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    posted a message on Things You Hate About Playing Pokemon

    I hate nothing about it, other than those annoying Trainers who spot you and then they keep using moves like "Fly" or "Dive" or "Dig" that make the battle drag on... "EXCADRILL, EFFIN' STOP. I HAVE TO GO SOMEWHERE."
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Black/White vs. SS/HG?
    Quote from Peewee223 »

    Yeah, Black and Wh-Wait what?
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Share your pokemon black/white party!
    Quote from DarkMemories »
    Quote from Hal9000 »
    I'm gonna saythis once: Nintendo Wifi ****ing sucks. :biggrin.gif:

    Why? Granted, it's a lot harder to access for those with high-security networks, but hey, it's free, and Nintendo is great about keeping it that way. XBox Live requires monthly payments, I've heard rumors th PS3 is going to do that too at some point. Nintendo, however, has stated repeatedly that it's going to stay free. (Which I agree with, because why would you pay $(some number1-9)0 a month for a system you already payed $250+ just to get part of the experience of the game (system)? I'd rather go through a little bit of WEP/WPA key and IP adress digging than pay monthly for it.

    Well, it sucks in my PoV only because I cannot physically obtain the WEP/WPA keys for my router, nor will it connect to any unsecure connections anywhere else... But yeah, I can agree with you.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on The Second Hardest Question For Any Gamer
    Quote from Eternalist »
    Quote from Hal9000 »
    I'm just gonna give-in to the trolls for once and say this: Portal was a great game, your comment made me slightly annoyed. (OOH SO EXCITING.)

    Anyway.. my least favorite... it would probably be Roblox, and I don't even dislike it that much.


    Shhh. *fades mysteriously into the distance*
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Share your pokemon black/white party!
    I'm gonna saythis once: Nintendo Wifi ****ing sucks. :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on The Second Hardest Question For Any Gamer
    I'm just gonna give-in to the trolls for once and say this: Portal was a great game, your comment made me slightly annoyed. (OOH SO EXCITING.)

    Anyway.. my least favorite... it would probably be Roblox, and I don't even dislike it that much.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Share your pokemon black/white party!
    Quote from -gir- »
    whats zen mode?

    I'm not exactly sure, but the usual Darmanitan should look like a large ape-form of Darumaka, and the zen mode looks like this:

    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Share your pokemon black/white party!
    Quote from -gir- »
    currently this is mine
    Servine Lv.31
    Boldore Lv.27
    Darumaka Lv.28
    Zoroark Lv.25
    Victini Lv.17
    Pidove Lv.15
    also anyone know how/when Darumaka evolves?

    I think you still have around 12 levels before he actually evolves. I could be wrong, though I haven't seen any Darmanitan's under level 40. (There are also Darmanitan's in the Desert Resort, they're in Zen Mode.)

    EDIT: Updated list..

    Gigalith - 48
    Serperior - 44
    Chandelure - 46
    Cobalion - 43
    Swanna - 38
    Golett - 31 (I VANT GOLURK.) (And then I'll evolve it in Golurkmoar. j/k.)
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Pokemon Black and White Horror.
    Quote from Yggdra555 »
    You're right, Pokemon is THE horror

    Uh- but-... Um.. NO, just the Gym leader. :<
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Pokemon Black and White Horror.
    He's supposedly an artist. :<
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on flying lanterns
    You've managed to confuse me more than I've ever been confused before.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Anyone used to play Maplestory?
    I got bored of it after a few minutes of gameplay. :<
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Overrated Video Games
    Quote from CSieg »
    One thing I've never understood about Pokemon. I've played two of them years apart and they were the exact same game but with updated graphics and new monsters. Are they all like this or did I just happen to find a remake of the original? If the former is the case I have no idea why it's such a sensation.

    I do know that they release two colors at a time that are the same game with different animals, and that already blows me away. I understand it's to "encourage trading" but how can you not be annoyed. Obviously they want you to buy two copies of the same game. It's like if Call of Duty Black Ops was released alongside Call of Duty White ops, with the only difference being you can get some different guns in multiplayer.

    "Gotta collect all the guns!"

    1. They remade Gold and Silver, which is probably what happened with your "exact same game" "annoyance."
    2. There's this great thing called the internet that allows people to research video games before they get them. It also shows what type of, as-you-say, "animals" we can get in either game. In Pokemon Black and White, the only different Pokemon we get are either Reshiram or Zekrom, and if you have White, the only different Pokemon you get are older generation one's, which, obiviously, can be obtained in the older generations of games.
    3. They're a company, their main goal is to sell...
    4. WORLD WALL YAY. :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Black/White vs. SS/HG?
    Black and White, hellz yeah. :3
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Pokemon Black & White - Any Good?
    I sometimes laugh when people complain about the Pokemon. I mean, really, WAS there really a change in the their composition? No, we have a pile of eggs, an artificial pokemon... no.. 3, Freaking armaldo. :ohmy.gif:

    ... Lol, I'm not complaining about these pokemon, but it just shows that the originality of all of these pokemon haven't changed much. Yes, they definitely changed, but when it goes towards originality and style, it really hasn't changed.

    ('Cept for animations. Which kicks ass.)
    Posted in: General Gaming
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