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    posted a message on The Seven Deadly Sins (Nanatsu no Taizai) [Fantasy] [OOC]

    Alright, noted. Richard is human, and I'll remove the bits about the first Holy War. I'll make it so that Star Line Orrery functions similarly to a AoE DoT spell for anyone that stays in its radius. It will probably only kill unlucky mooks, but its true purpose would be distracting focus from enemies(it's hard to ignore a shining projectile that constantly tears at your flesh, after all).

    As for being a Sin, I can rewrite it so that Richard is a Sin, but I've got a few questions about it. How is one branded a Sin? I know that they're declared that by the Holy Order, but how does this happen? The original post says that the power of the goddesses have been reborn into new vessels, but how so? Do a few Holy Knights just wake up as a vessel, or does the Holy Order brand someone as a Sin, then they get their power?

    I'll rewrite after these questions are answered. On a side note, I've been meaning to watch Seven Deadly Sins for a while now, but it's just kinda on my list of animes that I need to sift through at some point.

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    posted a message on The Seven Deadly Sins (Nanatsu no Taizai) [Fantasy] [OOC]

    Name: Richard Sternennacht

    Age: 27

    Appearance: Richard stands at around 5'11'' feet tall, and weighs around 175 lbs. He has an unassuming frame, as he's quite thin and wiry. In reality, he's quite capable of handling his own in physical combat. He has a few scars from combat, mostly on his chest and arms. Richard has long, silvery-white hair that extends to about shoulder level, though it is occasionally trimmed to prevent it from obscuring his vision. His eyes are a deep blue.

    Personality: Richard is very down-to-earth and realistic. He does have aspirations, but reasonable ones that he can reach with enough work and time. He is also quite humble, preferring to do what is asked of him, then leaving. In battle, he is usually silent, only speaking the incantations and such that powers his ability.

    Sin or Holy Knight?: Holy Knight, Knight of the People

    Equipment: Richard prefers wearing a set of enchanted clothing that provides a good amount of slashing protection, but does nothing to protect against stabbing. It also protects against basic spells and minor abilities, though more powerful strikes will bypass this protection. It does, however, give him complete freedom of movement that regular armor would not provide.

    Power/Ability: Stardust - At the core, all of his abilities rely on stardust, that is produced by some attacks, and used up by others. Stardust is a fine, white, glowing dust that lingers in the air for around 10 minutes, after which, it settles onto the ground and loses its properties. It is unclear from where this stardust originates, but it seems to be a magical construct that he uses to channel his power.

    • Ephermis Edge: The most basic ability in his arsenal. Richard enchants his blade, and causes it to glow white. This increases its cutting power, and causes a trail of stardust to be left in the air. After this, he can use the stardust in the air for his other abilities.
    • Ring on the Horizon: A similar ability to Ephermis Edge. Richard speaks the incantation and causes his blade to extend up to double its reach. This allows him to surprise opponents during combat, oftentimes catching two or three more opponents in one swing. The blade then retracts to its original size.
    • Guardian Sign: A defensive ability. Richard uses the stardust in the air to quickly erect a barrier, which he can use to block strikes that he can't otherwise dodge. Since the barrier only lasts for as long as he focuses on it, and because the barrier can be broken with sufficient force, it is best used as a last-second shield, than anything else.
    • Star Line Orrery: This ability uses all the stardust in the air near Richard to activate. It causes the stardust to compact, then rotate around him, using him as a fixed point. With each rotation and spin, the rate at which it rotates picks up speed. After several rotations, the stardust perforates enemies if they are caught in its path.
    • Meteor Wing: A pair of wings form on Richard's back, which he then uses to propel himself forward at great speeds, leaving a trail of stardust behind. This ability is best used to charge into enemy ranks and sow discord. The problem with this ability is that it has little maneuverability, so while it can be used for flight, it is best used for short bursts of movement.

    History: Richard was born to a rich, noble family. From a young age, he practiced his swordsmanship and combat skills with the tutors and teachers that was provided for him. His parents wanted him to become a Holy Knight, so he did not have too much choice in the matter. In reality, he feels like it's unnecessary, but he doesn't really care too much about it. Despite his apathetic demeanor, he does care for people, as shown when he helped defend a small village in his family's lands.

    When he was old enough, he joined the Holy Knights, where he remained at the base rank for a while, due to his satisfaction at a low rank. When the First Holy War began, he simply continued his duties that were expected of him as a Holy Knight. Eventually, he found that to make a real difference, he'd have to work for it, so he begrudgingly did so. When the Second Holy War began, Richard saw that the Holy Knights were neglecting their original tasks, so he took it upon himself to make up for their mistakes. The people needed protecting, so he would help them.

    Other: Apologies for the short history. I've felt rather uninspired lately, so if there's anything I've done wrong, feel free to point it out.

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    posted a message on 7 Deadly Sins (Nanatsu no Taizai) Interest check

    Ah, makes sense. Oh well, the fact that we can still sign up as a holy knight that isn't a sin does appeal to me. Consider me interested.

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    posted a message on 7 Deadly Sins (Nanatsu no Taizai) Interest check

    Ah, my bad. I was under the impression that there's only one person per sin(1 greed, 1 pride, etc.). While you're correct that Holy Knights would also be locked into an aspect they might not want to play(they select a power, then they choose a personality based on that), I thought it would be more evident for the sins as I thought there is only 1 person per sin, thus if someone wanted to play Greed but it was already selected, then they'd have to go for another sin.

    In either case, I'd probably join. Thanks for the clarifications.

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    posted a message on 7 Deadly Sins (Nanatsu no Taizai) Interest check

    I'm interested in the premise, though I'm leaning slightly towards the setting being during the Holy War. Mostly because if each sin is unique(i.e. there's only one sin per character), then players might be locked into an aspect they might not want to play. Or maybe we'd be playing a renegade band of Holy Knights who oppose the current corrupt Holy Knights. Either way, count me in. I've got a hankering for an anime RP recently.

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    posted a message on [TRPG] [Fantasy] [IC]

    When Elena had finished her introductions, she stared into the distance. The tavern was still on fire, though less people were around it now. People fought the inferno with buckets of water while others treated the few who were wounded. Many others were simply standing idle, much like what she was doing now. A question from the foxman pulled her away from her reverie.

    "Your spells were vital to our victory" Pearce began, "What kind of magic do you use?"

    That was an interesting enough question. The magic she used was primal and elemental in nature, further bolstered by the elemental spirit that resides in her body. While she did not know as much as a wizard, she was still quite talented in her studies as a sorceress. An apt title, as she drew the arcane energies from her blood and the spirit. Of course, her connection to the elemental of storms meant that her affinity with lightning and wind were amplified. She couldn't tell them this though. It would be rude to speak more than what was asked, after all.

    "I mostly use Evocation spells of lightning, thunder, and wind. I presume you're a spellcaster as well, then?" Elena questioned.

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    posted a message on [TRPG] [Fantasy] [OOC] [ACCEPTING]

    I'll add a point to Dexterity, and get Channel Spirit as my skill. The health potion will probably be in her bags.

    Elena Cataegis
    [STR: 2 || DEF: 0 || DEX: 4 || INT: 2 || MAG: 3]

    Channel Spirit: Archon of the Storm - Elena loosens the seal on the bound elemental within her to bolster the effect of her spells at the cost of her other bodily functions.

    [STR: 1 || DEF: 1 || DEX: 1 || INT: 1 || MAG: 7]

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    posted a message on [TRPG] [Fantasy] [IC]

    The young woman smiled as the elf from the tavern approached. The archer was quite skilled, and together with the help of the foxman, they were able to take out the barbarian. In the distance, the inn was still ablaze, people rushing to try to contain the inferno. The elf walked over to where Elena was sitting, and close to where the foxman was standing. She thanked the two for their assistance, which in turn, caused the foxman to thank her as well.

    "Ah. It was nothing." Elena said. "I was glad to be of assistance."

    Elena put away her comb after she deemed that her hair was in good enough condition. The foxman introduced himself as Pearce Allan, and it would seem that the elf would soon do the same. If Elena got this far with them, she might as well get to know them, so she spoke next. The young woman rose from her seat on the bench and curtsied.

    "Elena Cataegis. Pleased to meet you." she said politely, before taking her seat on the bench again.

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    posted a message on [TRPG] [Fantasy] [OOC] [ACCEPTING]

    Sorry for not posting in a while guys, power outages became quite frequent in my region, and only had the time writing a proper response once everything had been sorted out(not to mention that after my response had been written and promptly deleted, I decided to take a break).

    The following posts from me should be better from now on, so you'll have to excuse the quality.

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    posted a message on [TRPG] [Fantasy] [IC]

    Elena watched as the foxman went over to her side to help drag the man along. "At least some people were willing to help", she thought to herself. As the pair dragged the man along, it seemed that the argument between the elven archer and the barkeep had begun to reach a head. The elf threatened the stubborn man with her bow and arrow, which caused the man to do as asked. He moved to unlock the door.

    In the corner of her eye, Elena could spot the publican reaching for something, but before she could say anything, the foxman had already warned the elf. She deftly dodged out of the way of a glass pitcher, but the liquid within had spilled, causing the alcohol to stain the woman's clothes. Luckily for Elena, none of it had landed on her, if it had, she would have been much more cross with the barkeep. Patrons rushed out of the open door, and some moved to help the unconscious barbarian out of the building.

    By the time she had exited, the ceiling in the other side of the building had creaked and gave way. Soon enough, the whole building would collapse. Elena breathed a sigh of relief when she had been outside. People rushed to and fro across the streets, desperately trying to put out the fire. A man and several guards had moved to take care the the unconscious barbarian. Elena moved away from the crowds and took a seat on a nearby bench away from the burning tavern. She reached into her pocket and retrieved a comb and began combing her hair. The smoke had done little to keep it tidy, after all.

    "Such a pain..." Elena said to herself quietly.

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    posted a message on [TRPG] [Fantasy] [IC]

    The fire had spread much quicker than Elena had anticipated. People were already leaving the building. A wise choice, but in the end, it only served to block the entrances. The young woman briefly considered exiting through the windows, but decided against it. She did not have the tenacity nor the shamelessness to do so. There was also the issue of the now unconscious barbarian at her feet. Elena sighed deeply as she started dragging him away from the inferno. There was no way she could leave him to die, even if he had seemed to be the cause of it all. As young woman struggled to pull him along, she almost regretted her decision about incapacitating him.


    Elena did her best to stay low to avoid breathing in too much smoke. The crowded tavern made it difficult to maneuver though, and she had to pull the barbarian past several tables. She aimed to make it to the cellar door where the other patrons were gathering, but halfway through, she had reached her limit. Elena was never a particularly strong woman, and pulling along a heavy load in a burning environment was tough, to say the least. She beckoned to the people crowded around the cellar door, where the elven archer and several others were waiting.

    "I would appreciate some help here..." Elena said with ragged breath.

    Many of the patrons looked at the unconscious man scornfully. The young woman sighed again. It seemed that the patrons were unwilling to help her with the man. At this rate, he will quite likely become a literal dead weight. Judging on how the cellar door isn't open yet, Elena could only assume that the barkeep was keeping it locked for some reason. How typical.

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    posted a message on [TRPG] [Fantasy] [IC]

    The enraged barbarian took a step towards Elena, but he was stopped when he had realized that he had been shot by the elven archer. The arrow had embedded itself in the middle of his arm. The pain had caused him to drop his club, which made a surprisingly heavy thud on the floor. Elena remained on guard, after all, it still seemed that the barbarian was still thinking about his decision. The young woman watched as the foxman took a step towards the barbarian. His attempts were quickly dissuaded by a sluggish attempt of a swipe. The barbarian was clearly at a disadvantage, yet he wished to persist.

    "Do you really still have to think about this?" Elena said in an exasperated tone as she put away her dagger. "There's nothing you can do at this point."

    The barbarian ponders this for a moment, then looks to the young woman with rage filled in his eyes.

    "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" he screamed as he took off charging in her direction.

    The man chose the most direct path towards Elena, which meant going through several tables. Having gained a second wind, the barbarian knocked aside tables and chairs in his path. He must have knocked over a lantern at some point, because the sound of glass shattering was heard. A small fire had started quickly enough, and it seemed that this did not serve to slow him down at all.

    "That's too bad..." Elena said quietly as she went through the practiced motions of spellcasting.

    He had closed the distance fairly quickly, but when he was within a few feet of her, the barbarian stopped in his tracks. The man convulsed for a moment before collapsing on the floor. Elena swiftly stepped to the side as to avoid the falling man. The barbarian hit the floor with an unceremonious thud. The young woman did her best to suppress a smug smirk at her handiwork before turning to the growing fire.

    "We need to get everyone out of here, unless you all have something that could put out this fire." Elena quickly suggested.

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    posted a message on [TRPG] [Fantasy] [IC]

    Elena sighed deeply as she walked down the gangplank. The rip on the Scourer was somewhat dull, even if she had passed the time by reading some books. As she had paid the toll required to board the ship as a passenger, she had the privilege of being one of the first to disembark. It didn't matter too much in the end though, as the people who decided to earn their keep had exited the ship left soon after. The young woman made sure she had everything in order before walking down the pier.

    A refreshing sea breeze wafted through the air as Elena walked across the boardwalk. The sensation was calming and reassuring, it reminded her of home. For a brief moment, she had wondered about her family, but the thought slipped as quickly as it came. She was here for a reason, after all. The woman continued down the streets.

    As Elena walked, a myriad of merchants had beckoned her closer. The woman did her best to ignore them. After all, she had already used quite a bit of money on the toll for the ship's passage. She considered it wiser to simply save the money for later. Gold in another land was still gold, after all. Still, her curiosity had gotten the better of her. There was much to see as incense, jewelry, trinkets, and baubles lined the stands. The exotic objects had drawn her close.

    ...Perhaps she could look around for a bit.

    The young woman had spent more time window shopping than she had hoped, and not a single item to show for it. It wasn't a total waste of time, as she got acquainted with a few them, and got a better idea of the city. Foreigners such as herself were rare, and quite a few people had turned their heads to peer at the young woman, but whether it was her strange choice of weaponry, or her appearance, she wouldn't be able to tell. Elena took a turn down a side street which took her back near the docks.

    From this distance, aside from the hustle and bustle of the city, she could hear what seemed like shouting and breaking things. Elena walked closer until she could see an inn, namely, "The Dish ran away with the Spoon Inn". A quaint little establishment, as the sign hanging from the nearby pole was worn and slightly faded from the moisture. What was most notable, however, were the disgruntled patrons leaving the inn. They were in varying stages of drunkenness, most were lightly buzzed and tipsy from their drinks, while others were close to collapsing on the ground. Elena stepped past these patrons as they hovered around the building. It seemed that they only wanted to stay out of the danger zone.

    Elena watched the situation unfold from a nearby window. It seemed that a drunken man had started disturbing the peace. He seemed quite strong, and very much drunk. The young woman spotted a pair of familiar faces facing down against him, namely a wood elf archer, and a foxman. Elena vaguely remembered them being on the Scourer as well, but she had only spared them a few glances. It seemed they've gotten themselves into a bit of trouble. She stood in the doorway for a minute before entering completely, positioning herself against a nearby wall.

    The young woman observed the situation in further detail. Any patrons left in the building mostly huddled together in the side, or were simply too drunk to notice the events that were unfolding. Elena spotted one or two people simply standing at guard, but otherwise idly stood by. It seemed that the barbarian was tired, perhaps he had been at this for a while? If so, then the adventurers fighting him have some remarkable tenacity. It was clear that the pair was trying to take him down without causing any serious injuries.

    "Hmm..." Elena mumbled to herself.

    A wayward projectile, namely a pewter tankard, had interrupted her thoughts. How uncouth. She pivoted her body to the side to avoid the impromptu missile before turning to face the barbarian. It seemed that he had sent some tableware flying when he was thrashing about. For a moment, Elena's hands had darted to the pair of chakrams strapped to her back, but she stopped herself. There was little she could do to use them without seriously hurting the man, which she would like to avoid(even if she wanted to). She let her arms drop to sides, as a crackle of electricity danced between her fingertips.

    "This may hurt a little..." Elena whispered to nobody in particular.

    In a swift and sudden motion, Elena had outstretched her arm towards the raging barbarian. Her fingers pointed at him, causing a burst of lightning to surge across the room and hit the man square in the chest. Of course, she had not fired the spell at full power, after all, she had no intent to kill or maim the man. She had hoped it would just be enough to take him down. The man howled in pain, the spell only causing his rage to intensify further. He shot Elena an angry glare. No words needed to be exchanged to understand his intent as he took a step towards her.

    "Ngh... Should have put more power into that spell..." She said, somewhat nervously. Elena reached for her dagger.

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    posted a message on [TRPG] [Fantasy] [OOC] [ACCEPTING]

    This is an acceptable drawback, and in fact, I quite like it. Elena will probably use the binding ritual to simply pull her weapons back quicker, if necessary. Or perhaps she'll just use it to store her weapons back at a safe place(i.e. home), and recall them to her when necessary. Even with the drawback, the skill is still quite useful, as it pretty much guarantees that the character is safe from being disarmed.

    Glad to be back, by the way.

    Edited the app to include that snippet of information of HeartChains.

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    posted a message on [TRPG] [Fantasy] [OOC] [ACCEPTING]

    Name: Elena Cataegis

    Age: 19

    Gender: Female

    Race: Human

    Appearance: Elena is of average height, and of a slender build. She has beautiful white hair that flows down to her waist. Due to her heritage, her eyes are a deep purple color that become more pronounced when she casts spells or channels magic. She typically tries to strike a balance between form and function when it comes to her attire, though she will prefer something that allows her to move above anything else.

    This was the closest I could find. She probably wears something more tasteful, though.

    Stats: [STR:2 || DEF: 0 || DEX: 3 || INT: 2 || MAG: 3]


    Throwing Arm: [2+ STR] Thrown weapons fly farther and hit harder. STR and DEX are treated as a point higher than usual for the purpose of the throw.

    Ricochet: [Req: ‘Throwing Arm’, 3+ DEX] Elena has learned to angle and throw her weapons in such a way that they may bounce off one target and hit another. This can even cause certain weapons to return to her hands after the attack.

    Stormbolt(Magic Missile): [+1 MAG] Elena can channel the magical energy suffused within her into a ball of lightning.

    Channel Soul: Elena can focus her inner soul and infuse her weapons with the essence of the storm. Weapons cut deeper and become more powerful. She can also focus her spells to channel the effect into her weapons.

    Binding Ritual: [+2 MAG] Elena has learned to bind objects into her soul. This rite takes an hour per object, and larger objects may prove too difficult to be bound. Once an object is bound, she can summon said object into her hands at will. She can also dismiss the object, shunting it into an extradimensional space for storage. She may only have an amount of objects bound up to her MAG stat. Attempting to bind additional objects after that unbinds her earliest object that she bound to.

    Due to the curse HeartChains, Elena cannot use Binding Ritual to store objects in an extradimensional plane. They still work as usual, but binding an object to herself causes the items to gain a similar curse(cannot interact with a different dimension). Characters with Aurasight will be able to see the chains connected to objects, and characters with Keen Eye(and Aurasight) will be able to spot the chains retracting once they are summoned to her hands.


    Dagger [+1 STR] [+1 DEX if Hidden]
    Chakram(s) [+1 STR] [+2 DEX if Dual]

    Elena owns a pair of Chakrams that open on one end. Each chakram has a minor enchantment that causes it to return to its wielder handle-first. The weapons are made of a magically-treated metal, allowing it to be easily enchanted or infused by runes and spells respectively. She also carries a simple dagger for close engagements.

    Curse: HeartChains - The raging spirit sealed within Elena's body is bound to this plane. As a result, she is also bound to this plane of existence.

    Other: I can’t believe I missed the beginning of the RP. Oh well, my fault. If you've got comments, criticism, etc, just let me know. I'll fix it up soon enough.

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