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    posted a message on The Porkchop Alliance
    K coords sent, and I hope to see you soon.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on The Porkchop Alliance
    Quote from bukeprv5

    there is a glitch on the website that will not allow me to make a new toipic

    Odd, I'll look into it
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on The Porkchop Alliance
    All excepted
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on The Porkchop Alliance
    Both excepted, just sign up on the site and I'll tell you the coords.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on The Porkchop Alliance
    About Us
    We are a minecraft clan that is organised and have specific jobs for specific people. We do not spawn anything at all in the server because it is pure survival. Everything you do in this server is naturaly earned. And Our Website

    Our Server
    Our server is survival.snailface.com The server has no whitelist so you can join whenever. I am not the admin for I would spawn things like tnt. I do, however have permission to use the server for this clan. The admins of the server are Phasem and snailface.

    The Location of our Base
    If you wish to know where our base of operations is you will have to send an application and be accepted. To do so, please post in this thread.

    1.Greifing and stealing is allowed on the server, but if you do it to me or your fellow clan members, you will be killed, and outcasted from the clan.

    2.No spamming the chat.

    3.Respect others.

    4.To make sure you read those put "porkchop" in you application.


    Edits and builds public buildings like the town wall.

    Expands the mine by making 3x3 tunnles and gathers cobble, coal, redstone, and various other ores and materials for building and tools.

    Wood Cutter
    Cuts wood and makes planks for construcion and tools. They also replant saplings.

    Manages crops like sugarcane, wheat, and mushrroms. They also collect eggs, wool and milk for cooking and construction.

    Cooks cook pork, make bread, bake cakes, and makes all the food for the clan with supplies given to them.

    These guys protect the base from any hostile mobs and take the reasorces. The also explore caves miners find. They also explore for more reasorces.

    Landscapers clear out land for construcion and expansion.

    Hunters kill off pigs and cows for pork and leather.

    A member may have no more than 2 jobs. Everyone gets to choose wich job(s) they want.

    What we should call you:
    Desired Jobs:
    Did you Read the Rules?:
    Sign up on the website.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Super haostile canopy carnage
    It does require hamachi so, the network is:

    Canopy Carnage Server


    The IP:

    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on The Tomb Raiders
    This is a new clan that has 5 mambers. Our server is survival.snailface.com And the website is in progress but not up yet.


    1.No greifing
    2.No stealing
    3.No killing other people in the clan.
    4.To make sure you read this put snailface in your application.


    Wood cutter: Cuts wood and makes planks for construction.
    Miner: Collects cobble and ores for tools and building.
    Farmer: Manages crops and sugar cane.
    Hunter: Collects porkchops, leather, and wool.
    Warrior: Kills off hostile mobs and players for reasorces.
    Builder: Constucts and edits public buildings like the town wall.

    You may have 3 jobs at the most.

    What your application should look like.

    Wanted job(s):
    Did you read the rules?:

    Thank you and the website will be up in a few days.
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Anyone want to play super hostile canopy carnage?
    Make the sever open so anyone can join. (screw the victory monument) My IGN is Crazysteve6547. Thank you
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Vanila Server. No Whitelist
    Ok, I think I fixed it. Try to connect.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Vanila Server. No Whitelist
    And just to make it better, its on Super Hostile Canaopy Carnage. You can do whatever you want on the server.(except spawnkill) The Ip is
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Looking for a Vannila Server to join
    Post the IP here and if whitelisted My username is Crazysteve6547
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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