so in my world i have hit a roadblock, i cant seem to find something to do, so im putting it up for download for the forum to enjoy or give me ideas for the world :smile.gif:
so in my world i have hit a roadblock, i cant seem to find something to do, so im putting it up for download for the forum to enjoy or give me ideas for the world :smile.gif:
Do you agree to the rules?yes
How active are you? (hours per day)2-3
Location? (where are you from?)canada ontario
What is your personal reason for wishing to join this server? i have been looking for a small server for a while
Found my saplings and killed lots of skeletons, now we have a fenced farm, a tree farm and a place for piggys to *ahem* show their love. I think im doing alright so far, no sign of diamond or obsidian yet butt i plan on making a journey soon, if only i could make a map.... oh well, backing to using tall towers to see in the distance, i will make an enchantment table, as soon as i have the materials...
I have found a village, i got 5 iron and iron boots. no saplings but i have settled down for now and have started raising a pig family, soon this world will flourish. muwhahahahah
Minecraft playing style: Lots of mining and exploring caves and stuff and mostly farm for food
Why you should be part of this server: Because i love meeting new people in minecraft, helping people out, and generally working to make a good server
My base and enchant room
Wheat and pig farm
Skeleton Mob Trap
Download Here:
My base and enchant room
Wheat and pig farm
Skeleton Mob Trap
Download Here:
Do you agree to the rules?yes
How active are you? (hours per day)2-3
Location? (where are you from?)canada ontario
What is your personal reason for wishing to join this server? i have been looking for a small server for a while
Found my saplings and killed lots of skeletons, now we have a fenced farm, a tree farm and a place for piggys to *ahem* show their love. I think im doing alright so far, no sign of diamond or obsidian yet butt i plan on making a journey soon, if only i could make a map.... oh well, backing to using tall towers to see in the distance, i will make an enchantment table, as soon as i have the materials...
Update 1
I have found a village, i got 5 iron and iron boots. no saplings but i have settled down for now and have started raising a pig family, soon this world will flourish. muwhahahahah
Creative for my build world