This should give some inspiration
- Charlito153
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Member for 10 years, 1 month, and 14 days
Last active Wed, Mar, 22 2017 19:34:12
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DaBomb posted a message on Help me make a new creepy monster/humanoid!Posted in: General Off Topic -
goldensilver853 posted a message on How many continents and planets are there?Posted in: General Off TopicQuote from Charlito153»
Also, why can't a planet be considered a planet if it isn't natural? If humanity someday builds a whole new planet using a future technology, and it had enough mass to clear its orbit and meet other criteria, then it can be a planet.
What if something were created that clears its neighborhood in unconventional ways, for example, a Death Star like object? -
Zeno410 posted a message on The Lost Island (Journal)Posted in: Survival ModeI don't like sunken pools like that because if you fall in it's a hassle to get out. I prefer sinks, or pools that are recessed into the wall so you can't fall in. I've wanted to try a decorative fountain but never did it.
Off topic - anybody else having trouble clicking the like button?
Gamecubeguy214 posted a message on Make Endermen Drop the Block they are holdingDon't Zombies do this? Why don't Endermen Drop the Block they're holding? It will make the game both more realistic and useful. Say you were building a giant baseball diamond in Survival Mode with lots of Red Sand that you collected from a Mesa Biome four Maps away, and and Enderman steals your Block and then you kill her, then she doesn't Drop the Block and you have to go four Maps back to that Mesa Biome just for a Block. Sucks. Microsoft should add this so that you don't have to go through the pain of going far, far away so that you can get a Block or two. Whad'ya think?Posted in: Suggestions -
TheWesson posted a message on My Mega Chicken (Mob Spawner) (of Epic Proportions)I originally got into Minecraft because my daughter showed me a Youtube video of a giant chicken that pooped out mobs.Posted in: Survival Mode
"That is so cool" I thought. "I could never do that."
Now, two years later, I have built an epic giant chicken which spawns mobs and poops them (flaming) out of its butt.
It is to scale, 1 pixel = 3x3x3 blocks
(I built it to appease the mighty Edwin, god of chickens, who was offended due to my automated chicken killing farms.)
This is a chicken:
This is my chicken:
It is dire and sinister:
It spawns mobs with a piston/tripwire arrangement:
At night, it is magnificent:
It poops out a flaming mob every few seconds:
KoyuR posted a message on Possible New Biome Architecture?Hey Guys!Posted in: Suggestions
Thought I'd chime in with a bit of a possible update to the different biomes having their own archetecture.
You all know of the Jungle Temple, DesertTrapTemple, And Various villages, but I think we could use some more.
Here's a few of my suggestions:
Biome: Ice Spike New Addition: Ice Towers Properties: Large Packed-Ice tower w/ random loot chest at top. Skele/Zombie spawner near bottom.
Biome: Mesa New Addition: Quarry Properties: Large sink-hole type Mine W/ Building. Random loot chest in building. (Possible Machinery?)
Biome: Ice Plains New Addition: Igloo Properties: Medium Sized Igloo w/ Packed Ice Stalactites/Stalagmites. Skele/Zombie Spawner w/ Double random loot chests
Biome: Mega Spruce New Addition: Woodsman Lodge Properties: Large? Sawmill/Wood lodge W/ Random loot chest (Good source of logs?)
Biome: Mega Taiga New Addition: Ruins Properties: Mossy Stone? Ruins W/ Skele/Zombie/Spider Spawner. Double random loot chests
Last two might be a bit of a long run.
Biome: Frozen River New Addition: Abandoned Pirate Ship Properties: Medium? Pirate ship w/ Flag leaning over (About to fall?) Spider/ZombiecrewSpawner Double random loot chests (opposite ends of ship?)
Biome: Stone Beach/Extreme Hills M New Addition: Statue Properties: Large? Statue of a random long-forgotten warrior w/ Skele/Zombie Spawner
Not sure if something similar to this has been made yet, But if so, know that these were 100% My ideas. If this post gets enough intrest, I'll personally build "Tester" Structures for each biome listed. Note that a "Small" Structure would be similar to a Witch Hut "Medium" >/= Jungle Temple "Large" >/= Desert Temple.
Some of you suggested me put this here. I was having issues with spoilers, so we'll see how this turns out. Thanks!
Okay, since a few of you have responded positively, Here's a few tester models I've come up with.
Note that these didn't take long, and are therefore not the best quality. These are more for examples of the structures I was talking about.
By the way, If you've a structure you've made that fits in the context of this post, Email it to me @ [email protected] and If I like it, It'll appear here with full credit. Include Images, as well as a description of what/where it is. Add a world download if possible and that'll be posted too. Or post it yourself as a reply to this post.
Large Spruce: Woodcutters Lodge (Abandoned)
Ice Plains: Igloo
Ice Spike: Ice Tower
Mega Taiga: Ruins
Edit: Having issues with posting. Replies will be limited.
Thanks for Reading! -
wailwail posted a message on [Hmm ! Give us a use !]Give a use to other villager professions ! - Not the redundant villager builders suggestion !Villager farmer number 2 : Hooray ! Mojang finally improved villagers !Posted in: Suggestions
Villager priest number 9 : Wha ? What did they do ?
Villager farmer number 2 : They allowed me to farm crops !
Villager butcher number 5 : How about me ?
Villager librarian number 10 : And me ?
Villager blacksmith number 7 : Me too .
Villager farmer number 2 : They didn't do anything to you guys , deal with it ! You suck * evil laugh *!
EDIT : Villagers number 7 , 10 5 and 9 : 1.8 is long released and we didn't get anything , Mojang hates us ! They created us to laugh at us , keep telling them before it is too late , we are starting to lose hope
Poor villagers need our help to give them a use !
Since the butcher ... Is a butcher , he need to kill animals ! you know , villagers aren't vegetarians , so they can't just eat bread , carrots and potatoes . First , 3 animals of the same time ( the type is picked randomly ) will spawn in the butcher house's backyard , the butcher will breed the animals with their corresponding item , which is given to him ( thrown at him ) by farmer villagers from their inventory , when there is 3 or less animals in his backyard , and will kill adult ones until the number goes back to 3 , then he breeds them again . that means if you spam 10 cows in his backyard , he will only keep 3 of them , and breads them again , he will also pickup all meat and leather and feather drops . As for meat , he will give it to other villagers OR keep it for himself , same as farmer villagers .
Butcher :
Breeding the cows :
Kill the extra cow :
One of the most annoying things about villagers is they don't have natural regeneration , iron golems don't have it too . that's where the priest comes into use ! Priests will brew Potions , they brew 10 random potions a day , and always keep them in their inventory , they brew strength , swiftness and instant healing splash potions . they throw healing potions at injured villagers and iron golems , and will buff the golems with strength and swiftness . The potions will NOT affect you , to avoid making healing stations .
Priest :
Healing the iron golem :
Most villages never have iron golems , why ? they are their only protection , with this suggestion , iron golems will be far better , easier to make , and will not cap at 1 for every 10 villagers . First , blacksmiths will have an extra space in their house , it is considered an iron golems factory , there will always be one iron golem spawned by one blacksmith , that means that if there is 2 blacksmiths in a village , you will get 2 extra iron golems ! note that they build them by placing the blocks , not having them spawn like a summon command , meaning that you might find the blacksmith placing iron blocks and a pumpkin to summon one . also note that this does NOT change the way iron golems currently spawn . they will still spawn naturally when the original conditions are available .
Blacksmith :
EDIT : Blocks placed by blacksmiths will drop NOTHING when you break them and will dissapear when pushed by a piston . I added this due to people complaining about iron farming ( it's not like people are already farming crops with the new villager mechanics oh ! they do ! )
Building the iron golem , only the pumpkin left :
Librarian :
Idea one :
I was thinking they could write random books will information , crafting recipes and such to players , they have an infinite supply of paper , but will need butchers to get leather . Books they write often contain lore , stats of some mobs , crafting recipes of some items , they will also sell maps of some structures , meaning that a Librarian WILL sell you a map of a jungle temple . but the structure needs to be 1500 blocks near the villager , and map trades happen very rarely . note that the creeper image in the screenshot below is exclusive to villager books , you can create books like that will commands though ...
The trade:
Page one :
Page two :
Idea two :
The second idea is that they store your XP , making bottles 'o'Enchanting much easier to get in survival . first , right click the villager , it will open the regular trading GUI , but there is an arrow in the top right corner . when you click it , the trade screen changes , there is one slot where you put emeralds , then the amount of bottle o'enchanting changes with the amount of emeralds you put , and emeralds' worth of XP changes with the reputation , the lower the more expensive and the higher the cheaper . In the normal reputation , on emerald is worth 6 bottles 'o'enchanting . and then when you click on the bottles to get them to your inventory it will suck your XP ( 10 XP points for every bottle ) and take the emeralds .
Also a small suggestion : Make bottles 'o'enchanting always give 10 XP , to avoid loss when you store your XP in a bottle .
The GUI , not the arrow in the top right corner .
Hey guys , villager butcher number 5 here , don't forget to message Mojang about this suggestion , and also post it on Villageddit , I mean Reddit ! And if it was implemented , I will give you a life time supply of steak !
Support the idea :
Hmm ! I also made a banner if you want it in your signature , just remember to tell Jeb_ that the villager librarian number 10 made the banner and that he needs a special use same as farmers !
To put it in your signature , copy/paste this :
I didn't make a banner , nor do I have a life time supply of steak for you guys , but I will make sure you will have iron golems to protect it ! ( don't believe what he says , he lies . But please support the idea ! ) . Yeah ! I'm villager blacksmith number 7 and I should be able to make golems !
Change log here : ( why would you care about opening it anyways )
Changelog :
First edit :
- Added change log
- Added screenshots for the butcher
- Thanked others for their support
Second edit :
- Added screenshots for the blacksmith and the priest
Third edit :
- I missed the word Leather in the librarian part
- I'm working on the librarian screenshots
Fourth edit :
- Images are no longer hosted in the forum due to the 5 attachments cap
- Added Librarian screenshots
Fifth edit :
- What ? we reached five already ?
- Added another Librarian option , since I wasn't sure about the first one
- Added screenshots for the new Librarian idea . i'm pretty good at making GUI's
Sixth edit :
- Balanced blacksmiths
Seventh edit :
- Balanced priests -
Aderonius posted a message on Flower Pots Require Dirt to CraftHey, why not? I have used the search bar.Posted in: Suggestions
Now, a small tweak. Flower pots require dirt to craft (it only makes sense if something that contains dirt would require dirt to make it, right?).
For those who thought it would be complicated:
Yes, only that. It's a simple change and actually puts the dirt in the flower pot. Sorry if this was too short or useless! -
Badprenup posted a message on Pseudo-Random Structures for Variety in ExplorationAlrighty this is largely inspired from a post I made a long time ago about how to make Strongholds more interesting (In the Let's Talk About Strongholds thread). In that thread I said that a good way to make Strongholds more interesting would be to make them generate pseudo-randomly. What that means is that instead of adding hallways and rooms completely at random, the game chooses from a list of possible things to generate. Now, the game already does this on a small scale, focusing more on being random than generating in ways that make logical sense. Sure you don't expect a Stronghold to have a hallway that loops into itself and then stops, but that is because you don't think any creature with the ability to build a structure of that size could be so ignorant of basic planning.Posted in: Suggestions
So I aim to change all that. My goal is to add small tweaks to the structure generation on both a small and large scale. I hope that this will give players a lot more variety in what they see, but still keep the structures relatively simple and logical. I'm going to start off with the structures I could find in a quick tour of a Minecraft world, and then add the rest as I can find them and come up with the changes. These changes can be slight decorative changes, or they can be larger that make you approach a situation differently. The changes will be ranked as follows:
- Common - Usually decorative changes only, nothing that will affect gameplay.
- Uncommon - You won't see this as often but it may change something that makes you approach things differently or may result in different rewards.
- Rare - You'll be lucky to see this change (or unlucky, depending on the change), but if you do it will through you for a loop.
Building Layouts
These are broad changes that only affects how buildings look. These typically do not give you any kind of gameplay advantage. Some examples:
- House with Double Slab "Counter" and fenced in back yard
- Chance that the Counter will be replaced with a Crafting Bench and Furnace (Uncommon) IMAGE
- Chance that one of the Double Slabs making up the counter is replaced with a Chest containing junk (Uncommon) IMAGE
- Chance that the 2 corner Fence Posts in the back yard will have Torches on them (Common) IMAGE
- Other Houses/Structures
- Chance that there will or will not be a door on all generated houses (currently, some never have a door) (Common) IMAGE
- Chance there will be Torches next to the door outside or inside on the walls (Uncommon) IMAGE
- Chance there will be Torches on the four corners of crops (Rare) IMAGE
- Chance the well will be 3x3 or resemble a Desert Well (Rare) IMAGE
- Chance the well will have a different design, such as fully fenced in with a gate (Uncommon) or with a Slab top (Uncommon) IMAGE
- Village Theme - Plains/Savannah Biomes ONLY
- When each village is generated in one of these biomes, it will decide upon a set theme that the entire Village will follow. First, it will choose a Wood type. Savannah can have Oak (Common) or Acacia (Common) wood, and Plains Biomes can have any type of Wood (Oak/Birch - Common, Spruce/Dark Oak - Uncommon, Jungle/Acacia - Rare). Whatever wood it chooses, it will only use that type of Logs, Planks, and Fence Posts. It can also choose a variety of stone, either Cobblestone (Common), Stone Bricks (Rare), or Bricks (Rare). IMAGE
- Village Decorations - Desert Biome ONLY
- Chance that some specific blocks in the structures will be replaced with Chiseled Sandstone and two colors of Stained Clay. The colors are chosen before the Village is generated and remains the same for the entire Village. (Common)
Desert Temple
- Temple Decoration
- The Temple will choose two colors of Stained Clay and use those to replace the Orange and Blue Stained Clay when generating. (Common)
- Different Traps
- Chance that the Pressure Plate trap will be replaced by a Daylight Sensor trap. The middle TNT is replaced by Redstone Dust and the Sandstone that the Pressure Plate sat on will be replaced with a Daylight Sensor. Trying to break blocks too close to the middle while daylight is coming through will set off the trap and destroy the bottom before you can reach it. This is intended to cause players to think before digging for the currently easy to get treasure, and to approach it more strategically. (Rare)
- Chance that a Chest will be replaced with a Trapped Chest. There will be Redstone under the block the Chest is on which will light the TNT if opened instead of broken. Simply removing the TNT before opening the Chests or breaking the Chests solves this trap. Good for catching players who weren't paying attention. Randomly picks 1 Chest to replace. (Uncommon)
Jungle Temple
- Chance that the Hidden Room is in a different location (pictures or description when I can find a Jungle Temple and find places for it) (Common)
- Chance that the Tripwire trap causes the Dispenser to drop a bucket of Lava instead of fire arrows (Uncommon)
- Chance that the Tripwire is moved to a different location. (Common)
- Chance that the Levers normally for the secret room activate the trap and the Tripwire normally for the trap opens the secret room. (Rare)
Ocean Monument
- Coming Soon, need to find one to test different things.
- Pretty much what I went over
- , will add more specific details when I can sift through it properly.
- I've almost been up for an entire day, so I'll be adding pictures tomorrow. Please post any questions, comments, or other things you would like to see pseudo-randomly generated. Once I get some proper rest I'll be adding many pictures.
TenebraeAeternae posted a message on Tiki of the JunglePosted in: Suggestions!!!Beware The Tiki!!!
Reddit Thread: HERE!
Name: Tiki
Health Points: 10 ()
Attack Strength:
- Easy: 2 () + Poison 2 for 5-10 seconds (Cured with Milk)
- Normal: 3 () + Poison 2 for 5-10 seconds (Cured with Milk)
- Hard: 4 () + Poison 2 for 5-10 seconds (Cured with Milk)
Spawn: Jungle Biome (Frequently near Lava.)
- Cocoa Beans (4-8) 50% chance.
--> Rare Elite Droprate (4-8) 30% chance
- Jungle Sapling (2-4) 40% chance.
--> Rare Elite Droprate (2-4) 30% chance
- Gold Nugget (2-4) 8% chance.
--> Rare Elite Droprate (2-4) 35% chance
- Blowgun (1) 1% chance.
--> Rare Elite Droprate (1) 5% chance
- Blowgun Darts (5-10) 1% chance.--> Rare Elite Droprate: (5-10) 100% chance- Pack Mob
Basic Mechanics
- Unaffected by sunlight.
- Low health
- Low initial damage.
- High cumulative damage.
- Poison ticks do not stack, but additional hits will reset the timer.
- Rare, elite, version sets spike traps. Visual coming soon...
- Spawns exclusively in jungle biome and most frequently around lava, even if it's under ground, within jungle biomes.
Trap Mechanics: (Elite Tiki only)
- Each Tiki rare spawn will dig one trap six blocks deep, and two blocks wide.
- Each trap is covered with a false leaf block, slightly off color.
- Trap Blocks last for two seconds before falling apart when something stands atop of them, the sound of snapping twigs will be heard as a warning to the player.
- The bottom of these pits have spike traps that deal 2 () damage every second until the player escapes or breaks them.
- All Tiki will place false leaf blocks back over traps that have been triggered.
Behavioral Pattern:
Native to the jungle biomes, Tiki are a tribal race of hostile creatures who worship lava as their chief deity. Gold, being found quite often within close proximity to lava, is believed to be a gift from their god and is thus coveted above all else. Cannibalistic in nature, they perceive players as a potential threat and source of meat for their insatiable hunger; they're a far easier prey than the elusive Ocelot that's quite keen to avoid them and agile enough to thwart their traps.
Quite the clever hunters, they use a combination of poison and traps to take down their prey. Blowguns are fixed within the nose of their masks, each dart tipped with a toxic substance created through the secretions of some unknown animal or insect. They always maintain their distance and use their projectiles as a means to entice the player into carefully laid spike traps. The tactics make them a formidable foe, and while the darts of one Tiki may not be much of a threat...packs of these creatures can become quite a challenge that requires an abundant supply of milk.
Rare Blowgun Drop:
On very rare occasions, the blowgun of a Tiki drops upon death and isn't damaged beyond repair...allowing the player to acquire the weapon. It functions in the exact same way as it does for the Tiki, dealing damage equivalent to the difficulty setting of your world. It can be repaired with reeds (sugar cane) but the darts can't be crafted through regular means. Instead, players who wish to replenish their dart stock must slay additional Tiki and hope that they drop some.
Possibility: (Not needed, but might be cool.)
Tiki villages could be worked into the game, providing them with a place to rest between hunts and socialize with one another...along with granting an interesting facet to the jungles themselves for us to stumble upon, and instantly regret stumbling upon. I would imagine these locations to be a combination of small huts, tree houses, and caverns leading below the surface into a subterranean temple system with a small shrine to their god: lava.
Possibility 2: (Not needed, but could make them a little easier to bypass if need be.
Seeing as how Tiki are so dangerous when in groups, and covet gold as a gift from their god, it may be an interesting mechanic to make them so that they do not attack players who adorn full gold armor unless attacked first. Furthermore, perhaps a player in all gold armor can trade with Tiki in exchange for gold that player access to who knows what. Granted, the blowguns and darts should not be traded by the Tiki as they're a very rare drop and should kept that way. Or, at the very least, it should be extremely expensive if they are traded.
Old Thread:
This is based off my old concept, which you can read here: Old Tiki Mob
Throughout the massive duration of time between posts, I figured that the lava trap may have been a bit excessive due to the fact that items would have been lost upon death, so now it's a spike trap. I think this is much more fair and balanced, allowing players to reclaim their items if they fall victim to these little masked hellions. - To post a comment, please login.
Entry 20:
All of the chickens disappeared from my chicken death pit. I'm guessing an ocelot glitched through a fence and slaughtered them. Looks like I'm starting all over with this little guy here.
Tree House:
I've needed a small project to work on, and a tree house seems like a good one. I picked a tree not to far from my house, which has a decent view.
I see you down there Mr. Creeper, slinking around all quiet like.
I had to grow some more trees to provide the wood to build this. Right here is the base, which will be connected by fence supports to the canopy above. Access is provided by vines, primitive as it is.
Here the tree house is in its completion. It is equipped with a single crafting table, which is something I put just about anywhere I have build.
View from a more distant tree. Hey! I can see my house from here!
Entry 28:
It's my horse's family! The little colt is all grown up now, and my dream of reunited them all finally reached fruition.
Tiki Torches:
Despite my obvious genius (Heheh.. no), the conundrum on how to light my beaches in a aesthetically pleasing manner was met with few solutions. Until, that is, when the notion of tiki torches crawled out of some deep pit in my mind. They don't look awful, and they provide the much needed light, so they're here to stay for the time being.
This reminds me of safety torch...
Another Construction Plan:
What keeps me invested in this world are fun (and sometimes random) projects. This one is obviously not yet done. The plan is to have a ladder leading up that pillar to a structure built almost all the way up to build height. This structure will be used to jump from using an elytra, an item which I haven't managed to collect yet. Heck, I haven't even attained enough eyes of ender just to find the portal to the end. And aside from actually getting to there, I also need a lot of wood and other materials for the structure anyway. Off to work then.
Ah, this view is nice, but not high enough.
I'll end this entry with this. Beautiful isn't it?
Entry 27:
That is indeed a creeper on my porch/balcony. It serves as another testament to my island's flawed security measures.
Trading Post:
I had wanted a fortune enchantment on my pickax ever since I lost my last one, and two particularly awesome villagers had the books I needed. However, they needed emeralds, which I had absolutely none of. Luckily, the priest offered the prized gems, and for the low low price of a crap-ton of rotten flesh. The temple provided some, but the rest I had to get from a night spent hunting in the desert. I felt much pain whilst doing this, as pictured above.
I anticipated that I would often be back to this village for enchanted books, so I took it upon myself to build a trading post. It's very simple, and is really only meant as a safe shelter to keep the desert monsters at bay when I take an extended visit near the new village. I'm very keen on safety these days.
See this! This here abode is under the ownership of the mighty Charlito the Witchslayer! Trespass, and you will feel my wrath descend upon you like a storm of hellfire!!!!!
I have my prize, and it's time to head home. I'll be back of course, there is another, and much better, fortune book trade with my name written on it.
Thanks to rodabon for suggesting the trap doors. The disk collector works like it should now!
Emerald Quest:
The second fortune book trade I mentioned was unfortunately 32 emeralds. It makes sense considering the enchantment's higher level, but still, dang. Instead of trading for emeralds, I decided to go caving in a mountain biome I discovered via nether portal. I brought my new fortune pick too, so I hoped that mobs wouldn't decide to murder me as usual. After searching the caves for a few minutes, I found a dungeon. Maybe now I get to be the one murdering the mobs this time around.
Aha! The seasoned emerald hunter spots his quarry!
Finally, I was forced to head home due to a full inventory. This was the loot I acquired during my journey. Not bad, huh?
Hey, now you have infinite pork! Could be better than string, flesh, and spider eyes.
Probably break into a lego store, build something cool, and then cry because no one will ever see it.
Entry 26:
That's probably not good...
Island Security:
I don't know what you were expecting for security, but I made hedges. Somehow walls of leaves will keep me safe while I traverse the path across my island. They keep the undead from seeing me, creepers from creeping up behind, and they don't look like crap. All in all, I'm pretty happy.
It does feel a little cramped though...
Desert Adventure:
Deciding that my island just wasn't dangerous enough anymore, I headed out on a boat into the great vastness of the ocean. Keeping to a straight line (which was difficult with the boat's steering), I encountered several islands, ocean monuments, and eventually the desert shown here. I was excited! I had not found a desert in this world yet, which meant I would finally have access to cactus and multiple desert structures.
Speaking of desert structures, here are two the best ones! (Sorry desert wells, you're just not very helpful) I soon found out that some of the villagers, most notably the librarians, had pretty decent trades. I made it one of my goals later on to get a fortune 1 book from one of them, and a fortune 4 from another.
Although I didn't need them, I collected some beets. Yum, I guess...?
The apparent idiocy of villager architects continues to amaze and confound me. They must be extremely concerned about the constant zombie attacks.
Another villager design oddity. The stairs and parts of the inside were sandstone, yet the rest remained cobble. Perhaps they wanted the church to stand out against the sandy backdrop of the desert.
The loot from the desert temple. It was mostly just sand, bones, and rotten flesh, but it did yield three enchanted books. However, none of them were really cool, so I declared the temple to be a dud.
My first encounter with a husk. It was an interesting creature, with a lower voice than the average zombie, and it gave me a short bout of the hunger effect. That was a feature I was unaware of, but oddly happy to see, since it makes them different from a mere zombie reskin.
Further exploring resulted in the discovery of a savannah, another biome I hadn't seen in this world yet. As I swam over, I was pleasantly surprised to find a swamp as well. Loving that particular biome more, I surged through the savannah without a thorough exploration in favor of seeing what the swamp had to offer.
The swamp was only too happy to show me what it had, and I quickly found myself in a battle with a huge slime. It became a larger and larger army as the fight went on, but I was glad to get the slimeballs.
Before heading home, I decided to take some time to pick a few orchids. They are, after all, my favorite kind in the game.
Entry 25:
Finishing the Bridge:
As you may have realized by now, I am infinitely lazy, but I somehow managed to get up, retrieve all the materials I needed, and complete the long neglected bridge. All it really needed was an arch on both ends, some more walls, and enough torches to light it up. It went by quicker than I had anticipated, and it looked really nice when it was done.
This may be the safest place in the entire world, even more than my own house. The jungle, despite the torches I put up, still spawns copious amounts of monsters to hassle me. I constantly find zombies on my porch, and the beaches are always patrolled by creepers at night. It makes moving around at night and in the early morning a nightmare, one I wish I could wake up from. One day I'll be able to find a way to light the vital parts of the island up in a way that is functional and still looks pleasing, like how the bridge turned out.
Sorry, little boat, I won't be requiring your services much anymore.
The Disk Collector 5000:
A while back, when I wanted to get music disks, I came up with this contraption to make it easier on myself. Basically, a creeper and a skeleton are lured into the water trap and are moved into an inescapable "room"(for lack of better word) underground. There are two stairwells leading to halls next to the "room" and have windows through which the mobs trapped inside can see you.
The two mobs are both pushed into either side of the water trap room, and whichever side has the creeper in it, I have to use corresponding stairs. There is just enough room so I can stay away from the creeper, but still get the skelly's attention. It will then try to shoot me, but its new creeper roommate will be stuck in between us, meaning the skeleton will kill it and cause it to drop the music disk. After that is done, I can collect my new disk from a hopper located underneath the water trap room.
This system used to work brilliantly for me. The only problem I ever had was the fact that I had to be the one to lure the mobs in, which wasn't too bad before the dramatic changes of 1.9. Now, the new, smarter mobs will walk around the water trap, and I can't just stand on the other side and have them walk right in like idiots. I had to shoot the skeleton in, use a fishing rod to catch the creeper, and I had to kill huge amounts of other monsters that hounded me throughout the entire ordeal. It almost wasn't worth the effort, and I will have to devise some new clever way to account for all the frustrating factors. Hopefully, I can get my disk collector to work like in the good ol' days of the stupid mobs.
Don't worry, I'M the annoyance, not them.
Exactly! That's what gets to me.
Entry 24:
I hoped nether fast traveling would bring me somewhere interesting, but all I got was more jungle. At the very least I'll be able to mine emeralds from the mountains right next to it.
Adventures Elsewhere:
At first, this second fast travel portal seemed equally determined to disappoint me, or kill me, since it spawned next to a deep ravine. Not one to ignore safety concerns, I walled off one side of the portal so I wouldn't plummet the next time I went through. With that done, I secured the cave's interior with torches, and began to dig up to the surface.
My thoughts upon seeing the snow was something like "YES! YES! ICE PLAINS!!!!!!!!! I"M GONNA FIND SO MANY IGLOOS!!!!!!!!"
Before excitedly charging through the snow, I stopped to make a marker with the netherrack so I didn't get lost. I didn't want to have another "falling into the biggest pit ever" experience ever again. With the marker's dark red color, I hoped it would show up easily against the snow.
Whilst climbing a mountain, I spotted the only igloo I would ever encounter on that trip. It was a sad example of the new generated structure, and didn't have the interesting secret lab that half of them always have. As a self-proclaimed loot hog, this was incredibly obnoxious, but I still got to collect the bed and carpets.
After collecting some ice, I just had to get lost. It seems to be something I have a knack for. But before I tried to find my way back to the marker, I stopped to check out a swamp that I found. With vengeful glee, I realized that if I found a witch hut in there I could farm the cat killing monsters. With that in mind, evil thoughts swam through my head as I forged my way home.
Finally, after finding the marker, my first expedition to the ice plains ended. But of course I'm not done, and soon, I'll be back...
Hedron Building:
If you remember Karn the golem, and you play MTG, this should be familiar. If not, I'm ashamed of you. For those who have no idea what this majestic thing is, it's called a hedron. The story behind the hedrons is that they made up a prison that bound a trio of world devouring monsters in stasis, so I feel as if one hedron floating around creates an interesting atmosphere.