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Quote from Ghastkin a.k.a meth
Quote from ownage07 You mean the loud as heavy metal music with some guy screaming into your ear?
Quote from ownage07 It never does for me.
Quote from Ghastkin Try methamphetamine. It doesn't let you keep your teeth though.
Quote from EpicEnderMiner Coffee works, but it won't be good in the long run. Try filling a sink with ice-cold water and dousing your head in it whenever you get sleepy. >8D
Quote from ownage07 Well coffee does work better than a dumb sword...
Quote from ownage07 You cant kill sleep... it is too powerful
Quote from ownage07 I think the holiday here ended a while ago.
Quote from KateTheAwesome Sucks that the holiday is over now :[
Quote from Nerfd Not at all. Women in porn is as close to reality you'll come behind the screen.
Quote from Ghastkin Meh, I'm not that sure. Also, going to participate as much as I can (in this case by turning off all the lights) in a protest that's going on. 3 minutes left.
Quote from Ghastkin this place has recently become boring
Quote from RunesGuy Hehe, I know. But you wanted something fast-ish.
Quote from RunesGuy As you wish. [media]
Quote from Raynbow Oh and I'm going to bed now laters
Quote from Ghastkin jeez corvo you're such a narcissist
Quote from Raynbow godsakecorvo That video was pretty sweet
Quote from RunesGuy [media]
Quote from Raynbow Anyway new subjecto my friendo
I can go a few houses down the street to get that. brb.
You just aren't listening to the right kinds.
No comprehendo.
At least it tastes good.
My holiday hasn't even started yet.
Unless it's a really good friend normally I'll always say choose the girl. Not really. Porn is a show and not a good indication of how women can really be.
For me, it's really only a place to chat to a few select people now and pretty much only that.
Fast as in it get's you pumped if that makes it more clear. Like, battle music.
Night Rayn.
It is deserved.
My tastes, they are so wide and varried. And amazing.
I <3 me.
Needs moar fast.
Oki sure.
^video is new subject.