I am looking for a minecraft server i can play and record on. I am a 24 year old female and english is not my first language, but i can menage myself. I hope to find a smaller server with +-15 people kinda based on hermit or Empire, where more people are recording on.
My discord is Cocoberry00#3239 if you want to send me a message.
I am a 23 year old female and love building on minecraft and want to find a active server for recording to! My discord is Cocoberry00#3239 if you would like to talk
If you are still looking for players I am interested to! I have send you a friend request
I am intrested to! My discord is Cocoberry00#3239 let me know something!
I am interested! My discord is Cocoberry00#3239, send me a message ^^
Hey everyone,
I am looking for a minecraft server i can play and record on. I am a 24 year old female and english is not my first language, but i can menage myself. I hope to find a smaller server with +-15 people kinda based on hermit or Empire, where more people are recording on.
My discord is Cocoberry00#3239 if you want to send me a message.
Thank you for reading
Hey there!
I am a 23 year old female and love building on minecraft and want to find a active server for recording to! My discord is Cocoberry00#3239 if you would like to talk
I am a 23 year old female and love building on minecraft and I am looking for a small server who is active enough for recording. My discord name is
Cocoberry00#3239 let me know if can join you guys!