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    posted a message on Euphoria Skyblock | In need of a developer & manager
    Euphoria Skyblock has just recently became a thing, and we have done pretty much as much as we can on our behalf, and at this point we need someone who can and has patience to configure and edit a few plugins.
    I have a few people helping me out now, but if were being completely honest, they do not have the knowledge that i feel like they claim to have. I only want serious people, i don't mind if you cant "create a plugin" i just need someone i can get to configure and edit a few things whenever i need it done. Yes, i will pay you, via paypal

    Thanks in advanced and if you have any questions regarding this post, feel free to contact me on discord or message me on here.

    Discord Tag : Garyshood:1510
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on Euphoria Skyblock | Mob heads for ingame cash | Silkspawners | Spawner Upgrades | Custom Swords | MC.EUPHORIASKYBLOCK.ORG
    Euphoria Skyblock
    Hey guys! Thanks for checking out the server!
    We are a fairly new server, offering you a great variety of plugins including

    > Silk Spawners
    > Spawner Upgrades
    > Heads 4 Money
    > Custom Swords
    > Custom Staffs


    Cant wait to see you here!

    If you have any suggestions, feel free to let us know!
    Thanks in advanced and we thank you for joining Euphoria Skyblock
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Euphoria Skyblock | SIlkSpawners | Upgrade Spawners | Custom Swords | MORE!
    Euphoria Skyblock
    Hey guys! Thanks for checking out the server!
    We are a fairly new server, offering you a great variety of plugins including

    > Silk Spawners
    > Spawner Upgrades
    > Heads 4 Money
    > Custom Swords
    > Custom Staffs

    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Deep need of a fest "testers" {{WILL GIVE DONATOR}}
    Hey guys!
    I just recently got done getting everything built and sorted out, and in need of a few peoples or people to test a few things for me, i am willing to give a few dollars in paypal, or give your donator on the server once it launches..
    The few things you'll be doing is basically finding bugs // wrong permissions // shop problems // commands you cant use etc

    Thanks in advanced fellas!
    Contact me on discord @ garyshood:1510
    Skype @ natesargent69

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on Looking for a decent builder.. (Will pay)

    Just need someone who can build a spawn or two.

    I will pay you, but we would need to discuss a price before hand

    Thank you in advanced

    Contact me on discord @ garyshood:1510

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on Deep need of individuals who can manage a server


    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Deep need of individuals who can manage a server

    Not gonna hire any random 12 year olds or immature people. I want someone who knows what they're doing and can actually help me out.

    The goal is to open a factions / prison server with a few unique plugins i have already purchased. If you would like to help me out, i will pay and would be more then happy to talk to you! If you have any questions, contact me on discord, always online either on my phone or PC.

    Thanks in advanced!

    Discord Tag ; Garyshood:1510

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on LocoPvP | Deep need of some builders..

    Gonna make this short,

    In deep need of some people or someone to build for me.

    Looking for spawns, shops, pvp arenas, etc

    Can pay with paypal or BTcoins

    Discord tag ; Garyshood:1510

    Or you can message me on here.

    Thanks in advanced fellas!

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on Loco PvP | Factions | Auctions | SilkSpawners | NEED STAFF+BUILDERS

    Welcome to LocoPvP, the server for players, by players. We make sure you are our top priority by always coming out with new features to make your experience better. We have been developing for the past month and we are finally ready to release to the public.

    Our current features include:
    -Weekly Events
    -Friendly Staff
    -Open Staff Positions
    -Silk Spawners
    -Custom Commands & Plugins
    - Daily Updates

    Please if you have any suggestions, feel free to let us know!

    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Looking for builders // staff

    In deep need of builders... Need a decent faction spawn, with shops.

    And yes i'm looking for staff, but i'm not going to give it to random players.

    Must play, and be active.

    Come join,

    Or if i'm not online, message me on here or post below.

    Thanks fellas :P

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on LocoPvP [Need Spawn Built]

    Will pay! Need a nice, not so big factions spawn.

    Just something a little unique and different.. Will pay!
    Leave your skype name below or message me on here with it so i can reach you.

    Thanks fellas!

    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on What would you do? Upgrade your graphic card or processor?

    Any particular graphics card you would use? Or what good one is compatible with my PC?

    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
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    posted a message on What would you do? Upgrade your graphic card or processor?

    So i recently started playing minecraft again, and i am far from happy with the FPS ingame. I get around 40-50 on a good day, and in some areas i get around 20-30...

    I've posted my computer specs and just wondering what i could upgrade, my graphic card or my processor?

    I'm also curious to see what cards/processors are compatible with my PC

    Please reply if you have any knowledge this

    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
  • 0

    posted a message on Huge Automated Farms

    I need a few people to help with building huge automated farms.. All in survival.

    If youre interested in playing with me, leave your gamertag below and i'll add you as soon as i get the notification! Thanks!

    Posted in: MCXONE: Looking For
  • 0

    posted a message on Deep need of some server help, willing to pay! [Read]

    Hey everyone, Trashy here, Just trying to get as much help as we can get, I'm actually in the process of getting my builds organized, and set to go. I need a few more builds, here and there, and also need some players that i can trust to test a few things I've been working on. I'm not here to waste anyone's time, and also don't want my time wasted. I only want people that are mature, and actually willing to put forth some effort, and get the job done. I will pay for any help, and also willing to pay for builds. If you are interested at all, just leave your Skype name below, and i'll get in touch with you as soon as i can. Thanks everyone!

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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