TabbyChat (v1.10.00)Contents:
- Current Features/Functionality
- Screenshots/Videos
- Documentation
- Changelog
- Roadmap
- Downloads
- Installation
- Donations
- Source/License
Current Features/Functionality
TabbyChat is a client-side mod for Minecraft that aims to make the multiplayer chat interface more organized, managable, and user-friendly. It can be installed (or loaded) into the Minecraft client by patching minecraft.jar or loaded at runtime via several different supported APIs.
Primary Features
The primary feature of TabbyChat is to organize chat messages into different channels, and to represent those channels via tab-like buttons displayed above the chat interface. There are several different ways to configure TabbyChat to organize chat, including:
- Auto-searching for new chat channels or PM messages
- Selecting the appropriate Chat-Channel delimiters and manually creating the desired tabs
- Using custom filters to direct messages matching the desired expression to a specific tab
Custom Filters
Custom filters allow the user to tell TabbyChat to perform various actions when a chat message matches the defined Regular Expression. These actions include the following:
- Highlight the matching text (with color and/or formatting)
- Play a notification sound
- Send the message to a specific tab
- Send the message to all tabs
- Prevent the message from displaying
Additional Features
- Unread Message Notifications
- Timestamps prepended to chat messages
- Suppress spammed chat messages
- Log all chat to logfile with timestamps
- Force Unicode font rendering
- Interactive scroll bar
- Dynamically movable/resizable chat box
- Customize the number of messages retained (displayed) for each tab
- Customize the length of time a message remains on-screen during normal gameplay
- Each tab can have a 'command prefix' that can be applied to your messages
- Multi-line chat with configurable transmission delay
- New mouse controls and Key-binds added for interacting with TabbyChat
- Spell-checking
Other videos:
Here's a mod review in English:
If you speak German, perhaps you'll enjoy this mod review: I don't really know though, since I don't. Hopefully he's saying nice things.
Apparently so (also German):
Detailed documentation for the use and configuration of TabbyChat can be found at the TabbyChat Wiki on my github page.For a good regular expression reference when crafting custom chat filters, see http://www.regular-e.../reference.htmland here's an excellent reference for testing filter expressions:
*** ChangeLog:
New in 1.10.00
- New Feature - Spellchecking: Implementation of Jazzy library ( for spellchecking contents of the chat-input box periodically while typing. Misspelled words will have a dashed red line below them, and a simple english-language dictionary file is included in the mod distribution. For more advanced or alternate-language dictionaries, download dictionary zip files from here, extract the ".dic" file, rename it to match the Minecraft locale (e.g. en_US.dic), and place it in "config/tabbychat" in your minecraft directory. Additionally, you can create a file there called "user.dic" containing any other words (one per line) that you'd like to be ignored for spellchecking purposes.
- New Feature - Chat Opacity: a new checkbox in the advanced settings tab will now allow the chatbox text to be rendered fully opaque regardless of the chat opacity setting, which would still apply to the background of the chatbox.
- Bugfix: keybinds involving the Shift key will now work for the right-shift button.
- Bugfix: fixed some issues with Emoticons compatibility
- Bugfix: fixed issue causing double-spaces between /msg prefix and message when using tab command prefixes
- Bugfix: fixed issue with "message too long" kicks from server when the player attempts to send a 99-character-long chat message.
- Bugfix: minor improvements to chatbox/scrollbar fading
New in 1.9.02
- Bugfix: Corrected a few null-pointer exception issues with dynamic tab naming
New in 1.9.01
- Bugfix: New tabs not created if Auto-channel searching is disabled (primarily affected dynamic tab names)
- Bugfix: Tabs marked as unread even if the message was seen in the current active tab, when that tab is not the master tab.
- Functionality change: In prior releases, the "Auto-channel searching" setting only affected the creation of new tabs - TabbyChat would still scan each message for channels, even with this disabled, and send messages to currently-existing tabs. Now, with this setting disabled, no channel searching will be performed whatsoever. If this affects you, I suggest migrating to custom filters for this purpose.
- Swedish translation added to mod directly
- Estonian translation updated for new settings
New in 1.9.00
- Bugfix: Split messages displaying in wrong order when chatbox is anchored to the top of the window (chat displayed top-to-bottom)
- Functionality change: To facilitate the previous bugfix, timestamps are no longer concatenated with the chat message directly, and are now instead a separate property of the chat message. The timestamp will now be set for every message according to the timestamp style setting, and will be either displayed or not according to the "Timestamp chat" setting.
- New feature: Dynamic Tab Names for Custom Filters. More details in this post.
Old Versions
- Bugfix: additional blank lines present in chatlogs
- Bugfix: occasional ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in TabbyChat.spamCheck
- Bugfix: PM messages not appearing in their tab until it is refreshed
- Added previously-absent "designer" right-click menu entry for Macro/Keybind mod
- New feature: Pin chat interface open - keeps the chat interface from closing after sending a message by hitting "enter". The 'pin' button is just to the left of the resize handle on the chatbox (upper-right corner typically).
- Bugfix: Auto-PM searching not finding PMs from usernames containing either underscores or numbers
- Bugfix: Tabs with unread notifications disabled still showed notifications
- Bugfix: Right-click menus in the Macro/Keybind mod were not displayed when using TabbyChat
- Bugfix: Pre-existing newline characters are lost during chat processing
- Bugfix: Master tab showing unread notifications
- Bugfix: Newly-created tabs not appearing while chat interface is active
- Bugfix: IndexOutOfBoundsException when a server, plugin, or mod attempts to send a null chat line (for whatever stupid reason)
- Chat scaling ability back-ported to 1.4.7 version, new slider located in Advanced settings menu
- Build for LiteLoader 1.6.2 now present
- Fixed some pervasive issues with split-chat-ordering
- Changes to Estonian translation, French translation built-in
- Background update checking finally moved FULLY background
- Improvements to chat processing
- Added option to enable/disable auto-searching for PMs to Server settings
- Added option to suppress display of the command prefix for a tab in the Tab settings (courtesy of xMopx)
- Fixed issue with reversing chat in 1.5.2 version, if you're getting this, download again
- Bugfix: Unable to use AltGr (sometimes called the "Compose" key) key combos the conflict with TabbyChat key binds to enter special characters in the chat box.
- Bugfix: Better exception handling for invalid Pattern expressions (warning message printed in "TabbyChat" channel)
- New built-in languages supported: Finnish and Ukranian
- Better language handling: TabbyChat no longer needs Minecraft to be restarted to catch a language change.
- Bugfix: Improvements to filter storage and handling, should eliminate periodic issues where TabbyChat would mis-calculate the number of defined filters and throw a NPE in the 'applyFilterToDirtyChat' method.
- Bugfix: Removed tab autocomplete keypress duplication
- Improvement to multi-line chat sends, any additional sends beyond the first will be checked to see if they accidentally begin with a "/", and if so, will be prefixed with an underscore. This does not apply to situations where a command prefix found in the tab definitions or first send are carried through to the following sends.
- Improvement to filter highlighting - filters will now apply highlighting more aggressively to the portion of the chat that matches the filter expression. Any color/formatting codes present in the matching portion of the chat will be removed for filters that are configured to apply highlighting
- The currently-available language translations (Russian, German, Spanish, and Estonian) are now included in the compiled mod, and do not need to be downloaded separately. However, any language files in ".minecraft/config/tabbychat/lang" will take precedence over the built-in translations.
- Bugfix: Added button to chat interface to "leave bed" when in bed.
- Bugfix: Re-added ability in text input field to cut, copy, paste, and select-all (note - this only works for the bottom line of text)
- Layout tweaks to settings interface
- Bugfix: Corrected issue where folders were not created for new server settings (i.e. server, filters, and chat channel data)
- Bugfix: Resolved issue with Chat Channel data repeatedly saving/reloading when connected to servers with a specified port number
- Bugfix (1.4.7 versions only): Resolved occasional issue with Filter Settings interface not responding
- Slight optimizations to filter matching
- Key binding change: switching active tabs can now be done with "Ctrl+Tab" (next tab), "Ctrl+Shift+Tab" (previous tab), and "Ctrl+Number" (where number is 1-9 - activates the specific tab numbered by display order). Previous key binds using Alt have been removed. Additionally, "Ctrl+O" in the chat interface will open TabbyChat's settings interface.
- Bugfix: corrected issue where chat input box wasn't pre-populated with text in all cases it should be. This should improve compatibility with other mods in general, particularly the Macro/Keybind mod.
- Bugfix: corrected inability to change timestamp preferences
- Bugfix: Chat channel/PM searching should now handle non-US characters appropriately.
- Various internal code improvements, slight appearance changes
- Single Player functionality: TabbyChat will no longer disable itself on single player worlds (although you may still disable it yourself). Typical 'server specific' settings will be stored in a folder called 'singleplayer'.
- Bugfix: Fixed order of settings screens, missing text on filter screen for "Hide chat" and "Expression"
- Improved command prefixes and multi-line chats: under conditions where a tab's command prefix was added to the beginning of a message (i.e. a command prefix has been set for a tab, and that tab is the only active tab), that command prefix will be prepended to each line of a multi-line chat. Under other conditions, previous rules apply (i.e. if the chat begins with /, that will be prepended to each transmission, unless it begins with /msg, in which case /msg will be prepended.
- Timestamps will now ALWAYS be added to the chat log. As such, the timestamp style setting is always enabled, regardless of whether or not timestamps are displayed in the chatbox, as this setting defines the style used in the chatlogs as well.
- Added key bindings to tab switching: hold Left-Alt and hit the Left/Right keys to switch the active tab left/right, or hold Left-Alt and hit a number to go to that tab by display order. This only occurs if a single tab is currently active.
- Movable and resizable chatbox - see below pic. When dragging the chatbox to the absolute top edge of the screen, the box will 'snap' there and reverse orientation, drawing tabs below the chatbox and rendering chat messages top-to-bottom. This can be set back to normal by dragging the chatbox back to the bottom of the screen. (Note: You don't have to leave it there for either case)
- LiteLoader version available - see download area
- Additional language support - to enable support for other languages, the appropriate language file should be downloaded and placed in ".minecraft/config/tabbychat/lang". This folder may need to be created. No language files have been completed yet, but German, Chinese, and Italian are in the works.
- Removed some chatbox size controls from the Advanced Settings screen. Unfocused Height setting now applies as a max percentage of the Focused Height
- Changes for compatibility with Rei's minimap on servers that support entity rendering
- Much improved compatibility with the Macro/Keybind mod
- Various internal optimizations and changes for robustness
- Changed appearance of scrollbar
- Added option to set display color of timestamps
- Server-side changes to updated version checking - from now on, the user will only be notified if an updated version exists for their specific version of Minecraft
- Now compatible with "Emoticons" mod by Mudbill
- Fix for chat not being sent to existing tabs when auto-search is off
- Bugfix for Tab playername completion
- Bugfix: Further fixes to ConcurrentModification exceptions
- Disabling auto-search will now disable attempts to catch PM messages
- TabbyChat Update messages are not loaded from previous chat history
- Various internal improvements to concurrent functionality
- Settings files from versions prior to 1.5.00 are no longer supported
- Bugfix: Fixed issue where using Tab-autocomplete on playernames would freeze the client if more than one match were found.
- Bugfix: PM message patterns requiring the username will be skipped if the username is not set for this server (for some reason).
- Bugfix: Semaphore gates added to chat list modifications to prevent thrown exceptions for list index out-of-bounds and concurrent modification.
- Bugfix: Fixed issue where matching PMs clears PM tab contents if it already exists.
- New tab-specific settings: Set a tab alias, command prefix, enable/disable unread notifications per tab, and change the order of tab display (see "Tab Settings" above for more info)
- Tab/Channel data for each server is now saved to disk and loaded on client startup. This contains current tabs, tab settings, activation/unread status, and the chat contents of each tab, which are displayed in gray with a note relaying the time of last save.
- TabbyChat checks for updated versions are now executed in the background
- Support for additional private message formats: Private messages displayed in the following formats will be caught by TabbyChat, placed in their own (new) tab, and have their chat command prefix defined as "/msg "
- Send: "[me -> OtherPlayer]" -- Receive: "[OtherPlayer -> me]" (not new)
- Send: "[PlayerMe->OtherPlayer]" -- Receive: "[OtherPlayer->PlayerMe]"
- Send: "You whispered to OtherPlayer" -- Receive: "OtherPlayer whispered to you"
- Send: "To OtherPlayer" -- Receive: "From OtherPlayer"
- New delimiter patterns added in 1.6.04 actually work now
- Way too many to list here
- New Option "Force Unicode Chat Rendering" in Advanced menu
- Changed auto-search functionality to ignore color/format codes if delimiter color/formatting is not specified in Server Config.
- Added two more delimiter patterns: "<(Combo)Pl.>" and "<[Combo]Pl.>". As described there, "combo" would be the name of the chat channel found, and "Pl." represents the player's name who sent the message (auto-searching will find the channel name and ignore the player name).
- Fixed Unread Notifications - they totally weren't appearing at all. This has likely been the case for all 1.6 versions.
- Fixed issue with textboxes in Advanced Settings not saving their values
- When looking for PMs/sends/tells to make new tabs for, TabbyChat will assume they're delimited using Brackets[] instead of whatever the current server's delimiter setting is.
- Fixed bug with 'exclusion' filters not applying to all tabs correctly.
- Fix for NOT fixing text box limitations in the filter interface
- TabbyChat can now be installed either by patching (as usual), or through ModLoader, or through Forge
- Fixed issue where text boxes in settings interface were limiting contents to 32 characters
- Fix to prevent crash that occurred occasionally when clicking on tabs
- Fixed some issues with mouse cursor tracking when clicking on the chatbox, causing the client to check for a URL to launch
- Chatbox will no longer automatically scroll to the bottom when new chat is received.
- Fixed issue with Filter config screen where some highlighting colors could not be selected
- If chat logging is enabled, a 'header' line will be logged upon sign-on to a server, in the form of "BEGIN CHAT LOGGING FOR () -- "
- Fixed issue where chatlog folder/file may not get created correctly if not present
- Fixed issue where chat input field would grow continuously in height while the client window is being resized.
- Fixed bug where number of filters was tracked incorrectly, causing frequent nullpointer exceptions
- Fixed issue where filter options for case sensitivity and inverse matching would not enable correctly
- Fixed issue where slider values would not load from settings files correctly
- Enabled audio notifications for inverse filter matches
- Added exception handlers for invalid filter patterns
- Fixed critical bug in settings save routine, thanks to hunterk11 and D_s_P
- Fixed issue with multi-line chats being sent out of order
- Fixed issue with custom filters finding multiple matches in a single chat and applying color codes incorrectly
- Fixed bug where attempting to send a single space as chat would crash the client
- The destination tab for chat messages will now be located by tab name only
- Settings are stored in four separate, human-readable files - two for global settings in config/TabbyChat, and two for server settings in config/TabbyChat/.
- For servers with a specified port, the settings folder will be named "()".
- Auto-searching for new channels is now a server-specific setting
- Completely-redesigned settings interface (details below)
- New custom filter options - filters may now be configured to send matches to all tabs, or to exclude matches from being displayed (* tab unaffected)
- Additional options for notification sounds on filter matches
- New timestamp style options added (with seconds)
- Reduce spam with the "Consolidate spammed chat" option (General Config)
- Enable/disable unread notification flashing
- Configurable delay time between multi-line chat sends (Advanced Settings)
- Customize display size of the chat box, similar to new client "Multiplayer" settings, but as a percentage of current window size (from 20% to 100% for width, focused height, and unfocused height)
- Configure the length of time a chat message is displayed when the chatbox is un-focused (Advanced Settings)
- Updated for Minecraft 1.5
- Included workaround for random crashing on random keypresses immediately after closing chat interface
- Fixed bug in custom filter highlighting
- Fixed a long-overlooked bug
- Corrected bug fix for extra forward-slashes when using the forward slash key to open the chat interface
- Changed Up/Down key functionality again
- Fixed compatibility with current dev released of AdvancedHUD
- Attempted bug fix for extra forward-slashes in some sent chats
- Now you can type out more than one 'message' at a time.
- Settings files have been moved to the "config" folder
- Chat Logs have been moved to a folder within your '.minecraft' folder called "TabbyChatLogs"
- Fixed some massive timestamp-related bugs.
- Fixed bug where chat command history was lost after accessing the settings menu
- Fixed bug where chat may not reappear correctly after accessing and leaving the settings menu
- Shifted the scroll bar slightly to the right so chat is less obscured
- Ability to select multiple tabs at once (or no tabs at all)
- Various bug fixes, fixing the TabbyChat on/off/singleplayer functionality
- Slight change to display of tab names
- Bug fix: custom filters and multi-line chat
- Unread notifications disabled for global "*" tab
- Tab background color fixes/enhancements
- Unread Chat Notifications during normal gameplay
- TabbyChat will now automatically check for existing updated versions.
- Fixed bug for filtered chat sent to its own tab not live-updating
- Change to tabs being flagged unread:
- Fixed bug in inverse filters (not applying)
- Improved exception handling in filter management GUI
- Fixed issue where log files would not contain timestamps if turned on
- Updated for 1.4.2 compatibility
- Presets for Timestamp formats added
- When timestamps are turned on, chat area is made wider to accommodate
- Various bug fixes and performance improvements
- Scroll bar added to right side of active chat window
- Text color and style support for filter highlighting and delimiter matching
- Added compatibility with Advanced HUD
- Fixed class name conflict with "Inventory Tweaks" mod causing crash
- Changed timestamp formats to military time
- Various bugs fixed
- New settings menu
- Added various features (explained below)
RoadmapTabbyChat is very young, and relatively light on features. I certainly have more in mind and in planning right now, and am more than happy to hear additional feature ideas and requests. Here's what is currently planned:
More compatibility with the Macro/Keybind modAdditional language supportMovable chatbox- Compatibility with Minecraft 1.6 chat system changes
- Optionally disable update notifications
- Remove channel info from chat within channel tab
- Split log files up by chat channel (optional)
- Ability to lock focus on the chat interface after each message send
- Possible profanity filtering
- Friends list/display
Latest version
- TabbyChat for Minecraft 1.6.4 [Standalone] [LiteLoader]
- TabbyChat for Minecraft 1.6.2 [Standalone/Forge/Modloader] [LiteLoader]
- TabbyChat for Minecraft 1.5.2 [Standalone/Forge/Modloader] [LiteLoader]
- TabbyChat for Minecraft 1.4.7 [Standalone/Forge/Modloader] [LiteLoader]
No-longer supported
- TabbyChat for Minecraft 1.6.1 [Standalone/Forge/Modloader]
- TabbyChat for Minecraft 1.5.1 [Standalone/Forge/Modloader] [LiteLoader]
Language Files*TabbyChat will read the language option set for the Minecraft client and attempt to load the appropriate language file. TabbyChat will look for these files in ".minecraft/config/tabbychat/lang"
- Spanish (en_ES), courtesy of juanjose920_12
- Russian (ru_RU), courtesy of Stalkerdeni971
- Deutsch (de_DE), courtesy of Schoelle/Gleydar11
- Estonian (et_EE), courtesy of robotkoer
- Finnish (fi_FI), courtesy of CutePanda
- Ukranian (uk_UA), courtesy of eXtendedZero
- French (fr_FR), courtesy of Plumeex
- Swedish (sv_SE), courtesy of Fluffy_lol
All current and old versions, as well as language files, can be found here.Installation
Due to the new launcher, mod installation procedures have changed quite a bit. If using ModLoader, Forge, or LiteLoader, follow the installation procedures for those APIs and add the appropriate version of TabbyChat as directed. If installing TabbyChat standalone, here's my recommendation:
- Create a copy of your ".minecraft/versions/1.6.1" folder inside the versions folder to represent your modded client if you have not already done so. Make sure to rename both the jar and json file, as well as the "id" line WITHIN the json file, to the same name as your new folder.
- Inside your ".minecraft/libraries" folder, create the following directory structure: "mods/TabbyChat/" and put the TabbyChat download inside that version folder - e.g. your TabbyChat download will now be in ".minecraft/libraries/mods/TabbyChat/1.8.07/TabbyChat-1.8.07.jar"
- Edit the json file from step 1 (in your new version folder) to contain the following line in the 'libraries' section:
{ "name": "mods:TabbyChat:1.8.07" },
TabbyChat has been shown to be compatible with ModLoader and Forge (in general), Optifine, Rei's Minimap, Inventory Tweaks, Not Enough Items, Friends Overlay, and many more (pretty much anything not related to chat).
TabbyChat source code can be found on github. Feel free to report issues there, as well.The mod itself as well as the source code are released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 (CC-NC-SA) license, the contents of which are available at http://creativecommo...a/3.0/legalcode
26 days of not being on killion... It doesn't matter if you are on console, It's still terrible that a server owner such as yourself doesn't take the time out of doing whatever you're doing to check on the people that play on your server. It is like a slap in the faces of the people that support you, even when you don't support them back.
With that said, if the server stays or if you decide to kill it, thank you for the times I've had on this server. Without it I wouldn't have met some of the best friends i've had on the internet, I wouldn't be as advanced in the arts of trolling people that are likely younger than I, And my money would have probably ended up in the hands of crack cocaine dealers. Killion saved me from crack cocaine dealers. I've never actually thought of using crack cocaine before, it's just a joke
If you disagree with the rules, just leave. All you're doing is wasting your time. Those rules don't mean that the server is poorly ran, it shows that they don't want people doing stupid stuff on his server.
Make insulting people by saying they have some sort of disease, or any other very offensive subject, an instant mute, like cursing.
It makes no sense that someone can't say a curse word, even when not insulting someone, but they can go around saying people have some sort of problem irl.
yay 2 years
If one/two player(s) can pay the however much it costs for pstones and 100k for the clan itself, they should be allowed to, without being hassled about it. Similar to this is with towny, I own a town for myself, with only one other person allowed to use it, should my town be deleted because I am the only one who mainly uses it? Should my ability to t spawn to my town be taken away from me because I refuse to let others use what I created? In my mind, it would be pretty stupid to do so.
Also I believe that guards with infinite apples is a very good thing. It should be a challenge to kill a guard. If you fight a guard with P4 and a good sword, it's almost guaranteed that you will kill them anyways, just a matter of when.