List mods coming soon:
-Basketball mod (Tap the ball & it bounces up and down. Also, play it with freinds!)
-Name tag mod (put name tags on animal's and they will have names!)
-Crossbow mod (Shoot 3 arrows,tnt, and other things a crossbow! Not a bow)
-Dirtbike mod (Ride a bike!)
-Arena mod (like boxing)
-Assassins creed mod ( hidden blades, guns, and more)
-Flint block mod (Block of 8 flint you can craft and break it)
-Avatars mod (Avatar, the last airbennder mod! Have fire, water, earth, or air magic!)
-All elements mod (This mod will be very long and epic. To much info on it to explain)
-Huge mobs mod (Huge mobs!)
-Boat mod (Build your own boat and make it sail the directions yoh want it to sail! Warning: will break if hit land)
-Advanced crafting mod (please use this with all these mods for better gaming. Craft Mc item's and use them!)
-Brewing potions mod (find ingredients and make potions from Mc like the splash potions, healing potions, sprinting for 60 sec. Potions, & much more!
-Enchanting mod (find the ingredients to enchant your weapon! Hold a weapon & Do /enchant (enchantment name))
-Villagers mod (Mc villagers in pe! I'm also adding were you can trade with them!)
-Digimon mod (A new world of monster's that you can tame, command them, feed them, love them and more!)
-Element monsters mod (Evil monsters that can even attack other mobs!)
-Hostile mobs eggs (adds hostile mob eggs)
-Berry system mod (find berries, make stews, drinks, and more foods!)
-Gum mod (Shoot tnt,arrows (bullets), throw grenades, and more! (No texture pack needed!))
-Coffee system (find beans, make a bottle of coffee, drink the coffee!)
-Redstone mod (Pistons, trapdoors, trip wire, pressure plates, dispensers, and More!)
-Vine mod (Climb on vines or place them. Even find them!)
-Book mod (Read a book, write a book, see the contents of the book!)
-More mobs mod (will have dragons, dogs, monsters, and more!)
-Money mod (Best money mod ever! Must download Delta city 1 to play this mod.)
-Selling system (Buy items with money thats drops out of mobs when killed! Do not use money mod and this mod at the same time.)
-Piano mod (play a large piano! Must download piano world to play this)
-Jukebox mod (the real juke box from Mc and the music! Tap the box with a disc and music comes on!)
-Emerald mod (will have Emerald blocks, and items including Emerald tools!)
-Ruby mod (will have ruby blocks, and items. Also jewelry!)
-Mc items mod (has all Mc items. Even the placeble ones! Like spawner, it will really spawn mobs!)
-Ender pearl mod (Trow the ender pearl and teleport were you threw it!)
-Wilderness mod( it's a hardcore survival with over 30 new resources, over 7 new animal mobs, make a tent, and more!)
-Medieval mod (The medival times with gold, Silvier, platinum, copper, and more!)
-Element shards mod (This goes to my Element Zero map. It's really awesome.)
-Much more!
Best part is im making them without texture pack but it will have all textures in one .js file!
Want me to add more? Then tell me and I might add it to the list!
This mod may not be hot but i will help you.
I am great at modding.
Im even makeing a mc potions mod
With the actual mc potions
Like sprint potions, shapeshifting, healing, poison, and more!
But, what would you like me to help you on this mod?
I can add anything!
You name it i make it.
And I'll always give you the eddited mod of it
First before i post it. (And I'll ask you first.)
Hello, my name is joey and bla, bla, bla, skip this and look down.
I'll post my mods tomorrow, sorry
-Want a mod made? Tell us now! (We can make any mod. Ask even the hardest mods ever.)
-Need help making a mod? Go to my modding school! (Link: coming soon!)
-Your mod needs fixing? Well what are you waiting for? tell us what to fix and send it to us!
-You want all of are info and mods from hear but offline? Then download are package kit! (Link: coming soon!)
-Do you need someone to help you on your mod and show you each and every step? Then tell us now!
-Need answers to your questions about Mcpe? Then ask us now. We will almost always have an answer.
-Need a little packet to help you new modders at modding? Then download my mod packet helper now!
Notice: this is a power point so please use Microsoft office or something that can read pptx
(Link: https://www.dropbox....Mod helper.pptx)
Update log:
-Functions help
-Coming soon!
Sorry, thats it. But, i will be hear really often. These mods and service's might not be hear long so ask and do all of this now why you still can.
This topic is going to help you a lot in a day or so.
Topic 1
Need help on making a mod or learning how to make a mod?
Or maybe you want to learn how to make a mod?
Then go to are school (link: (school not done yet)) or download
Are mod helper kit.
Link: (will be done later today promise)
Topic 2
Do you need some idea's for a Whole list of mods to
Make or you are out of idea's?
Then read this list of over 50 mod ideas!
(Almost done so please wait.)
Topic 3
Do you need your mod to be fixed or having issue's with it?
Then reply and tell us whats wrong and what you need fixed
And we'll start fixing it as soon as possible.
Don't forget to include download link on your post.
Topic 4
Do you want a mod that everyone keeps saying its impossible?
Then tell us now! We have created a potion mod with the real minecraft
Potions and people say thats not possible. But to us it is.
We are very advanced mod makers that help everyone with
There mods. Post now for what mod you want us to make.
Topic 5
Need help with your mod wnd you need a mod making person to
Help you with that mod and go over things with you?
Then pm us now. We will talk to you about your mod and
If there is a change or mistake you want to fix
Or anything like that.
Thats it. But, if you have an idea of any other topics we should post then post
That idea now and we might add it!
Welcome, you will find all of team delta's mods here.
Well, not all of are mods. Just the mods we want to post.
My name is castafer (real name is joey) and i want to share
My teams world of mods to everyone.
And if you want to join us for Advanced mods or to
Post you own mod here sign up on are website.
Link: (Website will be done in 2 days)
Castafers mods:
Minecraft mod
Latest version: V1.0
Update log:
(Has not come out yet.)
What will be the next update log:
-New items
-Advanced commands
-And over 10 more things!
Map for this mod:
Link: (has not been made yet.)
Sorry, there are no more members in delta.
More coming soon!
But, if you want to join here then pm me with this filled list:
(Full name)
(Curse username)
(Membership) only free membership was made. More memberships coming soon!
(Password) why this? To verify your username. Please keep this to verify your account.
More coming soon.
Better hurry and sign up while theres a free membership plan.
Or before the list gets longer.
Hello, this is a great starter mod and we are asking you if we can use this for are minecraft mod we will add mooshrooms to are mod and almost all the things in mincraft to are mod like potions and brewing.
And also can we edit this mod to make it drop mushrooms and if you break the wood it drops, lets call it moo wood. This will be one very big part. We thank you for your time.
-Delta leader
-Basketball mod (Tap the ball & it bounces up and down. Also, play it with freinds!)
-Name tag mod (put name tags on animal's and they will have names!)
-Crossbow mod (Shoot 3 arrows,tnt, and other things a crossbow! Not a bow)
-Dirtbike mod (Ride a bike!)
-Arena mod (like boxing)
-Assassins creed mod ( hidden blades, guns, and more)
-Flint block mod (Block of 8 flint you can craft and break it)
-Avatars mod (Avatar, the last airbennder mod! Have fire, water, earth, or air magic!)
-All elements mod (This mod will be very long and epic. To much info on it to explain)
-Huge mobs mod (Huge mobs!)
-Boat mod (Build your own boat and make it sail the directions yoh want it to sail! Warning: will break if hit land)
-Advanced crafting mod (please use this with all these mods for better gaming. Craft Mc item's and use them!)
-Brewing potions mod (find ingredients and make potions from Mc like the splash potions, healing potions, sprinting for 60 sec. Potions, & much more!
-Enchanting mod (find the ingredients to enchant your weapon! Hold a weapon & Do /enchant (enchantment name))
-Villagers mod (Mc villagers in pe! I'm also adding were you can trade with them!)
-Digimon mod (A new world of monster's that you can tame, command them, feed them, love them and more!)
-Element monsters mod (Evil monsters that can even attack other mobs!)
-Hostile mobs eggs (adds hostile mob eggs)
-Berry system mod (find berries, make stews, drinks, and more foods!)
-Gum mod (Shoot tnt,arrows (bullets), throw grenades, and more! (No texture pack needed!))
-Coffee system (find beans, make a bottle of coffee, drink the coffee!)
-Redstone mod (Pistons, trapdoors, trip wire, pressure plates, dispensers, and More!)
-Vine mod (Climb on vines or place them. Even find them!)
-Book mod (Read a book, write a book, see the contents of the book!)
-More mobs mod (will have dragons, dogs, monsters, and more!)
-Money mod (Best money mod ever! Must download Delta city 1 to play this mod.)
-Selling system (Buy items with money thats drops out of mobs when killed! Do not use money mod and this mod at the same time.)
-Piano mod (play a large piano! Must download piano world to play this)
-Jukebox mod (the real juke box from Mc and the music! Tap the box with a disc and music comes on!)
-Emerald mod (will have Emerald blocks, and items including Emerald tools!)
-Ruby mod (will have ruby blocks, and items. Also jewelry!)
-Mc items mod (has all Mc items. Even the placeble ones! Like spawner, it will really spawn mobs!)
-Ender pearl mod (Trow the ender pearl and teleport were you threw it!)
-Wilderness mod( it's a hardcore survival with over 30 new resources, over 7 new animal mobs, make a tent, and more!)
-Medieval mod (The medival times with gold, Silvier, platinum, copper, and more!)
-Element shards mod (This goes to my Element Zero map. It's really awesome.)
-Much more!
Best part is im making them without texture pack but it will have all textures in one .js file!
Want me to add more? Then tell me and I might add it to the list!
I am great at modding.
Im even makeing a mc potions mod
With the actual mc potions
Like sprint potions, shapeshifting, healing, poison, and more!
But, what would you like me to help you on this mod?
I can add anything!
You name it i make it.
And I'll always give you the eddited mod of it
First before i post it. (And I'll ask you first.)
I'll post my mods tomorrow, sorry
-Want a mod made? Tell us now! (We can make any mod. Ask even the hardest mods ever.)
-Need help making a mod? Go to my modding school! (Link: coming soon!)
-Your mod needs fixing? Well what are you waiting for? tell us what to fix and send it to us!
-You want all of are info and mods from hear but offline? Then download are package kit! (Link: coming soon!)
-Do you need someone to help you on your mod and show you each and every step? Then tell us now!
-Need answers to your questions about Mcpe? Then ask us now. We will almost always have an answer.
-Need a little packet to help you new modders at modding? Then download my mod packet helper now!
Notice: this is a power point so please use Microsoft office or something that can read pptx
(Link: https://www.dropbox....Mod helper.pptx)
Update log:
-Functions help
-Coming soon!
Sorry, thats it. But, i will be hear really often. These mods and service's might not be hear long so ask and do all of this now why you still can.
Castafers maps:
Sorry, thats it.
(Updating later)
Topic 1
Need help on making a mod or learning how to make a mod?
Or maybe you want to learn how to make a mod?
Then go to are school (link: (school not done yet)) or download
Are mod helper kit.
Link: (will be done later today promise)
Topic 2
Do you need some idea's for a Whole list of mods to
Make or you are out of idea's?
Then read this list of over 50 mod ideas!
(Almost done so please wait.)
Topic 3
Do you need your mod to be fixed or having issue's with it?
Then reply and tell us whats wrong and what you need fixed
And we'll start fixing it as soon as possible.
Don't forget to include download link on your post.
Topic 4
Do you want a mod that everyone keeps saying its impossible?
Then tell us now! We have created a potion mod with the real minecraft
Potions and people say thats not possible. But to us it is.
We are very advanced mod makers that help everyone with
There mods. Post now for what mod you want us to make.
Topic 5
Need help with your mod wnd you need a mod making person to
Help you with that mod and go over things with you?
Then pm us now. We will talk to you about your mod and
If there is a change or mistake you want to fix
Or anything like that.
Thats it. But, if you have an idea of any other topics we should post then post
That idea now and we might add it!
More topics coming soon!
Well, not all of are mods. Just the mods we want to post.
My name is castafer (real name is joey) and i want to share
My teams world of mods to everyone.
And if you want to join us for Advanced mods or to
Post you own mod here sign up on are website.
Link: (Website will be done in 2 days)
Castafers mods:
Sorry, there are no more members in delta.
More coming soon!
But, if you want to join here then pm me with this filled list:
(Full name)
(Curse username)
(Membership) only free membership was made. More memberships coming soon!
(Password) why this? To verify your username. Please keep this to verify your account.
More coming soon.
Better hurry and sign up while theres a free membership plan.
Or before the list gets longer.
Have a wonderful day!
And also can we edit this mod to make it drop mushrooms and if you break the wood it drops, lets call it moo wood. This will be one very big part. We thank you for your time.
-Delta leader