Muh Witchery indeed. Just a couple of days ago I expressed my worries for that mod since it's tied with TC as #1 for me.
I am hopeful that it will get there, one way or another haha. I have seen unofficial ports of mods before (If I'm not mistaken, Ars Magica 2 1.10 is unofficial). It's questionable but fills the gap while the author makes a call on how to proceed.
I also stopped everything due to the chaotic 1.7.10 / 1.8 situation, but it seems that recently a lot of mods got a second wind and are going straight to 1.10 (Even the unlikely like Better Archery, Traincraft and Improved First Person).
I think 1.10 can be a great Minecraft version to play.
This means that I completely skipped TC 5. Now I hear about Thaumcraft 6 and I really don't like some things I hear. But I remember that I didn't like how TC 4 sounded in comparison to TC3 and ended up being blown away by it, so I remain hopeful.
This is such a tragedy for me. This is tied for #1 place with Thaumcraft in my mod list. There is a lot of very interesting stuff being made for 1.10 that I am eager to try, but I am unwilling to leave this behind. Damn.
I hope Emoniph appears eventually, at least to pass the torch. I understand when someone is tired (He seemed to be bored with Witchery, switching his focus to Intangible), but this is like going out leaving your pet locked in the broom closet and never coming back. haha.
You must force him into submission by weakening him. Then you must administer him the most mythical fruit of the earth, imbued with the purest substance in the world. Only then can his body mend and the holyness of his soul be restored.
A "Life is Strange" variant would be interesting. One that only works for going to the past, only a short time, without affecting yourself (you don't see yourself doing stuff), and being used on demand (right click with item in hand or hotkey) instead of using the time machine.
TC5 is only for 1.8.x, and almost ALL modpacks and partner mods are still 1.7. Not because they didn't want to, but because 1.8 is very unfriendly for the modding community as they changed the API for modders, including modpacks and modloaders.
TiC is stil 1.7, including Thaumic Tinkerer
AE2 is still 1.7.10, including Thaumic Energetics
Blood Magic is still 1.7, including Forbidden Magic.
Magic Bees and Botania are both still 1.7, including their thaum-craft exclusive items.
TiC and Bood Magic are close to releasing a big update (Blood Magic with the Tier 7 altar, and TiC with the armours, weapon overhaul and some material balances), and those are going to be 1.7 as well. So why has Thaumcraft to be the exeption?
I will come in just to say I agree on the 1.8 update nonsense. And I said it before just as Azanor made his plans for the jump public.
I really don't get why this had to be this way. I never understood why Azanor while looking at all the troubles and "animations and visuals that had to go" still thought it was a good idea.
I also don't understand people's obsession with playing the latest version always, regardless of the issues.
1.7.10 is the golden age of modding. It won't get better than that. I finally reached the perfect bunch of 110 mods working together and 1.8 is definetely not worth throwing that away.
EDIT: Golden age of Minecraft Modding. Let's not get witty, ok?
What's so important about version 1.8 or 1.9 anyways?
Has Mojang added stuff that makes really worth it to cut content from the mods?
Every modder that has gone 1.8 (or is on the way) talks about the sacrifices that must be made.
I don't know you but I prefer the content in the mods than the Mojang updates. I would like to know what's so great about the new versions that's worth disturbing the 96 mods I have working perfectly right now.
I'm sorry a was away from my home in the last few days. Now i'm back.
First of all, i can't multiquote, f*ck forum editor. So i answer a bit differently.
Q:When 1.1.1 will be back?
Q:News about 1.8 update?
A:I said, its not depending on me now. I have to wait for Forge to catch up.
Q:Amnesia childmod, ONLY BLOCKS?
A:If you make a new mod that only adds new blocks, thats not a child mod, thats your mod. Exept if your mod only work if my mod is installed. Thats different, but i don't mind it. Sure do it, i allow you guys to create addons.
Q:Incompatibility, with Little Maids?
A:I used a normal Forge hook without changing any base files. Little Maids, does changed base files and thats bad. It causes a lot of crash for other mods. I see where the error comes from, but i not gonna release a 1.1.2 just for that, simply because i deleted my 1.7.10 workspace. I try to fix it for the 1.8 version!
Ugh. My entrails are twisted everytime I'm told a mod is going 1.8.
I finally reached Nirvana in 1.7.10. It will take about a 100 mod updates to get me to 1.8. Even Azanor creator of Thaumcraft has talked about him needing to sacrifice animations and visuals in order to push a 1.8 update. In my opinion whatever 1.8 brought can't be worth that kind of sacrifices. It might get fixed eventually I suppose, but the huge time it has taken to barely get 1.8 support speaks for itself.
It was worth a shot though. Thanks for the attention.
Muh Witchery indeed. Just a couple of days ago I expressed my worries for that mod since it's tied with TC as #1 for me.
I am hopeful that it will get there, one way or another haha. I have seen unofficial ports of mods before (If I'm not mistaken, Ars Magica 2 1.10 is unofficial). It's questionable but fills the gap while the author makes a call on how to proceed.
I also stopped everything due to the chaotic 1.7.10 / 1.8 situation, but it seems that recently a lot of mods got a second wind and are going straight to 1.10 (Even the unlikely like Better Archery, Traincraft and Improved First Person).
I think 1.10 can be a great Minecraft version to play.
This means that I completely skipped TC 5. Now I hear about Thaumcraft 6 and I really don't like some things I hear. But I remember that I didn't like how TC 4 sounded in comparison to TC3 and ended up being blown away by it, so I remain hopeful.
So eerily quiet around here.
I would perform a rite of transposition. If only I had Emoniph's taglock.
This is such a tragedy for me. This is tied for #1 place with Thaumcraft in my mod list. There is a lot of very interesting stuff being made for 1.10 that I am eager to try, but I am unwilling to leave this behind. Damn.
I hope Emoniph appears eventually, at least to pass the torch. I understand when someone is tired (He seemed to be bored with Witchery, switching his focus to Intangible), but this is like going out leaving your pet locked in the broom closet and never coming back. haha.
How awkward. I had a different idea of the playsound command. Thanks. It should work just fine.
You must force him into submission by weakening him. Then you must administer him the most mythical fruit of the earth, imbued with the purest substance in the world. Only then can his body mend and the holyness of his soul be restored.
A "Life is Strange" variant would be interesting. One that only works for going to the past, only a short time, without affecting yourself (you don't see yourself doing stuff), and being used on demand (right click with item in hand or hotkey) instead of using the time machine.
I will come in just to say I agree on the 1.8 update nonsense. And I said it before just as Azanor made his plans for the jump public.
I really don't get why this had to be this way. I never understood why Azanor while looking at all the troubles and "animations and visuals that had to go" still thought it was a good idea.
I also don't understand people's obsession with playing the latest version always, regardless of the issues.
1.7.10 is the golden age of modding. It won't get better than that. I finally reached the perfect bunch of 110 mods working together and 1.8 is definetely not worth throwing that away.
EDIT: Golden age of Minecraft Modding. Let's not get witty, ok?
What's so important about version 1.8 or 1.9 anyways?
Has Mojang added stuff that makes really worth it to cut content from the mods?
Every modder that has gone 1.8 (or is on the way) talks about the sacrifices that must be made.
I don't know you but I prefer the content in the mods than the Mojang updates. I would like to know what's so great about the new versions that's worth disturbing the 96 mods I have working perfectly right now.
Ugh. My entrails are twisted everytime I'm told a mod is going 1.8.
I finally reached Nirvana in 1.7.10. It will take about a 100 mod updates to get me to 1.8. Even Azanor creator of Thaumcraft has talked about him needing to sacrifice animations and visuals in order to push a 1.8 update. In my opinion whatever 1.8 brought can't be worth that kind of sacrifices. It might get fixed eventually I suppose, but the huge time it has taken to barely get 1.8 support speaks for itself.
It was worth a shot though. Thanks for the attention.