Ahh never used MCEdit, never been a huge fan of community created game editing software for other games, although I see how it could be more handy in this situation XD. I'll look it up later.
Ahh and Pythros thanks for that quote. I kind of assumed the inspired by nature (mainly when I was looking up Rustic stuff for inspiration) That theme is exactly what I think I like in an MC texture pack. Since realism just doesn't fit minecraft's atmosphere and too much detail leads to texture "swimming" although sadly the cobble texture majorly has that issue as much as I love the texture
Clouds I plan to try something a bit more solid to try to fit that theme description, still working on concepts for that.
Seems to be good, can you make skybox? I think we need something really realistic apart that it is not realistic TP, it's just my opinion, and how you can make ovo's sky...? A little bit curly clouds like in serious cartoons, and a bit different colors? I don't think this is so important:)
I can post\send some attempts of edited sky\skybox.
It was to my understanding that changing skybox was code only. Maybe I'm just not entirely understanding what you want done with skybox, but to code it it would take a considerable amount of time (I'm a C# C++ programmer and while that is similar to Java it will still take a bit of time to find out what is going on. Either that or I could ask a friend that builds Minecraft Mods.) I guess it all depends on what you mean by editing the skybox. Go ahead and post or send me some edited skybox examples, but as far as the actualy skybox object it does not use textures (stars for examples are cuboids set at x distance from the player and use a formula to give them spacing.
As for clouds I've been having issues with color. I know you can change cloud color but it seems to greyscale everything I do. I had a really nice light but heavily saturated blue mixed in with those clouds to give them a bit of depth and they came out greyish. It's almost like it only reads it as greyscale for opaque areas. I'll have to experiment with a few things including the type of clouds you mentioned. Havn't tried anything like that but it sounds like a fun challenge.
its better.
can you make pink dye lighter to match the wool to?
This ok?
That one was a little more difficult XD. As far as what apachey suggested, yeah they seem a bit realistic, but I wouldn't remove shadows or add noise. Adding noise can make it look gritty and honestly I only prefer it when I want something to seem realistic that isn't. Removing shadows doesn't seem the way to go either, maybe removing or reducing them then hand painting the shadows in their place? Just actually gave that a try really quick, so maybe something like this? I indirectly made that darker though. Still hopefully you get the idea. I'm not the best at this but I love playing with shading on pictures.
Edit and gah I suppose i'll help report that Ghost guy again, but I imagine you guys pull more weight.
Been a bit busy lately, but here is my concern with clouds The render distance cutoff for clouds seems a bit close but I do like the 2D look for them
This is not a final version too much about it that I don't like yet and some edges are not fully tile supported yet.
Oh and Karimiri Honestly I don't think that light blue is all that bad, still I used my little trick to fix my pink wool on it and got it a tad lighter if you prefer it that way.
Currently experimenting with clouds. Each time I make nice fluffy clouds I start hating how bad they look as blocks in the sky. Got to the point where I just wanted 2D clouds or at least make the sides of the clouds not stand out so dang much.
Long story short through testing I learned you can fill the whole image with 15% opacity white which effectively makes it think everything is one cloud. Surprisingly works quite well, although as expected it makes the sky a fraction of an amount lighter, and at render distance it is slightly noticeable but render distance already cuts off clouds as is.so I don't find that nearly as bad as nice painted clouds with sudden much more solid blocky sides showing.
So I guess I'll give that a shot now and see how things look when I start painting tomorrow night XD It's 5:30am and I've got work. (no sleep is the best)
Done my own research as far as skybox is concerned it looks like only the moon and sun are the only things that can be changed in the texture pack. I imagine you could do some client mods to change shaders for the sky color. As far as stars are concerned they are not a texture. Anyways, so I'll find something else to work on for now.
Ahh sorry didn't know you made those. The bottom row middle 2 on the moon phases have some white pixels showing on the left side of each. Other than that sun just seems a bit grainy to me. I like your GUI though.
A custom skybox is one of the things we need that isnt finished yet. also you could try to make some more IU in the theme of adventuretimes UI OR you could try the witch for the new snapshot
EDIT: I would like mod support for the thirst mod also if you can. Here a link to the mod: http://www.minecraft...-lovers-ssplan/
Not sure what all you need for skybox (I assume moon, sun, stars, clouds) currently I only have this texture pack which has the moon sun files in it. So I decided to give moon a shot (seemed interesting)
I painted this pretty much on the spot and only just tested it (Currently in my opinion it has too much glow and the shadow on the moon needs to be a bit darker I think. Still I wouldn't mind getting a second opinion.
Is there a list compiled of what needs to be worked on? I've been experimenting with my own little UI design just to get myself into the swing of things. (Had an idea for a UI style and plus I haven't done texturing in 2 years so I thought I would get some practice in. I find the best way to do that is to do something fresh in your mind XD.
I have it centered now, but if its off for you, it will be because the item placement in the item.png is slightly off
I don't know it's hard to tell with the compression quality loss, but yours still looks off just by looking at that screenshot (At lease for the items grid. The far right column you can see there is 1 to 2 pixels less space on the right side of the item compared to the far left column. The tabs seems alright though. I could be wrong though. It may just be how the grid is actually made that is making it seem off to me. It appears like it cuts off sharply on the left and right sides. of each square *shrug*.
Still not a huge fan of the whole GUI feel. I've mainly been looking at the inventory.png and I noticed some of the background is off a pixel here and there, plus the left side just looks a bit cut off on the grid. It all doesn't transition very well in my opinion. Maybe I'm being too nit-picky but that is just how I am XD. I'll have to see how my concept looks in-game since I'm still learning how all this works. For now if anyone else needs this I made a template for inventory.png that marks where each hardcoded UI piece goes.
Pink: Objects that move or may not appear
Blue: Boundary lines (boxed areas go up to ontop of the line but not past it)
Light Green: Fonts (upper one always seems to say "Crafting" and size is based on the current font that this texture pack uses.
Dark Green: Font Shadows (I believe they are hardcoded) I marked these because they will cover up whatever is drawn and that could cause a problem depending on design.
Please note that I removed the rectangle between the main inventory screen section and status effects. This appeared to be the background for when you hover your moue over an item and it displayed its name. However, I found that it was not actually using that texture, but sticks to the default instead. Also the current UI doesn't go down far enough and one pixel of that rectangle bleeds into the inventory screen at the bottom. Template boundary line for this is corrected as long as you never go past the outter blue line it won't bleed. Item Grids are based on a 72x72 size as well as most other shapes being based on a multiple of 72.
I'll probably do more of these templates if they are wanted, or as I try my own attempt at making a UI.
That's why i don't like this UI so much, with the tabs it doesn't really match, and without the items are hard to see. I cant seem to find a good balance between the two...
I kind of agree. I like the gold but it really just doesn't seem to fit in. I kind of had an idea last night for a UI but I need to look at what all images it uses. I've built UIs for game mods in the past but I had more freedom as far as being able to code it as well. I'll sketch up a concept and piddle with it over the next few days.
Anytime, if you or anyone else ever needs some help (CTM properties, animations, opinions, shortening stuff EXT) Just ask and il help you. Also, cant wait to see the result.
Ok I think I have a good balance for the white may actually run what I did to fix it for some of the lighter colors because I'm starting to like the rougher look. Plus pink looks more pink.
Fixed the pink wool I'll see what I can do about making the white less like snow. Off the top of my head I guess reduce saturation if there is any left and fiddle with the contrast brightness settings to make detail more prominent.
When through the image vault looking for smooth wool alternatives. The only one there looked like it had been either stretched, jpeged or possibly both. So I figured I may as well take the opportunity to experiment and see if I could come up with my own wool texture. Feel free to comment on it. I tried to take the same looking style of Ovo's original wool block with just the removed stitching. My only personal issue with it right now is the pink is a bit dull. I'll probably keep fiddling with the colors until I get something more that I like, but at the same time I didn't want to make the colors overwhelming, I kept most of them as close to the originals color as possible.
and in-game:
All colors
Tiling Example
Housing Usage
This is a fairly simple texture, but regardless let me know what you guys think. Good or bad criticism can only help me improve.
Edit: it is not allowing me to shrink the image sizes to make the post not so darn big. My apologies for that. Also note I love the original wool texture still feel free to add this to the image vault for those that could use it. I don't expect this to be added to the texturepack. Which let me know what does need working on that I could try and help with.
*facepalm* ahh ok I still don't use that either, though I'll give it a looksie.
Ahh and Pythros thanks for that quote. I kind of assumed the inspired by nature (mainly when I was looking up Rustic stuff for inspiration) That theme is exactly what I think I like in an MC texture pack. Since realism just doesn't fit minecraft's atmosphere and too much detail leads to texture "swimming" although sadly the cobble texture majorly has that issue as much as I love the texture
Clouds I plan to try something a bit more solid to try to fit that theme description, still working on concepts for that.
It was to my understanding that changing skybox was code only. Maybe I'm just not entirely understanding what you want done with skybox, but to code it it would take a considerable amount of time (I'm a C# C++ programmer and while that is similar to Java it will still take a bit of time to find out what is going on. Either that or I could ask a friend that builds Minecraft Mods.) I guess it all depends on what you mean by editing the skybox. Go ahead and post or send me some edited skybox examples, but as far as the actualy skybox object it does not use textures (stars for examples are cuboids set at x distance from the player and use a formula to give them spacing.
As for clouds I've been having issues with color. I know you can change cloud color but it seems to greyscale everything I do. I had a really nice light but heavily saturated blue mixed in with those clouds to give them a bit of depth and they came out greyish. It's almost like it only reads it as greyscale for opaque areas. I'll have to experiment with a few things including the type of clouds you mentioned. Havn't tried anything like that but it sounds like a fun challenge.
This ok?
Edit and gah I suppose i'll help report that Ghost guy again, but I imagine you guys pull more weight.
This is not a final version too much about it that I don't like yet and some edges are not fully tile supported yet.
Oh and Karimiri Honestly I don't think that light blue is all that bad, still I used my little trick to fix my pink wool on it and got it a tad lighter if you prefer it that way.
Long story short through testing I learned you can fill the whole image with 15% opacity white which effectively makes it think everything is one cloud. Surprisingly works quite well, although as expected it makes the sky a fraction of an amount lighter, and at render distance it is slightly noticeable but render distance already cuts off clouds as is.so I don't find that nearly as bad as nice painted clouds with sudden much more solid blocky sides showing.
So I guess I'll give that a shot now and see how things look when I start painting tomorrow night XD It's 5:30am and I've got work. (no sleep is the best)
Ahh sorry didn't know you made those. The bottom row middle 2 on the moon phases have some white pixels showing on the left side of each. Other than that sun just seems a bit grainy to me. I like your GUI though.
Not sure what all you need for skybox (I assume moon, sun, stars, clouds) currently I only have this texture pack which has the moon sun files in it. So I decided to give moon a shot (seemed interesting)
I painted this pretty much on the spot and only just tested it (Currently in my opinion it has too much glow and the shadow on the moon needs to be a bit darker I think. Still I wouldn't mind getting a second opinion.
I don't know it's hard to tell with the compression quality loss, but yours still looks off just by looking at that screenshot (At lease for the items grid. The far right column you can see there is 1 to 2 pixels less space on the right side of the item compared to the far left column. The tabs seems alright though. I could be wrong though. It may just be how the grid is actually made that is making it seem off to me. It appears like it cuts off sharply on the left and right sides. of each square *shrug*.
Pink: Objects that move or may not appear
Blue: Boundary lines (boxed areas go up to ontop of the line but not past it)
Light Green: Fonts (upper one always seems to say "Crafting" and size is based on the current font that this texture pack uses.
Dark Green: Font Shadows (I believe they are hardcoded) I marked these because they will cover up whatever is drawn and that could cause a problem depending on design.
Please note that I removed the rectangle between the main inventory screen section and status effects. This appeared to be the background for when you hover your moue over an item and it displayed its name. However, I found that it was not actually using that texture, but sticks to the default instead. Also the current UI doesn't go down far enough and one pixel of that rectangle bleeds into the inventory screen at the bottom. Template boundary line for this is corrected as long as you never go past the outter blue line it won't bleed. Item Grids are based on a 72x72 size as well as most other shapes being based on a multiple of 72.
I'll probably do more of these templates if they are wanted, or as I try my own attempt at making a UI.
I kind of agree. I like the gold but it really just doesn't seem to fit in. I kind of had an idea last night for a UI but I need to look at what all images it uses. I've built UIs for game mods in the past but I had more freedom as far as being able to code it as well. I'll sketch up a concept and piddle with it over the next few days.
Ok I think I have a good balance for the white may actually run what I did to fix it for some of the lighter colors because I'm starting to like the rougher look. Plus pink looks more pink.
and some in-game screenshots
Fixed the pink wool I'll see what I can do about making the white less like snow. Off the top of my head I guess reduce saturation if there is any left and fiddle with the contrast brightness settings to make detail more prominent.
and in-game:
All colors
Tiling Example
Housing Usage
This is a fairly simple texture, but regardless let me know what you guys think. Good or bad criticism can only help me improve.
Edit: it is not allowing me to shrink the image sizes to make the post not so darn big. My apologies for that. Also note I love the original wool texture still feel free to add this to the image vault for those that could use it. I don't expect this to be added to the texturepack. Which let me know what does need working on that I could try and help with.