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    posted a message on I'm Depressed
    Quote from PillowTalk

    I stopped reading at "my dad."

    Get a job and stop being emo, kid.

    I hope you become afflicted with depression. Then you'll regret being such a **** to people that suffer from it when you find yourself uncontrollably crying for no apparent reason and then spending days with not a lick of happiness to be seen.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Why mac's can't run minecraft (PC too)
    Sadly for Mac users there are only two free solutions

    1. Convince Apple to update their drivers
    2. Know how to dual boot with a Linux installation

    I sympathize with you guys.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on The REAL Reason 1.8 was a disappointment
    Quote from wintermuet

    Even more accurately: You were promised a cupcake. You expected a cupcake. The cupcake was more complicated to build than previously expected. You got a muffin while they finished making your cupcake. Still good, but disappointing. But when you get your cupcake, now its also going to have sprinkles.

    They do actually, people just ignore it.
    Also, this person clearly knows nothing about debugging if he thinks it takes 1-2 hours to find and fix bugs :tongue.gif:

    I'm not saying that.
    I'm saying it takes that long to test the absolute most basic things to make sure they at least work.
    For ****s sake they could have tested furnaces in under 5 minutes and found the crash bug, especially since the furnace and chest bugs have both happened before. It doesn't take that long to say "Okay I made a new block, lets go hit it with a few different things and see what happens!" either.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Mac OS X 10.5 Crash
    Quote from EHS_Shaman

    No, that was me.

    Fail on my part.

    I feel sorry for Mac users <_<
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Mac OS X 10.5 Crash
    Quote from omega1337

    Well, for now I'm going to go look for some decently priced pcs so I can avoid all of this crap.

    You said you only really play MC though right?
    (Also can you burn CD/DVDs?)
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Mac OS X 10.5 Crash
    -insert comment about how Microsoft and Apple like to force users to do things they don't want to just to get basic support-
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on The Hall of Mirror's
    This is definitely one of the more well-presented threads I've seen in a while lol

    Good use of GIFs
    Posted in: Resource Pack Discussion
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    posted a message on Mac OS X 10.5 Crash
    Prime example of the dreaded Mac inability to upgrade lol :l

    If that card can't run it there's no real way to get around that since Mac generally doesn't let you upgrade hardware as far as I'm aware... :mellow:
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Mac OS X 10.5 Crash
    Honestly guys, I'll throw this out there as a solution to bypass the whole Apple won't take care of older Mac program versions thing.
    If you have 2-3GB of RAM or more get VirtualBox and install a Linux distribution inside a virtual machine.

    Note: For those of you that try this if any, you WILL need to install Sun Java with most distributions as a lot of them supply the open source version of java by default. You also need to give the VM 300-500MB of RAM + the RAM you intend to allocate to java.

    Basically I propose this workaround because it's both free, plausible, and doesn't require you risking destroying Mac OS to dual boot or being left behind due to Apple's laziness.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Mac OS X 10.5 Crash
    Quote from omega1337

    Here's what console says without the new lwjgl:

    9/14/11 7:12:35 PM [0x0-0x1128127].com.Mojang Specifications.Minecraft.Minecraft[51851] Initializing LWJGL OpenAL
    9/14/11 7:12:35 PM [0x0-0x1128127].com.Mojang Specifications.Minecraft.Minecraft[51851] (The LWJGL binding of OpenAL. For more information, see http://www.lwjgl.org)
    9/14/11 7:12:35 PM [0x0-0x1128127].com.Mojang Specifications.Minecraft.Minecraft[51851] OpenAL initialized.
    9/14/11 7:12:42 PM [0x0-0x1128127].com.Mojang Specifications.Minecraft.Minecraft[51851] New max size: 400
    9/14/11 7:12:42 PM [0x0-0x1128127].com.Mojang Specifications.Minecraft.Minecraft[51851] New max size: 784
    9/14/11 7:12:42 PM [0x0-0x1128127].com.Mojang Specifications.Minecraft.Minecraft[51851] New max size: 1764
    9/14/11 7:12:42 PM [0x0-0x1128127].com.Mojang Specifications.Minecraft.Minecraft[51851] New max size: 5476
    9/14/11 7:12:42 PM [0x0-0x1128127].com.Mojang Specifications.Minecraft.Minecraft[51851] New max size: 18496
    9/14/11 7:12:42 PM [0x0-0x1128127].com.Mojang Specifications.Minecraft.Minecraft[51851] New max size: 19044
    9/14/11 7:12:42 PM [0x0-0x1128127].com.Mojang Specifications.Minecraft.Minecraft[51851] Placed stronghold in INVALID biome at (-67, -15)
    9/14/11 7:12:42 PM [0x0-0x1128127].com.Mojang Specifications.Minecraft.Minecraft[51851] Placed stronghold in INVALID biome at (19, 61)
    9/14/11 7:12:51 PM [0x0-0x1128127].com.Mojang Specifications.Minecraft.Minecraft[51851] java.lang.IllegalStateException: Function is not supported
    9/14/11 7:12:51 PM [0x0-0x1128127].com.Mojang Specifications.Minecraft.Minecraft[51851] at org.lwjgl.BufferChecks.checkFunctionAddress(BufferChecks.java:64)
    9/14/11 7:12:51 PM [0x0-0x1128127].com.Mojang Specifications.Minecraft.Minecraft[51851] at org.lwjgl.opengl.GL13.glClientActiveTexture(GL13.java:129)
    9/14/11 7:12:51 PM [0x0-0x1128127].com.Mojang Specifications.Minecraft.Minecraft[51851] at iw.b(SourceFile:583)
    9/14/11 7:12:51 PM [0x0-0x1128127].com.Mojang Specifications.Minecraft.Minecraft[51851] at i.a(SourceFile:665)
    9/14/11 7:12:51 PM [0x0-0x1128127].com.Mojang Specifications.Minecraft.Minecraft[51851] at i.a(SourceFile:655)
    9/14/11 7:12:51 PM [0x0-0x1128127].com.Mojang Specifications.Minecraft.Minecraft[51851] at i.a(SourceFile:655)
    9/14/11 7:12:51 PM [0x0-0x1128127].com.Mojang Specifications.Minecraft.Minecraft[51851] at i.a(SourceFile:579)
    9/14/11 7:12:51 PM [0x0-0x1128127].com.Mojang Specifications.Minecraft.Minecraft[51851] at iw.a(SourceFile:880)
    9/14/11 7:12:51 PM [0x0-0x1128127].com.Mojang Specifications.Minecraft.Minecraft[51851] at iw.b(SourceFile:756)
    9/14/11 7:12:51 PM [0x0-0x1128127].com.Mojang Specifications.Minecraft.Minecraft[51851] at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:689)
    9/14/11 7:12:51 PM [0x0-0x1128127].com.Mojang Specifications.Minecraft.Minecraft[51851] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:680)
    9/14/11 7:13:01 PM [0x0-0x1128127].com.Mojang Specifications.Minecraft.Minecraft[51851] Stopping!

    It appears that I crashed when it placed a stronghold at an INVALID biome. I'm going to try a seed that works.

    Honestly I'm surprised changing the LWJGL actually produced any useful info lol
    I just knew from experience that a bug with the X window system vs. the version in MC by default caused an incredibly annoying bug.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Mac OS X 10.5 Crash
    Quote from Nueheart

    All i know is that if this doesnt get fixed i WILL get refunded..Not trying to complain but this..this is stupid!

    Be reasonable. Honestly, a lot of the problems Mac users have with Minecraft as due to the way the Apple company operates.
    I know someone that can't use mods because Apple hasn't released a current version of Java for his version of Mac OS X even though it's only a few versions behind.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Mac OS X 10.5 Crash
    One of you launch minecraft from a terminal (java -jar [path to minecraft.jar]) and copy the crash errors that appear when it dies (they look similar to the listing in the screenshot). Sometimes people can infer things from those errors and find a solution.

    Also one of you try updating LWJGL (There's a guide in the MineWiki on how to do this), it's a random thought but it might change something, who knows.

    Note: I use Linux, not Mac, and have no personal experience using a Mac, but they're both UNIX operating systems so they can at least be treated similarly.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on The REAL Reason 1.8 was a disappointment
    Quote from zoomac92

    Reminder: The anger expressed in this thread is supposed to be directed at the community for demanding the 1.8 update before it was finished, not at Mojang for releasing a buggy and unfinished update. I hold the community responsible for excessive pressure placed on the developers, and while I may express some frustration with the release of the update, the majority of the blame belongs on the shoulders of the community. Games take time to develop, and we weren't willing to wait.

    Edit: Person above me, the OP is not directed at you. Read the entire OP, carefully, and you'll realize this. The OP is addressed at the entire community because while we may not have complained, we still have some responsibility to rein in our more extreme members. We are a community, and we are all responsible.

    I contest that we cannot hold ourselves responsible for idiots. There will always be idiots and we cannot stop them from being idiots no matter how hard we try.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on The REAL Reason 1.8 was a disappointment
    Quote from Drauss

    Yes true but the fact remains that WE are the testers and while dumping the code to the beta testing community perhaps was perhaps a little premature it was done to appease a childish, vocal and demanding minority. Regardless of this it still says "Beta" and we all purchased the game in an unfinished buggy state in exchange to be beta testers fully knowing that there would be bugs and as indev, alpha or beta testers we should report them.

    I also work for a software developer and time pressures mean that there is not always time to fully check everything prior to release to testing. It is often easier to nail down an offending piece of code when it can be tested under multiple environments. What works in one doesn't in another its simply often faster and leaves the dev team to make fixes much more rapidly if they can get all instances of code failure rather than maybe part fix it on 1 configuration. It boils down to more efficient time management and I would rather notch and jeb spend their adding content rather than spend hours tracking down every instance that the code fails. That is our job as the beta testers.

    While I respect your viewpoint as being on Mojang's end of this yourself, I do contend that if there isn't enough time for 1-2 hours of general-purpose testing before a release to ensure that basic features function at the very least, it only makes sense to me to delay updates long enough to resolve said general-purpose testing and squashing of any critical bugs that lie therein.

    I honestly don't think I'm the only one who would be pissed off if the game I paid for released and then crashed on me within the first 5-15 minutes of game play.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on The REAL Reason 1.8 was a disappointment
    Quote from zoomac92

    Reminder: The anger expressed in this thread is supposed to be directed at the community for demanding the 1.8 update before it was finished, not at Mojang for releasing a buggy and unfinished update. I hold the community responsible for excessive pressure placed on the developers, and while I may express some frustration with the release of the update, the majority of the blame belongs on the shoulders of the community. Games take time to develop, and we weren't willing to wait.

    So I'm not allowed to defend the selfish community that I'm being lumped in with according to the thread?
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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