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    posted a message on Scaring the Creeps

    Why would a charged creeper avoid being shocked? I mean, it already got hit by lightning, and literally has an electric aura. I guess the other things make sense, but don't seem to have any major impact on game, aside from making anti-creeper furnace walls.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Dyed Wooden Sword

    I'm fine with this, it certainly won't be the first time mojang has added something for purely aesthetic reasons. Support.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Survive the Above User's Attack

    I hit the rock with a baseball bat, sending it far away.

    I engulf the next poster in a swarm of millions of fire ants.

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on DnD m'dudes

    Its a really fun game, and I particularly enjoy playing as an aaracocra. Being able to fly around ia great, although imbalanced.

    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Do you belive in the Supernatural?

    100% correct, it's 100% impossible for us to be alone in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE.

    As I said, I thought it was likely. You say it is a one in a trillion chance, so its still possible. All I'm trying to convey is that just maybe, we are really truly alone here. You simply can't say there are aliens out there without scouring every part of the universe to find them.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Do you belive in the Supernatural?

    It's impossible aliens aren't real, look at how big the universe is. To think that we are the only ones is massively arrogant, other supernatural beings, I'm not sure about them. Just a gray area in between belief and disbelief.

    Just because the universe is massive doesn't mean we aren't the only living beings in it. Even if the universe is infinite, there could still be a chance of that aliens simply don't exist anywhere. That said, I believe alien life is very very possible. The universe's size and diversity makes it likely (not for sure of course),and there are always compelling stories and sightings that point to another being existing out there.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on If You Could Turn Back Time?
    Quote from Cerroz»

    Go back many decades and bludgeon my parents into a pulp before they had me, so I don't have to go to that dentist appointment.

    Seems perfectly reasonable.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on What Do You Think Would Aliens Do If They Came To Our Planet?

    We can't possibly think any particular way. It's all dependent on the aliens we're dealing with. Some could be friendly, others cold or violent. If you automatically assume they would enslave us without any sort reason, then you have been watching too much sci fi.

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Strange Dreams...

    Way back when I was in kindergarten, I dreamed that the headless horsemen cut my head off in the school playground. Yep, I was a screwed up child.

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on If You Could Turn Back Time?

    Simply observe history. I don't believe you could actually change anything without creating an alternate timeline, which means the event you undid will still have happened, just not in the time-stream you just made.

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on What do you daydream about?

    General ideas and stories, sometimes large amounts of scientific information or theories. Many are more prevalent and ceaseless than others.

    Oh, and what the guy above me said, especially that.

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on The Lost Island (Journal)

    I like how you did the hedron, Charlito! Kinda off topic, but do you have Zada, Hedron Grinder?

    Unfortunately no, but she would be a cool creature to have. Also, Thanks!
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on The Lost Island (Journal)

    Entry 28:

    It's my horse's family! The little colt is all grown up now, and my dream of reunited them all finally reached fruition.

    Tiki Torches:

    Despite my obvious genius (Heheh.. no), the conundrum on how to light my beaches in a aesthetically pleasing manner was met with few solutions. Until, that is, when the notion of tiki torches crawled out of some deep pit in my mind. They don't look awful, and they provide the much needed light, so they're here to stay for the time being.

    This reminds me of safety torch...

    Another Construction Plan:

    What keeps me invested in this world are fun (and sometimes random) projects. This one is obviously not yet done. The plan is to have a ladder leading up that pillar to a structure built almost all the way up to build height. This structure will be used to jump from using an elytra, an item which I haven't managed to collect yet. Heck, I haven't even attained enough eyes of ender just to find the portal to the end. And aside from actually getting to there, I also need a lot of wood and other materials for the structure anyway. Off to work then.

    Ah, this view is nice, but not high enough.

    I'll end this entry with this. Beautiful isn't it?

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on What should I do to get something scary out of my mind?

    Watch salad fingers, it'll make all the fear of that creepypasta just go away...

    But in all seriousness, if you can't a way to remove the fear anytime soon, it should simply fade away as time goes by. Time can fix many things it seems.

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Minecraft Survival, My Mob Spawner Is not Spawning Monsters and It Is Not Dark Inside But no Light is Entering. HELP, SCREENSHOT

    An afk platform is where you just sit there and let the mobs spawn. You can simply leave computer entirely and the farm will work automatically. Afk means "away from keyboard".

    Also, what is the purpose of the half slabs inside the spawn room?

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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