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    posted a message on Searching for a particular server...
    Thanks guys. I'ms orry that one didn't work out, Rayden. Looked fun.
    Posted in: Starting Up / Looking For Server
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    posted a message on Brotherhood of the Commissioned (BotC)
    Thank you for showing me this server! So far.. 2 servers I tried to join didn't work out. Hopefully this'll be the light at the end of the tunnel..

    Name: IGN = ApertureGLaDOS. But you can call me Tony, AG, or AP for short. ^^
    Location: USA! ...If that's what you're looking for. :biggrin.gif:

    Past Creations: Hmm.. Well, I've made multiple Hyrule Castles.. one turning out to look like Castlevania.. Lol, multiple Citadels.. Towers.. Generic Castles.. Just big pretty things.

    Previous Bans: N/A

    Why you want to assist: I fail to find servers I'm looking for, so again, light at the end of the tunnel. Besides, I need people, conversations. SSP is bleh.

    Notes: I can build with both legitimacy and spawned items, but legit is much more rewarding. My bad position here is.. I'm not an Xbox or ps3 player.. ._. It's either PC or Nintendo for me..
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Searching for a particular server...
    Alrighty, so.. A month ago, a particular server (sig) went down, and over that month.. it's been very boring and dull. I've tried running my own server.. but it's just too much of a hassle in my opinion...

    So, what I've been searching for is a small/medium server, and friendly easy-to-talk-to members. I hope that server will have towns spread throughout, anti-grief capabilities, and resonsible administrators.

    Basically, just one I can build on (Survival preferably) and chat, without all of the problems of griefers and stuff. ^^
    Posted in: Starting Up / Looking For Server
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    posted a message on Croccydile SMP - A small, humble SMP server
    I'm sorry for being childish, but that's just me.. and if you can't accept that, I just don't want to be any part of it. I'm sorry. :<
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Croccydile SMP - A small, humble SMP server
    Minecraft name: ApertureGLaDOS

    Age: 15 (16 in 3 months.)

    Reason why you would want to play: Stuff's been boring lately, and SMP is where I need to go to have fun lately, but servers have been sparce. D= (Lolz, Sparce. :biggrin.gif: The name of a friend who invited me here.)

    Do you have experience administrating yourself?: I do. I've administrated about.. once.. twice.. three times... no.. four times! Four times on multiple servers! ^^

    What do you think you can contribute to the server?: Ideas, awesome creations, and another good server buddy. :3
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Do graphics really matter?(minecraft or sims 3)
    How the hell are you guys managing to compare these games.
    It's apples and oranges.. you can't compare.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on [64x][1.8.1] PsyCraft Texture Pack
    That diamond block is so beautiful. T.T
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on [64x] [1.8.x] Paragon Hjälte [Dead, Kept for Archives]
    SO, here we have the only pack I've seen with a PURPLE GAMECUBE texture for something.. (Not sure what it is, my guess is the record player. :tongue.gif:) I like mainly the smooth, yet still hi-def texture you put in this pack... sleek and detailed. ^^ My only thing here is maybe add more of a "plank" look to the wood, so it doesn't look like burned grass.. I like it, don't get me wrong, but shading effects that seperated the planks would look great. :3
    Also, the sun.. I like that too, but do you have the original sun image behind that logo? It'd look awesome without it. :3
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on NovaCraft!!! New Server, Plugins,Helpful Staff,24/7 Uptime
    Quote from Drm1

    wo u cant make him change it your the low life trolls that Search the fourms 2 troll on people noe get a life

    I would mae a snarky comeback if I could only understand you. :wink.gif:
    Numbers aren't words.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on NovaCraft!!! New Server, Plugins,Helpful Staff,24/7 Uptime

    Hey Every1 this is a brand new server Called NovaCraft. It has 24/7 uptime and lots of plugins.
    We have helpful staff and this server is lots of fun
    It does have A whitelist on right now and the maximum players on at a time is only 8
    The first 3 people who message me will get the IP for the server!

    Heyo, there's already a Nova Craft, it's by redted44. Either your copying this or a total coincidence. Either way, you have to change the name.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Renatus - Aurora Reborn | 99.9% Vanilla | 24/7 | Mature |
    In-game Name: ApertureGLaDOS
    Age: 15

    What is your interest in joining?: Well, recently, the server in my sig, Naturecraft, has gone down, and this looks like a great server to build with new people, and just the fact that, hey, it's a good server! I also currently host my own server right now for the members of NC, but let's face it, it's not fun for me.. So, my chance to build on this awesome looking server would be great.

    Have you read the rules? Yes/No: Did {ARzy} read it, I'm not sure, but I read them.. :ohmy.gif:
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.6.X] Portal Gun - Reconstructed [v1] - Rewritten... again.
    Would it ever be possible for you to make this for bukkit? Because today, 70% of these servers use bukkit, and in my opinion, not making it a plugin is a small mistake.. D=
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on NatureCraft [Closed but not forgotten]
    Quote from Gratlofatic

    I need some love too, and the only way I feel complete is around ponies *twitch*

    Wow, that sounds really pathetic.

    I'm kidding :wink.gif:

    I keed too. :3
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on NatureCraft [Closed but not forgotten]
    GRAT. ENOUGH ****ING PONIES. WE NEED LUV. AND CARE.. preferably some.. conversation. you hermit.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on NatureCraft [Closed but not forgotten]
    Posted in: PC Servers
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