• 1

    posted a message on Addon "RealPC" for Minecraft PE 0.11 and more
    Please dude, don't use other people's code without permission.

    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
  • 3

    posted a message on [EDITOR] NeW WEB VERSION! ModPEIDE! (Not ModPE IDE!) An editor for ModPE Scripts! AUTOCOMPLETE, SYNTAX HIGHLIGHTING, LINTING!

    ModPEIDE: A ModPE IDE for ModPE Scripts...

    I have rewrote ModPEIDE for the web browser. That's right folks! No more Java! Just pure HTML and JavaScript and CSS!

    No worries, however! No features were lost, and there are even more than EVER in this release!

    New features include linting! You don't have to import the script on your tablet/phone to see errors anymore! See them IN THE EDITOR!!

    Go to it NOW!

    FAQ Below:

    ⇶ Q: There isn't any autocomplete!!

    ⇶ A: Simply press CTRL+Space. This will activate autocompletion. Autocompletion includes local variables, and the ModPE API.

    ⇶ Q: How the heck do I get this on my Android tablet/phone/other?

    ⇶ A: Use one of these services (or more than one, whatever floats yer boat)

    Okay guys, I have created a ModPE Script IDE..
    It is not an Android app, but is to be executed on a computer because it is a jar file,
    and it can create ModPE Scripts for both Android AND iOS B)..
    It is NOT a visual-type editor, like drag and drop interface, you must use the editor built into the GUI. ;)
    It comes fully functional with save, open, undo/redo, syntax highlighting, and autocomplete for the ModPE APIs.
    Every time the ModPE API has changed, a new update will be released for the IDE to compensate for the differences. ^_^

    Very big shoutout to bobbylight, he made RSyntaxTextArea and AutoComplete that ModPEIDE uses.
    Licenses are included in the lib/ folder.


    OK, before you download this IDE, you will need to know how to use it.
    When you download it, unzip it and double click the "modpeide.jar" file.


    I really don't know how to run ModPEIDE on a mac because well, I don't have a mac. You should just have to doubleclick it.
    Don't blame me I'm broke. B) I would like to have a mac someday though.


    java -jar modpeide.jar. Simple.

    1. Make sure you didn't delete the lib folder.
    2. Make sure you are launching the jar file correctly.
    3. Make sure the file didn't get corrupted.


    No picks no clicks, right? :P



    Updates probably only occur on weekends.
    0.0.92 Latest Stable: http://goo.gl/VNFJmF (Mega link, it's not adfly)
    0.0.91 Beta: https://mega.co.nz/#!YwN0xaYY!dJy_6IF-aDLhm_WiBqknvdlqoh93kH0MjI6H-z9ARoM BUGGY! DO NOT USE!
    0.0.9 Stable: https://mega.co.nz/#!0l1j2azL!j7o9SLDCa7DFJDL9P5QhOL1XR_M4xluFEYdWz1bdmS8

    1. Use .json files for autocomplete. You do not want to see the horror that is the autocomplete index source code. *shudder* Done! Phew!
    2. Auto adb support! :D

    Cheers! ~Cheesy

    Posted in: MCPE: WIP Mods / Tools
  • 2

    posted a message on Minecraft: Pocket Edition Mod Database (NEW!) (SEARCH FUNCTION!)

    Hey guys,

    I made a mod database (viewable with a browser) for the community.

    Here it is right now: http://sliceofcode.github.io/mcpemoddb/

    I am looking to build up this database for the community so it is easy and convenient to look for good mods.

    If you are willing to add your own mod to the database...

    Leave down these things:

    • Your mod name (REQUIRED)
    • Link to MC forum thread (REQUIRED)
    • Description for the mod (REQUIRED)
    • Link for direct download (dropbox, github raw) (OPTIONAL)
    • Link to GitHub/BitBucket repo (OPTIONAL)

    You can either reply to this thread, or message me on MC forums.

    I will add your mod:

    • On the weekend (unless I'm super busy/grounded)
    • When I get back to you any other day

    Currently, these mods are added to the database:

    • SPCPE by Connor4898 (and partially me and some others)
    • Various mods by Desno365
    • Various mods by artus9033
    • Mini Blocks Mod v1.7 by thejaustin
    • Various mods by AntiModPE


    • 03/25/15: Added tons of AntiModPE mods (props to him, his mods are awesome :D)
    • 03/24/15: SEARCH ADDED! Search by typing in the mod name, the author, and heck, even the description! ^o^ hype!
    • 03/24/15: Changed name to mcpemodsdb, because "mods" sounded like I made them. I didn't.
    • 03/24/15: Added thejaustin mods. ^o^
    • 03/24/15: Added artus9033 mods. ^o^
    • 03/24/15: Added tags to the database (experimental), and support for BitBucket Links.
    • 03/23/15: Added Desno365 mods. ^o^
    • 03/22/15: Initial release ^o^


    • Tags
    • Search Bar

    Changes take 3 seconds - 2 minutes to update on the server, but it usually is short.

    ~ Cheesy

    Posted in: MCPE: Mod / Tool Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Minecraft: Pocket Edition Mod Database (NEW!) (SEARCH FUNCTION!)
    Quote from thejaustin»

    No, thank you. :)



    You may now search for your favorite mods! You can search by typing in the mod name, mod author, mod tags, and the mod description. Wooooooooo!

    Posted in: MCPE: Mod / Tool Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on help
    1. procCMD should be procCmd.
    2. ClientMessage is incorrect, it should be clientMessage.
    3. There is a missing right brace after the second if statement.
    4. You are placing "function" before your function calls. "function" should only be used when you are defining a function.
    5. You have placed a left brace after your Player.getPointedBlockData call. Why?
    6. Irrelevant indenting for the addItemInventory calls.
    7. There are a few missing right braces after your if statements at the top.

    I highly recommend you read up on JavaScript before programming.

    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
  • 47

    posted a message on [DISCONTINUED] Now for iOS! PocketPower Redstone Mod v2.0 - Updated for 0.12.1! - Byteandahalf <3




    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
  • 2

    posted a message on [DISCONTINUED] Now for iOS! PocketPower Redstone Mod v2.0 - Updated for 0.12.1! - Byteandahalf <3
    Quote from Fugazi70»
    Downloaded the file for android. Blocklauncher doesn't show it in the directory so I tried extracting it. Says bad zip file. Tried multiple times and tried relocating the file in other directories. Still no luck. Any ideas?

    Open the file with Chrome, not any sort of external downloader (e.x ES Downloader)
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
  • 1

    posted a message on [EDITOR] NeW WEB VERSION! ModPEIDE! (Not ModPE IDE!) An editor for ModPE Scripts! AUTOCOMPLETE, SYNTAX HIGHLIGHTING, LINTING!
    0.0.92 has been released!
    (0.0.91 had some deadly issues with autocomplete loading...)

    This migrates the inner ModPE functions list database into an external JSON file.
    What does that mean? You can make your own autocompletes!

    Let me show you:
    Simply add a new JSON object to the array of completes...

    Save it, relaunch ModPEIDE...
    And...hey presto! It works!

    Cheers! ~Cheesy
    Posted in: MCPE: WIP Mods / Tools
  • 1

    posted a message on [EDITOR] NeW WEB VERSION! ModPEIDE! (Not ModPE IDE!) An editor for ModPE Scripts! AUTOCOMPLETE, SYNTAX HIGHLIGHTING, LINTING!
    Alright. Here is the thing. My old Windows 8.1 PC sort of...broke. I had to reinstall my whole PC. And during the whole thing, the sources of ModPEIDE has been permanently lost. Therefore, this software will not become updated/worked on any longer.

    Alrighty then. Now that is out of the way, here is the download link.


    EDIT: You know what? Maybe I haven't lost all faith. I'll try to decompile the .jar and see if I can patch it up, and maybe even get the project going again. No guarantees, however.


    EDIT 2: The project is back alive again. Hurray! Anyways, I will work on this project only on weekends. You can probably guess why... Expect updates sooner or later!

    ~ Cheesy
    Posted in: MCPE: WIP Mods / Tools
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