- Cheesefryc00k
- Registered Member
Member for 13 years, 2 months, and 9 days
Last active Mon, Sep, 7 2020 18:42:44
- 309 Total Posts
- 23 Thanks
Feb 29, 2012Cheesefryc00k posted a message on Minecraftforum.net MaintenanceEvery interface has been "upgrading" lately. Xbox is terrible, Youtube, and now Minecraft Forum...Posted in: News
Feb 9, 2012Cheesefryc00k posted a message on 12w06a Snapshot Out For Testing!Wow... the Squidwards socialize with ANYTHING! Such as chickens, pigs, cows, other Squidwards, and you! It is kinda creepy...Posted in: News
Jan 26, 2012Cheesefryc00k posted a message on Snapshot 12w04a is Out!There is a Bottle o' Enchanting item that gives you enchantment pellets, and there is also a Fire Charge that looks like a ghast ball. All that it does is set stuff on fire. Third person view is better now too, your head moves with the camera. New mob is pretty cool... I hope to see it do something useful in the future. To tame it you have to stare at it for 2 hours with a fish.....Posted in: News
Jan 4, 2012Cheesefryc00k posted a message on Update - Star Wars Contest OngoingI want to see some one do the Cantina!Posted in: News
Dec 20, 2011Cheesefryc00k posted a message on Minicraft - Mining Made Easy, Deceptively Engaging ConceptThe game is really fun, but when you die you are done and have to start over. I hate that because I die A LOT in games. I can never get far without getting attacked and killed by a zombie :/ Other than that it is a great game, especially for being made in 48 hours.Posted in: News
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This works! Thanks so much!
I want to see if a 5x3x3 region below an entity is all blocks of any type except air. There doesn't seem to be a way to do this with /execute if blocks, since the source region must match the destination region's blocks. One solution would be to use /execute if block, and check if each individual block in the region is not air, but this seems rather inefficient. Any ideas?
Figured it out. First, I have a repeating command block running this on loop:
execute as @a[scores={counter=1..}] run function cheese:controller
Then inside of controller I have the following lines:
execute as @a[scores={counter=1..}] at @s run scoreboard players operation @s diff = @s counter
execute as @a[scores={counter=1..}] at @s run function cheese:loop
execute as @a[scores={counter=1..}] at @s run scoreboard players set @s counter 0
Then inside of loop I have the following lines:
execute as @a[scores={counter=1..}] at @s if score @s diff >= @s DECREMENT run experience add @s 1 levels
execute as @a[scores={counter=1..}] at @s run scoreboard players operation @s[scores={diff=1..}] diff-= @s DECREMENT
execute as @a[scores={counter=1..}] at @s if score @s diff >= @s DECREMENT run function cheese:loop
Basically it detects when the player's counter score increases, then decrements an objective set equal to the counter by a DECREMENT score -- set to 1 in this case, adding one level each time it decreases. It loops until the counter is reduced to 0.
It seems like this gives me the reverse. When I increase my experience by 1 level, this command increases the scoreboard objective by 1. I want to increase a scoreboard objective by 1 and thus increase my experience by 1 level.
Is it possible to set the player's experience level to a scoreboard value? The /experience command does not accept a scoreboard objective for its <amount> input. Is there another command that would make this possible? Thanks in advance!
Yes, I did indeed!
That could work, the only problem is that the nameplate only shows when you look straight at the mob. And when the mob is behind iron bars you can't see the nameplate.
I changed the properties of the spawner to only spawn 1 mob in that location, and, well...
Thanks for playing! I'll be sure to watch this later on.
Thanks! I may make Parkour Thief II. (Hint: I am.)
Awesome, not many people go for the achievements!
Here you go!
Escape the Laboratory, my first entry.
Funny, the amount of entries in this map is the same as the adventure multiplex.