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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from Thermawrench»

    Muh witchery.

    Muh Witchery indeed. Just a couple of days ago I expressed my worries for that mod since it's tied with TC as #1 for me.

    I am hopeful that it will get there, one way or another haha. I have seen unofficial ports of mods before (If I'm not mistaken, Ars Magica 2 1.10 is unofficial). It's questionable but fills the gap while the author makes a call on how to proceed.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]

    I also stopped everything due to the chaotic 1.7.10 / 1.8 situation, but it seems that recently a lot of mods got a second wind and are going straight to 1.10 (Even the unlikely like Better Archery, Traincraft and Improved First Person).

    I think 1.10 can be a great Minecraft version to play.

    This means that I completely skipped TC 5. Now I hear about Thaumcraft 6 and I really don't like some things I hear. But I remember that I didn't like how TC 4 sounded in comparison to TC3 and ended up being blown away by it, so I remain hopeful.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.6.4] Improved First Person (Zaggy1024 taking over)
    Quote from RKLS_Crash»

    You gonna update this to 1.8 soon? By now nobody cares for 1.7.10 mods.

    1.7.10 is still the best version to have when talking about mods.

    -Some great mods are not on 1.8+ yet.
    -From those that are, quite a few had to make "sacrifices" due to modelling and animation shenanigans.
    -1.8 by itself doesn't add anything particularly good.

    I in fact, feel bad when I see a new mod is moving to 1.8. Even when most important mods catch up, it's simply not going to be the same.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [v1.9.12] SecurityCraft~ Security cameras, Retinal scanners, and more!


    So if I install Looking Glass I can no longer use the camera manually with the redstone, nightvision, etc?

    Also, if not using looking glass... isn't there a way to place the monitor on the wall so that when I right click it I take control of the camera? Does it have to be with the portable thing?

    Honestly I don't like the portable monitor, it's too convenient yes but it's flavorless. I'd like to have a security room in my building, but looking glass doesn't seem to solve the issue, because the monitor is just there to look pretty, at least as far as I have seen, it looses all interactivity.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on MalisisSwitches 1.12.2-5.1.0 / 1.11.2-4.1.0 (01/02/2018)

    Too bad. Incredibly simple solution for so many pains (I'm making a complex WarpDrive ship) but no 1.7.10 version.

    1.7.10 is still the one Minecraft version.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Parzi's Star Wars Mod is now Galaxies: Parzi's Star Wars Mod!

    Greetings. Not really asking for fix or anything, since shaders are just something I pop every once in a looong while to screw around, but just so you know, this mod seems to completely trample the shaders mod.

    Other than that, amazing mod. Mostly the ships, that's all I really care about. And now for an actual suggestion, it would be nice to have the keys increase and decrease acceleration isntead of "moving forward". Because as it is controlling your speed is uncomfortable and makes landing without exploding a pain. haha.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on WarpDrive: custom ships, laser cannons and modular force fields!

    Greetings. This is an incredibly amazing mod. Am I the only one who tried to build a Kestrel? (FTL) hahaha.

    Anyways, my only complaint about the mod is the upkeep cost for radar. It's a monstruous power hog. I'm thinking on editing the scan script to lower the refresh rate but I would also like to lower the cost, which is not included in the config file as some other values like jump and air generation costs.

    If I understand correctly from the "scan" script, the formula is radius * radius, basically 1 energy unit per block. I would add a multiplier value that went into the config to tweak the value. making it "radius * radius * mult" so that if I use the value 0.5 it cuts the radar costs by half.

    I could maybe build those huge reactors on board and push craptons of energy everywhere, but I'm trying to avoid such measures because I have a lot of powered devices on the ship and I would like to keep power consumption on a similar scale. I want to make energy a reliable, stable resource but not overflowing.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Sonic Ether's Unbelievable Shaders [compatible with Minecraft 1.12.2 via OptiFine]


    I'm trying to make caves pitch black. I lowered the "nolight" value to 0.000f but it seems that this isn't the solution I'm looking for. When I go into a cave it has this effect in which the borders are dark but the center is brighter. How can I disable / tweak this effect?


    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Custom NPCs
    Quote from daottoad»

    If you look at playsound it has a target to play at and optional from location
    What else are you using getMCWorld for?

    How awkward. I had a different idea of the playsound command. Thanks. It should work just fine.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Custom NPCs
    Quote from daottoad»

    See where it says "expert use only" next to the MCWorld? Your going to shoot your self in the foot.
    You can pick sounds next to the various lines (interact, kill etc) in the advanced tab to the right of where you enter the basic lines but if you want to script it I just use the MC command playsound in a executeCommand fuction. ie:

    npc.executeCommand("playsound mob.enderdragon.growl @p");

    there are more options for the command as target etc.

    Yes, I know about the "advanced" tab to set sounds. But that is not going to help me for my purpose. And playsound is not positional as far as I know.

    About MCWorld being an expert method, I have had good success using getMCEntity() for some stuff not covered by the 1.7.10 API which is the one I'm using.

    I'm just wondering why if getMCWorld() returns a World type it says that it doesn't have the playSoundAtEntity() method of the World class.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Custom NPCs

    Greetings people! I'm looking for a bit of assistance in the scripting part of the mod. While I have made good progress in my project I now seem to have hit a wall regarding sounds.

    I want to create a voiced NPC. I have made him do all sorts of interesting stuff. Switching attacks. Spit idle comments, multiple attack lines and kills reports (text only) but I haven't been able to make him play sounds along with the text lines.

    My idea was to use playSoundAtEntity from the "World" class. But if I do for example...

    world.getMCWorld().playSoundAtEntity(npc, "arsmagica2:gun.pistol.trigger", 1.0, 1.0);

    it says:
    TypeError: net.minecraft.world.WorldServer@524fb8af has no such function "playSoundAtEntity" in <eval> at line number 1

    So is anyone experienced with sounds to share advice?

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [MC 1.12.x] Minecraft Comes Alive v6.0.0 (MILLIONS OF PLAYERS!)

    What he means is that you need to throw him a splash weakness potion then give him a notch apple a.k.a enchanted golden apple then wait a few minutes and he´ll be back to normal

    Ugh, that's boring. if we are going to be that simple, tell him to smack the abomination a few times with a sword, have a new baby and give him the same name. It's cheaper. If the baby isn't of the desired gender, put him into a furnace with some planks and try again. XD
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from Shirololl»

    So is there anybody here who actually prefers "easy research" over real research?

    Is such a being even imaginable? Or is it a customer of the wuss mode?

    There could be a toggle for purchasing researcg called "Thomas Edison" mode.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [MC 1.12.x] Minecraft Comes Alive v6.0.0 (MILLIONS OF PLAYERS!)
    Quote from medafaka»

    please someone help me my son was infected

    how can a cure

    You must force him into submission by weakening him. Then you must administer him the most mythical fruit of the earth, imbued with the purest substance in the world. Only then can his body mend and the holyness of his soul be restored.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on TimeTraveler: Real Time Travel Inside of Minecraft! Go to Your Past!

    A "Life is Strange" variant would be interesting. One that only works for going to the past, only a short time, without affecting yourself (you don't see yourself doing stuff), and being used on demand (right click with item in hand or hotkey) instead of using the time machine.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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