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    posted a message on Davincis Vessels (Previously Archimedes Ships Plus) - Move Your World | 1.12 Released!
    Quote from kluckart»

    its not easy to improve the performance of a transportation mod

    You're probably right, but Archimedes+ does it beautifully: the driver never ever disconnects from the ship.
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    posted a message on Davincis Vessels (Previously Archimedes Ships Plus) - Move Your World | 1.12 Released!
    Quote from kluckart»
    when you fell off the ship.. the ship will stop moving..so you can catch up... its a good feature in case of when you got off the ship and you couldn't stop the ship from moving.. it was last week that cuchaz just recently added that feature.

    i must say there is a reason why i liked to walk around the ship without using a seat.. this would allow me to look out for small island to avoid collision..

    That's a good improvement by Cuchaz, but doesn't actually stop the driver falling off. It's incredibly frustrating to experience, I can't stand it.

    In Archimedes+ I pilot ships in 3rd person (press F5). It makes life much easier when navigating around islands etc.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Davincis Vessels (Previously Archimedes Ships Plus) - Move Your World | 1.12 Released!
    Quote from kluckart»

    there is one thing i do prefer.. is where you can walk around the ship while the ship is active. its a lot fun than you think.. the author make it possible, then that mean we can put animals on the ship and we can also walk around the ship... no problem. thats the fun part. and you can sail the ship forward in any direction and you can walk around even climb up the ladder to get the "lookout" position. (i dont know what is it called, but u know where)


    There is a mod that allows this: Ships Mod, by Cuchaz

    I agree it's a very nice feature, but I prefer DEM's Archimedes+ mod over Cuchaz's, for a variety of reasons (I think I once posted a comparison between the two?), mainly because Archimedes+ is much more stable to use (you very often get suddenly left behind by your ship in Ships Mod due to buggy code and/or poor networking performance), and I haven't checked but I don't think Ships Mod is updated beyond 1.7

    I found my comparison, it's below. Note it might be a bit out of date these days, so take it with a grain of salt. Also some points aren't facts, they're my personal opinion (e.g. "too cheap", "too hard", etc...)
    There are positive and negative points listed for both.

    Archimedes+ (darkevilmac)
    + can use any other controls (eg waypoints, F5 view) while driving
    + driver never falls off
    - passengers fall off at high speed
    - no space below waterline
    - beds on ship cant save respawn (but cuchaz berth save spawn as the location slept at - note not the location of the bed at time of death)
    - too fast
    - no sails
    + has engines
    - gui not as good
    - can't interact undocked
    + better at collisions with terrain (simpler, but smoother, esp shallow water)
    - cant move around on board when sailing
    - too cheap to make
    - passengers must sit in chairs to move
    - animal must be trapped to move
    + smoother movement
    + default densities not too bad
    + can undock in 4 directions
    - only one ship block size
    - default config max ship size is smaller
    - buoyancy bounce can be too much
    - an overly dense ship can sink to unrecoverable position on launch
    - cannot use empty space as buoyancy
    + automatic world alignment
    -+ has roll during turns by default (good or bad is subjective)
    + some minimal lighting when launched
    + ships can be built on land and moved (slowly) into water

    Ships Mod (Cuchaz)
    - cant use any other controls (eg waypoints, F5 view) while driving
    - driver falls off
    + has space below waterline
    + has berths to sleep on ship and save respawn
    - too slow
    - large sail no better than small sail? tall may help, but long doesn't?
    - no engines
    + has sails
    + better gui
    + can interact with ship undocked
    - worse with terrain collisions
    + can move around on board when sailing
    + better prices (more expensive)
    - a little bit jerkier
    - default config has very heavy densities
    - can only undock in one direction
    + multiple ship block sizes
    + has larger max ship size by default
    + buoyancy "bounce" is more subtle
    + checks buoyancy before allowing a launch
    + can use empty space as buoyancy
    - manual alignment
    + can carry animals
    - no lighting when launched
    - weird bindings crash it

    Like I said, I much prefer Archimedes+, but I used to have both installed at once, so I could use Ships Mod beds with Archimedes+ ships.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Davincis Vessels (Previously Archimedes Ships Plus) - Move Your World | 1.12 Released!
    Quote from Nairagorn»

    Is there a tutorial or anything for this mod? Or can someone guide me through like a simple airship or something? The wiki is almost completely useless.

    Build a helm block (see wiki), build your ship body in the world (from wood planks, for example), build some balloon blocks.

    Add the helm and balloons to your ship (the number of balloon blocks must be at least 40% of the total blocks making the ship), then right click the helm to assemble and launch.

    I hadn't looked at the wiki, but I think you're right, it is a bit light on info for newcomers to the mod. It would probably benefit a lot from a small tutorial, e.g. "Your First Airship", with pictures and an explanation to guide people through building their first ship.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 3

    posted a message on Davincis Vessels (Previously Archimedes Ships Plus) - Move Your World | 1.12 Released!
    Quote from darkevilmac»

    I was pretty much done with a 1.9 port but ran into some issues with the anchor point, if you're okay with the anchor being temporarily disabled then I'll get a build out soon.

    Yes, yes please! Name it 1.9 Alpha or whatever, but the sooner you release for 1.9 the better! I haven't used minecraft for many months, because I didn't want to play anything except the latest version with your mod. Today I saw Forge is out for 1.9, so I came straight here...

    I don't understand the poll at the top of the screen about submersibles (been away too long I guess), but I think a submersible should have its own separate block. I know I never want any of my surface ships to be submersible, no matter how they're built.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.8] Islands Everywhere!
    Quote from vdk_500»

    Wow, really great find!

    Me too, me too!

    Do you guys use Archimedes Ships Plus or Cuchaz's Ships?

    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on ConfuseACat's Shipyard --- Updated 24/04/15 --- Several New Ships

    Wow, your ships are absolutely stunning, ConfuseACat! I especially love the sailing frigates.

    Do you use either of Archimedes Ships Plus or Cuchaz's Ships Mod to launch them and sail them around?

    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on Davincis Vessels (Previously Archimedes Ships Plus) - Move Your World | 1.12 Released!
    Quote from crow5derlock»

    Some of the features in this old mod may be worth looking into for further mod development and functionality.


    Cuchaz's isn't that old, it's up to 1.7.

    I prefer this mod though (because the driver never detaches from the ship while sailing) but I also have Cuchaz's mod installed because it has beds that move with the ship - a very important feature!

    So I use these ships, with Cuchaz's beds.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Davincis Vessels (Previously Archimedes Ships Plus) - Move Your World | 1.12 Released!

    I don't understand what your post is trying to tell me, dem...

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Davincis Vessels (Previously Archimedes Ships Plus) - Move Your World | 1.12 Released!

    I use this mod together with JourneyMap, and haven't had any problems.

    I don't have MovingWorld though...do I need it? I'm using AS+ version

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Davincis Vessels (Previously Archimedes Ships Plus) - Move Your World | 1.12 Released!
    Quote from darkchinchilla»

    So, will people ever have the ability to walk around while the ship is moving, like Metaworlds, or is that too much to ask? Also, good work, currently using the 1.7.10 version of the original Archimedes though.

    Yes, it is too much to ask. The mechanisms required (the ship being its own world) are very different from those used here.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Ships Mod - Build sailable ships out of blocks
    Quote from spynathan»

    Hello I would like to make a suggestion since you plan on adding airships right now there is no way to bring your ship into another dimension so I thought it would be cool if you could turn your ship into a item like a schematic that then rebuilds the ship when you place the item so someone could bring their ship into another dimension again just a suggestion

    You can use Buildcraft - it can make a schematic of something, and then reproduce what was scanned.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Davincis Vessels (Previously Archimedes Ships Plus) - Move Your World | 1.12 Released!
    Quote from darkevilmac»

    I've changed a substantial portion of the code....

    Just ignore that guy dem.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Davincis Vessels (Previously Archimedes Ships Plus) - Move Your World | 1.12 Released!
    Quote from raltus»

    I would like to see the mod continue but that doesn't change facts.

    @mdf25 That is the license that I posted but thank you for linking it.

    The door was opened for discussion when he chose to post the comment from the mod page here. When I saw the response I thought I would expand upon the original comment. I didn't think I'd need to include the definition but here it is.

    Sub license:
    a license or contract granted to a third party by a licensee for specified rights or uses of a product, brand name, logo, etc.

    As worded it grants the ability to, but does not itself grant a sub license.

    One thing that both the original commenter and myself have both pointed out is the main portion that is at issue.

    The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
    copies or substantial portions of the Software.

    By his own admission the base code is still the original. So by definition a 'substantial portion' of the mod. Yet when you look at his license there is just the Creative Commons one and no portion of the original which this line from it makes required.

    Yes, I have better things to do with my time. If he wants to leave himself open to having it taken down should the original author return and decide it should be that's up to him.

    I wonder what authority you imagine will "take it down" (and why did you create an account to make these ridiculous posts?)

    Even if there was an answer it'd be a moot point anyway - the original author obviously no longer has any interest in the mod.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Davincis Vessels (Previously Archimedes Ships Plus) - Move Your World | 1.12 Released!
    Quote from tolomea»

    Since this seems to be the new home for Archimedes ships, does anyone have any suggestions for a good camera mod to use with it? I'm specifically after the ability to zoom out the 3rd person view so you can get a better view of what's going on around the ship instead of just having a screen full of


    Yes, that would be nice. Large vessels are pretty unwieldy and hard to judge the boundaries of.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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