Now, I don't know how hard would these be to program, but it would be really kickass if you could add those. Also, I have read that you plan on adding the tow function to the vehicles. If you manage/want to add helicopters, imagine how awesome would it be to carry a jeep :biggrin.gif:
I have a suggestion for the vehicles mod: the VW Schwimmwagen
For those who don't know it, it was the most numerous mass-produced amphibious car in history. It was used during WW2, produced by the (derp) Germans. It had a small propeller to move through water and used the front wheels as rudders.
It'd be awesome if you could add it. Also, I love the mods you have done so far. Keep it coming, please!
The sled:
[] [] (make these iron ingots instead of sticks)
The sled would be placed anywhere like a minecart or a boat, then you would attach it to your wolves using the rope. How would you do this? (Use the rope on the dog when the dog is within 2 blocks of the sled) Not sure, but I am pretty sure someone can give a good idea. There more wolves you got attached to it, the faster it will go. (8 wolves = Santa Claus is Coming to Town achievement :biggrin.gif:)
-Can it go uphill/downhill? (No. It would only be for flat surfaces. This way minecarts aren't ruined by it. They could go downhill, but if you went down too steep a hill your dogs would get damaged.)
-Should it only be used over snow/ice? (Yes! We have to make sure it isn't overpowered, and it should also be realistic.)
-Should it's condition degrade over time? (No. Neither boats nor minecarts do this.)
Crafted with wood. 1.5x player speed. Works on snow, ice, and land, with (x)% chance of breaking apart on non -snow/ice terrain. Drops 3 plank blocks upon breaking.
And yeah, tundras would need a major size increase. All biomes do, really.
While walking through a tundra biome today and then after a huge frozen ocean, I realized how useful a dog sled would be.
First things first, this is a dog sled:
This picture shows a sled in which the "driver" has to remain standing up, but there is another one where you can sit in it. I am not sure which one would be the best for MC, but I believe the crafting pattern could be the same for both of them.
As Notch recently implemented wolves, I believe this is an extremely fun/practical way to move around on snow terrains.
This is how you would craft it:
The sled:
[] []
The rope: [] []
[] []
[] []
(Where = string)
The sled would be placed anywhere like a minecart or a boat, then you would attach it to your wolves using the rope. How would you do this? Not sure, but I am pretty sure someone can give a good idea. There more wolves you got attached to it, the faster it will go.
Before haters start hating, yes, there are some things which must be taken in consideration first:
-Can it go uphill/downhill?
-Should it only be used over snow/ice?
-Should it's condition degrade over time?
Not sure if I am the only one who noticed that, but currently all planes can land on water and take off with no problems. Hell, u can even use them as a sub (the Fokker works best)! If this get fixed, add seaplanes or even maybe amphibious planes.
I got this working with Bukkit build #670. Anyone know if I am legally allowed to redistribute the workaround? (It's the CraftBukkit.jar file) Might post a video on youtube showing how to do it, stay tuned.
Do you know if there are plans to make it compatible? I know it is both a client and server side mod, so it's a little different than most Bukkit mods.
Great mod, I love it, but I'd like to know whether or not it will ever be released for bukkit. (I mean, is it even possible? I have no idea. Explanations appreciated :D)
As some people seem to feel uncomfortable with the word "weapon" when talking about Minecraft, I have developed this "mining tool": the Block launcher it's just a bazooka
This is how you would craft it:
Basically, you would get a metal tube with an ignition system (the flint and steel + gunpowder). I haven't thought out all the details, though I could use most blocks (then again, not sure how you could switch the ammo).
How is this useful? Well, it could be used to place blocks on a wall, for example, but as this thread is about weapons, I see 2 possibilities: TNT ammo and arrow ammo (the latter would fire a barrage of arrows)
No idea about reload time or durability, but this would be sweet.
Well, that might be true, but for fun's sake, they should be kept out. Deal?
As I have seen here, many people have asked for helicopters. However, they don't really fit the WW2 theme, right? Well...
There actually were some helicopters during WW2, and both sides had them.
From the allies, I present you the Sikorsky R-4:
Here is the Wikipedia article about it
And from the Axis (actually, Nazi only), here is the Focke-Achgelis Fa 223:
Here is the Wikipedia article about it
Now, I don't know how hard would these be to program, but it would be really kickass if you could add those. Also, I have read that you plan on adding the tow function to the vehicles. If you manage/want to add helicopters, imagine how awesome would it be to carry a jeep :biggrin.gif:
One last note: for a full list of helicopters and autogyros used during WW2, //" target="" data-ensure-absolute>check this page out
I hope you see this
For those who don't know it, it was the most numerous mass-produced amphibious car in history. It was used during WW2, produced by the (derp) Germans. It had a small propeller to move through water and used the front wheels as rudders.
It'd be awesome if you could add it. Also, I love the mods you have done so far. Keep it coming, please!
I like it
I am not sure. Maybe it could go up one block at a time, like if it were a ramp or something.
First things first, this is a dog sled:
This picture shows a sled in which the "driver" has to remain standing up, but there is another one where you can sit in it. I am not sure which one would be the best for MC, but I believe the crafting pattern could be the same for both of them.
As Notch recently implemented wolves, I believe this is an extremely fun/practical way to move around on snow terrains.
This is how you would craft it:
The sled:
[] []
The rope:
[] []
The sled would be placed anywhere like a minecart or a boat, then you would attach it to your wolves using the rope. How would you do this? Not sure, but I am pretty sure someone can give a good idea. There more wolves you got attached to it, the faster it will go.
Before haters start hating, yes, there are some things which must be taken in consideration first:
-Can it go uphill/downhill?
-Should it only be used over snow/ice?
-Should it's condition degrade over time?
That's up to you. Discuss.
I hope you like this idea.
Not sure if I am the only one who noticed that, but currently all planes can land on water and take off with no problems. Hell, u can even use them as a sub (the Fokker works best)! If this get fixed, add seaplanes or even maybe amphibious planes.
it's just a bazooka
This is how you would craft it:
Basically, you would get a metal tube with an ignition system (the flint and steel + gunpowder). I haven't thought out all the details, though I could use most blocks (then again, not sure how you could switch the ammo).
How is this useful? Well, it could be used to place blocks on a wall, for example, but as this thread is about weapons, I see 2 possibilities: TNT ammo and arrow ammo (the latter would fire a barrage of arrows)
No idea about reload time or durability, but this would be sweet.