You MUST read this carefully reading this will NOT take long if not met, you will be automatically denied from the team.
We also expect a clear detailed application.
Hello, This is Rob the Owner of RoboWars. RoboWars is a professional server thats seeking mature staff members. We need, Builders, Helpers, Mods, and ChatMods. If you wish to apply, YOU MUST use the format thats given below. You're application must be in detail and most have good grammar and good spelling. You must atleast be 13+ to apply for staff and MUST have a Microphone. We need staff to help us on various types of work like helping, building, suggesting ideas & report bugs. Over server is offering players suggestions plugins to make this server more fun and unique! Our plans is to start up with a SKYWARS server and then expand to players suggestions on what they are looking for next.
REMINDER: We are planning to expand the server and become a Network once we meet requirements.
Minecraft Name: JustEatIt and btw I'm fine with being Helper!
Age: 16 almost 17!
Skype: mainmasoud
What makes you fit to be a Mod: I personally am a fan of Prison, I really like spending my spare time (If not all my time playing it). I will mainly make sure that it is a controled environment and make sure everyone is being positive in chat and that there is no big arguments or to much swearing. I will also make it my #1 duty to keep all the hackers away from Prison so that everyone can have a fun and enjoyable game. I really enjoy hearing other peoples ideas and I will bring forth any ideas brought by any players, I am a kind and outgoing person and I like to greet all new players to the server and help them out if they do not have a clue what to do. I've spent mainly all my time on Prison Servers so it would be good to have a staff member on Prison who can maintain for a while. I myself will try and figure out ideas to add to Prison so we can bring more players online. To further help the server out, I will try my hardest to make sure Spammers/hackers/Cheaters and caps users will stay out of the Server, then they can come back if they stop spamming or any of the above. Making Prison less buggier will also be one of my priority, such as making sure people do not get kicked for flying when they get stuck from using an enderpearl (if that can be fixed.) I am very mature and like having fun with players. I can handle a lot of stress like people spamming me messages and people spamming me questions.
Do you have knowledge of bukkit: Yes because i've made Prison servers before and helped people out making Prison Servers!
What is your past experience: I have been owner on many servers, I had been Moderator for a server called ImperiumNetwork (My friends server), this server normally had around 15 players on at a time, but due to the owner not having enough funds to keep it open, it sadly closed down. I have a wide memory on commands and how to run a server, I have helped with building, commands, kits and much more for other peoples servers so I can answer almost any question regarding a server. I'm Owner on RoboMC and RoboPrison and really help the community out!
Have you read everything in this post: Yes I have.
What can you contribute to the team: I can contribute new server ideas and new plugins to the server that can make it better and better! This is what staff means to me: Being a staff member isn't all about banning people and kicking them, being a staff member means having a great responsibility. This responsibility means having a great attitude, being there to help out, fix things, test things and making people feel welcome. To be part of this team of people who have a specific set task will mean a lot, and to be recognized for your good actions and how well you have been on the server. Putting other peoples needs in front of your own is the number one priority in my mind. All of the above is what I think being a staff member means.
Can you somewhat build? Yes I can build pretty good.
Anything else? Yes. I can speak multiple languages. I can speak Spanish, French, Arabic, English, and Dutch!! You can also call me Rob!
1. In-game name: Jack4President
2. What are you good at?: Im good with Redstone and good with Building and good with mostly anything that Vanilla Minecraft has!
3. Are you looking at Flamecraft in the long term?: Yes
4. Why do you want to join Flamecraft? (This is just feedback but would be appreciated to be answered) : I wanna join because I love vanilla servers and this server looks like that they have a good mature community and I think that the server will change with me because I can build good and do redstone extremely good!
5. Do you agree to abide by the rules shown above and acknowledge that they are subject to change?: Yes I agree
6. Give me a little about yourself to help me get to know you :).: My name is rob and I live in the Netherlands and I am very mature and like helping people out 24/7. Im always on Minecraft and play it!
7. How often are you willing to play? Activity is a key feature in Flamecraft: About 5 hours a day.
8. Provide pictures/videos of builds here (optional, but exponentially increases your chances).: I don't have any available at this time because I'm currently selling this pc and gonna get a better PC.
9. Skype name: JustEatIt123
2. What are you good at?: Redstone And Building And Minecraft Mechanics And Mining!
3. Are you looking at Flamecraft in the long term?: Yes I Am
4. Why do you want to join Flamecraft? (This is just feedback but would be appreciated to be answered) : I Would Like To Join It Beacause, I Like Building And Like To Help People And Like to Help People With Redstone And Make Fun Minigames And Activities That Everyone On The Server Can Play On!
5. Do you agree to abide by the rules shown above and acknowledge that they are subject to change?: Yes I Agree With The Rules And Will Never Disagree With Them
6. Give me a little about yourself to help me get to know you :).: Im 16 And Live In The Usa And Like To Go Outside And Kill Birds And Animals And Like To Go To Yosimite National Park In California. I Like To Play Games With My Baby Brother And Respect People And Do What My Parents Tell Me What To Do!
7. How often are you willing to play? Activity is a key feature in Flamecraft: Im Willing TO Play About 40 Hours A Week!
8. Provide pictures/videos of builds here (optional, but exponentially increases your chances).:
2. Skype Username: YouDoDis
3. Will you be recording? If so please link your YouTube. Nope i cant record sorry about this
4. How long have you been playing minecraft? Since alpha which was a long time ago
5.What will you bring to the server? I will bring my redstone skills and my building skills and I can help with really big projects such as, IronGolem Farm, Gold Farm, Witch Farm and ect. I can also help with the making of spawn and get supplies and help people that need supplied like wood and iron and gold and maybe diamonds. I can also make shops that are affordable.
6. What do you like to do in minecraft? I like about minecraft is the graphics and the Redstone and the diffrent type of blocks and mostly everything. I like that you can make XP farms and grinders
7. Whats your favorite animal/mob in minecraft? Villagers and IronGolems. I like villagers beacuse you can trade with them like enchanted books and you can give them rottenflesh for emeralds.
8. Have you been banned before, and if so, why? I havent been banned and hopefully will never.
9. Why should we whitelist you? You should whitelist me beacuse i am very mature and dont wine like other kids and I follow rules and dont hack like other people and I can make good projects on the server and I can make farms and ect that people can use for free. I can also help with mostly anything.
10. Will you participate in teamspeak chats? Of course I will and I Will try my best to get on TeamSpeak everyday.
11. Tell us a little bit about yourself in a couple of sentences: I live in Minnesota which is a State in the USA. I like to be around with my family and my siblings. I dont lie and will never. I dont wine or cry or beg for something. I LOVE Redstone and love building with other people. Im mature and follow orders from Owners or higher Ranks then me. I like IronGolems and Villagers and love my pet cat and care for it. I collect Pokemon cards and have over 800 of them. I like to play diffrent games on steam like GTA 5 and COD.
COD: Call Of Duty
Sheep: Sheep are cool and are hot. They have diffrent color wool which you can shear from them. You can rename them and breed them to make babies
In Game Name: YouDoDis
Age: 16
Country of Origin: USA
What you like to do in Minecraft: I like redstone and building and the physics and like the interacted and the different types of blocks.
A few sentences about why we should allow you on the server: I love building and i am EXTREMELY good with redstone!
- Why do you want to join this server? I Like Redstone And Like To Build And Like To Help The Community And Like To Make Shops And Fun Minigames. I Like To Help People Out And Make Shops That Are Affordable.[/b]
- What kind of server do you play on? I Play On Public Survival And Mineplex And TheArchon.[/b]
- Enjin account? [/b](not required) Sorry Got None
- Do you have a Skype? [/b](not required) Ill Tell If I Get Accepted
Looking for dedicated Staff Members!
- Rob (ZentoPVP CEO)
Still looking for staff!
I will private message you my Skype
Minecraft Name:
What makes you fit to be a helper:
What is your past experience:
Have you read everything in this post:
What can you contribute to the team:
Can you somewhat build?
Anything else?
Minecraft Name:
What makes you fit to be a Mod:
Do you have knowledge of bukkit:
What is your past experience:
Have you read everything in this post:
What can you contribute to the team:
Can you somewhat build?
Anything else?
Minecraft name:
How do you rate yourself as builder (out of 10):
What is your past experience:
What can you contribute to the team:
Have you read everything in this post:
Proof of work:
Anything else?
No point in applying, its just a waste of time. He will never accept any.
Minecraft Name: JustEatIt and btw I'm fine with being Helper!
Age: 16 almost 17!
Skype: mainmasoud
What makes you fit to be a Mod: I personally am a fan of Prison, I really like spending my spare time (If not all my time playing it). I will mainly make sure that it is a controled environment and make sure everyone is being positive in chat and that there is no big arguments or to much swearing. I will also make it my #1 duty to keep all the hackers away from Prison so that everyone can have a fun and enjoyable game. I really enjoy hearing other peoples ideas and I will bring forth any ideas brought by any players, I am a kind and outgoing person and I like to greet all new players to the server and help them out if they do not have a clue what to do. I've spent mainly all my time on Prison Servers so it would be good to have a staff member on Prison who can maintain for a while. I myself will try and figure out ideas to add to Prison so we can bring more players online. To further help the server out, I will try my hardest to make sure Spammers/hackers/Cheaters and caps users will stay out of the Server, then they can come back if they stop spamming or any of the above. Making Prison less buggier will also be one of my priority, such as making sure people do not get kicked for flying when they get stuck from using an enderpearl (if that can be fixed.) I am very mature and like having fun with players. I can handle a lot of stress like people spamming me messages and people spamming me questions.
Do you have knowledge of bukkit: Yes because i've made Prison servers before and helped people out making Prison Servers!
What is your past experience: I have been owner on many servers, I had been Moderator for a server called ImperiumNetwork (My friends server), this server normally had around 15 players on at a time, but due to the owner not having enough funds to keep it open, it sadly closed down. I have a wide memory on commands and how to run a server, I have helped with building, commands, kits and much more for other peoples servers so I can answer almost any question regarding a server. I'm Owner on RoboMC and RoboPrison and really help the community out!
Have you read everything in this post: Yes I have.
What can you contribute to the team: I can contribute new server ideas and new plugins to the server that can make it better and better! This is what staff means to me: Being a staff member isn't all about banning people and kicking them, being a staff member means having a great responsibility. This responsibility means having a great attitude, being there to help out, fix things, test things and making people feel welcome. To be part of this team of people who have a specific set task will mean a lot, and to be recognized for your good actions and how well you have been on the server. Putting other peoples needs in front of your own is the number one priority in my mind. All of the above is what I think being a staff member means.
Can you somewhat build? Yes I can build pretty good.
Anything else? Yes. I can speak multiple languages. I can speak Spanish, French, Arabic, English, and Dutch!! You can also call me Rob!
- Rob
1. In-game name: Jack4President
2. What are you good at?: Im good with Redstone and good with Building and good with mostly anything that Vanilla Minecraft has!
3. Are you looking at Flamecraft in the long term?: Yes
4. Why do you want to join Flamecraft? (This is just feedback but would be appreciated to be answered) : I wanna join because I love vanilla servers and this server looks like that they have a good mature community and I think that the server will change with me because I can build good and do redstone extremely good!
5. Do you agree to abide by the rules shown above and acknowledge that they are subject to change?: Yes I agree
6. Give me a little about yourself to help me get to know you :).: My name is rob and I live in the Netherlands and I am very mature and like helping people out 24/7. Im always on Minecraft and play it!
7. How often are you willing to play? Activity is a key feature in Flamecraft: About 5 hours a day.
8. Provide pictures/videos of builds here (optional, but exponentially increases your chances).: I don't have any available at this time because I'm currently selling this pc and gonna get a better PC.
9. Skype name: JustEatIt123
what about me?
1. In-game name: SpicyDawgz
2. What are you good at?: Redstone And Building And Minecraft Mechanics And Mining!
3. Are you looking at Flamecraft in the long term?: Yes I Am
4. Why do you want to join Flamecraft? (This is just feedback but would be appreciated to be answered) : I Would Like To Join It Beacause, I Like Building And Like To Help People And Like to Help People With Redstone And Make Fun Minigames And Activities That Everyone On The Server Can Play On!
5. Do you agree to abide by the rules shown above and acknowledge that they are subject to change?: Yes I Agree With The Rules And Will Never Disagree With Them
6. Give me a little about yourself to help me get to know you :).: Im 16 And Live In The Usa And Like To Go Outside And Kill Birds And Animals And Like To Go To Yosimite National Park In California. I Like To Play Games With My Baby Brother And Respect People And Do What My Parents Tell Me What To Do!
7. How often are you willing to play? Activity is a key feature in Flamecraft: Im Willing TO Play About 40 Hours A Week!
8. Provide pictures/videos of builds here (optional, but exponentially increases your chances).:
9. Skype name: Hussam Masoud <----- ADD A SPACE
IGN: YouDoDis
2. Skype Username: YouDoDis
3. Will you be recording? If so please link your YouTube. Nope i cant record sorry about this
4. How long have you been playing minecraft? Since alpha which was a long time ago
5.What will you bring to the server? I will bring my redstone skills and my building skills and I can help with really big projects such as, IronGolem Farm, Gold Farm, Witch Farm and ect. I can also help with the making of spawn and get supplies and help people that need supplied like wood and iron and gold and maybe diamonds. I can also make shops that are affordable.
6. What do you like to do in minecraft? I like about minecraft is the graphics and the Redstone and the diffrent type of blocks and mostly everything. I like that you can make XP farms and grinders
7. Whats your favorite animal/mob in minecraft? Villagers and IronGolems. I like villagers beacuse you can trade with them like enchanted books and you can give them rottenflesh for emeralds.
8. Have you been banned before, and if so, why? I havent been banned and hopefully will never.
9. Why should we whitelist you? You should whitelist me beacuse i am very mature and dont wine like other kids and I follow rules and dont hack like other people and I can make good projects on the server and I can make farms and ect that people can use for free. I can also help with mostly anything.
10. Will you participate in teamspeak chats? Of course I will and I Will try my best to get on TeamSpeak everyday.
11. Tell us a little bit about yourself in a couple of sentences: I live in Minnesota which is a State in the USA. I like to be around with my family and my siblings. I dont lie and will never. I dont wine or cry or beg for something. I LOVE Redstone and love building with other people. Im mature and follow orders from Owners or higher Ranks then me. I like IronGolems and Villagers and love my pet cat and care for it. I collect Pokemon cards and have over 800 of them. I like to play diffrent games on steam like GTA 5 and COD.
COD: Call Of Duty
Sheep: Sheep are cool and are hot. They have diffrent color wool which you can shear from them. You can rename them and breed them to make babies
In Game Name: YouDoDis
Age: 16
Country of Origin: USA
What you like to do in Minecraft: I like redstone and building and the physics and like the interacted and the different types of blocks.
A few sentences about why we should allow you on the server: I love building and i am EXTREMELY good with redstone!
- IGN (in-game name): YouDoDis[/b]
- Preferred Name: Rob[/b]
- Age: 16[/b]
- Why do you want to join this server? I Like Redstone And Like To Build And Like To Help The Community And Like To Make Shops And Fun Minigames. I Like To Help People Out And Make Shops That Are Affordable.[/b]
- What kind of server do you play on? I Play On Public Survival And Mineplex And TheArchon.[/b]
- Enjin account? [/b](not required) Sorry Got None
- Do you have a Skype? [/b](not required) Ill Tell If I Get Accepted
i talked to you about being staff so if there are hackers or greifers i can punish them not gmc