Xaiwaker [zai-way-ker] has that perfect mixture of color, unique rich textures and adventure to bring out the true hero in you! The pack is full of inspiration from Zelda and Animal Crossing. A lot of credit also goes to my good friend Chalarie who has decided to help me in texturing this pack. Together we will work hard to deliver the best possible texture pack we can!
As of 9/1/2011 Remixes of Xaiwaker will not be allowed.
As of 9/18/2012 Xaiwaker is now open source! Feel free to remix/edit it all you want as long as you post all updates to it here in this thread!
16x Version is officially discontinued! Sorry for the inconvenience.
-For now we are not supporting any mods-
Some credit goes to Cushfiles for helping with the redstone stuff and the paintings, Cuthor for the BTW mod support, NorthenerSouth for helping me figure out lava and credit to Snowyomen for doing those amazing ores, Danuri for letting me use his wood frame design on the ingot blocks, his pack found here, and last but not least, credit to mh_mini for helping with my pistons!
Also big thanks to Minecraftdl.com for all the great publicity they give the pack
Castle seen in pics and video HERE!
Xaiwaker by Xaivern and Chalarie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Nickname: Car is what people call me for short, but a Nick perhaps Fieldz
Job you would possibly like 2 required: Thief or Fence
Why do you want to become a thief of the guild? I wish to learn the art of sneaking and theivery
Experience in Minecraft: nearly 2 years of playing now, good builder, fair with redstone
My Skin
I hope you guys like it!
P.S. If you want you can request one, just give me the skin and what you want it doing and ill take a stab at it
Coat of Arms- by AidanJan
How we run
League of Minecraft is a non-griefing clan and does not steal, we do not do what is wrong, if someone in the clan is working on a project, we will donate what he/she needs.
We have two simple rules right now more may be added later:
No griefing
No Stealing
Clan Aplication Don't ask for master
This is how the application should look
What job do you want?:
What rank do you want?:
Gender (Optional):
Location (Optional):
Age (Optional):
Why do you want to join this clan:
Have you read the WHOLE topic:
Chances of Acceptance
Best Chances
Good Chances
Ok Chances
Bad Chances
Horrible Chances
Not Accepting
Current Chances:Green:
Open Slots
25 Open Slots
Collecter (A.K.A. Miner) Ranks:
Stone Collector (Collects stone)
Coal Collector (Collects coal and stone)
Iron Collector (Collects iron ore, stone and coal)
Gold Collector (Collects gold ore, stone and iron ore)
Diamond Collector (Collects diamond, stone and any ore)
Obsidian Collector (Collects obsidian, stone and any ore)
Master Collector (Can collect anything he/she wants to get)
Salesman Ranks:
Wood Seller
Cobblestone and Stone Seller
Coal Seller
Iron Seller
Gold Seller
Diamond Seller
Obsidian Seller
Master Seller (Sells everything)
Guard Ranks:
Gate Gaurd (Leather armor and Gold armor)
Short Watchtower Guard (No armor)
Tall Watchtower Guard (Leather armor)
Master Guard (Guards everything)
Lumberjack Ranks:
Tree Planter
Oak Tree Cutter
Pine Tree Cutter
Birch Tree Cutter
Master Cutter (Most people will start at this rank)
Farmer Ranks
Growth System (Makes the soil and gets water to keep soil moist)
Master Farmer (Does everything he/she needs to do)
Hunter Ranks
Chicken Hunters
Pig Hunter
Sheep Hunter
Cow Hunter
Monster Hunter
Master Hunter (Hunts everything)
Builder Ranks:
Shack Builder
House Builder
Tower Builder
Hotel Builder
Master Builder
(Supplies for all jobs will provided)
-Caruso09 (Leader)
Alies and Foes
Allies:Obsidian Universtity
Neutral clans are people who are foes but can only attack off their land.
All sigs made by AidanJan
Server info
IP: The server is a raid server, so we must lock down any storage rooms, if we do get raided, we must move to a new place but farther, it has factions, I must be on for you to join.
This is important: Type C09 and for the question have you read the whole topic?
1. Fan art doesnt have to be good to show you like minecraft, they did it didnt they, have any of you.
2. You could atleast have constructive critisism, not critisism to be mean
3. I agree on the double post thingy
Skills: Good archer, builder, and swordsman
Position you are aiming for: Anything really I just want to be in this clan
Do you agree with the rules: Why yes
Have you been on the server?: No, not yet but I will soon
How active will you be?: 2-4 hours a day maybe 1 hour 30 minutes average
Like the name or should we change it? Sounds good
Time zone: Eastern
Have you ever been in a different faction?: Yes
How did you find out about us?: You requested a skin for this clan in my skin shop and I wanted to join
A little bit about yourself: I have been playing minecraft for over a year now, very expierence with it and have become a great builder, killed every mob ligitamently with a stone sword (took a while to get a spider jockey, slime and get a nether portal) took me a while to kill them all as rare as some are, like the ones in the nether fortresses and the ender dragon (I had to use a bow then) but I havent been in a clan in a while so ima try a new one
Are you willing to change your skin?Maybe I like my ezio skin
Are you good at making skins?Yea I made you one
Color: White
Picture in middle:
Can you do it kinda like Joeismoe's?
And here your encoragement
The Credits Song from Portal 2 by GlaDOS
Revenge by Cpt. Sparklez
P.S. You give rep to the people who guessed your song, just to let you know
That is Take a Stand by PBat ft. Slyfox