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    posted a message on [Aesthetic] Animated Player - Compatibility and Flying! [v1.5.1]
    Quote from Raphezaro»


    POST YOUR CRASH LOG IN SPOILERS OR PASTEBIN. how does it feel when someone quotes you in caps?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [Aesthetic] Animated Player - Compatibility and Flying! [v1.5.1]
    Quote from Samuraj123456»
    hi can you make a animated player mod for minecraft 1.7.10 forge, my 1.7.2 forg crash my minecraft and i can not play my minecraft pls update to minecraft 1.7.10

    really? have you not been reading the previous comments? that question the most despised question of all modders, moders will update when they feel like it and not because someone asks for an update, and what does this mod have to do with your minecraft crashing?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [Aesthetic] Animated Player - Compatibility and Flying! [v1.5.1]
    wow, a new thread for me to read the spamming of people for updates, this should be fun...
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Tinkers' Construct 2
    Quote from berserker703»
    I am having issues with putting stealth on my chest, anyone else having this issue? it is showing 4 items and chest piece to make the upgrade but tool forge can only handle 3 items an chest piece. correct me if I am wrong but tool forge only had 4 spots for items and 1 exit spot for items right? or do i need to make an upgraded tool forge?

    place the toolforge besides the crafting station and place the chest plate and upgrades in the crafting station
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [Freeuse, No permission needed] FpsPlus 1.5.2-1.7.10+Source
    Quote from SirTulip»

    Searched this threading using the thread search function and found this: (in spoiler). Thanks. Shouldn't his/her post be added to the original post to make it easier for ppl to find?

    Fixed up a FML coremod transformer to inject this into 1.7.10 minecrafts


    (I'm not taking this mod over)
    See my site for other cool stuff

    How did you guys know this mod isn't forge compatible? I had ask around other forums to learn that forge and this mod don't work together.

    In the original post, this section (spoiler) refers to forge.

    You must use the newest forge installers from http://files.minecraftforge.net/ and install the Forge profile. If you use OPTIFINE put Optifine.jar into the mods folder. Go to \AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\versions then select the folder which forge just installed. Then open up the Forge.jar in that folder with winzip/7zip and 1st: Delete META-INF 2nd: Open up the version of FpsPlus you downloaded with winzip/7zip and drag the class files into the .jar. THEN add these Start up parameters "-Dfml.ignoreInvalidMinecraftCertificates=true -Dfml.ignorePatchDiscrepancies=true" OR: you can load the mod with MagicLauncher. Its alot easier. Or you can just put it in the mods folder. All of them should work as long as you add the startup parameters.

    well the thingy on the op was the installation guide from recent version which were all forge compatible
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Tinkers' Construct 2
    Quote from mainframe_cn»

    I'm running into an issue with the stencil table, it seems part of the GUI is missing. There's no pattern selection buttons.


    you're using an outdated resource pack
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [Freeuse, No permission needed] FpsPlus 1.5.2-1.7.10+Source
    Quote from SirTulip»

    Thanks for the reply! Whose's atomic? I did another quick read through of the original post and tried ctrl F and I didn't find anything on Atomic.

    Atomic Stryker is a modder who uploaded a forge version of fps plus, check the few pages of this and you'll find his/her post
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [Freeuse, No permission needed] FpsPlus 1.5.2-1.7.10+Source
    Quote from SirTulip»
    I heard that this mod is not forge compatible. Is that right?

    abadenz' version is not forge compatible, but the one that Atomic uploaded is forge compatible
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [Freeuse, No permission needed] FpsPlus 1.5.2-1.7.10+Source
    Quote from Waterposeidon9»
    My crappy computer is, well, crappy. I use Optifine with Fpsplus,and usually get a 5 - 10 fps boost. I love this mod, but would really appreciate it if you would make a version for 1.7.2 (my mods are all 1.7.2, and I don't want to loose one mod because it is only 1.7.2 and 1.6.4, y' know.) Thanks!

    why o why are you still in 1.7.2? that's the most outdated buggy version of minecraft and forge, if you're gonna reply "but my favorite mod is still in 1.7.2" have you tried them in 1.7.10? some 1.7.2 mods work in 1.7.10... P.S. if you really don't want to update, there is a download link in the op which has a zip file of all the version of this mod
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Tinkers' Construct 2
    Quote from CrazyGamer95»
    Can you give me link to download TConstruct for 1.7.2?

    here we have someone asking for a BUGGY AND UNSUPPORTED version of TiCon
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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