressed Diamond: 1 Million uses, Efficiancy; 12 ----- (use diamonds for the handles & diamond blocks for the heads), (takes two hits to break any block)
--Tools are Projected Energy style
-Energy Sword: does 7 hp damage per hit, =@=
I will say that obviously this could displease some people in the nature of how I worded the list, well it was just me writing down everything I could think of that could fit together for an awesome overhaul.
Permission would obviously have to be gotten from the mod author(s) to use their code, (though in some cases, it would be the same if done from scratch anyway).
Also, textures for reskins/retextures, or new items would be whatever I can find that is a close enough match until something better could be made specifically for this mod, which might require permission from the owner(s) before a public release
Modders working on this:
Texture/Pixel artists working on this:
This is in no way a complete idea. There is plenty more I could add to it, not including pictures of a set of revamped crafting/smelting recipes. I won't bother with this further unless I see some results, (if nobody likes the idea, why bother to write it out?).
Thoughts are welcome;
Concerns will be taken care of;
Since this is only an idea, not even a mod yet, critisism is unwelcome, though acceptable in moderation.
I'm not sure who all can see it, but even though it says I am a Sectional Moderator, I am in the Retired Staff group. Meaning, I used to be a admin/moderator, but I no longer have any of the powers of one.
So just stop bringing that up.