Come again? DJEWETT? Its unfortunate that you didnt get banned or anything from my understandings. Its sad that people like you continue to be a real d!ck...
Im not familiar on how to download my world and send it to people (you)... Help? i would love to do this challenge. Got nothing else better to do :/. Plz reply. Thx IGN
Why did I get removed?
Come again? DJEWETT? Its unfortunate that you didnt get banned or anything from my understandings. Its sad that people like you continue to be a real d!ck...
IGN - CallMeWaves
Age - 15 (mature)
Experience - Been playing for 4 years
Skills - Redstone a good bit, Houses, Gadgets and stuff
Systems - PC, Xbox 1 and 360, Pocket Edition
Things to know about me - I am OCD... I get a bit cocky or stubborn sometimes (just tell me please)
Happy Happy Happy Lol
Invite me to any realms! Id love to join. Here are some things to know about me!
IGN - CallMeWaves
Age - 15 (mature)
Experience - Been playing for 4 years
Skills - Redstone a good bit, Houses, Gadgets and stuff
Systems - PC, Xbox 1 and 360, Pocket Edition
Things to know about me - I am OCD... I get a bit cocky or stubborn sometimes (just tell me please) I respect others if you do the same
IGN - CallMeWaves
Age - 15 (mature)
Experience - Been playing for 4 years
Skills - Redstone a good bit, Houses, Gadgets and stuff
Systems - PC, Xbox 1 and 360, Pocket Edition
Things to know about me - I am OCD... I get a bit cocky or stubborn sometimes (just tell me please)
IGN - CallMeWaves
Thx very much TLOSpyrogirl ! Want to join my realm? Just comment on my thread on my profile.
its just a realm... Follow rules as stated above and youll be fine. Its a community I guess Lol.
Looking for mature, well behaved, layed back, smart, VERY ACTIVE builders and etc. Reply back if your interested!
The rules are:
-Absolutely no griefing!
-No PVP except in duels where both players are willing.-If it's not yours, don't take it.
-Don't destroy or take anything from spawn.
-Shops are encouraged! Gold ingots/nuggets will be used as currency.
-Foul language is permitted, if you can't take it please do not apply.
-Younger players are permitted, but we ask that you please be mature.
-No going into other players houses if they arnt online AND if they are online, ask them first.
-Absolutely NO stealing from other players. They earned it and you should too.
Also if any of you would like to add me to your realm feel free to add me! My IGN is - CallMeWaves
Experience -
Age -
Im not familiar on how to download my world and send it to people (you)... Help? i would love to do this challenge. Got nothing else better to do :/. Plz reply. Thx IGN
- CallMeWaves
how do you know if they kicked you? I went opn one day and I couldnt find the realm...