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    posted a message on Nodes mod
    Looks like a great mod. Can't wait to see more progress on it!
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Golden Bonemeal
    Basically, with the new update that nerfed bonemeal (one of the worst nerfs in the game), I was thinking there could be something similar to like how a golden apple is different from an apple. A golden apple regenerates health like the old apple did before hunger came along, so maybe gold bonemeal could insta-grow like the old bonemeal did.

    :: :: ::
    :feather: :GoldBar: :feather:
    :: :: ::

    :feather: = Bonemeal

    This comes out with 2 golden bonemeal, which can then of course grow stuff like the old bonemeal could.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on ShroomPvP [1.2.5][Factions][Essentials]

    ShroomPvP is a simple PvP server made by me (Club559) and my friend (jackstyl3). If this server gets big enough, I might make a better-looking topic.

    The spawn is in a mushroom biome, so it's not like any other survival/PvP server I've seen before. There are also a few events, such as treasure hunts and drop parties. There is also a mushroom really close to the spawn that has a chest inside of it for everyone to take. We may add more in the future.

    Full explanation of warps:

    /warp mine: A warp to a giant crater that dug into a ravine. Free to build and destroy in.
    /warp wild: A warp out of the mushroom biome, into a plains biome. This is your best start if you do not have any saplings via drop parties or chests.
    /warp hotel: Warps you to a building with some beds and private chests in different rooms.
    /warp party: Explained below.

    Drop parties:
    This is where my friend, jackstyl3, goes crazy and throws a ton of stuff down to everyone. It's an area closed up with fences. The fences open up when the drop party is about to start, or when the drop party has ended and lets everybody leave. These are probably the perfect times to get the very best stuff without putting in any effort.

    This server is NOT up 24/7, and it will probably never be.

    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on [1.2.5] Buried Treasures: The Return [4.0]
    Quote from Apeking22

    Could you add some more items that can spawn? Like Melons, pumpkins, potions, and other stuff.

    Of course. Not so sure about pumpkins though.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.2.5] Buried Treasures: The Return [4.0]
    Still working on fixing underwater chests. In the meantime, I put the source up for download, in-case anyone who knows how to mod wants to customize this a bit for themselves.

    Coming in the next update: Better nether items, fixed underwater chests.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Notch Turns 33 - Celebrations Aplenty
    Quote from KesusRiced

    Um I Went Overboard A Little.... http://www.planetmin...h-templestatue/

    One cannot simply go overboard with statues of Notch.
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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    posted a message on Red stone dungeons Nautral spawns in Snapshot 12w22a =D
    Quote from dragontyron

    yes, the jungle temple. i heard about it from sparklez. why must mojang leave the best parts of a snapshot out of the log? XD

    this was simply titled as "minor terrain changes".

    I'd like to see Mojang add some really rare 1/6000 chance of a single diamond block generating underground, and giving it the most vague title ever.

    Who knows, maybe they already have.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Thoughts on 12w22a?
    Quote from KyoShinda

    So you think getting diamond tools by plundering wheat is balanced? Noob.

    Lol, not saying everything is PERFECTLY balanced. Minecraft is never perfectly balanced.

    Quote from KyoShinda

    Anyways, the only ppl complaining about the new enchant system are the people who use mob farms. ;)

    Like this. Mob farms are imbalanced. Jeb should remove them because they are very imbalanced. But nope. People love them.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Thoughts on 12w22a?
    Amazing because of everything. I laugh at everyone who complain at every single update because it's imbalanced in their opinion.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Trading encourages MURDER!
    I don't kill villagers. I just destroy all their doors. Then it doesn't really count as a village to the villagers.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Does anyone else feel that Jeb changed enchanting *too* much?
    Alright, I discovered that there is still a balance there. After about 14 enchantments, I finally got a diamond pickaxe with silk touch and 2 OTHER abilities. Past ones were 1-2 abilities, 1s being efficiency, 2s being efficiency and unbreaking. Nothing too imbalanced.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Does anyone else feel that Jeb changed enchanting *too* much?
    Quote from Ur-Quan

    Keep in mind, there's tons of playstyles, and that there's also servers. For those, the change is pretty good, making the enchantment system less of a grind, and more of a doable achievement.
    The best enchants are still at lvl 50, no change there. What Jeb did was just making lower level enchanting more viable wich was sorely needed.

    The max enchantment is now level 30. :/
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Does anyone else feel that Jeb changed enchanting *too* much?
    Every snapshot there's a person who cannot deal with the good that Jeb has added in the game. This time, this person is you. Thank you for starting a rant because you're using a system that isn't even intentional in Minecraft that makes enchanting too easy. Just stop using XP farms if you'd like a challenge. I don't know how many people have had to be told throughout these past few weeks to deal with it and don't use what they don't like.

    Edit: Also, I look at this in your post:
    You weren't complaining in Beta 1.8 when your pickaxe didn't multiply one diamond ore into 4 diamonds, were you? So why are you complaining now when that ability is too hard to get?

    Why are you complaining that the ability is too easy to get with your farm? Stop using enchantment tables if it really bugs you that much.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on [1.2.5][FORGE] WarriorCats v0.1
    Great, now we need cats and clans and the sorts.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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