I'm a pretty big fan of B-lazin Saddles (by BdoubleO100 & GeneriKB), but being a fan of westerns, seeing them run around with swords was driving me crazy. So to improve the realism of the series, I decided to create a few textures I think would improve Immersion.
- New, more true to life textures for all melee weapons
- Bow is now a revolver, complete with new sounds, and ammo
- New walking sounds. Spur-Tastic! (Sounds amazing)
- Skeletons have been changed to bandits
- "Cat" record has been changed to a saloon type ragtime ensemble
- Custom language file. Changed names of all edited items, all potions, and some chat notifications.
- Change armor to western theme
- Edit paintings
- Continue to change language file to better suit the pack
- Retexture unused blocks into useful decorations(I.E. sponge)
- couple secret ideas =P

[Bowie Knives/Saber]



Video by MaristersMines.
Not really a showcase, but show's off a few of the additions in the pack. Thanks mate. =]

Current Version
Due to language files not working correctly in resource packs yet, this resource pack does not run as an archive. To install, unzip the archive into your .minecraft/resourcepacks folder, and follow install instructions.txt
- Initial release: Bowie Knives, Saber, 2x4, Bullet
- V1.0: Added Revolver by Zivodor, and custom language file
- V1.1: Changed bow sounds to revolver sounds
- V1.2: Added spur sounds to footsteps
- V1.3: Changed Skeleton to bandit, edited sounds to match, changed "cat" record to saloon-style ragtime music. changed bullet texture to speed loader.
Please do not use in any other packs/mods, rehost, modify, or use in any public manner without express permission from myself.
Copyright © Keepitcovert 2013
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