The game is about surviving AND building, hence the inclusion of a peaceful mode. It's also a game that's still very much in alpha, so it's not even close to being a full release yet.
Keep that in mind before you spout off about how easy the game is or what it's meant to be about.
It took me about 10 hours to make my fort, which features an indoor farm, tree nursery, sealed off and connected resource pit, cobblestone generator (which I made sure to note how inefficient the sucker really is), and all the normal stuff. I also built it over the top of my mob killer trap, so that was where most of the time went to. That and clearing the land to make my tree nursery.
I'm not trolling. I'm tired of seeing his stupid ass pictures in nearly every thread I look at.
Dude really.. Your getting mad at something that is quite funny. Get a life or gtfo, jesus..
Actually it wasn't that funny and given the fact that OP provided a save file so you could see it happen FOR YOURSELF, his comic was entirely unnecessary and is wasting as much space as this post is!
Happens to me a lot with zombies and spiders, but I've never been unlucky enough for a creeper to do it.
This is great, man. Keep it up!
The game is about surviving AND building, hence the inclusion of a peaceful mode. It's also a game that's still very much in alpha, so it's not even close to being a full release yet.
Keep that in mind before you spout off about how easy the game is or what it's meant to be about.
Yes, let's nitpick on one line he said.
This would probably hurt my eyes after a while, to be honest with you. I probably couldn't stand to use it for more than an hour. haha
Pretty sure you're not allowed to distribute it without Notch's permission anyway, bro.
That first one he linked, SMP's, has everything hi res. Even the boogers in your nose are hi res.
You beat the dirt with it and it just kinda moves or something.
I'd really like to know what I'm downloading before I download it.
SMP's Realistic 2 did it first, actually.
Either way, they kind of glitch out and it's annoying to see. :sad.gif:
Rename the first image to "gui.png" and second image to "icons.png." Place them both in the gui folder within minecraft.jar and you're good to go!
Instead of pumpkins and pumpkin pie, return it to wheat and use THIS as the bread: ... roiche.gif
It's the bread from The Minish Cap.
Actually it wasn't that funny and given the fact that OP provided a save file so you could see it happen FOR YOURSELF, his comic was entirely unnecessary and is wasting as much space as this post is!
Happens to me a lot with zombies and spiders, but I've never been unlucky enough for a creeper to do it.
Fences use the wood texture so no updating necessary for any packs.