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    posted a message on Server Need Staff 1.5.2 [Whitelisted Until Finished]
    Hey, I am applying for admin,moderator,or builder. admin prefered
    IGN: captaingoldfishy
    I have hosted around four other servers before(Sadly they all got shutdown because the hosting companies shut down), so I know a lot about how to be a good manager of people so that I know what the best things to do for each level of punishments as well as I know how to be a good, fun person to work and play with. Also, because of my knowledge about servers. I have managed a team of staff in all of my servers and have all of these capabilities. I am willing to listen to everyone to get their opinions and especially the staff.

    I have been playing minecraft for 4 years now and feel that it is right to join a server that will be able to keep going and be sustained as well as being able to help. I am 14, almost 15, so I am mature and know what to do best in each situation.

    I love to play minecraft and will devote as much time to this server as possible to help it get better.

    Thank you for reading my application, and I hope whatever happens that the server will be a success.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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