-What makes you a good addition to this server?: I wish to become a barter and trade goods with several people.
-Did you read all of the rules section, understand them, and will you comply with them?:Yes I did
-Have you ever been banned from a server and why? (If you lie, I deny this application.):I have never been banned from a server. (except my own...... stupid josh)
-What brought you to this server? (Friend, Forum, Clan, Etc...): Clan. Credit to the Crimson Knights
-Location: Southeast U.S.
-Favorite movie: First of all, not twilight. Second, my favorite movie is Paul
-In game name: Crazysteve6547
Thank you for your time, and I hope I get excepted.
Any previous experience in a group setting? Yes. Example: IGC
How would you rate your combat skill? 8/10
How would you rate your skill in building? 8/10
Do you mind doing general collecting tasks(ie. collecting cobble, logs, etc.)? How else am I going to get goods?(I do not mind)
Someone not in the clan kills a fellow clan member; What do you do? I contact my higher ups for permission to track down and kill said player.
Do you acknowledge you may be switched from town to town depending on what town needs the most help? Trade is needed everywhere, so yes, I do.
What normal job would you like? Barter
What military job would you like? Infantry
What town do you think suits you best? Im sorry but I cant remember exactly what it is called, all I know it was a central trading hub. (Sorry for the inconveiniance.)
Have you joined our home server yet? Sadly, no.
In game name: Crazysteve6547
(Optional) How would you describe yourself? I am a Minecraft vet, I'm good in a cooperative enviroment, I can follow orders but dont like having to do too much :tongue.gif: I make freinds fast, and enjoy a large community setting. I can get a little too into combat and start yelling things like, "**** YEA!" or, "SUCK IT!" Othher than that I cant think of anything else at the moment.
(Optional)Do you own or can you get the program "Steam"? If you do have it what is your username? Nope, sorry.
Well I hope I get accepted, thank you for your time.
How long have you been playing Ballistic-Craft:None yet, either because I don't have the IP or its not completed yet.
Why do you want to join the EPU:I like the ranking and division structure.
What Defence Force do you want to join:Army
What division in your selected Defence Force do you want:Armoured 11th
Do you have any experience with a defence force (Cadets, Reserves, Active Service) and how long were you a part of that force/service:Only IRL (ex. Airsoft Games)
Will you attend training as much as possible (24 hours notice on forums):I do have a job and school but I will attend as many as possible.
Do you understand that in order to join, there is a recruit obstacle course you must complete:Sure.
Will you follow orders from senior ranks:Yes.
p.s. Since I forgot to put these in my Whitelist App I'll put them in here.
How long have you been playing minecraft:About a year
Why do you want to join:I need a good server for me and some of my freinds to play on. Also your server looks interesting with guns and planes. Many servers with mods and stuff are early in developement and some aren't even up yet. I have experience in MC gun combat and I think I would own in this server. I saw that the EU has organized divisions and I thought it would be cool to be in an organized faction or group on a server past just having jobs. My current server buildcraft that I'm an admin on doesn't have pvp on it so I need to kill other players. I like the whole idea of the server.
Do you promise to follow both the server rules and the Rules of Engagement and understand the punishment for breaking those rules:Indeed
Do you understand that what an admin says is final:Yes
Do you promise to follow what a senior rank within your faction tells your to do, no matter how much higher they are:To an extent. (ex: If he tells me to bomb or attack a group of neutral rebels I will not follow the order)
Do you understand that ranking up will take awhile and promise you won't whine at admins or faction leaders to be promoted:Yes, but I do plan to become an officer in the future.
One time, I was playing on a server with ass-holes for mods and admins. I was mining some surface iron and when I turned around to go back in the direction of my camp I saw 5 Giants standing behind me. (Take note that I had never seen a Giant before) So I attack one with my iron sword, it hits me and tales away 4 hearts. (I had full iron armour) So I begin running around them, this was 1.7 and no sprint, and they were right on my heels. I finaly got back to my house with the giants a cow's length behind. I run in close the door and turn around, and I saw my house had no torches in it and I think what was 20-30 zombies inside and they were already hitting me. All I had time to thimk before I was dead was, "HOLY G.." I later found out the admins had done this to me and I quit the server.
IGN: Crazysteve6547 Age: 15 Why you want to join: I have been looking for a good pvp clan that will allow me to build, and do combat with other players. Previous clans: None. Haven't realy gotton into clans with Minecraft Why you would be an asset to clan: I am a good tactition, I can build moderatly complec buildings, and I'm fairly good at PvP(best with a bow). What you are looking for in a clan: A freindly atmosphere where I'm not being ordered around all the time and I'm free to do my own thing. Do you accept rules: Yes.
A new MC Survival server named Buildcraft. It has a working Iconomy system, town founding and joining supported by WorldGuard, Stargates(for fast travel) and arena area. We are also still looking for 3 staff positions, 1 Head Helper and 3 Helpers. To aply for staff, send an E-mail to SpinkickrR at our website:http://spinkickrmcserver.co.cc/
There are also quite a few screenshots of the towns that have already been founded.
-Did you read all of the rules section, understand them, and will you comply with them?:Yes I did
-Have you ever been banned from a server and why? (If you lie, I deny this application.):I have never been banned from a server. (except my own...... stupid josh)
-What brought you to this server? (Friend, Forum, Clan, Etc...): Clan. Credit to the Crimson Knights
-Location: Southeast U.S.
-Favorite movie: First of all, not twilight. Second, my favorite movie is Paul
-In game name: Crazysteve6547
Thank you for your time, and I hope I get excepted.
How would you rate your combat skill? 8/10
How would you rate your skill in building? 8/10
Do you mind doing general collecting tasks(ie. collecting cobble, logs, etc.)? How else am I going to get goods?(I do not mind)
Someone not in the clan kills a fellow clan member; What do you do? I contact my higher ups for permission to track down and kill said player.
Do you acknowledge you may be switched from town to town depending on what town needs the most help? Trade is needed everywhere, so yes, I do.
What normal job would you like? Barter
What military job would you like? Infantry
What town do you think suits you best? Im sorry but I cant remember exactly what it is called, all I know it was a central trading hub. (Sorry for the inconveiniance.)
Have you joined our home server yet? Sadly, no.
In game name: Crazysteve6547
(Optional) How would you describe yourself? I am a Minecraft vet, I'm good in a cooperative enviroment, I can follow orders but dont like having to do too much :tongue.gif: I make freinds fast, and enjoy a large community setting. I can get a little too into combat and start yelling things like, "**** YEA!" or, "SUCK IT!" Othher than that I cant think of anything else at the moment.
(Optional)Do you own or can you get the program "Steam"? If you do have it what is your username? Nope, sorry.
Well I hope I get accepted, thank you for your time.
How long have you been playing Ballistic-Craft:None yet, either because I don't have the IP or its not completed yet.
Why do you want to join the EPU:I like the ranking and division structure.
What Defence Force do you want to join:Army
What division in your selected Defence Force do you want:Armoured 11th
Do you have any experience with a defence force (Cadets, Reserves, Active Service) and how long were you a part of that force/service:Only IRL (ex. Airsoft Games)
Will you attend training as much as possible (24 hours notice on forums):I do have a job and school but I will attend as many as possible.
Do you understand that in order to join, there is a recruit obstacle course you must complete:Sure.
Will you follow orders from senior ranks:Yes.
p.s. Since I forgot to put these in my Whitelist App I'll put them in here.
Purple Flying Medal of Honour
How long have you been playing minecraft:About a year
Why do you want to join:I need a good server for me and some of my freinds to play on. Also your server looks interesting with guns and planes. Many servers with mods and stuff are early in developement and some aren't even up yet. I have experience in MC gun combat and I think I would own in this server. I saw that the EU has organized divisions and I thought it would be cool to be in an organized faction or group on a server past just having jobs. My current server buildcraft that I'm an admin on doesn't have pvp on it so I need to kill other players. I like the whole idea of the server.
Do you promise to follow both the server rules and the Rules of Engagement and understand the punishment for breaking those rules:Indeed
Do you understand that what an admin says is final:Yes
Do you promise to follow what a senior rank within your faction tells your to do, no matter how much higher they are:To an extent. (ex: If he tells me to bomb or attack a group of neutral rebels I will not follow the order)
Do you understand that ranking up will take awhile and promise you won't whine at admins or faction leaders to be promoted:Yes, but I do plan to become an officer in the future.
Age: 15
Why you want to join: I have been looking for a good pvp clan that will allow me to build, and do combat with other players.
Previous clans: None. Haven't realy gotton into clans with Minecraft
Why you would be an asset to clan: I am a good tactition, I can build moderatly complec buildings, and I'm fairly good at PvP(best with a bow).
What you are looking for in a clan: A freindly atmosphere where I'm not being ordered around all the time and I'm free to do my own thing.
Do you accept rules: Yes.
There are also quite a few screenshots of the towns that have already been founded.
The IP is:
Love, Buildcraft Admin Crazysteve6547
Version of Minecraft:1.8 Full Release
SSP or SMP:SMP: Survival
Your Computer Specs and Operating System:Windows 7, and 4 gigs of ram
Can you repeat this bug:Yes
What issues does the bug Cause:I need cobble not dirt.
Specific conditions it occurs in if applicable:Mine stone with any pick, it will have a chance of dropping dirt.