Your textures are awful and are really detracting from my enjoyment of this mod. I have to use faithful 32x32 to even come CLOSE to having a reasonably pleasing aesthetic. Your refusal to accept any comments or criticisms on this is seriously grating and the fact that you've actually taken it a step FURTHER and now you are making the actual items, themselves, higher resolution is making it even tougher to have any enjoyment.
Aside from that, I like all the new systems. I wish it didn't feel like such a chore to kill things with low leveled magic (that I can only cast 5 times and still have to hit the thing with a sword twice to three times afterward). It would also help to have a little more depth on some of the entries.
Example: I can gather that a red book in the crafting altar means THIS IS PROBABLY BAD, but I wasn't aware it would completely destroy the altar with an explosion when I put in the spell parchment to finish off the spell, completely destroying most of the blocks, the items I had put in there, and my time and effort finding them. I made sure to read over the book to see if there was anything on the related entries (crafting altar, specifically, then spell making and such) and nothing warned me of this. Not even, "BE CAREFUL, THOUGH."
If you've put it somewhere else in the book, I'd suggest making it a bit easier to find because that actually severely annoyed me.
Will be awaiting this texture pack with great delight. I loved how it made the entire world of Minecraft into something completely different.
Yes, I can wait, but I do want to ask-- the changelog says you made a 1.6 compatible pack? Is that for private use so you can edit or is there supposed to be a download somewhere?
I don't think there are less caves at all, actually. I'm pretty certain they've just gotten the terrain generation to stop generating large caves with openings on the surface. All of the surface openings my girlfriend and myself have found have been to small little cave "pockets," so to speak.
I've still found a few ravines on the surface, but the only way we've found larger caves is by digging, which I hate to do and she happens to love, so it works out where I find small pockets with enough resources to get us by and she finds huge complexes where we find diamonds and whatnot.
So, I'm glad you're excited for the mod, and I generally welcome constructive criticism, but here's a thought - you can make your own resource pack to handle other textures. If you hate it so much, then you can do the work yourself. I'll admit there are a couple textures that need a little work, but that's one or two that I can think of, and asking me to re-do all of the models and textures in the mod is just insane, and has zero percent chance of happening. Especially when there are means for you to easily change it on your own!
Personally, I couldn't care less whether you like the textures or not. I'm doing what I like, and what I think looks good, and that's the end of it. And if you want to share in that, great! If not, that's fine by me too. I know this mod isn't for everyone.
However, this whole "not minecraft-y enough" thing is just ridiculous. It's a circle. Get over it.
You're shoving 512x512 textures into a 16x16 game. The repair structure from the original mod looked amazing but also so incredibly out of place as to be almost not something I wanted to set down. It also gave a few of my friends a performance hit.
You should include the large textures, sure, but you should also include a 16x16 bare-bones version within it. I wanted to edit the files myself but they are confusing and split into parts and I couldn't tell what part corresponded to what when I looked at it (and don't tell me to look closer, every single gray bar with runes looked like every other gray bar with runes).
I'd have a lot more respect for your "my mod, my rules" attitude if you included some separate downloadable or some option to enable a native minecraft resolution for your included structures. Otherwise, all I hear is, "I like huge out of place textures and circles and you should deal with it, nerd. B|"
Hey Mithion I have a gamebreaking eploit to report.
The tower guardians are not immune to Kiss of Death. This makes it extremely easy to beat your beef gates by simply leveling up to the minimum level required to cast the spell. You find the tower, then cast the spell and run outside. The guardians seem unable to follow you outside the tower and you just chill out there until Kiss of Death goes off and instakills one, rinse and repeat for the other.
I'm not sure if this is intended but when my mate told me he was doing it that way I honestly thought they would dispel it or be immune. Turns out it does work and he got augmented casting at the minimum mage level possible. I then proceeded to shake my head at him and tell him he's cheesing it.
I was kind of dissapointed because I was telling him all day (it took him 12hrs to work it out) that Ars is a progression based mod and that he needs to be at least lvl 15 with some form of mage armor to stand a chance.
I unlocked it around level 10, or so, using Frostbolt. The Tower Guardians have awful AI and I was able to get them stuck on a corner where I could snipe their hands and they didn't attack back. The only danger was when they cast reflect and I'd have to move to the side for a few casts.
There is no "minimum" level. There's simply using your own strategy to take them out whenever you're able to.
The problem is that it's still very random as to where things are. I'm not wanting to completely remove the spawns, or just simply tone them down significantly. I would like to see them have some reason for being where they appear other than it being dark. Come to think of it, some of this is why I even stopped using MoCreatures... Although frequency is an issue, it's mostly about context. If I wanted to turn them off, there is a config setting for that.
Nevermind the part where a mod like that has a tendency for people to just turn off the things they don't like and potentially spoil some balance mechanics. I know it's easier to just use vanilla spawning mechanics, but given this mod, I think alot of potential might be overlooked here by just passing the issue off as something along the lines of "don't like the spawns, just turn them off or play peaceful (noob)". You can't tell me that the current system of Just strolling into a tower, disabling the traps, and looting everything without any sort of threat, and just wandering off to the next place a few hundred blocks a way to rinse/repeat until you've gotten the majority of spells doesn't feel lacking. You don't quite have to go as far as doing something similar to Millenaire bandits, but you can certainly still give towers that feeling of needing some sort of preparation to clear them out.
I completely agree with this, 100%, even the part about Mo' Creatures.
I had to uninstall that mod because I got frequently annoyed with, "wow, there's 10 werewolves, an ogre, and 3 fire ghosts just hanging around my home simply because it's dark." Well... that and the fact that once you learn how to handle the mobs in Mo' Creatures, effectively, you have a constant source of iron-quality weapons, diamond blocks, single diamonds, and obsidian.
As it stands, I ran three worlds with Ars, one of which was on a server hosted by a friend. Not only was I able to break the system once I got any of the travel spells, but the armor and spells, coupled with each other, made the entire mod a cakewalk. Without using a custom spawning system, I was constantly being attacked by mobs that I was simply turning around and letting loose with a bunch of arcane bolts, to take care of.
The towers having "puzzles" is quite laughable, as well, with no offense intended to Mithion. There's really only so much he can do with each place and I certainly appreciate the way the buildings are built and shaped (my favorite design, currently, being the tower with a moat). I'm not sure if you can call it a "puzzle" when all you have to do is find a ladder, a hole, or a situation where you have to "come back later with true sight and/or blink." The only spell you actually need, end game, is blink, since it pretty much allows you access to every single nook and cranny. Even the mazes are completely broken by this spell (if they aren't already broken by the worldgen ruining the redstone placement-- please fix this in AM2 ).
Of course, my main issue is that there's only so much he can do before it's a situation of "been there, done that."
- Implement dungeons, instead? Well, there's a few mods that already do that and dungeon searching, while fun and rewarding, can get exhausting very quickly.
- Implement an entire new dimension? No thanks. I'm already unhappy with the incredible amount of hype surrounding Aether 2, considering the whole idea of, "new dimension-- you have to start over from scratch, minus building blocks" annoys me. Love the other stuff they have, but "alt. dimension" is overdone and a cop-out for making the mod integrate with the world in an immersive manner.
- Thaumcraft-style research, instead of exploration? Many people wouldn't like this, but I don't mind it, personally. Kind of defeats the main draw of the mod, for me, though, unless a fine line of balance is found (towers contain fragments of information, you take them home and research them, for example).
I love this mod and what it does, but it makes me incredibly sad how very little actual content it adds, aside from spells. Making the towers farther apart, and lowering spell damage to balance it out, simply makes encounters take longer and acquiring spells take longer. There is still very little challenge, end game, and there's still only a tiny handful of "puzzles" you have to learn.
All the footstep sounds have changed, but it's subtle, I didn't want the spurs to be the louder than they would be in real life. As for the bullets, yes they are harder to find, but I kinda like it that way. Keep in mind this is an immersion pack, it's theme is the wild west, ammo conservation was important, learn to shoot straight, kid. ;]
No, no, no. What I mean is there's no sound at all. Like the footsteps are completely silent on all but wood. I even turned my laptop back up to 100% and turned Minecraft up to 100% (I usually have both on 50%, so it's twice as quiet as usual). Stuck my ear next to the speaker-- no sound.
EDIT: Just checked default Minecraft and it appears they've just REALLY turned down footstep sounds for some reason so I guess the subtle effect you've added just becomes completely unnoticed because of it. Not your pack's fault then.
The effect on the wood is good, though. Not too loud and not so quiet you can't hear it.
Is there a way to disable some spells? Because accelerate is really op if you combine it with magical crops :/
Do like I do and just don't use them. If you're on a server, just make them taboo. Like Flight. Flying is only allowed in areas you've been to before, when my friends and I are playing.
Your textures are awful and are really detracting from my enjoyment of this mod. I have to use faithful 32x32 to even come CLOSE to having a reasonably pleasing aesthetic. Your refusal to accept any comments or criticisms on this is seriously grating and the fact that you've actually taken it a step FURTHER and now you are making the actual items, themselves, higher resolution is making it even tougher to have any enjoyment.
Aside from that, I like all the new systems. I wish it didn't feel like such a chore to kill things with low leveled magic (that I can only cast 5 times and still have to hit the thing with a sword twice to three times afterward). It would also help to have a little more depth on some of the entries.
Example: I can gather that a red book in the crafting altar means THIS IS PROBABLY BAD, but I wasn't aware it would completely destroy the altar with an explosion when I put in the spell parchment to finish off the spell, completely destroying most of the blocks, the items I had put in there, and my time and effort finding them. I made sure to read over the book to see if there was anything on the related entries (crafting altar, specifically, then spell making and such) and nothing warned me of this. Not even, "BE CAREFUL, THOUGH."
If you've put it somewhere else in the book, I'd suggest making it a bit easier to find because that actually severely annoyed me.
Yes, I can wait, but I do want to ask-- the changelog says you made a 1.6 compatible pack? Is that for private use so you can edit or is there supposed to be a download somewhere?
Just curious!
I've still found a few ravines on the surface, but the only way we've found larger caves is by digging, which I hate to do and she happens to love, so it works out where I find small pockets with enough resources to get us by and she finds huge complexes where we find diamonds and whatnot.
You're shoving 512x512 textures into a 16x16 game. The repair structure from the original mod looked amazing but also so incredibly out of place as to be almost not something I wanted to set down. It also gave a few of my friends a performance hit.
You should include the large textures, sure, but you should also include a 16x16 bare-bones version within it. I wanted to edit the files myself but they are confusing and split into parts and I couldn't tell what part corresponded to what when I looked at it (and don't tell me to look closer, every single gray bar with runes looked like every other gray bar with runes).
I'd have a lot more respect for your "my mod, my rules" attitude if you included some separate downloadable or some option to enable a native minecraft resolution for your included structures. Otherwise, all I hear is, "I like huge out of place textures and circles and you should deal with it, nerd. B|"
I unlocked it around level 10, or so, using Frostbolt. The Tower Guardians have awful AI and I was able to get them stuck on a corner where I could snipe their hands and they didn't attack back. The only danger was when they cast reflect and I'd have to move to the side for a few casts.
There is no "minimum" level. There's simply using your own strategy to take them out whenever you're able to.
I completely agree with this, 100%, even the part about Mo' Creatures.
I had to uninstall that mod because I got frequently annoyed with, "wow, there's 10 werewolves, an ogre, and 3 fire ghosts just hanging around my home simply because it's dark." Well... that and the fact that once you learn how to handle the mobs in Mo' Creatures, effectively, you have a constant source of iron-quality weapons, diamond blocks, single diamonds, and obsidian.
As it stands, I ran three worlds with Ars, one of which was on a server hosted by a friend. Not only was I able to break the system once I got any of the travel spells, but the armor and spells, coupled with each other, made the entire mod a cakewalk. Without using a custom spawning system, I was constantly being attacked by mobs that I was simply turning around and letting loose with a bunch of arcane bolts, to take care of.
The towers having "puzzles" is quite laughable, as well, with no offense intended to Mithion. There's really only so much he can do with each place and I certainly appreciate the way the buildings are built and shaped (my favorite design, currently, being the tower with a moat). I'm not sure if you can call it a "puzzle" when all you have to do is find a ladder, a hole, or a situation where you have to "come back later with true sight and/or blink." The only spell you actually need, end game, is blink, since it pretty much allows you access to every single nook and cranny. Even the mazes are completely broken by this spell (if they aren't already broken by the worldgen ruining the redstone placement-- please fix this in AM2
Of course, my main issue is that there's only so much he can do before it's a situation of "been there, done that."
- Implement dungeons, instead? Well, there's a few mods that already do that and dungeon searching, while fun and rewarding, can get exhausting very quickly.
- Implement an entire new dimension? No thanks. I'm already unhappy with the incredible amount of hype surrounding Aether 2, considering the whole idea of, "new dimension-- you have to start over from scratch, minus building blocks" annoys me. Love the other stuff they have, but "alt. dimension" is overdone and a cop-out for making the mod integrate with the world in an immersive manner.
- Thaumcraft-style research, instead of exploration? Many people wouldn't like this, but I don't mind it, personally. Kind of defeats the main draw of the mod, for me, though, unless a fine line of balance is found (towers contain fragments of information, you take them home and research them, for example).
I love this mod and what it does, but it makes me incredibly sad how very little actual content it adds, aside from spells. Making the towers farther apart, and lowering spell damage to balance it out, simply makes encounters take longer and acquiring spells take longer. There is still very little challenge, end game, and there's still only a tiny handful of "puzzles" you have to learn.
No, no, no. What I mean is there's no sound at all. Like the footsteps are completely silent on all but wood. I even turned my laptop back up to 100% and turned Minecraft up to 100% (I usually have both on 50%, so it's twice as quiet as usual). Stuck my ear next to the speaker-- no sound.
EDIT: Just checked default Minecraft and it appears they've just REALLY turned down footstep sounds for some reason so I guess the subtle effect you've added just becomes completely unnoticed because of it. Not your pack's fault then.
The effect on the wood is good, though. Not too loud and not so quiet you can't hear it.
Also, the only footstep sound that's working is the wood ones, for me. I tried walking on everything around where I live, from stone to wool to wood.
Language is working fine.
Do like I do and just don't use them. If you're on a server, just make them taboo. Like Flight. Flying is only allowed in areas you've been to before, when my friends and I are playing.