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    posted a message on Gold Plate

    Since it is a mapmaker oriented item, I would normally say to not be craftable buuuut I bet those hardcore redstoners would find a way to make something crazy with it in survival somehow. Possibly some kind of super advanced sorting mechanism.


    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Ideas for upcoming updates

    This is a no-no in the world of Minecraft Forums. All ideas must be fleshed out and full of information and all ideas need to be closely related.

    This thread is both Vague and a Wishlist.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on -CLOSED- No Witch Innfighting -CLOSED-

    While this does get annoying, I think it should be kept intact. Mobs fighting eachother is not only hilarious at times, but is a great strategic thing to do.

    Once I was in a horde of skeletons, one of them was in full diamond. I got the skeletons to attack their diamond clad leader thus making the fight much easier.

    No Support, but I would like to see it as a NBT tag of sorts.

    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 68

    posted a message on (Player) was hit by a Minecart.

    At the moment when you are racing along in your Minecart and you hit a mob (or player) you just bounce back and you have to get out to kill that mob or player. But what if you could just run them over?

    That is what I am suggesting.

    The Collision

    When you hit the mob, you will hit them and knock them in the direction of the closest adjacent block (if you would of hit them into you they will go forward)

    The speed you are going will determine the damage.

    As I do not know all the exact speed I can only offer certain speeds.

    1) Being 100% player pushed with no other speed beside the forward key Half a heart, Only knocked to next adjacent block.

    2) Going the speed as if you were on a straight line of Powered rails: 2 Hearts, Knocked two blocks away.

    3) Manually Uphill: No damage or knockback, minecart is instead pushed back.

    4) Max speed downhill: 7 Hearts, 5 block knockback

    5) Falling Minecart (with nothing inside): 9.5 Hearts, 5 block knockback. (4.5 Hearts if wearing a Helmet)

    6) Falling Minecart (With passenger or Furnace/Chest): 10 Hearts, 5 Block Knockback (Only 5 Hearts if Mob/Player is wearing a Helmet).

    -When a Minecart hits a mob/player (Regardless of what mob/player) it will lose 10% of its speed.

    - When two Minecarts hit each other they will both bounce off each other (as they do now)

    - When killed by a Minecart the death message would be (Player) was hit by a speeding Minecart.

    -When pushed into a Minecarts path by a Player or mob the death message would be (Player) was pushed into a speeding Minecart by (Killer)

    -When killed by a falling Minecart the death message would be (Player) was crushed by a falling Minecart.

    -When pushed into a falling Minecart the message would be (Player) was pushed under a falling Minecart by (Killer)

    -Minecarts no longer can be pushed when on an unpowered Powered Rail.

    -There will be a gamerule called /cartDamage (True/false) that toggles Minecart damage.

    -You only take damage if you are in the next block the Minecart will enter (That means pushing from the back/pushing mobs in from the back will not hurt you or them)

    -When you damage a wolf or pigman via Minecart, they will NOT agro towards you (unless already mad of course). Also, zombies will NOT summon other zombies when damaged by Minecart.

    2014 Changelog:

    -Added changelog
    -Changed downhill damage from 8 to 7
    -Added murder death message
    -Added Poll
    -Added Falling Minecart Info.
    -Added Tags
    -Added third question to poll -Added Reduced damage from helmet wearing from no occupant minecarts (Should of been there already) -Added "Gameplay" tag - Poll Results: Mobs will have normal drops. Minecarts will keep the same damage as before poll. The gamerule will be called cartDamage

    2015 Changelog:

    -Added section about agroing monsters.

    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 2

    posted a message on (Player) was hit by a Minecart.
    Quote from manofmen12»

    would this make the zombie pigmen mad at you for hit and run?

    If you were directing the question towards the thread itself, the answer is no. Thank you for saying this though as it warrants an Update to the OP after a year :P

    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 2

    posted a message on Clownfish {Useless No More!}: Loved By Ocelots, Bane Of Guardians!

    Normal Fish and Salmon make good food.

    Pufferfish let you breathe underwater.

    Clownfish are.....a very inefficient food.

    That is where this idea comes in!

    This comes full with two uses for the currently useless Clownfish.

    1) Clownfish: The Favorite Food Of Your Favorite Feline

    Ocelots loooooove fish; it is what tames them, it is what they eat, and what gets them to have children.
    Turns out that they love Clownfish more than the rest.

    • When holding a Clownfish, Ocelots would not run away from the player (unless you attack it/sprint)
    • Clownfish will have a much higher rate of taming than normal fish.
    • Clownfish will put Ocelots into "Love Mode" regardless of their current health (It does not bypass the cooldown though)

    2) Clownfish: The Guardians Bane

    With the introduction of offhand usage upon us, people are thinking of many creative ways to fend off the hordes of creatures trying to kill us.

    When Mojang first hinted at Guardians, they said that you should come equipped with full diamond armor to fight them.

    What if we had a good offhand item to fend off these one-eyed fiends?

    That is where Clownfish come in.

    • When holding a Clownfish (either main or off hand) and a Guardian attacks you, the Clownfish has a 60% chance to absorb all of the damage and then has a 90% chance to break.
    • When holding a Clownfish underwater and there is a squid in a 5 block radius, there is a 50% chance the squid will steal the Clownfish from you and eat it. (Either way, the squid must wait 30 seconds before being able to attempt again)

    Potential Balancing: If the negation of damage is too powerful, Clownfish could be limited to a stack of 8 or 16.

    Constructive Criticism Appreciated!


    -Changed Ocelots instantly being tamed to having an increased chance.

    -Added squids eating your clownfish.

    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 4

    posted a message on Fruit Trees & Thirst Bar [Bug Images Fixed 06/02] [Hydratation Revised] [New Images] [New Table Explanatory]

    Welcome to the Forums Jhonter!

    For a first suggestion, you did very well. While it is a well thought out and well made thread, I still have to say no support.

    I myself find the hunger bar enough of a micromanagement as it is, and I am someone who loves the hunger bar.

    I also think that having an additional bar would make the screen sort of clustered.

    No Support, but good work on the thread anyway buddy.

    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 1

    posted a message on Zombies breaking through barriers

    Have you ever been in a cave and suddenly had a horde of zombies on your back then proceeded to block yourself in with gravel or cobblestone?

    This makeshift wall just kept you safe from all the creatures that wanted you dead. This is a little unfair to these monsters that just tried so hard to kill you. They deserve a way to get to you after you throw down a few blocks of gravel.

    I am proposing that Zombies (and Pigmen) should gain the ability to break blocks. Now I know you are probably thinking something along the lines of: "what about my house" or "this guy is crazy".

    But the catch here is that they can only break "newly" placed blocks. A newly placed block is a block that was placed by a player in the last 5 minutes.

    So if you are in the situation mentioned above then the zombie chasing you would be able to break that block as it was just placed. But if you are inside of a house that you have had for more than 5 minutes then the zombie couldn't break through the blocks.

    As for the timing, the zombie would need the time that it would of taken to break the block with the appropriate wooden tool.

    This would also mean you would need to guard your builds as you start to work on them.

    If you see any major loopholes or issues with this suggestion please say so.

    -Thank you

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Ardent Ore, an ore that actually doesn't add a new tool tier.
    Quote from Talist»
    I've seen several suggestions where the suggester says something like "Add adamantine ore thats a little rarer than redstone and you make it into new armor and tools! ... What do you mean what else? Thats it. New armor and tools." So I'd like to suggest a material that actually can't be made into tools or armor and has actually creative uses. Unfortunately, I don't know how to add screen shots of custom crafting recipes, so text will have to do. This is my first suggestion, so please tell me all the formatting stuff I've done wrong.

    Ardent Ore is found in the Nether at a rate slightly rarer than redstone is in the over world. It tends to be found near lava pools. It constantly radiates heat, so it would be stupid to make it into armor. Breaking it causes it to disintegrate into 1-4 pieces of ardent dust, modified by fortune of course. In addition, mining a naturally generated ore has a chance to spawn either a blaze or a small magma cube.
    If you surround an iron ingot with four pieces of ardent dust, you get a piece of ardent iron, which is used for many of the crafting recipes.

    If you make a compass but replace the iron with ardent iron, it makes a fiery compass, which points towards the closest Nether Fortress while in the Nether or the closest Nether Portal while in the over world.

    You can make an ardent firestarter by either combining a current flint and steel with 4 ardent dust or by combining a flint with a piece of ardent iron. This works like a normal flint and steel, but lights a larger radius on fire.

    Combining nine pieces of ardent iron makes an ardent block, which can be used for decoration. However, it constantly acts as though it is constantly on fire, damaging entities and lighting other nearby flammables on fire.

    You can make a bucket out of ardent iron, which makes an ardent bucket. It can hold two blocks of lava in it but in exchange cannot hold any water. Trying to pick up water will just destroy the block, which can be useful for clearing out ponds.

    Using the comparator recipe but placing a full durability ardent firestarter at the bottom middle will make a sparker, which is a block similar to a comparator or repeater. When the back of it is powered, it will output to one of the other three sides randomly. It doesn't output to sides that aren't connected to anything though. I feel like Minecraft really needs an actual randomizer. Right now, to make one it takes about a 4x4x3 space. Sometimes that space just isn't available for compact mechanisms.
    Combining ardent dust and an awkward potion makes a shining potion. When drunk, it increases the detection radius for all mobs, making it easier for them to see you. In addition, it causes them to prioritize attacking you over other targets in their detection radius. This might seem useless, and it kinda is for survival. However, it allows for one person to be the "tank" if playing in multiplayer. You can also splash it onto wolves and iron golems to turn them into meat shields. Also, this is useful for map makers to encourage teamwork. Or, they can use it for defend NPC X type maps. This effect doesn't cause mobs that are normally neutral to each other to suddenly start attacking each other.

    Corrupting the effect with a fermented spider eye creates an obscurity potion, which does the opposite of a shining potion. It reduces the detection radius for mobs and makes them more likely to attack other targets.
    Finally, I have a few ideas for random, other uses.
    Ardent dust can fuel furnaces, providing 3 items worth of burn time.

    Or, the dust can fuel furnace mine carts, causing them to go very fast for a few seconds.

    Ardent dust can be placed like redstone. It conducts power, but only transfers from and to repeaters or other pieces of ardent dust. It also has a tendency to light nearby things on fire when powered. So it can either be used for compact mechanisms or for traps.

    First off: I love this idea and I support it. But I do see 2 errors on your part regarding the potions.

    In every other potion, its parts to make it are 100% renewable. Ardent Dust is not. You need some way to make it renewable (make it a rare drop of pigmen or something).

    Also, its default effect is negative unless in a splash, with its corrupt being positive when drunk. To match all other potions it should make a obsuricty potion by default, then can be corrupted into a shining potion.

    Other than the 2 things that would break the pattern of all the other potions, I support.
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 1

    posted a message on Village Improvement
    Well, I can't say no to something that needs to be changed....

    Posted in: Suggestions
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