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    posted a message on The return of block silhouettes, and more block orientation options.
    Quote from Juanderwall

    Not a bad idea, how about if it was toggleable?

    Probably best if it's toggle-able, I'm sure there are plenty of people who got used to not seeing the block silhouette over the years.
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 4

    posted a message on The return of block silhouettes, and more block orientation options.
    A thought occurred to me while building today. I sort of flashed back to early days of Minecraft, where blocks would have a silhouette where they were going to be placed and what it would look like.

    I remember it being taken out because there wasn't much use for it, but now that blocks can have multiple orientations (sideways logs/pillars, upside-down stairs, top/bottom slabs) I think it'd be a helpful thing to re-introduce. This way, you could know exactly what the block is going to look like before you place it.

    It also gave me some ideas for ways to expand on that. Slabs that can be placed against walls, glass panes/iron bars that can be placed on the edges of block space instead of in the middle of them, flower pots that can be placed on block corners, and so on and so on. Having the silhouettes there would make it extremely easy to see what things would look like in real time, saving some time with guesswork.

    I realize this would likely make for an increase in block data, adding space for new positioning and such, but I think it's feasible. It would introduce many more architectural and decoration options into Minecraft.

    And of course, for those who are already too used to not seeing silhouettes and think they're totally stupid for whatever reason, there ought to be a toggle option somewhere in the options menu.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Bottles, Pasteurization, and Crates.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Stone Stairs and Corner Staircases.
    Until this gets added (which I really hope it does) check out the Slopes Mod. It adds corner stairs, plus about 12 new stair types, and slopes of all kinds.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Bottles, Pasteurization, and Crates.
    Quote from ljjb97 »
    have you heard of SIGNS

    Yes, I've heard of signs. Ever played a Legend of Zelda game on the DS? You could draw and write little notes on your map of important things to remember, rather than having to go back to the place you were trying to remember.

    Signs are nice, but they're a bit stationary. No need to be rude.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Bottles, Pasteurization, and Crates.
    With the announcement of maps, the thought came to me that we should have a way to make notes of important locations. And I realized: We already have ink sacs, and we already have feathers. What we need is an ink bottle.

    So then I broadened the idea to bottles in general! Crafted from a certain glass recipe, these bottles would be able to hold ink, water, maybe even milk. The water could be used for health recovery, as well as the milk.

    With the milk, I thought that it should become drinkable from a bucket, which restores maybe 2 hearts. But you can also pasteurize the milk by putting it in a furnace and place it in a bottle, which would heal 6 hearts, due to the more complicated and resource-heavy process.

    I know, I know. Bottles have been suggested a million times, but I feel the announcement of maps has re-invigorated the possibility. Yes, no? Good, bad? Potato, Potahto? Either way, let me know what you think.

    I'm not going to bother flooding the board with new posts and instead bump this one with my next idea: crates.

    These would be a singular object made from eight stumps, rather than eight wood blocks. They would have the same storage space as a normal chest, but with the ability to be stacked adjacent to each other in infinite amounts. Also, they produce a nice aesthetic warehouse look.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on My personal appeal to Notch about Minecraft's energy crisis.
    Quote from ImaCREEPER »
    Try the IndustrialCraft mod. It adds what you're asking for. It doesn't change the vanilla stuff too much, but it does. What it adds is a lot.

    But see, I'm not looking for mods. Mods are great, but I'd rather actually see Minecraft's development go down this sort of road.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on My personal appeal to Notch about Minecraft's energy crisis.
    As this will most likely be linked through Twitter to Notch, this will be addressing him personally.

    I'm watching Minecraft become more and more advanced, and the thought came to me that maybe it's time that energy becomes a little harder to obtain. Think about the way the system works now. You have a switch or a button, that provides an infinite power source through magical dust. Dandy, but easy, and providing little to the imagination, or little for the average player to strive towards. It puts them in a mechanical age just because they managed to find a semi-common rock. The goal of Minecraft survival, from my standpoint, seems to be progression, and that progression is currently about instant.

    So I took a look at the now seemingly defunct game LOVE, and how it went about handling energy. Its energy was harvested through windmills and other such things, that were difficult to build. With weather coming in Beta 1.5, perhaps wind could be added, and the ever famous windmill GIF could finally become a reality. As alternatives, old technology like water wheels could also be added, still keeping with the older aesthetic of Minecraft. At this point, switches and buttons would become what they should be, a connection. A bridge between the power source, and the thing being powered. You can just have one wire running from the power source to the object, so that it is always powered, or have a way to turn it on or off.

    I realize that this would severely limit the ability for great compact door lock combinations and all those other silly contraptions that run unaided by large power sources, but think of the increased progression and the unified goals that can spring from this idea!

    Or maybe I'm just crazy, and none of this should ever happen. My thought was just that Minecraft needed a little more to strive towards than just having a bunch of stuff made out of diamonds.

    Perhaps some feedback from the "loving" Minecraft community?
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Is the surprise underground water lakes?
    No. Those were added in some version of 1.2.6

    Everyone seems to be obsessed with saying it's Deadmau5 ears, but I seem to recall a post from December 10th...

    http://notch.tumblr.com/post/2164035817 ... 3-deadmau5
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on [Solved] Friend cant join my server
    Quote from Nakai »
    Hmm that is an internal network ip.
    No one can connect with that.

    Yep. In order to find your external IP address, go to

    And use that instead.

    Coincidentally, I'm having a problem with that. When using my external IP address (which I am aware is dynamic), not even I can connect. What's the best solution, aside from not hosting?
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Risugami's Mods - Updated.
    Quote from Risugami »
    Updated. Again.

    This post. It has to be something related to this post. Whatever he changed in the modloader leading up to this must be causing the black screens.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Risugami's Mods - Updated.
    Quote from Kira »
    Quote from Cheeze »

    Are you using any other mods with it?
    Do you already have a world set up?
    Are you using the file or the browser to open it?

    Let's see...

    Not yet.
    Meaning I already have active saves? Yes.
    Not sure what you mean here. I'm using WinRAR to open up the .jar and insert the files, then running the Minecraft executable, if that's what you mean.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Risugami's Mods - Updated.
    I hate to be that guy, really I do, but I've done everything right, yet I am still getting black screens after signing in, before the Mojang logo has a chance to show up.

    What I did (several times):
    -Downloaded the Modloader
    -Opened minecraft.jar in WinRAR
    -Ctrl-V'd the files
    --Alternatively used the "Add" button in the top left corner of WinRAR
    --Alternatively Drag-n-Drop'd
    -Deleted META-INF
    -Closed WinRAR
    -Opened Minecraft client
    -Signed in
    -Black screen

    What did I (or didn't I) do?

    EDIT: Yes, I am running 1.1._02
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Perhaps I'm just slow, but did anybody else notice...
    Quote from McBeeferton »
    I have OCD in that I never, ever, ever lay a cobblestone block and keep it there. I HAVE to smelt it to smooth it out. But for this... I might have to break my habit. It looks nice. :biggrin.gif:

    Ironically, that save is the one where I probably used the most cobblestone.

    It's also my oldest. I have screenshots of it from even before this was called "Minecraft Alpha".
    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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    posted a message on Perhaps I'm just slow, but did anybody else notice...
    The new skin for solid gold blocks?

    Posted in: Alpha - Survival Single Player
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