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    posted a message on [16x] Jolicraft ~ Trails and Tails (1.20)
    I love your enderman skin so much I made a player skin out of it. :3

    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Alvoria's Sanity - [1.12.2] - No longer updating. Sorry.
    I checked this pack out a while ago and didn't really like it that much, however, I decided to check it out again and give some feedback this time.

    Upon loading into my world, I investigated my house and everything surrounding it. I have to say that I think the pack, as a whole, is pixelated and busy and I'm not a huge fan of it, but sometimes I do get in the mood for it and this pack could definitely satisfy that.

    However, my main issue is just that-- it really is too busy and pixelated.

    I'm incredibly satisfied with the overall feel of it. You kept it consistent and nothing feels out of place. Vanilla-styled textures from modpacks and such, even, seem to fit in just fine with this pack. It's almost got a painterly feel and the lush feeling is very pleasing to my eye.

    However, I have to say that, while the rest of the pack fits together, the tree trunks are just... I don't even... How do I say this and say what I mean, and not make it sound worse than what I'm trying to say..?

    They lack depth? Yeah. They lack a lot of depth and are just messy, in general. I happened to start near a snow biome, so I have a lot of spruce trees near my house, meaning I used spruce wood and logs as part of my initial build. I can't even bring myself to look at it, now. I feel like it could do with a lot of darkening up and a bit more depth. They all, in general, just feel like bits of paper stuck together with hard edges everywhere.

    I do have to say, though, I love the item bar (not a fan of the health/hunger/armor/whatever icons, but that's easy to replace with something I do like), the iron armor's chest piece (I have no idea why I love the missing shoulders so much), and the nether portal is frickin' amazing (I seriously stared at it for a little while when I ran over to check out what it looked like).

    Also, props for making the bow animation look decent. That's one of my biggest pet peeves. I particularly hate when the ENTIRE BOW falls back one pixel for the third part of the animation. You kept the look consistent and made the animation smooth.

    In short, not the pack for me, but I also wouldn't immediately replace it if I were on a friend's PC and this was his/her pack of choice. If you were to fix up the tree trunks I would probably end up keeping this in my texture pack folder, alongside all of my other favorites that I switch to every so often.
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on [1.5.2]Improved First Person View (version 1.5.2r1, May 30th 2013)
    Just curious, is there any way to make other items that render in the same way a map does (IE: Thaumcraft's research notes or Thaumometer) render properly with this mod?

    Quite frankly, I like this mod too much to not have it. I guess I'll have to wait until you release the version that lets me turn it on and off while playing, if you can't. :(
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Ars Magica v5.52.014 (Updated August 2) (1.5.2)
    Quote from m0ndy

    Thanks for the reply. How do I do that though?

    C:\Users\YOUR PC USER HERE\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods\ArsMagica_5.52.012.zip\mods\ArsMagica\textures\items\gui_icons

    All of the files are in that directory, supposing you have it in your mod directory. I'd keep a backup, just in case something goes wrong. Also keep a backup of your edits, if you're happy with them, in case the mod updates and you'd like to put them back.

    EDIT: To remove the transparency, you literally just color over it with a solid color. I'll take a screenshot of my own to show you what I mean.

    EDIT 2: http://i5.minus.com/jq1mOpbSRjuXy.png

    I'm no graphical genius, so I did some very, very basic and harsh (and bad) shading to make it look somewhat bearable when I'm not looking directly at it. I made the bar background blank, actually (just a blank image), and then used a solid color for the full bar. The mod, itself, still adds the dark blue on the mana bar.

    I also resized each of the images to 20% of what they used to be to make them easier to edit.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Ars Magica 2 - Ideas
    Quote from Dettefin

    Sounds really good Mithion? Could I go as far as suggest some sort of compatibility with the Soul Shards mod (could research a Cow soul shard for example).

    Instead of removing worldgen, you could add another dimension for the worldgen as we know it today? You could have a couple of world-gen buildings that require you to read a set amount of books in order to unlock and achievement, which would allow you to research portals, which would take you into a world of light/dark mages, elementals, worldgen buildings, etc.

    I'm not trying to crap on your idea, or anything, but I feel like the "alternate dimension" thing, that a lot of modders used to immediately go for, is almost a form of cop-out. It just really cheapens the effect of the mod.

    This was especially apparent with mods like The Aether, where they decided to basically just re-create Minecraft using their own tools and world gen, but cleverly disguised it as an end-game mod (seriously, you had to completely remake your tools because none of the vanilla tools worked on stuff up there, very well).
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on Ars Magica v5.52.014 (Updated August 2) (1.5.2)
    Quote from m0ndy

    Still very frustrated about the flickering UIs. Is there a known bug or fix?

    You'll have to edit the UI to remove the transparency effects from the graphics. I did so, myself, and it stops the flickering.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Ars Magica 2 - Ideas
    Quote from IStoneI

    have you ever seen quantum armor?

    even archmage armor only protects you with enchantments, that have cooldowns, and it allows to still take damage and negative effects from debuffs. i dont care how expensive quantum armor is. its cheating, because it turns you invulnerable to everything.

    though i agree, that the archmage armor is a tad too strong at the moment. i like the imbue system though. i didnt try it yet, since i didnt get the enchantment, but my hope is, that i can put the flying spell on there, and it lets me fly for as long as my mana pool can support it.

    mage armor could start out like simple cloth armor without any protection, like you said, that has to be imbued with spells to increase its armor value. but it should end up at least at iron tier.

    See, thing is, I don't mind the practitioner armor, as it is, in the game right now. It's easy enough to get it destroyed if you don't play smart and get into a lot of combat and take a lot of hits. I think that's all the stronger it should be.

    From what I read in the original Ars Magica topic, he wanted the mod to hold some form of challenge. Third tier and beyond don't speak challenge to me. They're too cheap and too powerful for their equivalent vanilla versions and they just... ruin the threat of death in normal circumstances.

    I could compromise my idea, which was rough, anyway, with something along the lines of the practitioner armor being weaker, physically, but having more magical protection, then having two third tier armors that are opposites of each other (IE: one has more physical protection and weaker buffs but the other as stronger buffs with less defenses). As it stands, though, I'm finding myself having to play fair and not go beyond second tier if I want any challenge.

    The first tier is basically useless, though. A skeleton can almost completely destroy it, by itself, if you don't have a long range skill or item to take them down.

    Of course, a lot of this comes from the fact that it's too easy to just waltz into a room with an insta-cast bolt spell (Frostbolt, Arcane bolt, Ender bolt, etc) and rapid fire everything into oblivion.
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on Ars Magica v5.52.014 (Updated August 2) (1.5.2)
    Quote from Silvad0r
    EDIT: I just exited and reloaded the world and was quickly set upon by two very visible mana elementals. Not sure what exactly was going on there...

    I have had this happen with Mo' Creatures crocodiles, before. I had one latch onto my leg, killed it, then suddenly was losing health at a rapid pace. Upon quitting the game and reloading (mostly so I could calm down as I was pretty flustered about it), I could see there was another one attacking me and just didn't show up, properly, for some reason.

    I feel your pain. :(

    EDIT: I've noticed a bit of a graphical bug, whenever I decide to mess around with third person (while riding anything or flying, really).

    (picture is larger than I'd like it to be to just post)

    If you look right above my head, you'll see a bit of a visual artifact. I'm noticing this, so far, only with Ice affinity spells. Just thought I'd let you know about it.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Ars Magica v5.52.014 (Updated August 2) (1.5.2)
    Quote from Arcadiace7

    Although I love the 'special rendering' for the spells given their affinities, I, unfortunately, have to resort to disabling them because I also enjoy using the mod Improved First Person.


    I was wondering if there was any possibility support or a collaborative effort, given that it itself is a unique rendering mod much like Smart Moving; and needless to mention its conflicts with numerous mods of the like.

    I am aware of the special rendering in the config to disable it, and simply use the spell parchments; however casting with IFP simply covers 50% of the screen.


    The only solution I found, for this particular issue, was to simply edit in my own texture for the Spell Book and make it into a staff, instead. It still covered part of my screen, but it solved my own issues and it made beam spells look like they were originating from the top of the staff, to boot.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Ars Magica v5.52.014 (Updated August 2) (1.5.2)
    So upon realizing that I wouldn't be able to gain purple dyes for quite a while, to learn Firebolt, I opted to, instead, learn Blazing Beam (or whatever it's called) as it only took white, black, and orange.

    Is there a reason why it's setting leaves and trees both above and behind me on fire? I will be shooting at a Mo' Creatures werewolf, or something equally as annoyingly powerful, and all of a sudden I will be on fire, as well as the tree I didn't even realize I was standing under. This is incredibly annoying.

    Can you please set it to only ignite at the impact point? I see no reason why I should be setting myself on fire with this spell when it won't even burn anything that I purposefully try to burn unless I burn the top of the block.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Ars Magica v5.52.014 (Updated August 2) (1.5.2)
    Quote from drgnmstr128

    I had a problem with the apprentice armor. I wasn't really paying close attention to what was going on, but I made a full set and fought a few mobs and when I looked back all of the armor had disapeared. is this a bug or was I just using the armor wrong? I'd check the wiki, but it's still down. There was no crash, and I can't find anything in the log that looks out of the ordinary. has anybody else run into this and/or found a solution for it?

    Apprentice Armor is incredibly weak. It disappears, when I use it, after just a few arrow shots.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Ars Magica v5.52.014 (Updated August 2) (1.5.2)
    Is anyone else having issues with the sandstone and stone brick mazes?

    For some reason, the doors that lead to the treasure are either always open or always closed. I have tried every combination of levers I can think of and nothing changes the states of those doors.

    If anyone can shed some light on what might be causing this, that'd be cool. I greatly dislike having a coinflip determine if I can get into the treasure area (as I do not have Blink, anymore, upon starting over).
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Ars Magica 2 - Ideas
    I would like to touch on the Ars Magica armor, if you're going to retool the whole system.

    I love the idea of having mage-specific armor, but I do NOT like the idea of the mage armor being literally "diamond armor, but better." It's completely overpowered, as anything that's not from Ars Magica, or lava, can't even touch you, most of the time.

    Consider the following:

    Ars Magica armor offers no physical protection (no armored shirts), but, instead, offers tiered magical protection (leather->chain->iron->diamond). To gain physical protection on it, you must enchant it with the Protection enchant.

    Likewise, since you can already get magic protection on regular armor, the physical defense alternative would be to use the vanilla armors. If you want magical defense on those, you just enchant them.

    I think this would balance out the HUGE amount of protection the Ars Magica armor gives. Even with other mods installed, there was no reason for me to use their armors because I could fall from great heights, stop fire from burning me, get extra oxygen, and recover from near death, all while being super protected from almost every form of damage in the game, modded in or otherwise.

    This was on top of the armor auto-repairing itself as long as I wasn't going through my mana like mad, which I only ever do when I am spamming augmented Arcane Bolt or any level of Blink.

    Another thing I'd love is to have spellcasting not be so easy to do. Instead of an instantaneous spell, or the charging that only takes the time for drawing back a bow, spells should have a level of complexity that allows us to build them on the fly. Such as your spell book opens when you right click it and you then have to put together the effects you want to cast a spell (things like "I want a heal other spell," so you put together the target, "other," the type, "projectile," and the effect you want, "heal" and then click a cast button and your character casts Heal Other on someone).

    I simply feel like the ease of casting spells just makes them overpowered beyond belief and makes the vanilla weapons almost stupid to use once you're able to cast Firebolt, toward the beginning of the game.

    What I'm not asking for is a system that makes casting them a chore. I'm asking for a system that makes them take a bit longer to cast. Even, maybe, a system where you have to precast your spells and save them in a book to cast them later? I don't know, I'm just throwing ideas out there.

    In essence, I love this mod to death, but I feel like using this mod basically takes away all reason to use almost anything from Vanilla minecraft. I don't feel like a mod should take away from the game, but should, rather, add to the game, on top of what's already there. Fact of the matter is, if you encounter Arcane Bolt early on, you're set for the rest of the game, offensively. You don't even need to carry a sword, and, if you're quick and aware, you won't even need to waste time on armor because it's insta-cast and has the full knockback effect of any other attack while costing next to no mana.
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on Ars Magica v5.52.014 (Updated August 2) (1.5.2)
    Quote from Arkenor

    A fact so dread,
    he faintly said,
    extinguishes all hope.

    I'm beat. I've completely dismantled my Minecraft install. Tried every option my imagination can come up with. Even a fresh installation with only Ars Magica won't let me open the spellbook. But my shift key seems to work just fine for everything else, including stealth. And I tried changing the keybinding too, and that didn't help either.

    It appears my Ars Magica journey is at an end before it even really began.

    Edit: Turns out the lack of spellbook will be an inconvenience rather than the game-breaker I feared it would be. Not ideal though.

    It sounds like you're trying to do it from the inventory menu. Are you doing it that way? You don't do it like that.

    You hold it, with it in your hotbar, sneak, and right click like you're placing a block.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Ars Magica v5.52.014 (Updated August 2) (1.5.2)
    I've figured out what's causing the UI to flicker whenever any other mod's GUI elements are present (IE: thaumcraft wands).

    It's the transparency. I was messing with customizing my UI (and failed at it) and I used pure black, red, and blue, just to see if it would still flicker. The flickering stopped. However this also made it impossible for the function of showing how much mana my spell will cost to work.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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