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    posted a message on What is a good city building game?
    Quote from RaidZero

    I just picked up SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition and are there any mod you would recommend? Any that are a must to balance gameplay?

    Since you're just starting out, I recommend you get the NAM and that's it. I know even that is tricky for beginners because of all the puzzle pieces and stuff, but you can ignore them until you get a feel for the game. Later on you should check out the RHW and CAM, though.

    Also check out some terrain and water changers. I currently use Pegasus' Brigantine Water Mod and the Olympia Terrain Mod. There's much more I could say about this, but there isn't the time. Best to just browse Simtropolis's forum, or maybe SC4Devotion (since ST is reeeally slow this year due to all the SC2013 excitement).
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on What is a good city building game?
    Quote from MrQuizzles

    The downsides of it are that the simulation can be a bit wonky at times. It doesn't always choose the best routes for commuters to take. Supply and Demand of certain types of development are a bit unbalanced. Just some relatively minor issues in what is otherwise an excellent game.

    Definitely get the NAM. It fixes a lot of the transportation bugs, although there's deeper problems with the game that it really can't do anything about.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on What is a good city building game?
    Quote from TheEvanCat

    But it's made by EA, so beware.

    To be fair, the last one was too, this one's just been dragged on the online-only Origin bandwagon and that's brought with it a myriad of problems that are alone enough to scare me away from this game, and I truly hate having to say it because EA once again managed to get my hopes up.

    SC4 is a good deal, a great game, and a fantastic way to pass the time. Especially with custom content. Simtropolis and SC4Devotion are essential for a hardcore SC4 fan. I recommend you get that game and check out those communities.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Teleportation
    I'm sure this has been dealt with at least three times in the Star Trek universe by now. Just sayin'.

    Btw, we can't define death as the loss of consciousness. If it disappears and some amount of time later it's back and functioning exactly the same as before, that's called sleep, or a coma, not death.
    Posted in: Computer Science and Technology
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    posted a message on Are there archtichet progams wich integrate minecraft?
    Minecraft is not a good tool for architecture. I don't see the use of trying to design in Minecraft when there are better tools.
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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    posted a message on Mensa Workout
    Did anybody get the "insatiable→banalities" question right?
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on If the internet was DELETED...
    I'd devote my time to something worthwhile, of course.

    Like Minecraft.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on If you could take back all the hours you spent on the internet and use them to practice one skill, what skill would you choose?
    I would probably say learning a new language. There are several talents I would like to cultivate, but that one has some serious, broad benefits whereas others that I want to practice, like architectural drawing, are very narrow.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on OAA: Online Arguments Anonymous
    Hello, my name is Catmando, and I'm a hopeless argument addict.

    I am thoroughly convinced I am incurable. However, I support the idea of support groups so I'll support this one too. I debate politics, philosophy, religion, economics, psychology, literature, comedy, mathematics, cinema and art, history, and whatever falls in between those. I can't say support from any of you would be properly appreciated, but I am willing to reciprocate.

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on The Fourth Dimension and The Universe
    Quote from mcurry

    Try and imagine what would happen if a snake swallowed it's tail, and just kept eating it, but without digesting it, what would happen?

    Mind = blown.

    Uhh, it would reach a point where it can't eat anything more? This is only an interesting question if you have an infinitely long snake (although there's answers for that anyway) or if you're just talking about how much you can overlap the edge of a circle (which is what this question is trying and failing to represent—no point coming up with such an analog if there's blindingly obvious physical limitations).
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Energy Drinks
    I've only ever had one energy drink. All I can say from this is that it's also the only time I managed to complete a sudoku puzzle in seventy-two seconds.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Typing Speed
    That awkward moment when you realize you're halfway through the test and caps lock is on....

    Retried and got 96. I always get just under 100, so this result doesn't surprise me at all.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Grammar
    I've reposted this about a dozen times since I wrote it:

    Quote from Catmando

    I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with the OP for several reasons.

    The first is this. Grammar holds no inherent value. Whatever value we say it has it only has because we say it has and that value only matters to us as a result. What this means is that we can't and shouldn't say that grammar is "important" simply because it is. This statement will get you all of about nowhere.

    Now, our own value assigned to it does have ramifications of its own, but it is a variable value. It doesn't work everywhere. When I'm texting my friends on my phone, I don't care if my sentence needs a comma; I don't care if a period goes there; and I certainly don't care if they think their name needs capitalized. I don't give special treatment because I can't be arsed to use the shift key.

    Likewise, there are situations where it is key. When you are trying to make yourself look distinguished and formal, you use proper grammar, spelling, and syntax. I try hard to type properly and with eloquence when I post here on this forum, and you'd be hard-pressed to find glaring errors in my post. However, I only do this because, as has been said earlier, I assign value to grammar in that situation. It is not simply worth it "because it is" there.

    The second main reason I disagree with the original poster and this thread in general is the disgusting insinuation that we have some indomitable right, need, or even legitimate reason to want to correct someone else's grammar just because the value we have assigned to it in a given situation is higher than that which they have. I address this to you, Grammar Nazis of the Internet: you are doing no good. You will get nowhere with your elitist interpretation of proper sentence structure, and the way you go about reaching this pointless goal is most often rude, always detrimental, and sometimes even outright and entirely unnecessarily hurtful. That—that excellent summation of bullying—is ********.

    However, do not misunderstand me, if I may be obliged to urge you. I am not saying that grammar is meaningless to everyone—rather, what I am saying is that it isn't necessarily meaningful to everyone, and certainly not to the same degree; and the assumption of such, and any action utulizing this assumption as a foundation, is put generously, bad.

    With that said, I think I have made my point here. Thanks for your time.

    I know the diction is way too formal almost to the point of sounding condescending or pretentious, but it's probably the best expression I have of my view on grammar. Oh well.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention I voted "Optional" on the poll.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Boring old guy wants to ban masturbation.
    Quote from Derpcakes

    I've already said them all.

    I don't think you could have been any less clear. What in the world are you talking about now?
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Boring old guy wants to ban masturbation.
    Quote from Derpcakes

    If that is true then that entire book is invalid. That line proves that it was only written by tyrants.

    How...? What...? How does that even begin to follow from what I said?

    I said that what Feryll wanted to say was that he wants to know where the verse Krtshv read was. There is no "if" in here, unless you want to introduce some unnecessary doubt like "if Krtshv really did read a verse like that." And even if that was true, that doesn't prove the book invalid or prove it was written by tyrants. You are so desperately looking for an excuse to dismiss the Bible that it's clouding your judgment. Get over yourself.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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