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    posted a message on The Legend of Zelda Overhaul [8/03] - More sounds!
    I apologize for the bump, but for those that prefer a bit more of a uniform look to the tools, but love this texture pack, I've made this:

    I mixed and matched my favorites from every single item image posted in this thread, so if you don't like some of those, just edit them out with the other stuff you like, pasted over them.

    * EDIT: May as well just put it in image tags.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on ORIGINAL Texture Pack Central/ Mods List [closed]
    Quote from Anonymous_Jr »
    Can someone make a Half-Life Tile Texture pack?

    Because asking repeatedly is sure to get someone to do it for you!
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Help Identifying this mod please, [picture included]
    3D Dot Game Hero texture pack.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Cleanslate Texture Pack
    Quote from genesis1900 »
    im sorry, but how do i change the default textures with this image? ive tried the other threads on how to use custom textures, but they arent working, any help?

    Change the file name to terrain.png and install as normal.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on SMP's Texture Pack [The Ornate Update + Boo! Update rel]
    Quote from FoxChicken »
    Well I'm not YOU now am I? Is s a simple recolor.

    If that's all it is then why don't you do what most other people do here and tweak the textures yourself? :U
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Hurt Sounds
    Quote from CrazySpai »
    Quote from lucarfox »
    Quote from SuperLlama »
    People would load it with recordings of profanities, but it'd be nice to have a few options depending on what fits your skin the most.

    Yes i realize this buuuuut-
    u upload it to the website and u can report baddies?
    just an idea.

    Sounds like your future threads are going to consist of your complaining about your best friend that's an op that isn't doing a great job and you want to report him to the community because you think we'll help you admin your server.

    Just saying 'ya know.

    It sounds nothing like that.
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Multiplayer Discussion
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    posted a message on Item Showoff
    I got bored and did this for fun:

    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Preserving the point of SMP
    Congratulations, Tokidoki, you've done nothing but prove that you've found a way to make yourself superior to all of the rest of the players here. I bow to your impressive strategy of "take a post and say they're stupid, that'll show them!"


    Griefers are players just as much as I, someone who doesn't grief unless it's with friends and we're just screwing around anyway, am. If you don't want them in your server, you simply disallow them by making it private, banning them, etc. This is why it's a good thing the server software is readily available. Don't like how another server is run? Start your own! Or, if you can't do that, get a buddy to start one. Or, if all else fails, search for a server more suited to your playing style.

    If you happen to join MY server, however, don't be surprised if you find your traps disassembled, your wall with a huge hole in it, and all of your chests looted for the most valuable things you have (also I'm taking your jukebox and records because I want them :<). No, I won't raze your buildings to the ground, and I won't attack you every time you happen to just finish building up, but eventually I will challenge you by trying to take your stuff and put it to my own uses.

    I'm not so low that I'd do it when you weren't there, however. That's just wrong.

    On any server I run, this is how I'd expect everyone to act. Your server? Sure, we can all be happy happy joy joy and build things together.

    Not sure why people can't allow both types of players to coexist (albeit on their separate servers) and deal with griefers as you see fit (and as the situation calls). There is nobody who can dictate how the game is "meant" to be played except Notch. Nobody is missing the point of anything.

    (To clarify my own, personal definition of what I'd consider griefing: Spawn camping, harassing a player's constructions for extended periods of time with no express purpose, lighting entire forests on fire for no reason other than to lag the server (if they do it to burn down a house on the other side because the two of them are at war, then I could probably forgive it a bit), repeatedly hunting down a specific player to kill them whether there's anything to gain or not, and, last but not least, verbally harassing players for any reason (taunting is not included here, as long as it doesn't get out of hand).
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Multiplayer Discussion
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