I wonder if 13 will be like nightmare realm, or if it will be some impossible map with all mobs with fully enchanted armour (yes, im from Canada) and speed/regen potions from the start. we are screwed. o.0
Look, i'm happy and all that I have a new CTM to play, but if you want to keep doing this you have to give the CTM a name (as opposed to super-hostile change the name) and make items of people who post videos while playing your CTM. Great map BTW, I made half a map and gave up because it was only for my friends.
is your theme song vechs
When Herobrine's too busy,
And the Wither's, had enough,
They call on me, through steam you see,
for my edit touch.
To amlup im a banging door,
For joe, im his lighting
but call me by any name
any way its all the same.
Im the zombie at your door,
Im the dragon, hear me roar,
tnt, beaneath your bead,
lots of anvils on your head
Glitching spiders, through your roof
creeper spawns and goes poof.
When your frame rate gets so poor
its really me cutting your cords
and its so easy when you evil
this is the life you see,
herobrine tips his hat to me
i do it all because im evil
and i do it all for free,
your drops are all the pay I'll ever need.
When there are players to destroy
when there's joe's who still have joy
when there are amlups to blow up
when there's zisteau's to stirrup, then knock down
I'll be there, I'll be lurking in the nether
Its a game, im glad ive got
cuz theres none like the minecraft lot
and its so easy when you evil
this is the life you see,
herobrine tips his hat to me
i do it all because im evil
and i do it all for free,
your drops are all the pay I'll ever need.
I pledge my allegiance to all things dark
And I promise on my damned soul
To do as I am told, Lord Herobrine
Has never seen a soldier quite like me
Not only does his job, but does it happily
im the skele, power 3 bow
Im the zombie, fire hoe
I spawn mobs upon your soul
make them lock you into holes
while theres roseies to burn down
while noob players bridge around
Ill be here, to make my maps
with invisible ladder traps
and its so easy when you evil
this is the life you see,
herobrine tips his hat to me
i do it all because im evil
and i do it all for free,
your drops are all the pay I'll ever need.
and i do it all for free,
your drops are all the pay I'll ever need.
and i do it all for free,
your drops are all the pay I'll ever need.
It gets to lonely being evil
what id do to see a smile
even for a tittle while
and no-one share diamonds when your evil...
Im lying through my teeth!
Your drops are all the company i need!
Also, I'm Canadian