- Craftyawesome
- Registered Member
Member for 11 years
Last active Thu, Nov, 16 2023 04:27:42
- 568 Total Posts
- 50 Thanks
Jan 8, 2015Craftyawesome posted a message on Name Changes Coming Soon?I'd Captilize the c in craftyawesome. Also change it for specific reasons. (Like sometimes when I change my skin too)Posted in: News
Nov 11, 2014Craftyawesome posted a message on Pocket Edition: Update Submitting Tomorrow!The updates delayed becuase the first 3 attempts only worked on half of the devices.Posted in: News
Oct 9, 2014Craftyawesome posted a message on Minecraft: Steve Facts and TriviaIf you craft the gold blocks into notch apples (enchanted golden apples made from gold blocks) Multiplies his carring capacity by 8! Not including that apples!Posted in: News
First -
Oct 3, 2014Craftyawesome posted a message on Looking at Minecraft Through the Oculus RiftPosted in: News
When you autually look in the actual rift it is 3d. -
Sep 17, 2014Craftyawesome posted a message on [Official] Microsoft has Bought Mojang and a message from Notch.Posted in: NewsQuote from CliffracerX»
You pretty much just summed up the entire community's thoughts right there.
Why u beat me 2 the comment!!!!! (I've been wanting to comment something like that) -
Sep 15, 2014Craftyawesome posted a message on [Official] Microsoft has Bought Mojang and a message from Notch.Jeb is still working on Minecraft. I hope many others are and they won't kill mods or YouTube. Oh and don't don't force us into a supscription.Posted in: News
Sep 15, 2014Craftyawesome posted a message on Microsoft Buying Minecraft?I hope they are just impatient to wait for April 1st. If this is true I hope they stick to the "master plan" with the dragon egg and that they develop McPE more.Posted in: News
Jul 25, 2014Craftyawesome posted a message on UPDATE: Snapshot 14w30b Ready for Dinnerbone's Birthday! Also, Testing!Why is there no vbo change in changelog? Glitches much less in latest then 14w29bPosted in: News
Jul 17, 2014Craftyawesome posted a message on UPDATE: Snapshot 14w29b is Ready For (Enhanced Graphical) Testing!No you are not. (read post above yours)Posted in: News
Jul 17, 2014Craftyawesome posted a message on UPDATE: Snapshot 14w29b is Ready For (Enhanced Graphical) Testing!I known right? McPE 0.9.0 betas early ones had save bug survival only. On a unrelated app there is a strange bug, but the fix in unofficial because no one knows how it even works.Posted in: News
Jul 16, 2014Craftyawesome posted a message on UPDATE: Snapshot 14w29b is Ready For (Enhanced Graphical) Testing!Is this similar to the vertex streaming hack? On an app completely unrelated to Minecraft there is direct 3d11/9 or OpenGL. Vertex streaming hack on supported hardware makes my fps on that go nearly to the other options(about 2x). I'll get back on the PC soon.Posted in: News
Jul 16, 2014Craftyawesome posted a message on UPDATE! Pocket Edition: 0.9.3 Submitted, FixesIt measures ram CPU etc when you go to options. When you're in the world those are being used. This is how on nexus 7 (1.5 GHz)(GHz is speed) there is 5. 1.2 GHz seems common (4 bars). To fix this they should force the game not to change on in world.Posted in: News
Jul 16, 2014Craftyawesome posted a message on UPDATE! Pocket Edition: 0.9.3 Submitted, FixesPosted in: NewsQuote from Sean_808
So apparently the new update for me, 0.9.2, came out today and I can't join servers anymore. Why?
Servers have to be updated. Otherwise it crashes.
Quote from WDSnav91Not available to the public? It has been out already. I hate these curse forums for the time it takes for them to notice a change and write an article. If I really wanted to I have a vBulletin license and could make a better site then this and not be riddled with ads.
Apple waits longer for release than android/amazon. 0.9.1 wasn't released on apple. Also curse just wants you to spend tons of money on premium. At least ads don't pop up covering screen after every single post. -
Jul 10, 2014Craftyawesome posted a message on Pocket Edition: 0.9.0 Ready for Everything!This post was a while ago. Its officially released.Posted in: News
Edit: they changed the title. -
Jul 10, 2014Craftyawesome posted a message on Minecraft Forum Updates With YOUR Feedback!Cobalt looks a lot better. The problem is I can't be bothered to boot up the PC to look at the forum. I'm typing this on my phone right now and the PC is 10 feet away. I want a mobile-friendly version. Also why no 0.9.0 McPE news? Just saying.Posted in: News
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Brace yourself, 1.11 requests are coming.
right click, open with, java
This is about the default terrain generator. Also some areas of presets will be great, some will be bad. They are getting better, but a new generator would be easier for noobs. It isn't exactly easy to use/understand.
Try installing new forge, (1.7.10, not 1.8 like me,) Make sure that directory is the same as the modpack profile but the forge is newer.
I have a weird controller that the analog is vjoy but all others are keyboard/mouse presses. Any way I can still use it?
I may have found byte's new twitter https://twitter.com/byteandhalf1
Turn off mipmaps
(I'm aware this is old)
Updated link. If you need chunks.dat chip away at the skyblock map in my signature.
/setblock x y z 33 0 (down)
/setblock x y z 33 1 (up)
That adds a player that activates commands. This would only allow it to do stuff you could do but faster.
I need practice these took longer than it should've.
Mostly only mods that render Pocket power's hidden blocks or conflicting ids (why would you use Redstone ids unless Redstone mod?)