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    posted a message on Davincis Vessels (Previously Archimedes Ships Plus) - Move Your World | 1.12 Released!
    Quote from Nairagorn»

    Is there a tutorial or anything for this mod? Or can someone guide me through like a simple airship or something? The wiki is almost completely useless.

    Build a helm block (see wiki), build your ship body in the world (from wood planks, for example), build some balloon blocks.

    Add the helm and balloons to your ship (the number of balloon blocks must be at least 40% of the total blocks making the ship), then right click the helm to assemble and launch.

    I hadn't looked at the wiki, but I think you're right, it is a bit light on info for newcomers to the mod. It would probably benefit a lot from a small tutorial, e.g. "Your First Airship", with pictures and an explanation to guide people through building their first ship.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Davincis Vessels (Previously Archimedes Ships Plus) - Move Your World | 1.12 Released!
    Quote from darkevilmac»

    I was pretty much done with a 1.9 port but ran into some issues with the anchor point, if you're okay with the anchor being temporarily disabled then I'll get a build out soon.

    Yes, yes please! Name it 1.9 Alpha or whatever, but the sooner you release for 1.9 the better! I haven't used minecraft for many months, because I didn't want to play anything except the latest version with your mod. Today I saw Forge is out for 1.9, so I came straight here...

    I don't understand the poll at the top of the screen about submersibles (been away too long I guess), but I think a submersible should have its own separate block. I know I never want any of my surface ships to be submersible, no matter how they're built.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Davincis Vessels (Previously Archimedes Ships Plus) - Move Your World | 1.12 Released!
    Quote from darkevilmac»

    I've changed a substantial portion of the code....

    Just ignore that guy dem.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Archimedes' Ships v1.7 - Banking ships!
    Quote from raltus»

    Have you been in contact with him to get permission to continue the mod? I have compared your version and his from modsauce and all I see that is different is the numbers next to the items and your added one.

    TehStoneMan is correct the last activity showing on github is January 14. After looking at his github and yours I can tell you you're in violation of the original license by publishing your version as you have. For one thing this:

    Contact for permission for use in modpacks, this mod is to only be distributed and hosted by the author. If you host this mod elsewhere you MUST have explicit permission from the author to host.

    is not allowed by the original license. By posting that alone the original author can come after you should he chose to. There are other things wrong as well but I know this has already been pointed out to you as you quoted it in your versions thread and have chosen to ignore it.

    When I saw your upload on curse I thought I'd add it to my list, now the only place that will be going is the trashcan.

    Oh, go away. The rest of us are grateful to darkevilmac for keeping a dead mod alive.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Davincis Vessels (Previously Archimedes Ships Plus) - Move Your World | 1.12 Released!
    Quote from tolomea»

    Since this seems to be the new home for Archimedes ships, does anyone have any suggestions for a good camera mod to use with it? I'm specifically after the ability to zoom out the 3rd person view so you can get a better view of what's going on around the ship instead of just having a screen full of


    Yes, that would be nice. Large vessels are pretty unwieldy and hard to judge the boundaries of.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Ships Mod - Build sailable ships out of blocks
    Quote from Cuchaz»

    Archimedes Ships "solves" the problem by avoiding it. As far as I know, players can't even walk on those ships. They're glued to the spot while sailing, so there's no way to slide off. I think being able to walk on ships is better than being glued to them, so given the choice between the two, I'd chose the way Ships Mod does it.

    Being able to walk on ships is amazing and wonderful, but perhaps there's a middle ground? Could you not "glue" the pilot and ship together only while controlling the ship?

    Actually, I don't think that would even outwardly differ from the current intended behaviour - currently when you're controlling a ship you aren't able to walk around, you have to stop controlling first. So gluing the player to the ship only while he's controlling it would be no sacrifice or loss at all...(except for your time spent coding of course!)

    EDIT: ah, I see dizney suggested exactly the same thing just above...

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Davincis Vessels (Previously Archimedes Ships Plus) - Move Your World | 1.12 Released!

    Drooling for the 1.8 version!

    Seeing as your OP says you'll consider requests dem, I'd like to request sail blocks as an alternative for those of us who don't want engines.

    Say, for example, 10 or 20 sail blocks are equivalent to one engine block.

    It would be great for ship size to be considered too: a 2000 block ship should require a lot more sail blocks (or engine blocks) to go at a certain speed than a 500 block ship does.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on How do you feel about cracked users (NEW POLL!)
    Quote from OldGrouchyGamer »Cracking is tantamount to theft.

    I strongly disagree on that, but they are only our respective subjective opinions, so are neither right nor wrong.

    All that is important, and all I've been stating, is the very simple and undeniable fact that copyright infringement isn't theft.
    I I would consider anyone who cracks the client in order to play it when they are not entitled to do so, a thief.

    You would be wrong.
    A thief has committed theft. Making an illegal copy of software is not theft.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on How do you feel about cracked users (NEW POLL!)

    Actually, what you're taking is the copyright holder's right to distribute their copyrighted material as they see fit. Taking that right away from them. Which is really the same right that you're violating when you steal something from someone. You're taking away that person's right to control something that they own.

    No, you don't take their rights, you infringe their rights.

    You don't (and can't) take them away.
    After you've infringed them, they still have the same rights they had before you infringed.

    After person A infringes their rights the rights holder can still pursue person B for infringing even if he infringes after person A. Person A has not destroyed or removed the copyright in question.

    When you steal you remove something from someone's possession.
    So if you look, you can see that they're very similar. In fact, they're so similar that there needs to be very specific laws built around them in order to properly prosecute people who do these things.

    They aren't even vaguely similar.
    There are already specific laws to handle theft, and specific, completely separate laws to handle copyright infringement.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on How do you feel about cracked users (NEW POLL!)

    And copyright infringement is the legal definition of the act of breaching the right of the copyright holder to, among other things, hold exclusive rights to copy or distribute and exclusive rights to create works derived from the copyrighted material.


    Which in layman's terms means: taking something that you don't own or have rights to and doing things with it that you don't have the right to do.

    When you create an illegal copy you're taking nothing.

    So what's theft? Why theft is when you take property, be it physical goods or intellectual property, to which you have no ownership or rights.

    Theft is taking property. Copyright infringement isn't.

    I guess those things are pretty similar. I suppose in layman's terms they're pretty much the same thing. Since this is a Minecraft forum and not a legal debate forum, you could pretty easily just let someone call it theft rather than being a pedant.

    They aren't remotely similar.
    Copying is not taking.
    Posted in: Discussion
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