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    posted a message on CTM: An outdated guide
    Oh okay! Thanks for clearing that up. :)
    Posted in: Resource Pack Discussion
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    posted a message on CTM: An outdated guide
    I know it's possible to combine random and horizontal/vertical CTM for i.e. bookshelves with random face variants, but is it possible to make random sets of horizontal/vertical CTM instead of each tile being randomized individually? I wanted to use that on reeds, for different reeds species variants, basically.
    Posted in: Resource Pack Discussion
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    posted a message on OptiFine HD (FPS Boost, Dynamic Lights, Shaders and much more)
    It's not their job to fix other modders' bugs, so if the problem really is solely with Optifine, I can understand their reluctance. They have enough work already as it is keeping the API going. That being said, Forge has always been, since I can remember, about cooperation between modders, so this hostility is both baffling and counter-intuitive to Forge itself, and helps no one.

    Honestly, this is why I stopped playing with technical mods altogether. The base game is a mess for a lot of us without Optifine, Forge and its mods only make it worse, so when compatibility breaks, well, I'd rather be able to play the game first and foremost. Mods come after, if they even come at all.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on OptiFine HD (FPS Boost, Dynamic Lights, Shaders and much more)
    @sp614x tried version A9 but I'm still having this problem when CT is turned on (fast or fancy). Is this OF-related or is my respack improperly configured?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on OptiFine HD (FPS Boost, Dynamic Lights, Shaders and much more)
    Yea, now that you mention it, the CL option is missing. But also on A7.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on OptiFine HD (FPS Boost, Dynamic Lights, Shaders and much more)
    I'm having a problem with connected textures. So far I've only noticed it on blocks such as flowers, mushrooms and cobwebs; basically blocks drawn with two images crossed. I haven't changed my resource pack and this is a new issue, so it's likely either a bug or a change in how CTM works.

    The two images on the blocks don't always match (it's like two different variations are being picked from my CTM folder for that block for each individual sprite), and when looking at them from the front I see one variation, and from the back I see another.

    Here are some screenshots of my brown mushroom, which is the best for demonstrating this issue since I have both blue and brown variations:

    These are the contents and path of the brown mushroom folder on my resource pack's CTM folder:

    And these are the contents of my 'block39.properties' file:


    Is this a bug with Optifine, or did something in CTM change? Thanks in advance!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.8] Suddenly I'm getting HORRIBLE fps.
    Quote from Nobody_1707»

    Actually, VBO's reduce CPU usage by sending the data to the card all at once instead of using a costly function call per vertex attribute. They don't have much effect on GPU usage at all aside from possibly reducing the amount of time it spends loading things from RAM. If the code is causing you lag in 1.8 it has nothing to do with the VBOs and everything to do with the fact that they just rewrote the entire renderer from scratch. It's probably a weird edge case issue that didn't show up in any of the official testing machines.

    I'm not talking about VBO's. I don't even have that option activated while running the game (and activating it makes no noticeable difference).

    However, you will notice that, as per LeslieGilliams's observations and side-by-side graph comparisons, update 1.8 is making significantly less use of the GPU compared to the snapshots up to w29 IIRC, and the 1.7 versions -- and as far as I've noticed, this is true regardless of the VBO option.

    I suppose if you have a better CPU than a GPU, or if both are great, you won't notice the performance drop, but for those who have better GPU than CPU, or overall weaker hardware, it's more noticeable.

    Now, the question still stands: is the GPU being less used because some of the burden was shifted to the CPU instead (and, in that case, this should definitely be a toggle so that we can set that option depending on our hardware), or is it just not being used by anything at all, thus resulting in a performance drop due to the hardware not being used at its full potential?

    Needless to say, if all of us can run 1.7 (and snapshots up to w29) without any issues, and 1.8 was supposed to improve, not reduce performance, then there is definitely a coding problem here (be it a bug or just a bad choice). Plus, it doesn't make sense to update hardware dramatically over internal changes on how the game works that don't actually improve the game's visual quality. If it ain't broken, then don't try to fix it -- and the game was definitely not broken in 1.7 compared to the way it is now, and nothing of value was gained by these changes (or, rather, whatever value was gained was highly offset by the losses experienced by others).

    EDIT: Also, considering the sheer number of players that have been reporting this issue, I would hardly call it a "weird edge case". I know Mojang probably tests updates on powerful machines, but we don't all run similar machines -- in fact, I dare say that a huge chunk of Minecraft's player base has more humble computers, especially laptops -- but even that doesn't really excuse this mess up, because these things can be noticed.

    If you notice significant changes in how the game handles your resources, and if you notice a performance drop, even if it doesn't affect you, you should be quite capable of realising that while on your machine the impact might be minimal, on the rest of the player base that might not be the case, and you need to code updates with those people in mind, not just the... edge case ones that have powerful, high end machines.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on [1.8] Suddenly I'm getting HORRIBLE fps.
    Quote from LeslieGilliams»
    I've been messing around with various chunk rendering distances and I can't see it making much difference.

    What I found to be an absolute nightmare in 1.8 was a giant podzol forest. Holy crap it was a complete lag-fest. It rendered good in 1.7.4 and got a bit of slowdown in 14w29b but in 1.8 it was wait ... wait... wait.... oh look! Trees. Move. Wait... wait... wait...

    Yea, I've been reading your other posts on the subject, and I've seen your performance tests, and really, everything points to the problem beginning in 14w30, probably with the lighting changes (although that snapshot also changed chunk sorting and added the advanced cave culling algorithm and threaded chunk rebuilding, so these might also be the culprit).

    I saw people saying that the reduced GPU use was supposed to be beneficial, but like... that's only true up to a point; if a piece of software isn't using the full extent of your hardware and, instead, either overloads other components or simply refuses to function, then we have a problem. What good is having a lesser burden on my GPU if the game doesn't even work? Lol.

    I haven't managed to find podzol forests but I experienced 2fps on an ocean while attempting to even enter a monument, so there's that. Also, for kicks, try making a customized ocean world preset and see how well that turns out (granted that's a lot of water, but still -- if it's there, it should theoretically work; it's not even amplified or anything, and I would think only the surface textures are animated, so it probably shouldn't lag as much as it does).
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on [1.8] Suddenly I'm getting HORRIBLE fps.
    1.8 is awesome, I can finally run the goddang game, I guess it's your hardware or something.

    I've always been able to run the game smoothly up until 1.8 was released, so I beg to differ.

    Unless, of course, the changes in 1.8 were so taxing on performance that they completely choked our computers, but like I said, the updated features don't really justify such a huge performance drop. It's more likely a bad programming choice with a nasty side-effect, or possibly a bug somewhere.
    Quote from LeslieGilliams»
    It's the lighting engine changes in week 30 snapshots that cause all these issues.

    Hmm, I hadn't thought of that. I've seen people mention the chunk rendering / update system, though, and I'm more inclined to believe that might actually be the cause.

    Version 1.8 is actually supremely fast at rendering new chunks, which you can easily notice if you fly around on Creative. This was likely meant to fix that bug where some chunks would randomly not seem to render, creating holes in the landscape, and perhaps also to prevent people catching up to the rendering when flying around, and moving into yet unrendered space, which tends to cause problems.

    The trade-off for this "fix" is that, of course, chunk rendering is now more resource-intensive (and more chunk updates are being done than in prior versions). This, I think, is what causes the lag, because you might notice that if you stand still, the FPS stop fluctuating and going down the drain; they tend to start acting up only when you start moving, thus loading new chunks.

    Setting the render distance to the minimum helps, but it still doesn't remove the constant, game-breaking stutter, which is simply unacceptable (and even setting all options to the minimum with the vanilla texture pack won't do much).

    If this is indeed the case, then hopefully OptiFine for version 1.8 will allow me to fix this, as it has an option to fine-tune chunk updates. I'd rather go back to 1.7.10 behaviour and have a somewhat slower chunk loading but still be able to play smoothly, than not being able to play at all (though I'm not sure if this option also affects chunk rendering - probably not - but I'll have to wait and see, as it's pretty much my only hope now).
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
  • 4

    posted a message on [1.8] Suddenly I'm getting HORRIBLE fps.
    There's definitely something going on that is affecting performance, though, and it has actually been present for a long time now, since the era of 1.7.

    I remember getting close to 60fps on vanilla, with all settings on maximum (except render distance, that was on normal), with an HD texture pack with all the MCP/Opti fluff turned on (and well over 100fps with just the vanilla texture pack), this on 1.6.4, for instance.

    In 1.7.10, the same configuration gives me around 40fps (around 100fps with the vanilla texture pack). A drop, but still passable.

    But in the pre-releases, with just the vanilla texture pack, and all options on minimum, I get around 50fps if standing still, less than 20fps if moving around, and if I dare step on water (even more so on an ocean monument), I get a delicious 2fps all the time. Yes, two. You read that right. I checked.

    Hell, I tried loading a customized Ocean World preset and it was as if I had loaded the newest PS3-ported game into a toaster from last century. This is completely unjustified when I can run the game speedily at even 1.7.10, let alone 1.6.4 and prior. The update changes really shouldn't cause this much a performance drop into literally unplayable levels short of a bug or a severe lack of optimisation -- and, like, I'm sorry, but you really can't use the "updates may cost performance and increase system requirements" excuse when the features do not nearly justify it, not even close.

    (also, for the record: responding to these reports with "but you're still in playable ranges! stop complaining!" is thread derailment, which is spam, which I'm pretty sure is against the rules. The point isn't whether people can still play the game or not (and a lot of us actually can't, so that's supremely irrelevant), it's that this big a performance drop may be indicative of a bigger issue which affects us all, and thus needs to be addressed)
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Galacticraft 4.0.1 [6,400,000+ Downloads!]
    Is anyone else having issues downloading the main JAR for this mod from either AdFocus or Jenkins?

    Every time I try to download it, it just halts midway and I can't seem to complete it at all. Happens with all the other versions as well, whether they're for 1.6.2 or 1.6.4, including more recent revisions.

    The only files I have no problem downloading are the other two smaller ones - the planet pack and the dependency.

    I've tried both Firefox and IE, issue persists, and I have no problems with other files, other websites and even other mods on Jenkins.

    As a matter of fact, it seems I can't even access the Jenkins page for GC2 now. Tries to load forever. Server issues, maybe?

    EDIT: I eventually managed to finish the download on Firefox by pausing and restarting it several times. Didn't work at first (the download just wouldn't restart at all), probably because I couldn't even access the Jenkins page itself, but after much insistence it finally got through.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Metallurgy - Putting the "Mine" back in "Minecraft"!
    Quote from Lady Eternity

    This is what I found out from messing with this feature. Some mods, when you turn off a block (ore) it really turns it off...meaning it doesn't load it AT all. If the mod does this and you declare the block value to be loaded and placed via the Metallurgy configuration file you will find it is not possible. This is what you can do. Turn all the ores you want to control off then go into the game with toomanyitems or NEI and see if they are still in the list. If they are then you can safely declare the block value after turning off the ore gen. If the ore fails to show up you know that the mod stops it from loading when switched off, which will prohibit you doing that, so the option will not be available for that ore. You can always contact the mod author and tell them about the issue.

    Lady E

    What if I leave ore generation on and simply add the ID to the Metallurgy spawning list? Will this work or will it generate ores twice? lindyhopfan, in a previous post, managed to get ThaumCraft's ores to spawn via Metallurgy and this mod doesn't even have a generation toggle, so I'm assuming it'd work?

    Guess I'll just have to test it. : P
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Metallurgy - Putting the "Mine" back in "Minecraft"!
    Quote from lindyhopfan

    From what I understand, if you add an ore to the list of custom ores for Metallurgy to take charge of, Metallurgy will take over the distribution and quanity of that ore. So, if you add the block id + metadata for each of the Thaumcraft infused stones, for example, Metallurgy will have control over how they spawn. In the case of copper, tin, and silver the recommended approach is to disable the generation of each other's mods versions of those metals and just use Metallurgy's versions. If you do this you don't need to add, say, forestry's version of copper to the custom ores list because you are not going to generate that version of copper. If for whatever reason you like Forestry's copper better, however (if you think it looks nicer or something) you could instead set Metallurgy's copper spawning to false, enable Forestry's copper spawning, and add the block id + metadata of Forestry's copper to the custom ores list.

    The thing about giving Metallurgy control of the ore spawning for any particular block is that Metallurgy does not have access to the information about how much of the ore the original mod wanted to spawn, and in what size veins. In fact, when you add an ore to the custom ores list the ore will be set up to not spawn at all until you adjust the configs. Run the game once after setting the custom ores, then open up the config again. You will find that a new section has been added for managing the ore generation for your new ore. It is set to spawn 0 blocks per vein, so set that you a value that seems good to you, then change the number of veins per chunk from 0 to some number that seems good to you. It is up to you to pick values that provide balance to your game given the specific set of mods you are running. What I don't know is if someone has figured out what values you would need to set for a block such as each of the thaumcraft infused stone blocks to generate the ore in the same quanities that Thaumcraft would generate the ore if it retained control over ore generation. If anyone knows, please enlighten me, because I am otherwise stabbing in the dark. The first world I generated I had the numbers up too high for the infused stone, and it felt like a mystcraft dense ores age, but shiny! I'll be tweaking the values for a while unless I can find some sort of guide.

    As far as the format, yes, you specify the metadata (damage) value as well as the block id. So mine looks like this:

    "custom ores" {
    S:"ID list"=200, 200:1, 200:2, 200:3, 200:4, 200:5, 200:6, 200:7, 244, 244:1, 245, 249, 688, 2001:3

    The 200:1 through 200:7 are the infused stones.

    Oh, okay. So the idea is to disable ore generation for ores replaced by Metallurgy's, but enabling it for ores set to spawn in the Metallurgy system, right? That was my main concern since I was afraid that might cause the ore to spawn twice (once via the custom ore list, another due to having it toggled on in its respective mod's configuration).

    Setting the values shouldn't be extremely difficult, but I can understand the trouble. If I'm not mistaken, apatite spawns in veins similar to vanilla iron or so and uranium spawns in single-block veins. I'm not so sure for ThaumCraft's ores since I can't quite recall their distribution, but some exploration should provide an average value.

    It's the per chunk value that is a bit more obscure, especially considering the number of additional ores that come into play thanks to ML2 itself - and setting a value similar to the original is counter-productive; might as well just opt out of custom generation via ML2 then, or face, quite probably, some nasty creep. Before this option was added, I kept running into tonnes of apatite and Swords+ ezralite, which just looked very, very awkward along with Metallurgy's spawn configuration.

    If you do find a nice configuration for, at the very least, ThaumCraft 3, please do share - it'd be of tremendous help!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [Jul.08] Rei's Minimap v3.4_01
    Quote from Furious1964

    What are your 3D Applications Settings?

    Mine is:
    Anti-Alias, Anisotropic, Tessellation: all on application.
    Catalyst A.I. set to Quality and enable Surface Format Optimization checked.
    Wait for Vertical Refresh: Set to Off, unless Application specifies.
    Anit-Alias Mode: Performance.
    OpenGL Triple Buffering: Checked.

    You need also to get the latest Java. Hope that helps.

    My settings are the same as yours, actually, though I did have AI disabled. I enabled it, but something tells me that won't make a difference. It's probably just the way OptiFine interacts with my PC, I'll try running just the Minimap to confirm that.

    Meh, guess I'll just have to make do. It's not like it's the end of the world or anything. Oh, wait.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Metallurgy - Putting the "Mine" back in "Minecraft"!
    I'm having a few doubts regarding generation of other mods' ores in Metallurgy. Currently, I was hoping to generate Forestry's apatite, IndustrialCraft2's uranium and ThaumCraft 3's amber, cinnabar and elemental infused stone. Here's what I'd like to know:

    - Forestry and IC2 have options to toggle their ores' generation. Do I enable or disable them?

    - TC3 doesn't have such an option; will this interfere and/or cause ore creep?

    - If a mod uses a single ID for several ores via metadata, how do I configure them in Metallurgy? Do I add just the ID itself or do I specify the metadata for specific ores? This is particularly important because, for instance, I don't want Forestry's copper and tin to spawn, only apatite (since ML2 already has copper/tin).

    Thanks in advance and I apologise if this has already been asked before. Searching didn't reveal anything. : )
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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