Quote from CommandantOreo
I'm new to the Minecraft forums, and I figured I may as well stick my head in here to see what's what. What's the word around here? How are bronies generally received around here? I've seen some battlefields in my time XD
This thread is generally ignored by people who aren't interested. Seems like, for the most part, pony is kept here so we don't really bother anybody.
I know what you mean about battlefields, and let's be honest, the bronies are rarely completely innocent in those either... But aside from some internal drama here and there, you'll find this group is quite mature and polite, if a bit slow at the moment.
Quote from Blazevoir
First of all, welcome! Second, why FiW? Why not the actual show itself? (Or did you watch it already? Sorry, what you said seemed vague.)
(Btw, I didn't like FiW, but that's just my opinion.)
As for FiW, I don't really care for it either. You're not alone.
Quote from MrBossMan
You're right, actually. She says it's her best friend and a girl, so we shouldn't try to hard to impress her. After all, girls like ponies and rainbows. ' class='bbc'>It's natural.
And guys like explosions and helicopters and monster trucks and beer.
Quote from MrBossMan
I started the show with Swarm of the Century, and I still hold that that's one of the best episodes for introducing the characters and the feel of the show. Everypony's there, gets more than one line, and has a good representation of their character, and unlike most episodes you actually get to see Princess Celestia, which is a good introduction to the whole overarching theme.
Another episode I only saw a portion of. It's a shame Celestia isn't seen a bit more often. Luna, too, for that matter. Not a fanboy statement, it would just be nice to see the royalty a bit more and some sisterly bonding between the two. In fact, maybe that is why Celestia and Luna are rarely shown, they have a millenium's worth of catching up to do. I'll just let that be my headcanon, they are spending time together getting caught up.
Quote from MrBossMan
There's also The Ticketmaster, which (fun fact alert) was actually written before the first two episodes, making it truly the first episode of FiM. Again, has all the characters, gives good introductions for them. There are some problems, though, in that at this point they hadn't exactly decided on the graphic style of the show, thus making magic just a golden light rather than a shifting aura matching the character who's using it. That doesn't even apply in the pilots. Also, Pinkie's song is annoying as hell, and no Celestia.
I have mixed feelings on that episode as well. It's not bad, but yeah, some parts get really annoying. I'm not sure I would recommend that to someone who wants to try a single episode to test it out. As for the graphical stuff, I forgot about that.
Quote from MrBossMan
Winter Wrap-up has a scene devoted to each individual character, as well as an amazing song. Ditto with Best Night Ever, though the latter also has Princess Celestia (but it may give the wrong impression for the scale of the series).
I have not seen those ones, even though I hear nothing but good things about them. Winter Wrap-Up is really loved by the people who love the songs. If someone was into that sort of stuff, that would be a good starter I think.
I know I (well, if you ignore my friend showing me the pilot in October 2010 but me just not being that into it at the time) started with "Secret of my Excess", probably not a great choice of starter either. It just focused too heavily on Spike and Rarity.
Heck, I realized that all of my favorites would probably be bad starters: Gilda episode (I really like her), the pilot (which does a good job of establishing the characters and mythos, not sure why they get such a bad rap), "Baby Cakes" for it's classic cartoon feel, the season 2 finale (growing up on Disney, I was not too bothered with the first part setting up the story and characters, happened in a lot of the straight-to-video things), "Hurricane Fluttershy", "Read it and Weep" and a couple where the titles escape me at the moment (the school paper one, the Cranky Doodle Donkey one, the Murder on the Orient Express one, and the one with Iron Will. Curse my spotty memory!).
I honestly can't really think of one episode to say "hey, this sums it up pretty well".
Hey man, I'm just trying to get a good view of that Justin Bieber poster in her room, but her body keeps blocking it. Seriously.
Just...why? WHY???!?!
Not that I hope I'm right though. Maybe the next generation of kids will be the best we've seen in years.(I wish)
It's our solemn duty to enlighten the poor sods who live in their blasphemous squalor.
I don't have a partner so yes, it is hell.
I see a lot of people with "OCD" here. That's kind of alarming. Surely people must be mixing it up with OCPD? OCD is quite nasty,debilitating and counterproductive. I suffered from it when I was a kid and I would have been better off hauling a 100 pound rucksack. I'd have more mobility with that. Luckily my OCD was cured or at least repressed by schizoprenia. It was getting dangerous.
So in retaliation of being insulted for your choice of TV shows, you insult his choice of games? You should be the better person.
I watched Super Easy Cider Squeezy 6000 episode a while back and noticed that when Granny Smith first takes a sip of their cider, she actually likes it. I think if Twilight and co. didn't force Flim and Flam to overwork the machine, they would have replaced them and nobody would have missed the Apples.
Cider! Cider! Cider!!!!!