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    posted a message on ---o0o--- AdvancedCraft Network 2.0 - The reborn ---o0o--- Recruiting builders, Youtubers, administrator and moderator!
    Quote from FactionsBanana»

    IGN: FactionsBanana

    Timezone: GMT

    Have you work in any server before (specific name of server(s)): no this is my first application for a server

    Why should we choose you: because i will help this server out in as many ways as possible i can ban hackers with much proof.

    What's your experience: i dont have much experience at all with being a staff on a server

    What's your Skype: i dont have skype sorry this will i think affect my application

    Any extra information? (Optional) i dont think anymore should be told thankyou

    Denied, need more information
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on ---o0o--- AdvancedCraft Network 2.0 - The reborn ---o0o--- Recruiting builders, Youtubers, administrator and moderator!
    Quote from Deathguard192»
    color=#0000ff]DeathGuard_'s Administrator Application[/color]
    Age: 13
    IGN: DeathGuard_
    Timezone: Australian Eastern Standard Time
    Have you work in any server before (specific name of server(s)): Yes, I have worked on Omnipvp
    Can you build (Yes or No): Yes
    Why should we choose you: I love helping people and developing servers. I'm responsible and thoughtful of other people. I'm good at making good decisions and I am mature. I'll make sure the serve is a nice, friendly clean server so everyone enjoys there time here. I think I have the skill to help your server. As I've been looking for a good server to play on. I can help other people have fun, make sure you're server is safe and have a good time myself! I would dedicate myself to this server as much as I can. Most people say when they apply stuff like, I will donate, help players, If a Player spams = kick etc, they don't do it. But in my hands. I will. I love helping players and will be there to keep the chat clear and help the players in need. For another reason, this server and the players that make it up, are very kind hearted, and charismatic. I can make your server even better than it already is. I can bring an EVEN safer community to your server, a community who knows what they are doing, a community who loves everyone equally and lives in harmony. If you choose me, You won't regret it. I am willing to go to the ends of the earth to help this server. I have no intentions of leaving without helping the server.
    What's your experience: I have been Admin on another server and I'm very loyal!
    What's your Skype: desert_eagle142
    Any extra information? (Optional): I only play on weekends but on holidays everyday(Hope it won't effect anything)
    Accepted! Please check your Skype.

    Everyone, no more admin application, please select another rank!
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on ---o0o--- AdvancedCraft Network 2.0 - The reborn ---o0o--- Recruiting builders, Youtubers, administrator and moderator!
    Quote from Rolorocks»

    Administrator or Moderator:

    Minecraft Name:

    Time Zone:

    Pacific Standard Time



    What makes you fit to be a mod?
    1. I like helping other people understand the server.
    2. I bring fresh ideas to the table.
    3. I am not scared to ban or lay down the law if there is hackers or people who abuse network

    What is your past experience?
    I have been a builder to a mod to even admin of other servers

    Have you read everything in this post?
    Yes, I have.

    Do do you have knowledge of Bucket?
    Yes, I do I've worked a lot and tweaked with it. I would be willing to study it more if I became mod.

    How can you contribute to the team?
    I will bring good ideas to the server. Report bugs and help with the maintenance of the server.

    Can you somewhat build?
    Yes, I am very good at building and also at interior design.

    Anything else:
    I really hope you guys choose me. Thanks for taking the time to read my interview.

    Denied. Please update more detail!
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on ---o0o--- AdvancedCraft Network 2.0 - The reborn ---o0o--- Recruiting builders, Youtubers, administrator and moderator!
    Quote from TBRN_kenWorth»



    Timezone:Pacific Stander Time

    Have you work in any server before (specific name of server(s)):2 KingdomsCrafet.tk, and b12647.leet.cc

    Can you build (Yes or No):yes

    Why should we choose you:Because im a nice person i like helping others and building

    What's your experience:2 of my own servers and 2 other servers

    What's your Skype: jacob_05beast

    Any extra information? (Optional):i can control my self and others ( i dont ban every one i talk it out)

    Denied, sorry but we need more information
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on We need a sponsor, offer free highest donation rank and more
    Server name:
    AdvancedCraft Network
    What specs do I want?
    Good enough to host 5 servers (each server about 50 players = 250 players) and a BungeeCord (I think 8GB Ram is OK)
    Server location:
    Anywhere, but if you can, Europe is the best for me!
    More than 5GB is OK
    How do I plan to generate money?
    Donation is all yours, but if we need some, you will pay.
    And also, we will create donation that call 'Sponsorship donation' and favorite staff donation!
    What am I going to offer you?
    Ofcourse, free highest donation rank (and free custom prefix)

    If you need more information, reply and I will answer!
    Posted in: Hosting Requests
  • 0

    posted a message on ---o0o--- AdvancedCraft Network 2.0 - The reborn ---o0o--- Recruiting builders, Youtubers, administrator and moderator!
    Quote from orange_addict»
    min Application Age:15
    Timezone:Australian Eastern Standard time
    Have you work in any server before (specific name of server(s)):I have worked on many servers b4, LemonPvP, HunterCraft,FactionsMc,IslandWars
    Can you build (Yes or No):Yes
    Why should we choose you:I would love to be a part of the staff team because I've always loved to help others, making people happy is what I love to do. I have a strong passion for helping others, I am a leader, and I know right from wrong. I go online to get away, and talk with others, to socialize and help. One of the most important things that I believe that all staff should have is activity. I will dedicate most of my time into the server. Being online a lot, means you're able to assist many people that normally don't get helped. When it comes to making tough decisions, it's not hard for me. If someone I am good friends with, breaks a rule, I will not be bias. No matter if you're my friend or even a best friend, you will be dealt with accordingly, depending on what the situation is.
    What's your experience:I have a lot of experience being staff for over three years and I will guarantee to assist you. I do know lots of plugins essentials, coreprotect, AncientGates, CreativeGates, worldedit, world guard, group manager, pex, bungeecord, hub. I will use all efforts to assist the employees and users.
    What's your Skype:TheOrangeAddict
    Any extra information? (Optional):Thank you for reading my application,TheOrangeAddict
    Congrats, accepted!
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on ---o0o--- AdvancedCraft Network 2.0 - The reborn ---o0o--- Recruiting builders, Youtubers, administrator and moderator!
    Quote from Supertrain212»
    olor=#008000]Supertrain212's Application for Admin[/color]
    Age: 14
    IGN: Supertrain212
    Timezone: EST
    Have you work in any server before (specific name of server(s)): IronCraft (My server, Its gone now), RaidCraft (Co-Owner - Ran out of funds),
    Can you build (Yes or No): Yes but if it has to be the best I can't build that
    Why should we choose you: I have been looking for a Admin position and I found your server. I am looking forward to moderating a server and I hope this server doesn't run out of funds. I am going to keep the chat clean and help anyone in need. I can guide them around the server. I am also going to keep the hackers out of this server. I will be on most of the time on the weekend (1-4 hours). Now getting back to the question, "Why should we choose you to join us?" I believe I can make this server better and help because I know alot about plugins, because I use to own a server but I ran out of funds. But I can't code plugins though. I know how to use lots of plugins, including permision plugins like GroupManager and Pex (I perfer Pex). If you want me to make perms and help you with a plugin, I am most likely going to be able to do it!
    What's your experience: I have been moderater, admin, and even co owner. But sadly all those server ran out of funds. Thats why I came here to apply. But I know how to handle every situation I come into. If someone is spaming I will ask them to stop. Then I will kick them giving them a warning if they didn't see it. If they keep spaming/advertising I will simply mute them. If I incounter a hacker I will tempban them for 7-10 days, depends on what hacks they use. If they keep hacking I will simply ban them and their ip (If they have alts). I do know other commands used to punish players if they break a rule, /kick, /freeze, /tempban, /ban, /mute, etc.
    What's your Skype: I will pm you my skype if I get accepted.
    Any extra information? (Optional): I am starting a twitch channel and I am looking forward to streaming on this server.
    Thanks for taking the time to read my appication! :DPA:- Supertrain212
    Accepted, please contact me with your Skype!
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on ---o0o--- AdvancedCraft Network 2.0 - The reborn ---o0o--- Recruiting builders, Youtubers, administrator and moderator!
    Quote from MisterCookkie»


    IGN: MisterCookkie

    Timezone: UTC+08:00

    Examples of builds (Attach your build picture to your post)

    Have you built in any server before: Yes alot.

    Why should we choose you: You should choose me because i have alot of past experience and i can build in many different styles and can build alot.

    What is your Skype (or anything else - require): skype = [email protected]

    Any extra information? (Optional): I am 13 years old and my name is Alex :D

    Accepted, please check your Skype
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on ---o0o--- AdvancedCraft Network 2.0 - The reborn ---o0o--- Recruiting builders, Youtubers, administrator and moderator!
    Quote from StrafeCraftYT»

    IGN: _StrafeYT
    What is your Youtube channel (link): https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCyL5w1iBxXWRkI29IGttrmA
    What's your Skype: StrafeCraftYT
    Any extra information? (optional): I just restarted YouTube and my old channel had over 120 subs. So I should get back to over 100 subs in a week or so.

    Accepted, please check your Skype
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on ---o0o--- AdvancedCraft Network 2.0 - The reborn ---o0o--- Recruiting builders, Youtubers, administrator and moderator!
    Quote from diamond_nice1»


    Timezone:UTC-05:00 Eastern time zone (Canada

    Have you work in any server before (specific name of server(s)): Not really in a big server

    Why should we choose you: You should choose me because i like helping people,i have a positive attitude and i'm a hard working person.

    What's your experience: i don't have much experience but i know i can get the hang of it.

    What's your Skype: diamond_nice1

    Any extra information? um im just a positive person :D

    Denied, need more information
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on ---o0o--- AdvancedCraft Network 2.0 - The reborn ---o0o--- Recruiting builders, Youtubers, administrator and moderator!
    Quote from oImpact»


    Hello, I'm 16 year old currently.

    My IGN is: oImpact

    Timezone: UCT ( Central Time ) I live in Texas.

    I had work on many servers such as: Wizardcraft, Bio, Evo, Arcane, and so on! <3

    I can build but it will take time for me to build.

    Well, I'm very helpful, active, and an outgoing guy. I had ton of experienced with being with all different types of players such as passive, aggressive, etc. I am very trustworthy, I never got ban on a server before, and I am not planning to get ban in my life. I don't abuse power because I don't like staff being corrupt which ruin the player experience of being on the server. With my personality we can bring the server to the best! <3

    My experienced is being a Co-Owner, Helper, Builder, Admin, etc.. I can handle drama/fighting within the server ( meaning I can break it up easily ).

    My Skype: Luke.chun2

    Extra Info: I'm currently President of many clubs in my high school, I'm on Skype 24-7 when you need me, I'm there for you! I'm active for hours and hours of play time. ^^ I would be honor to be one of your Admin <3 I won't disappoint! Oh I forgot, I have a weird accent ( Vietnamese + Texan accent ), I'm usually shy at talking but once you get to know me I will be talkative! <3

    Accepted, please check your Skype
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on ---o0o--- AdvancedCraft Network 2.0 - The reborn ---o0o--- Recruiting builders, Youtubers, administrator and moderator!
    Quote from xSTaTiCxPwnNx»

    IGN: DylanTM

    Timezone: Eastern Standard Time

    Have you work in any server before (specific name of server(s)): GizmoServers (OP)

    Why should we choose you: I am an experienced server administrator and am a hard-working staff member.

    What's your experience: I can code plugins, configure servers, and good with in-game commands.

    How many plugins have you made (Bukkit, Spigot or download links or attach): I'll send over skype

    What's your Skype: dylan.rekt

    Any extra information? (Optional):

    Denied, need more detail. Please post a new reply or msg me!
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 1

    posted a message on ---o0o--- AdvancedCraft Network 2.0 - The reborn ---o0o--- Recruiting builders, Youtubers, administrator and moderator!

    First, hello everyone!

    Let me introduce you what is AdvancedCraft Network. This network will be a big network in the future, but if it big, we need more staff. So, if you want to join our server, use the template below!

    Our server gamemodes:

    - Lobby (ofcourse) - needs dev and builders

    - Factions - done but need builders

    - Skyblock - needs dev and builders

    - Creative - needs dev and builders

    - Survival Games - needs dev and builders

    We recruit again!

    Apply here: http://goo.gl/forms/H6oxKxzaON

    If you have been accepted, we will ask you more question on Skype.

    If you have applied, please put a comment so that you let me know :)


    ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ (0/10 accepted)



    What is your Youtube channel (link):

    What's your Skype:

    Any extra information? (Optional):

    ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ (0/5 accepted)


    ⬛⬛⬛ (0/3 accepted)


    ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ (0/5 accepted)


    ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ (0/5 accepted)


    ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ (0/5 accepted)

    Thanks everyone!

    New recruiting mean more staff, old staff won't be removed.

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on IslandWars | FREE Donation Rank | NEED BETA TESTERS!
    IGN: VNMineND
    Skype [You must have one]: nguyen010104 (if it dont work try [email protected])
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on NEED STAFF FOR NEW CREATIVE/MINGAME SERVER! (Mods/Admins/PluginManagers/Builders/Head-Builders/etc)

    IGN: VNMineND

    How long have you been played Minecraft: 2 years

    Experience: I have been a admin for a server, 2 mod for 2 small server. I have config almost all popular plugins. I know almost all about them

    My strong suit in Minecraft is: Configurating and moderating

    What position would you be applying for in the server? I think I will choose admin, or mod will be ok too

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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