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    posted a message on TheInstitution's Modding Tutorials + FORGE TUTS
    Quote from Hiphopopotamus17

    what are the potion IDs i cant find them

    If you can't find the IDs of the potions then you haven't progressed far enough in your education to need to know how to apply them to Entities.
    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Problems Adding Custom Armor to Minecraft using ModLoader
    Honestly, without Forge API I don't think you can add fully-functional armor without modifying at least one base class. Your extension of ItemArmor shows you exactly why. If you extend ItemArmor you need an EnumToolMaterial, and if you make a copy of ItemArmor instead, then enchantments won't work.

    I've yet to hear of someone who's done this.
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on [Solved]How to use dyes in mod
    Quote from Metriximor

    Thanks!But I am a bit confused.
    First, to make the recipe I used this code I am using modloader,let me show you:

    ModLoader.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Farrapobr, 4), new Object[]
      { "L ", "  ", Character.valueOf('L'), Block.cloth});

    This is for the no colour, it works, but now lets try with red a piece of wool(variable:Farrapovr)

    how do i use your code?
    should i do??:
    ModLoader.addRecipe(new ItemStack(Farrapovr, 4), new Object[]
    { "L ", " D", Character.valueOf('L'), Block.cloth, new ItemStack(RedDyeFarrapovr, 1, 0) });

    And thanks for reply!

    The number I specified to be changed is the metadata value of the dye item. Metadata allows there to be one single item ID used by the game that has multiple sub-items. If you want to use the red wool block in the crafting recipe you'll use something like this:

    ModLoader.addRecipe(new ItemStack(itemBeingCrafted, 4), new Object[] {"#", '#', new ItemStack(Block.cloth, 1, 5)});

    Rather than using "Character.valueOf('L'), Block.cloth" you use "'#', new ItemStack(Block.cloth, 1, 5)" in its place, where that last number corresponds to a certain wool color. You'll need to experiment some to find that right colors, since I don't understand enough about bitwise calculations to give you a direct 1:1 map of color to metadata values. Also, a bit of info -- "Character.valueOf('X'), Block.dirt" and "'X', Block.dirt" should act the same in the recipes, just so you know that and don't get confused between what you use and what I use.
    Posted in: Modification Development
  • 2

    posted a message on Modding Test Client Hogs CPU
    Quote from EB547

    All i have for code right now is some basic ore gen code and one block. Its small, and shouldn't consume much. I use eclipse to start my modded minecraft, and it still hogs CPU.

    1. Show me the ore generation code
    2. Tell me your operating system
    3. Tell me what your CPU is and at what clockspeed
    4. Tell me what your graphics card is
    5. How much RAM (memory) the computer has
    6. How old the computer is
    7. If you have any backround programs open besides something like a file browser
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Custom Skeletons
    Quote from mastermine123

    You need to get a little more experience before creating something like that try creating a block first.

    They already said they've modified other Mobs.
    Simple blocks are trivial if you've already done Entities.
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Custom Skeletons
    Quote from Grim_Remilia

    Hello there.
    I am new in modding (just half a day coding). I'm trying to make some new mobs to my Hardcore server.
    I have been already added modified Zombies (poisonous, setting player on fire and immuned themselves to fire, ets), Creepers with some new explosion effects. But I can do nothing with skeletons. I've trying to make them shooting fire, poisonous, slowing arrows - but can't. And I have no idea how to do that. If you know how to solve this problem or/and urls/manuals where I can get explanation of how to do this, please help.

    You'll need to create a new arrow for them to fire, and a new EntityAI file that clones the one they use to fire arrows, but allows them to use your special one. You can modify the new arrow to have the properties you want the skeleton's arrows to have.

    A new arrow involves:
    1. A new EntityArrow file
    2. A new RenderArrow file

    If you got far enough to add potion effects to new Zombies in half a day you can probably figure out how to make new EntityArrowNameHere and RenderArrowNameHere files based from the original ones.

    The EntityAIArrowAttack clone will only need to be altered to create a new instance of your newly-made EntityArrowNameHere file, rather than the old arrow.

    That should cover the general idea of what needs to be done so you can at least get on track in the right direction.
    Posted in: Modification Development
  • 2

    posted a message on way to detect specific item Entity?
    Quote from 22lost

    the setblock
    public void onEntityCollidedWithBlock(World world, int i, int j, int k, Entity entity)
    		EntityItem collidedItem = null;
    		if(entity instanceof EntityItem)
    		   collidedItem = (EntityItem)entity;
    		   if(collidedItem.item.itemID == Item.bone.shiftedIndex && world.getBlockId(j, k, i) == mod_CreepInfection.Ooze.blockID)
                World.setBlockWithNotify(i, j, k, mod_CreepInfection.Spore.blockID);

    still getting "Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method setBlockWithNotify(int, int, int, int) from the type World"

    this code here will be related to spores creation, but the for loop is what im looking into for the haze block. to clarify its function i want it where haze checks to see if theres a spore within range, annd itll check to make sure its not within range of the ooze block.

    The problem is you're using "World."
    This is trying to use the actual World class, and not a variable with the "type" of World

    Use "world" instead, which is the actual parameter (which happens to be the instance of the World object the game is using) anything executing this method has to pass to it.
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Having Issues with Fireball on Right Click
    Quote from CynicBound

    I'm having trouble, I'm trying to convert my entity into SMP but when I take out ModLoader.getUniqueEntityID()) I get an error that's underlining ID.

    public void load()
    	 ModLoader.RegisterEntityID(EntityTNTPrimedDispenser.class, "TNT Dispenser", ID);
    [color=#000000][font=monospace, monospace][size=x-small][font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=medium]	public void addRenderer(Map map)
    	 map.put(EntityTNTPrimedDispenser.class, new RenderTNTPrimedDispenser());

    This is what I have.

    In multiplayer you have to assign an actual number ID to entities (go look in EntityList to see what IDs are already used), and don't make spam posts in the wrong thread.
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Using player isSprinting() with a ridable entity
    Quote from xTwilight3

    Porting your mod to MinecraftForge, MinecraftForge runs on ModLoader, porting it to Bukkit, same thing, it runs on ModLoaderMp.
    You don't need to write tons of "ModLoader junk" either. It just makes it simpler for you.

    Ninja'd on the fact that ModLoader and ModLoaderMP are requirements to use Forge.
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Newbie Question - Biome with ModLoader
    public class BiomeGenWaffles extends BiomeGenBase
    	public static final BiomeGenBase waffles = new BiomeGenWaffles(24).setColor(0xffffff).setBiomeName("Waffles");
    	public BiomeGenWaffles(int i)
    		this.temperature = 0.0F;
    		this.rainfall = 0.5F;
    		this.minHeight = 0.0F;
    		this.maxHeight = 0.0F;

    Oh I forgot this bit:
    	public void load()
    Posted in: Modification Development
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