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    posted a message on Pokemon B/W Discussion Board
    Quote from Toothy »
    Im just training my dragonite right now, my friend and I are waiting for portal 2 also, I pre-ordered 2 copies, one for me and one for him(80$ since it was a special deal on steam) since it was his birthday. We're gonna pig out on junk food and portal 2 on Tuesday at his house. :biggrin.gif:

    My parents are like nats when it comes to hanging out with friends, so I'll do that all of Monday to make them not do it on Tuesday! :biggrin.gif: (I'll also get it at around 11:30 am, 'cause my mom won't be home until 11 am, and my dad won't be home.) So they'll drive me up to GS, I'll say I pre-ordered it, use a print out of a PowerUpRewards email and the card for proof if needed, and play! :biggrin.gif:

    Edit: And get in that damn wifi room! >:ohmy.gif: I'm not overleveled anymore 'cause I have flat rule on. :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Pokemon B/W Discussion Board
    I'll battle anyone at this point, kinda bored, waiting for Portal 2.
    I also no longer battle with Victini, so I can use Flat rule.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on What made you paranoid in (game)
    You know it's there, and you never want to leave that damned room. Then you toss a chair at it and run like ****.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Share your pokemon black/white party!
    I totally chand my team and obliterated them by training.. obliterated being a good thing..

    I like matching their levels, so yeah:
    Zoroark - Lv 80.
    Lanturn(shiny) - Lv 80.
    Chandelure(Shiny) - Lv 80.
    Gardevoir - Lv 80.
    Forretress - lv 80.
    Walrein - Lv 80.

    Hell yeah.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Portal 2 "Cooperative testing calibration test"
    I got Atlas. **** yeah! :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Pokemon B/W Discussion Board
    Quote from Esthin »
    Guys PLEASE use spoiler tags and change the colour to be hard to read if you're going to reveal story details!

    I'm getting pretty far into the game now, just completely thrashed Clay with Samurott, and I'm LOVING my Darmanitan.

    I'm looking for some good Pokemon of other types though, I'm having trouble finding decent ones.

    Where can I get some good Pokes of types other than Water and Fire?
    I got a Drillbur which I know is a good Ground type (especially with the insane sandstorm speed boost ability) but I need to get another, since his nature isn't beneficial (Higher spec. attack lower spec. defence)

    Deerling is a grass-type. Which you can get right on the route to the left of Driftveil..
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on I'm sorry, I don't understand your logic.
    I still tend to internally rage whenever someone downrate's the Gamecube. :<
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Help get Portal 2 released early using Potato Sack games!
    Quote from Tagmannn »
    Quote from Simowl »
    There's already 2 f***ing threads about this. Can't you wait a few days? If not, you have no life.

    And that's coming from ME.

    Never heard of you.

    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on just got a PC. 1st game i should get?
    Quote from GravCat »
    You have Orange Box, so you should have TF2, HL2, and Portal. But another great Valve game is CSS.

    That is one way to "complete" (sort-of) the VALVe collection...
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Pokemon B/W Discussion Board
    Quote from ljbauder »
    ok I doubt anyone will believe this, mostly because I haven't got pics but I got Zecrom [/spellcheck] at oneish health and caught him in a regular pokeball first try, really I mean it

    That's believable. Any Pokemon can be caught in a regular pokeball.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on I'm sorry, I don't understand your logic.
    Quote from octuplex »
    yea, i like ps3 only because i was raised with a ps2. and i just liked lbp better than halo. the ps3 library appealed to me.

    btw, i get a free pc version of portal 2 for preordering for ps3. i dont get that. descrimination i say! all people, ps3, xbox 360, or other, should be treated equally! except for wii. they settled for less, theyre getting less.

    i more descriminate between games. hate sport games. love fps and/or platformers.

    I would like this so-called free extra copy! T.T (J/k.)
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on I'm sorry, I don't understand your logic.
    Words cannot describe my feelings towards situations like these, but it usually involves shiny/sharp things.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on just got a PC. 1st game i should get?
    Pour-tall Due.

    Portal 2.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Whats so great about black ops?
    Quote from gabelam »
    Why do people that like it act like people that don't like it either suck at it or have never played it?

    EDIT: Sorry I forgot the topic changed. I like Spiderman, although the 3rd movie was kinda ridiculous. I hope the reboot doesn't suck.

    I feel the same way. I, who doesn't like the game, state my opinion and move on. The only dislike shown is to the game. The people who play it? "IDIOT, THE GAME IS ****ING AWESOME. I'LL FORCE MY OPINION ONTO YOU SO YOU'LL LIKE IT."

    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Whats so great about black ops?
    Quote from Cue »
    Quote from Buck90wl »
    Bought it. Played the campaign for one minute. Stopped. Returned the game.

    So you openly admit that you didn't play the game enough to form a legitimate opinion?

    So, you're willing to argue in order to force your opinion onto someone else? They don't like the game, you like it. Stop it.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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