Past Experience: I've worked with quite a few servers before this one, not just limited to MC. I cannot lead you to these, as most are shut down or under indefinite hiatus. My experience ranges from Owning (I used to run a server back in 2014, but it went down due to lack of funding) through Developing (I used it as a way to brush up on my coding) and everything in between. My experience also covers bases in youtubing, but not nearly as much as I hardly ever upload anything.
Why do you want to work with us?: I would like to work on a server, and that is it put simply. I would like to help a server thrive and to make the environment fun for players to join. The reason why I only said helper is so that I don't have to be so hard on people.
What makes you qualified?: Here is where I would say see past experience, but I honestly don't have much to put here. I want to help, and it is as simple as that. You'll have to get to know me before I put anything else here.
Other: If I could get an IP address too, that'd be great.
Are you able to voice chat?: Yes, and with multiple methods.
Can you use discord?: Yes. I also have access to Skype and TeamSpeak3
How active can you be?: Depends on the day. I have a job, and thus some days might be strained (notably weekends). I also play a little game called EVE Online, which can make a sudden stop to Minecraft (for a few hours) if my corp needs me. Otherwise, I have plenty of time to assist and aid the server.
Are you currently working with another server(be honest)?: No. I haven't been on Minecraft in a couple months. If a server kept me, I sure ain't going back.
Previous experience: A couple years ago I had owned a minecraft server though MCProHosting. It went down awhile back due to lack of funding. I have administrated on a few other servers, but very few times other than the time I owned had anything to do with the back-end. However, I do have plenty of experience up-front with players as well as back-end experience.
How well do you understand backend of servers?: Multicraft tends to be used to manage server plugins, config, and logs. Through Multicraft, one can install, change, delete, or reconfigure the server's various plugins while also being able to manage the server's availability. It allows those with access to be able to shut down/(re)start the server with the push of the button. To my knowledge, it has a console that allows those with access to interface with the server and its players without logging in. It also has a player list of the players online. That would be the program used to handle the backend. As a previous server owner, I have knowledge of the inner workings of this and would be able to easily manage files and other data required.
Why are you interested to work with us?: To be fair, I want to get involved in a new, growing community. I want to help. I want to assist in making a community grow and prosper among its peers.
What can you bring to the team?: I am a very responsible person. I have leadership training, and can bring with it plenty of experience in both technical and personal dimensions. I get things done when they need to be, and, to my knowledge, have a great head on my shoulders. I also can provide entertainment to other staff with badly photoshopped photos of Michael Cera. (Meaning that I have a controlled sense of humor)
Additional Information: Not much else. Add tree.puncher9501 to Skype if you wish to talk without the use of discord. Also, if I could have the IP, just so that, even if not chosen, I could still hang around and relax on the server, and play it, that'd be great.
Nickname/Name (Optional): On skype, my nickname is Pollard. In Minecraft, I prefer my username.
Do you have a mic? (Required!):I do have a mic, and utilize it often.
Experience As Staff: I have been anything from helper to administrator on many servers. I even once owned a server, but it shut down about two years ago due to lack of funding. Administrator experience includes everything from utilizing things like WorldGuard to adequately judging the extent of punishment to one who breaks server rules, while Moderator experience involves knowledge in the way people work as well as the knowledge of how to best help players. I have experience with plugin installing/configuring/updating/backing up as well.
What do you do to hackers?: There are many things one can do to hackers. I prefer to explain it with a gif:
What if someone is spamming?: It depends on the level of spam. If it is minor or accidental, a warning is in place. If it is obviously intentional, a mute or gag is required. If they continue to spam after their mute has warn off, they will be subject to a kick. If they continue after the kick, a temporary ban. If they continue after that, then they will receive a full ban.
Do you have proof of you punishing someone?(optional): Not really. It has been awhile since I have been on MC, and even then, why would I screenshot when I punish someone? I believe in praising in public and punishing in private.
Say John and Richard were spamming Inappropriate things in chat. Then
other players join in. Your the only staff member on. What do you
do?(If you do not use detail application will be Denied): Mute them all. It's really simple. Mute everyone involved, give them all a warning in the chat so that they may hear it (They cannot continue spam w/ mute), then unmute them. Anyone that continues will be muted for longer periods of time, followed up by my usual procedure of punishing spam which is detailed above.
Once you are staff you will not argue about things with other staff. Agreed?: Agreed, however, I do believe that staff should be able to voice their opinions with other staff about something they are uncomfortable with (Example: A staff member abusing power or giving a cruel/unnecessary punishment).
If I may ask, I would enjoy to just play on the server. I want to get used to a server and evaluate it before I decide to apply, however I am taking interest. My request is simply for an IP address be private-messages to me, so that I may investigate the server. I fully understand if you cannot give out such details due to the freshness of the server, however if you are unable to give such details I can patiently wait until the appropriate time. Thank you for reading this message, and have a good night. (It's 10:30 and I have a drivers permit test tomorrow, so I need sleep.)
Well then, if you manage to install forge on a pack, compress the entire thing with winrar or 7zip then message me. Make sure the version is 1.7.10 as most mods don't have 1.8 versions yet.
Ah. Now, I assume you want well known mods as well? For Example: Thermal Expansion, Applied Energistics, Buildcraft, Thaumcraft, Witchery, Blood magic, railcraft, big reactors, ender storage, extra cells, Necromancy, Botania, Reliquary, Thaumic Tinkerer, Thaumic Exploration, twilight forest, ect?
For example, how much magic do you want in comparison to tech? I know a fair amount of magic and technical mods we could install, but I need to know how many you want. Think of it this way, give me a percentage of technical mods to magic mods as part of a whole. Like a pie chart.
I wouldn't mind giving assistance with the server bit, however, forge does not like me when I install it. If you install forge, I'll install a bunch of mods on the pack. What kind of pack do you want?
I was thinking about applying, but I always get the jitters when I log onto a server for the first time... can't I just answer your questions through skype or something?
Name: Hunter
In-Game Name: Aurelium
Skype Username: tree.puncher9501
Age: 17
Past Experience: I've worked with quite a few servers before this one, not just limited to MC. I cannot lead you to these, as most are shut down or under indefinite hiatus. My experience ranges from Owning (I used to run a server back in 2014, but it went down due to lack of funding) through Developing (I used it as a way to brush up on my coding) and everything in between. My experience also covers bases in youtubing, but not nearly as much as I hardly ever upload anything.
Why do you want to work with us?: I would like to work on a server, and that is it put simply. I would like to help a server thrive and to make the environment fun for players to join. The reason why I only said helper is so that I don't have to be so hard on people.
What makes you qualified?: Here is where I would say see past experience, but I honestly don't have much to put here. I want to help, and it is as simple as that. You'll have to get to know me before I put anything else here.
Name (first name only): Hunter
Age: 16
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
Are you able to voice chat?: Yes, and with multiple methods.
Can you use discord?: Yes. I also have access to Skype and TeamSpeak3
How active can you be?: Depends on the day. I have a job, and thus some days might be strained (notably weekends). I also play a little game called EVE Online, which can make a sudden stop to Minecraft (for a few hours) if my corp needs me. Otherwise, I have plenty of time to assist and aid the server.
Are you currently working with another server(be honest)?: No. I haven't been on Minecraft in a couple months. If a server kept me, I sure ain't going back.
Previous experience: A couple years ago I had owned a minecraft server though MCProHosting. It went down awhile back due to lack of funding. I have administrated on a few other servers, but very few times other than the time I owned had anything to do with the back-end. However, I do have plenty of experience up-front with players as well as back-end experience.
How well do you understand backend of servers?: Multicraft tends to be used to manage server plugins, config, and logs. Through Multicraft, one can install, change, delete, or reconfigure the server's various plugins while also being able to manage the server's availability. It allows those with access to be able to shut down/(re)start the server with the push of the button. To my knowledge, it has a console that allows those with access to interface with the server and its players without logging in. It also has a player list of the players online. That would be the program used to handle the backend. As a previous server owner, I have knowledge of the inner workings of this and would be able to easily manage files and other data required.
Why are you interested to work with us?: To be fair, I want to get involved in a new, growing community. I want to help. I want to assist in making a community grow and prosper among its peers.
What can you bring to the team?: I am a very responsible person. I have leadership training, and can bring with it plenty of experience in both technical and personal dimensions. I get things done when they need to be, and, to my knowledge, have a great head on my shoulders. I also can provide entertainment to other staff with badly photoshopped photos of Michael Cera. (Meaning that I have a controlled sense of humor)
Additional Information: Not much else. Add tree.puncher9501 to Skype if you wish to talk without the use of discord. Also, if I could have the IP, just so that, even if not chosen, I could still hang around and relax on the server, and play it, that'd be great.
Moderator Application:
IGN: Aurelium
Skype: tree.puncher9501
Nickname/Name (Optional): On skype, my nickname is Pollard. In Minecraft, I prefer my username.
Do you have a mic? (Required!):I do have a mic, and utilize it often.
Experience As Staff: I have been anything from helper to administrator on many servers. I even once owned a server, but it shut down about two years ago due to lack of funding. Administrator experience includes everything from utilizing things like WorldGuard to adequately judging the extent of punishment to one who breaks server rules, while Moderator experience involves knowledge in the way people work as well as the knowledge of how to best help players. I have experience with plugin installing/configuring/updating/backing up as well.
What do you do to hackers?: There are many things one can do to hackers. I prefer to explain it with a gif:
What if someone is spamming?: It depends on the level of spam. If it is minor or accidental, a warning is in place. If it is obviously intentional, a mute or gag is required. If they continue to spam after their mute has warn off, they will be subject to a kick. If they continue after the kick, a temporary ban. If they continue after that, then they will receive a full ban.
Do you have proof of you punishing someone?(optional): Not really. It has been awhile since I have been on MC, and even then, why would I screenshot when I punish someone? I believe in praising in public and punishing in private.
Say John and Richard were spamming Inappropriate things in chat. Then
other players join in. Your the only staff member on. What do you
do?(If you do not use detail application will be Denied): Mute them all. It's really simple. Mute everyone involved, give them all a warning in the chat so that they may hear it (They cannot continue spam w/ mute), then unmute them. Anyone that continues will be muted for longer periods of time, followed up by my usual procedure of punishing spam which is detailed above.
Once you are staff you will not argue about things with other staff. Agreed?: Agreed, however, I do believe that staff should be able to voice their opinions with other staff about something they are uncomfortable with (Example: A staff member abusing power or giving a cruel/unnecessary punishment).
Lesson learned: Powerful staff positions that are handed out willy-nilly are bound to be abused.
If I may ask, I would enjoy to just play on the server. I want to get used to a server and evaluate it before I decide to apply, however I am taking interest. My request is simply for an IP address be private-messages to me, so that I may investigate the server. I fully understand if you cannot give out such details due to the freshness of the server, however if you are unable to give such details I can patiently wait until the appropriate time. Thank you for reading this message, and have a good night. (It's 10:30 and I have a drivers permit test tomorrow, so I need sleep.)
Good. Seriously though, once you have forge installed, send me a PM.
Well then, if you manage to install forge on a pack, compress the entire thing with winrar or 7zip then message me. Make sure the version is 1.7.10 as most mods don't have 1.8 versions yet.
Ah. Now, I assume you want well known mods as well? For Example: Thermal Expansion, Applied Energistics, Buildcraft, Thaumcraft, Witchery, Blood magic, railcraft, big reactors, ender storage, extra cells, Necromancy, Botania, Reliquary, Thaumic Tinkerer, Thaumic Exploration, twilight forest, ect?
For example, how much magic do you want in comparison to tech? I know a fair amount of magic and technical mods we could install, but I need to know how many you want. Think of it this way, give me a percentage of technical mods to magic mods as part of a whole. Like a pie chart.
Right. So, what would the comparison be? Between magic and tech?
I wouldn't mind giving assistance with the server bit, however, forge does not like me when I install it. If you install forge, I'll install a bunch of mods on the pack. What kind of pack do you want?
This is an amazing server!
This is a brilliant server. Well structured and well organized, anybody can easily get on and enjoy themselves! 9/10 though, for lack of warps.
I was thinking about applying, but I always get the jitters when I log onto a server for the first time... can't I just answer your questions through skype or something?
People don't always read. Not the best people to look into.