I think something like this would be a great addition. However, I really think the chance of finding one in a chest should be increased, since otherwise it would probably take too long to learn anything. Something like 2 guides per chest would be ideal for me, as long as they don't replace any other loot.
Eh. I'd rather see a full tutorial form from the achievement system so you're making use of actual content that's already been coded.
I agree with Unilegger on this one, too. Achievements are great for things like "Kill the Ender Dragon," but what about "Here's how you find a stronghold," "This is what a witch is;" I think more tutorial-minded things should be kept outside the achievement system. You could certainly make an in-depth tutorial with the achievements system, but it would be a bit awkward and cluttered.
Not to mention, achievements couldn't explain mob behaviors or tips on mining. Nor would they show crafting recipes. Or how to build redstone contraptions. Plus, I sort of dislike that achievements are used as tutorials, after all, they are "Achievements" not "tutorials".
I guess that would be nice, but new generated structures would have to be another suggestion. i want to avoid Wishlisting.
Adding a structure wouldn't make this thread a wishlist, as long as it's related to the guide books/notes idea. I think a small structure that includes high numbers of notes could be a good addition, if done right, but I would still want the main source to be regular generated chests.
I would rather the stonemason be a new villager type and a new building. Yes, that is a fairly generic placement, but I think it would be more intuitive and consistent. Also, having villagers underground doesn't make very much sense given their door-detecting method.
The blocks and statues sound fine--I don't have any problem with the ideas--but I would rather they just traded for all of the "rare" stone blocks like moss stone, mossy stone bricks, cracked stone bricks, etc. And I agree with GateFox, the trades are really quite cheap. If 1 emerald yields 4-5 glass blocks, 16 chiseled stone bricks for the same price is a bit incongruous.
No, mobs spawn normally in mine shafts, and the only monster spawners that are part of abandoned mine shafts are the cave spider spawners. However, it's entirely possible that you'll run into a dungeon which will have an accompanying zombie, (normal) spider, or skeleton spawner.
And judging from a quick scan of the wiki article, I think you've come across a two abandoned mineshafts in one. It says two mineshafts can intersect, and that each mineshaft should only have one dirt room. Also, I've never come across a single mineshaft with that many cave spider spawners, but then again, I'm not a mineshaft expert.
I admit I actually kind of like the idea. At the same time, however, I think there are a number of things that could be better.
First of all, the location. Why not make them spawn in Nether Fortresses and in lava lakes? I think it would be best if they were in hard-to-reach locations unless you already have or will soon have potions. I've never really liked the way most of the Nether features are found in fortresses, so to me it seems a good idea to have something else to look for.
Then there's the wither skeleton barista. Pinballboy7 said just about what I am going to, but I may as well give my take on it. I think it's a fairly bad idea to have an otherwise hostile mob inexplicably be neutral. Not only would it be confusing, it would be fairly bothersome as well.
Say you're in a Nether Fortress, and you see a wither skeleton suddenly turn and walk towards you. You hit it, only to find out it was, in fact, a neutral barista. You now have an extremely deadly enemy on your hands that you probably will not be able to kill.
The idea is tantamount to punishing players for being careful. I would suggest two solutions to this issue of mine:
--Don't have them spawn in Nether Fortresses. That way, players can at least learn that if a Nether Fortress is nowhere to be seen, the skeleton is probably not hostile. This is, as you can probably guess, another reason I think the shops should spawn only in lava lakes.
--Give the baristas some easily distinguishable feature, such as an apron or white hat. Alternatively, you could just have a different mob; this would take away some of the "Minecrafty" aspect, but it would remove any in-game confusion and the change would probably win over some members on this forum.
The two solutions are not mutually exclusive, so I think the best solution is a combination of both.
As for the general theme, a shift from "Nether coffee shops" to "Nether potion shops" would be a welcome change for me. I'm not suggesting the baristas sell you "normal" potions, I think it would be a fun addition if they sold you potions with effects that cannot otherwise be brewed (haste, mining fatigue, jump height, etc.). If the shops don't hold some special ability or item, they will probably not be used as often as they could be. You might also consider giving players the ability to extend/improve the potions using the standard redstone/glowstone dust.
So there's my take on the suggestion. I also wouldn't mind some more detail on how the skeletons trade, trade costs, whether they buy anything (and if so, what they buy), what they accept as currency, and what effects the drinks have.
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Good point on the leads. If we could just get cats to follow us when we're holding fish, that would solve the problem nicely.
Though, if we want to make this real, holding a fish should turn on the incessant meowing, which would not stop until the cat was actually given a fish.
I wouldn't mind that, but I think that giving the cat the fish should give it a period of time where it doesn't jump on anything. However, I do have some issues with the incessant meowing caused by holding a fish (this includes the cat-following-with-incessant-meowing idea included in the original post). My main issue is that it requires you to feed your cat, causing it to enter love mode. Since you're probably going to be in the range of multiple cats, you will now be required to feed every single cat if you want to stop the noise. This seems to me like unnecessary punishment for accidentally scrolling past a raw fish in your inventory, or just wanting to remove a single cat from a specific chest. Here is what I would do instead:
-holding out a fish out will make cats get off chests and follow you, but they will stop bothering/following you as soon as you put the fish away.
-the use of raw fish stays the same. However, holding raw salmon will cause cats to get off chests and follow you. Cats will not enter love mode when fed raw salmon; however, for a set period of time, they will not jump on chests, sprint around, or be noisy--in other words, salmon will become a cat sedative.
Sure, I wouldn't have any problems with the changes. I don't feel any real need for more cat color types, but again, it probably couldn't hurt.
The noisiness of cats isn't so much of a problem for me now because of the sound sliders, but I agree that it could be better.
For simplicity's sake, why not keep leads the way they are currently, and instead give raw fish the added ability to "drag [cats] off the top of chests"?
As for the lying-down/sleeping pose, I would advocate just making that their "stationary pose" that they go into when you right-click on them. If you wanted to keep the sitting pose, you could just have cats sit if they are "active" but haven't moved for a set period of time.
It looks good to me, I even like the texture. I've always wanted a way to rapidly ascend.
As for some of the discussion going on, I have to say that I would rather the ladder didn't ignite you even if you're hanging on for long periods of time. You can hold blaze rods in your hand, so I don't think that having it set you on fire is required for in-game consistency. The main reason I don't like the idea, however, is that it seems somewhat counter-intuitive to have an expensive ladder set you on fire. If the ladder somehow needed balancing, then that might be a plausible path; but I don't believe that it does need balancing.
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Please do not post redundant threads. Always browse the current threads in the forum and use the forums "Search" function at the top of the page before posting. Replying to older threads to continue discussion and share ideas is acceptable.
Also, please do not post more than one suggestion per thread. Very closely related suggestions are fine, but separate suggestions require separate threads.
Please do not post redundant threads. Always browse the current threads in the forum and use the forums "Search" function at the top of the page before posting. Replying to older threads to continue discussion and share ideas is acceptable.
I agree with Unilegger on this one, too. Achievements are great for things like "Kill the Ender Dragon," but what about "Here's how you find a stronghold," "This is what a witch is;" I think more tutorial-minded things should be kept outside the achievement system. You could certainly make an in-depth tutorial with the achievements system, but it would be a bit awkward and cluttered.
Adding a structure wouldn't make this thread a wishlist, as long as it's related to the guide books/notes idea. I think a small structure that includes high numbers of notes could be a good addition, if done right, but I would still want the main source to be regular generated chests.
I would rather the stonemason be a new villager type and a new building. Yes, that is a fairly generic placement, but I think it would be more intuitive and consistent. Also, having villagers underground doesn't make very much sense given their door-detecting method.
The blocks and statues sound fine--I don't have any problem with the ideas--but I would rather they just traded for all of the "rare" stone blocks like moss stone, mossy stone bricks, cracked stone bricks, etc. And I agree with GateFox, the trades are really quite cheap. If 1 emerald yields 4-5 glass blocks, 16 chiseled stone bricks for the same price is a bit incongruous.
And judging from a quick scan of the wiki article, I think you've come across a two abandoned mineshafts in one. It says two mineshafts can intersect, and that each mineshaft should only have one dirt room. Also, I've never come across a single mineshaft with that many cave spider spawners, but then again, I'm not a mineshaft expert.
First of all, the location. Why not make them spawn in Nether Fortresses and in lava lakes? I think it would be best if they were in hard-to-reach locations unless you already have or will soon have potions. I've never really liked the way most of the Nether features are found in fortresses, so to me it seems a good idea to have something else to look for.
Then there's the wither skeleton barista. Pinballboy7 said just about what I am going to, but I may as well give my take on it. I think it's a fairly bad idea to have an otherwise hostile mob inexplicably be neutral. Not only would it be confusing, it would be fairly bothersome as well.
Say you're in a Nether Fortress, and you see a wither skeleton suddenly turn and walk towards you. You hit it, only to find out it was, in fact, a neutral barista. You now have an extremely deadly enemy on your hands that you probably will not be able to kill.
The idea is tantamount to punishing players for being careful. I would suggest two solutions to this issue of mine:
--Don't have them spawn in Nether Fortresses. That way, players can at least learn that if a Nether Fortress is nowhere to be seen, the skeleton is probably not hostile. This is, as you can probably guess, another reason I think the shops should spawn only in lava lakes.
--Give the baristas some easily distinguishable feature, such as an apron or white hat. Alternatively, you could just have a different mob; this would take away some of the "Minecrafty" aspect, but it would remove any in-game confusion and the change would probably win over some members on this forum.
The two solutions are not mutually exclusive, so I think the best solution is a combination of both.
As for the general theme, a shift from "Nether coffee shops" to "Nether potion shops" would be a welcome change for me. I'm not suggesting the baristas sell you "normal" potions, I think it would be a fun addition if they sold you potions with effects that cannot otherwise be brewed (haste, mining fatigue, jump height, etc.). If the shops don't hold some special ability or item, they will probably not be used as often as they could be. You might also consider giving players the ability to extend/improve the potions using the standard redstone/glowstone dust.
So there's my take on the suggestion. I also wouldn't mind some more detail on how the skeletons trade, trade costs, whether they buy anything (and if so, what they buy), what they accept as currency, and what effects the drinks have.
Please do not post more than one suggestion per thread. Very closely related suggestions are fine, but separate suggestions require separate threads. Similarly, threads meant to collect suggestions are not allowed.
I wouldn't mind that, but I think that giving the cat the fish should give it a period of time where it doesn't jump on anything. However, I do have some issues with the incessant meowing caused by holding a fish (this includes the cat-following-with-incessant-meowing idea included in the original post). My main issue is that it requires you to feed your cat, causing it to enter love mode. Since you're probably going to be in the range of multiple cats, you will now be required to feed every single cat if you want to stop the noise. This seems to me like unnecessary punishment for accidentally scrolling past a raw fish in your inventory, or just wanting to remove a single cat from a specific chest. Here is what I would do instead:
-holding out a fish out will make cats get off chests and follow you, but they will stop bothering/following you as soon as you put the fish away.
-the use of raw fish stays the same. However, holding raw salmon will cause cats to get off chests and follow you. Cats will not enter love mode when fed raw salmon; however, for a set period of time, they will not jump on chests, sprint around, or be noisy--in other words, salmon will become a cat sedative.
The noisiness of cats isn't so much of a problem for me now because of the sound sliders, but I agree that it could be better.
For simplicity's sake, why not keep leads the way they are currently, and instead give raw fish the added ability to "drag [cats] off the top of chests"?
As for the lying-down/sleeping pose, I would advocate just making that their "stationary pose" that they go into when you right-click on them. If you wanted to keep the sitting pose, you could just have cats sit if they are "active" but haven't moved for a set period of time.
As for some of the discussion going on, I have to say that I would rather the ladder didn't ignite you even if you're hanging on for long periods of time. You can hold blaze rods in your hand, so I don't think that having it set you on fire is required for in-game consistency. The main reason I don't like the idea, however, is that it seems somewhat counter-intuitive to have an expensive ladder set you on fire. If the ladder somehow needed balancing, then that might be a plausible path; but I don't believe that it does need balancing.
Please do not post more than one suggestion per thread. Very closely related suggestions are fine, but separate suggestions require separate threads.
Please do not post redundant threads. Always browse the current threads in the forum and use the forums "Search" function at the top of the page before posting. Replying to older threads to continue discussion and share ideas is acceptable.
Also, please do not post more than one suggestion per thread. Very closely related suggestions are fine, but separate suggestions require separate threads.
Furthermore, this tweet by Dinnerbone may be of interest: https://twitter.com/Dinnerbone/status/376394821847773184